According to the memories that Da Lan got from Shax's mind, not far ahead is the Seventh Shrine where Hegel is located.

Lin Luo knew that what happened just now was not a test, but the real test was coming.

As the apostle's shrine, there must be many different things.

Even guards should be different.

In the distance, Lin Luo and the others were still falling, when they saw two guards standing in front of the door knelt down and looked up at the sky.

Lin Luo took the people and flew in directly.

He didn't have to tell them anything.

When they entered the shrine, Lin Luo was explaining something to Zhang San and the others when he suddenly heard footsteps.

Zhang San and Ye Yi quickly knelt down on one knee.

Lin Luo looked up instead.

In front of him walked out a manlo protoss with a good figure and excellent beauty.

Her name is Carlo Lin, and she is the steward of this shrine.

And what she did was...

"I don't know when the Lord of God will come back, so the tribute has not been prepared yet, so I forgot to forgive me." Carlo Lin knelt down when she saw Lin Luo, and said in a panic.

Lin Luo glanced at her.

He knew that Hegel was cruel.

Since this woman can win Hegel's favor, it must be because of her superiority.

And she said the tribute....

In fact, it is a woman.

That's right.

This Hegel is not only brutal, but extremely lustful.

Lin Luo said displeasedly, "Your work efficiency is getting lower and lower."

"There will never be a next time." Carlo Lin said: "The reason why this time is so long is because we found a top product in the south..."

When Carlo Lin spoke, she had a smile on her face, but her heart was bleeding.

At the age of 15, she was arrested here.

Relying on her cleverness, she not only escaped being insulted, but also became the chief steward of this shrine.

What a beautiful scenery, how enviable.

However, she knew that she was hovering on the verge of death every day.

Moreover, what she still needs to do is to help this lustful apostle find more and more young and beautiful women to satisfy his almost perverted desire.

"Very good." Lin Luo finally had some smiles and said, "I don't have much patience, I hope you can

Enough to deliver it tomorrow. "

"Yes... yes." Carlone knelt down on the ground and said so.

When she was talking, she glanced at Ye Yi, and Lin Luo also said, "Nafu will be one of our people from now on, you go and arrange a place for him."

Carlo Lin was slightly taken aback.

In this shrine, she knew everyone's background clearly. When she scanned Naf, Naf's information had completely appeared in her brain.

Naf is just an ordinary person, why was he brought back by Hegel?

"Yes." Carlo Lin nodded again and said, "My lord, if there is nothing else, I will go down first."

Lin Luo waved.

Carlo Lin left, and the three of Lin Luo also breathed a sigh of relief.

After Lin Luo felt that she had completely disappeared, Lin Luo said: "Carlo Lin is a very observant woman. If you have nothing to do, don't get in touch with her, especially you, Ye Yi."

"Okay." Ye nodded, and he also knew that his weakness was communication.

In terms of technology, no one can match him, but when it comes to life, he is a few streets behind Zhang San.

"For a while, we don't need to act first, try to get familiar with the world first." Lin Luo said: "There is a library in this shrine, you should go and have a look if you have time."

"Okay." The two nodded.


The next day, Lin Luo saw the beautiful Man Luo protoss brought in by Carlo Lin.

Zhang San and Ye Yi held back their laughter beside them.

There are as many as eight of them.

This Hegel is really awesome.

However, according to Lin Luo, after Hegel satisfied his desires, he would basically kill these people.

These women of the Manlo Protoss knelt on the ground, trembling.

Lin Luo glanced at them and showed a very satisfied smile.

Seeing this, Carlo Lin also smiled and said, "I wonder if the Almighty is satisfied?"

Lin Luo smiled and said, "You're talking more and more nonsense."

After speaking, he waved his hand directly, and the eight women instantly floated into the air, and then Lin Luo directly took them and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Zhang San and Ye Yi didn't react.

Carlo Lin said instead: "Let's go, Lord God doesn't want anyone standing outside when he is doing business."

Zhang Sanhe

Ye nodded.

Zhang San knew that, as an envoy of God, he had no contact with Carlo Lin, so there was very little communication.

As we walked, Carlo Lin said, "You must have been very envious just now."

Ye Yi paused, but Zhang San's expression turned cold, and he said, "Carlo Lin, are you courting death?!"

Carlo Lin smiled quickly and said: "Just saying that, the Lord God will not mind if there is anything. He has supreme strength and power, which he deserves. I want to say that if you want to, I will I can arrange some for you."

"No need." Zhang San's eyes turned cold.

"I...I don't need it either." Ye Yi also said hastily.

Carlo Lin has been paying attention to Ye Yi. In her profile, Naf is an extremely arrogant person.

But she is not surprised either, after entering this shrine, whether it is a tiger or a dragon, you have to lie down.

Carlo Lin was walking, and suddenly turned her head, and she looked back sympathetically.

She knew that it wasn't that the women she sent in were bad or bad, but that it was impossible for them to come out again.


Lin Luo looked at the eight women who had fainted on the ground.

Although he knew that Hegel must kill them in the end.

But Lin Luo didn't intend to do that.

However, Lin Luo will not let himself show his flaws because of his kindness.

From Lin Luo's point of view, once the war really broke out, the life and death of these people would not matter at all, because Lin Luo was not a benevolent person either.

However, Lin Luo knew that after killing these people, the remains would definitely be handled by Carlo Lin. At that time, the other party would definitely be able to tell whether they had sex or not.

Therefore, Lin Luo planned to knock them out first, and then think of a way.

"Otherwise, you can just do the fake show." Da Lan said.

"I'm not interested in these alien races." Lin Luo said coldly.

Da Lan also smiled and said: "This is his bedroom, you go two steps forward."

Lin Luo followed suit.

"There's a switch there." Da Lan said again.

Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized, and finally became extremely looking forward to it, and greed appeared in his eyes.

Could this be...

The Apostle's Treasure Land?

Thinking of this, Lin Luo felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

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