
Each Manlo Protoss has its own unique ability.

Just like Hegel, his ability is his eyes of hell that can see through all objects in the world.

And Carl can become his angel, and his natural ability is not weak.

His golden wings are its abilities, including defense, offense and speed.

When Tianji touched the golden wings, Lin Luo felt that it had collided with an extremely strong object.

There is no need to question the sharpness of Tianji, but now it can't break the opponent's wings.

Lin Luo just wanted to change his attack method, but Carl suddenly smiled.

Lin Luo felt something was wrong, and suddenly felt a chill behind him, and the moment he came to his senses, he saw Carl appearing behind Lin Luo out of thin air.


Lin Luo just wanted to hide, but it was too late, a long bloodstain directly tore through his clothes, and appeared on his back naked.

However, fortunately, Lin Luo reacted quickly, otherwise it would not be as simple as bloodstains.

"It's so fast." Lin Luo looked at the opponent's wings and said so.

Carl smiled and said, "You think you are very powerful, but in the eyes of our Manlo protoss, you are nothing."

"Your clansmen have already said this sentence." Lin Luo tilted his hand holding Tianji slightly as he spoke.



The moment the new version of Shattered Space appeared, the entire space was directly broken, and the powerful pulling ability made a huge spiral black hole appear at the center of Lin Luo.

However, Lin Luo and Carl kept fighting in the black hole like nothing happened.

On the contrary, Hegel's eyes became completely different.

Law of heaven.

Lin Luo actually realized the power of the law of heaven.

How is this possible,

Could it be...

Thanas system has failed?

In this world, non-Manlo protoss, there is no race that can obtain this kind of power.


Boom boom boom~~~~

The energy aftermath of the continuous explosion made this space less and less where to stay.

Ye Yi was so shocked that he almost passed out, he hugged Zhang San tightly, firstly to wake himself up, and secondly to let Zhang San better protect him.

He only heard Zhang San talking to himself: "Let's find a way to make Lin

Luo Li left, only if he survives, there is hope for this world...."

Ye Yi didn't speak.

This sentence is correct.

However, who can do it now?

Now Lin Luo is playing only Carl.

On the other side, there stood a more powerful enemy.


What kind of power is that.

"Damn it!" Carl was also furious.

It's just a low-level race, but the Manlo protoss, who is superior to him, can't suppress the other party?


He shouted, the golden wings radiated black light, and the power of the law of the law continuously emerged. Biqu library

At the same time, his speed, strength, and defense have all been greatly improved.

At this moment, he was finally able to suppress Lin Luo.

"Aren't you crazy?" Carl looked at Lin Luo who was getting more and more embarrassed, and said with a big smile.

At this moment, Lin Luo took the time to look back at Zhang San.

It was at this moment that Zhang San saw the movement of Lin Luo's left hand.

This action made Zhang San's eyes turn red.

This is a tactical military gesture.

During the first alien war, this military gesture was implemented.

"I'll create opportunities, you find a way to escape!"

Zhang San clenched his hands into fists.

He really didn't want to.

He has obviously become very powerful, but why can't he help Lin Luo?

Lin Luo didn't give him time and space to think at all, he only saw Lin Luo's blade slashing across...

Zhang San was taken aback.

At this moment, above the sky, two lights and shadows crossed.

Divide and hand over.

Give and divide.

However, that was obviously just a weapon.

"Prehistoric: Open up the world!" Lin Luo yelled, pouring all the energy in his body into the secret...

This is Tianji's move.


The move of Pangu Axe!



When the energy of the plane was filled to the maximum, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air.

Carl finally realized something at this moment.

However, he was not afraid at all.

After raising his strength again, he almost came to a perfect fighting form.

No one but the apostles could penetrate the defenses of his wings.

These inferior races are completely unacceptable


His two pairs of wings quickly closed, enveloping him tightly.

In the next second, the flood that was like a leak from a dam hit his wings in an instant.

He knew that this was Lin Luo's last resort.

He could feel that Lin Luo's limit...

He is very happy.

Because he knew that later he would be able to torture this inferior race severely.

Even if the other party can draw with him, it will make him, the envoy of God, feel angry.

But, suddenly he felt a pain in his back.

Carl realizes something, but...

It's too late.


He heard voices.

It was the sound of his defenses shattering.

The sound of wings breaking.


The sound of his psychological defense completely collapsing!

And, Lin Luo's almost hoarse voice:



Unlimited storm.

Unlimited energy.

Hong Huang: The power to open up the world is too terrifying.

Zhang San knew that this was an opportunity created by Lin Luo.

He pulled Ye Yi, intending to go back, but soon he was desperate, because he felt that an invisible wall of energy had already locked here.

Zhang San looked into the distance, and he saw Hegel standing there, as if nothing happened.

Zhang San knew that something serious happened.

Looking up at the sky again, Zhang San exhaled a breath.

Lin Luo is really powerful, holding a pair of golden wings in his hands.

Lin Luo...

Actually broke Carl's wings alive.

"Is this the level of high-ranking people?" Lin Luo said coldly while panting.

Carl's face was pale, and listening to Lin Luo's words made him feel even more uncomfortable than killing him.

He lost.

Lost to a lower race.

Lin Luo didn't intend to give him another chance and stepped forward directly.

But at this moment, a force locked on him directly.

across the void.

However, Lin Luo couldn't move at all.

Lin Luo was desperate.

He knew that Hegel made a move.

He turned his head and saw that Zhang San was still there, and he was even more desperate.

"Very good." Hegel looked at Lin Luo and said, "There really is something in this world."

Lin Luo didn't speak, just looked at him and said, "Give me some more time, and I can overturn the entire universe!"

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