Soon, the eternal universe was turned upside down because of this incident, and the number of people who died this time exceeded one million people.

Although for the population of the Manlo Protoss, this is a drop in the bucket.

But this time, a lot of big shots died, because the status of those who were able to come there was not low.

On the second night, God Chance announced the establishment of an investigation team to thoroughly investigate the matter.

Lin Luo paid close attention to the progress of this matter. After only half a day, someone began to spread information about the Thanas system on the Internet. For a while, the whole universe boiled. Biqu library

"I just said that it is very inappropriate to let a system protect the safety of a universe. If it is used by someone with a heart, the consequences will be disastrous."

"The power of Thanas is too strong, and its power in the homeland should be shut down."

"Shut down Thanas! Strongly demand that Thanas be shut down!!!"

For a while, a bunch of people on the Internet were discussing it, and it was organized and signed continuously.

It is said that in just six hours, a letter with more than hundreds of millions of signatures was sent to God Chance.

At the same time, negative news about Lu Kahn also began to appear at this moment.

"The birth of the emperor is a good thing, but the times are different, and this kind of thing happened, does it mean that he is a bit unlucky?"

"This can't be said nonsense, we don't insult the great emperor's contribution to us."

"This is not an insult, the emperor is the emperor, and his son is his son."

This time, the noise became even louder.

But Lu Kahn is destined to carry the word luck on his back.


"Emperor, don't worry, this matter will always be investigated." Mandal comforted Lu Kahn.

However, Lu Kahn is not angry. He is a quick temper. After seeing these comments, his mentality almost exploded.

However, he is indeed powerless.

put it this way, if not

It was Mandal who supported him. It is estimated that the storm he could stir up was too small.

"Are you sure it was the Thanas system?" Lu Kahn asked.

"It's basically confirmed." Mandal said: "It's strange to say that we can't find a record of the system being activated at all. If the system we set up in the local area does not have all the keys, it will not be activated at all."

Lu Kahn sneered: "It must be these apostles targeting me."

"That's not enough." Mandal said: "If it has been used, there must be traces. Now the technicians are rooted in..."


"There is a loophole in the system," Mandal said.

"Loopholes?" Lu Kahn said abruptly: "The Thanas system has been in error for so many years?"

"Yes." It was Camilla who spoke.

Mandal glanced at Camilla, nodded, and said, "That's right, in 1.7 billion years, there was an incident of the destruction of the Holy City, and the number of people who died in that time exceeded one billion."

Lu Kahn heard this and took a deep breath.

One billion, this is a very serious matter, he said: 'Why don't I know? '

"Because this matter has been concealed, it is only available in the universe library." Camilla said.

Mandal nodded.

Lu Kahn asked again: "What should we do now?"

Mandal said: "Suppress it, the Thanas system is not only the foundation of the universe, but also the foundation of our control of the stability of the Manlo Protoss. We must not let the people lose confidence in it."

Lu Kahn thought for a while and nodded.

After several hours, Mandal issued a message to the whole universe through the divine opportunity:

This thing is man-made.

There is nothing wrong with the Thanas system, it's just that someone is imitating the means of the Thanas system.

"...The Grand Ceremony incident will be thoroughly investigated to the end. No matter what the other party's identity or power, I will absolutely

Such a thing will not be allowed to happen in the eternal universe. "

"I promise!"


Lin Luo couldn't help smiling when he saw the last sentence.

Zhang San next to him also laughed, and said, "Unexpectedly, they started biting dogs."

But Lin Luo said: "But no matter how much a behemoth fights among itself, it is a behemoth after all."

Zhang San nodded, looked at Ye Yi next to him who was still reading, and said, "Ye Yi, don't just read, talk about something."

Ye Yi rubbed his eyes and said, "You want to ask about the system?"

"Yes." Zhang San nodded.

"There is little possibility of loopholes." Ye Yi said: "The Thanas system has been around for too long."

"That's man-made, why can't we find it?" Zhang San said.

"We'll have to ask him that." Ye put the book in front of them.

Lin Luo and the others took a look, only to see that it said:

Father of the Thanas System:

Roots Tanas.

"He is the initiator and creator of the Thanas system." Ye Yi said.


"Dead." Ye Yi said: "It is said that he died in an accident."

"Who would believe it?" Lin Luo shook his head and said, "Obviously, if Thanas is to be used in the whole universe, this person must die."

"That's right." Ye Yi said: "The creators of the system often hope to open a door in the background. This door...ordinary people don't know it at all."

"You mean, someone walked through the back door and led this incident?" Zhang San said strangely: "Then what is his purpose?"

"It's up to them to investigate, anyway, we're not here to solve the case." Ye Yi said with a smile: "However, when I was reading the materials of the father of this system, I found some interesting things."

Lin Luo and Zhang San looked over and saw Ye Yi pointing to the address on the book, and said, "Brother, are you interested in being a tomb robber?"

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