Big Blue's memory comes from Shakes Carl's memory.

Therefore, it is not the memory of the ontology, Lin Luo is not clear about many things at all.

He saw that there was indeed a trap in front of him, but Lin Luo didn't dare to open it.

"How did it work?"

"How do I know." Da Lan said, "Then Carl is just an envoy, how could he possibly be able to open the apostle's treasure."

"Then how are you sure it's a treasure inside?"

"What else can it be if it's not a treasure?" Da Lan said.

Lin Luo thought, there must be a lot of treasures in the bedroom of the shrine.

But, how alluring should the things inside be?

Lin Luo did some research, but in the end he couldn't open it, so Da Lan said, "Magic works hard."

"You still talk like that?" Lin Luo was surprised.

"The tyrannosaurs just don't like to think about complicated things. Their civilization is still very good. After all, their history of existence is much longer than yours." Da Lan said.

"Aren't they fierce?" Lin Luo asked.

"The tyrannosaurus clan was born much more than you humans, and the shackles given by Thanas can't restrict them very well." Dalan said while Lin Luo looked at the mechanism, pinched it with his bare hands...



Suddenly, the entire shrine was shaking.

Lin Luo frowned, he knew...

problem occurs.

Sure enough, after a while, the entire shrine was in chaos.

Lin Luo sensed that many people were coming outside, and after a while, she heard Carlo Lin's voice, and she said, "My lord, did something happen?"

Lin Luo wanted to say that it was all right, because his apostle status was here.

But he thought, Carlo Lin, the housekeeper, might know something.

He called her in, and Carlolin, who walked in, glanced at the mechanism, and then scanned the surroundings, especially the scattered clothes.

This is what Lin Luo did on purpose.

Carlo Lin really thought that Lin Luo and the others were too excited to play and touched the mechanism by mistake.

"Get someone to fix it." Lin Luo was expressionless


"Yes." Carlo Lin hurriedly knelt on the ground, but she was still a little strange.

The people who repaired here were killed by Hegel long ago.

If you want to find one, it is very difficult to find someone who knows how to do it.

However, Hegel's identity is there, although it is extremely difficult to find, but if the news is spread, someone will naturally send him over.

"Does Lord God have anything else to do?" Carlo Lin asked.

"Recently, what's going on in the Eternal World?" Lin Luo asked.

Carlo Lin paused, she felt strange, Lin Luo never asked about such things.

This shrine includes Hegel as if outside the entire eternal world.

However, Lin Luo asked a question, and Carlo Lin dared not say it. She knelt down and said, "Recently, there is no major event in the eternal world. If there is any, it is that the God Research Institute here may create an eighth-generation product."

Lin Luo heard from Da Lan that the Academy of God is equivalent to a science and technology academy, and the Thanas system is the creation inside.

However, the Thanas system is a third-generation product, and it has been continuously updated over the years, so it does not depend on the generation.

"What is the function of the product this time?" Lin Luo asked.

Carlo Lin quickly said: "I don't know yet, that's all my information."

After thinking about it, Carlo Lin said, "Besides, can you participate in the million-year celebration this time?"

Lin Luo paused before remembering.

The Anniversary of the Eternal World is calculated in millions, because their history is too long.

Therefore, there is a small celebration every ten years, and a big celebration every million years.

But even on the day of the millionth anniversary, Hegel may not appear.

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "Arrange it for me."

Carlo Lin was taken aback, and then said: "Yes."


On the third day, Carlo Lynn called someone.

"You're smart, kid." Da Lan said.

Lin Luo ignored him and just watched the Manluo protoss deal with the mechanism.

After a while, the man of the Manluo God Clan came up and knelt down and said

: "My lord apostle, there is nothing wrong with your mechanism, as long as your energy is monitored, it can be opened normally."

"Okay." Lin Luo nodded.

Afterwards, the Manluo protoss said in horror: "Others can't open it at all, and I forgot that the apostle can bypass my life..."

Lin Luo frowned.

Sure enough, no matter what world you are in, the bottom layer is innocent and painful.

However, Lin Luo did not pity him.

One day in the future, if there is a war between the two sides in the universe, will these Manlo protoss let them go?

Will not.

He appears weak in front of Lin Luo, but in front of humans, he appears very powerful.

However, Lin Luo didn't do anything.

The reason is that Lin Luo can only rely on Dalan's source of the universe to cover up, once Lin Luo uses his own energy, there is a possibility of exposure. Biqu library

"You just stay here." Lin Luo said.

"Okay, okay." The Manluo protoss nodded as if seeing a savior, and Lin Luo said again: "I need you to create more secret rooms for me. You take this and go to Carlo Lin."

"Yes, thank you, Master Apostle." The man panicked and knelt down, leaving anxiously.

On the other side, Carlo Lin was notifying the outside world that Hegel was going to attend the celebration. At this time, seeing the craftsman walking safely, he couldn't help but feel a little more strange.

"Master Apostle asked me to stay," said the craftsman.

Only then did Carlolin dispel her doubts, but in her opinion, this craftsman was a dead man.


In the bedroom, Lin Luo looked at the organ and asked Da Lan, "Can you simulate Hegel's energy?"

"It's definitely impossible to really exude it." Da Lan said.

Lin Luo was really curious about what was inside, so he asked, "Is there any way?"

"This Hegel has a divine beast, which is similar to a dragon, and it seems to be called the Starfall Beast." Da Lan said, "It is the most likely to gain insight into your identity, but this kind of beast can be tamed."

As soon as Lin Luo heard it, he understood.

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