Lin Luo and Zhang San were stunned, and the latter said, "Are you kidding, the cemetery of such an important person will be written in a book?"

Ye handed them the book, and said: "Tanas's death is naturally impossible. He died in the massacre of the Manlo protoss, a premeditated massacre."

Lin Luo saw that there was a very embarrassing story written on it.

Thanas, who participated in a banquet of the Hongmen Banquet, failed to come out alive in the end.

"I flipped through Tanas's autobiography, and I saw that there were many descriptions about his wife. It was obvious that he loved his other half very much." Ye Yi said.

"So what?" Zhang San was puzzled, but Lin Luo was thoughtful.

"I think Thanas is an extremely smart person. Since his Thanas system can detect people, he may know that he may not be able to return after he went to that grand banquet," Ye Yi said. .

Zhang San suddenly realized, and said: "You suspect that he may have left something for his wife."

"That's right." Ye Yi said: "A technician is very conceited, including me, they may have a lot of bold ideas in their minds, but they haven't put in the effort to realize them, but that doesn't mean they haven't left behind .”

"The gate of Thanas' system may have been placed on his wife by Thanas."

"This is just speculation." Zhang San said.

"No." Lin Luo said: "Here is a description of his wife. Three years before Tanas died, he and his wife chose to divorce. In the end, his wife married a technician from the scientific research institute, and even the tower Nurse was so angry that he directly used his power and fired this person."

"Yeah." Ye Yi said: "I checked this person's information, he is...Tanas' apprentice, and he is his most trusted apprentice."

Lin Luo and Zhang San looked at each other, both saw some clues from it, and the latter said with a smile: "Okay, Ye Yi, now I have learned to look for clues from other things, and I am not obsessed with your skills. "

Ye scratched his head.

In fact, this is really a fluke, because Ye Yi admires some top scientific personnel, in his opinion, Thanas is indeed great in front of science, regardless of his racial identity.

Such a person is indeed worth reading his autobiography.

"Where is the location?" Lin Luo asked.

"Here." Ye Yi pointed to a corner of the map.


"....Are you going out?" Carlo Lin was stunned.

Hegel didn't go out for 100,000 years, but now he goes out several times a year, which is really unreasonable.

Lin Luo said: "This time the universe has changed a lot, and I need to go out and deal with some things."

"Yes." Carlone didn't dare to ask.

If the apostle didn't say anything, she wouldn't dare to ask.

"This is the current investigation report on the celebration incident." Carlo Lin handed it to Lin Luo respectfully.

Lin Luo glanced at it and found that God Chance had started to investigate the apostles.

Lin Luo couldn't help laughing, no matter whether it was done by an apostle or not, the influence and strength must be higher than that of an apostle.

"Continue to search." Lin Luo said, and left with Zhang San and Ye Yi.

As for Carlo Lin, she was in a daze.

This kind of Hegel is a little strange.


Is this the original Hegel?

After half a day, the three of Lin Luo arrived at their destination - Carlisle City in a low-key manner.

Rumor has it that Carlisle was an excellent general back then and followed Lucas, but unfortunately he died later.

Their hometown is to build this city under this name.


Luo no longer uses the face of the apostle, because if he uses Hegel's body, he must keep his breath, which is too high-profile and will arouse vigilance and suspicion from others.

He took away Hegel's appearance and replaced it with another one.

When they entered the city, they couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

The city here is actually the same size.

Just imagine, a city is the size of Huaxia, how prosperous this city is.

After entering the city, the three of them hardly stopped, and finally locked on a family.

Bruce family.

Because Thanas' apprentice was called Bruce.

Lin Luo also asked where the Bruce family's cemetery was.

In the end, the three decided to set off late at night.

Three minutes past the night, the three of them set off with concealed breath.

As a family cemetery, there are naturally some monitoring systems, and there are even people guarding it.

"There are three in total." Lin Luo glanced at them and said, "It's a bit difficult to kill them all."

Ye Yi next to him said, "Let me do it."

I only saw him take out a device, and then pressed Didi a few times, and finally he looked up and said: "Let's enter in another place, and the monitoring system here is temporarily blocked by me."

"You can already do such a powerful technique?" Zhang San was surprised.

"These days, I didn't retreat for nothing, and the equipment of this small family is only around level four." Ye Yi smiled.

"Let's go." Lin Luo waved.


But at this moment, even though it was late at night, an old man of the Manluo God Race was standing in front of the cemetery, tears streaming down his face.

He... is Bruce.

He stroked the tombstone with trembling hands, feeling distressed.

"Master, I'm here to see you."

Bruce looked at the photos on the cemetery with extremely complicated emotions.

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