The night is about to end. In this world, there is no moon, and above the stars, there is only endless blackness, like an endless abyss.

Camilla sat on the throne, as if watching or contemplating.

After a while, the black-masked general came up and knelt on the ground.

"Is everything cleaned up?" Camilla asked.

"Does Your Highness want to change to another palace?" the general asked.

The second half of what he didn't say was, after all, someone died in this hall.

"No one has died before." Camilla said: "A strong man must have a firm heart."

The general knocked his head on the ground.

"Go, it's not over yet," Camilla said.

The general raised his head, then exhaled, and said, "They are innocent."

"Bruce is also innocent." Camilla said: "Unfortunately, he remembered something he shouldn't have remembered."

The general was silent, finally looked into Camilla's eyes, nodded, and said, "I will deal with it."

The general turned and left, Camilla looked up, looked at the deep space, and suddenly said lightly:

"Father, are you blaming me?"


At this moment, the three of them were still living near the Bruce family, and Lin Luo stayed in the hotel closest to here at a high price, just in time to see the situation of the gate.

Zhang San smiled and said, "Isn't it like a scene in a gangster movie? The three of us took turns watching it 24 hours a day."

"Ye Yi probably doesn't think so." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San looked back, and heard Ye Yi talking to himself about super-laws and the like.

It can be said that what Ye Yi now knows is getting more and more profound, and many times Lin Luo can't understand it.

Fortunately, Ye Yi is easy to concentrate, even if there are two people talking next to him, he can still concentrate.

It's just that a red light suddenly lit up, and suddenly three

Everyone looked outside in unison.

on fire.

And the place where the fire is, is where the Bruce family is.

"This..." Zhang San stood up straight away.

Because the fire was very fast, and the whole building was in an uproar.

Lin Luo was decisive, and said to Zhang San: "You take Ye Yi back first."

Zhang San shrank his pupils and said, "Do you want to go in and have a look?"

"This is definitely not an accident." Lin Luo said: "Bruce must know something, the other party came to the door."

"Okay." Zhang San also knew that Lin Luo could not be persuaded, and this was the best solution at present.

As soon as the words fell, Lin Luo broke through the window and rushed into the Bruce family.

But Zhang San glanced at his figure worriedly, and finally turned to Ye Yi and said, "Let's go."


Fire is no longer a major disaster for humans today.

For the Manlo Protoss, it is even less likely to be a disaster.

However, people are different.

When Lin Luo went in, he saw a few people in black clothes. He wanted to avoid them, but they came towards him.

As soon as we met, we didn't ask any questions, just started.

Lin Luo also knew that the other party was here to silence her.

He didn't have time to think about it, and with a horizontal hand, a powerful force of the law of heaven blasted out...

The opponent didn't expect Lin Luo to be so powerful, so he retreated repeatedly.

But Lin Luo naturally couldn't let him attract people, and in an instant, with a sudden force, he cut off the opponent's head directly.

Lin Luo didn't even look at the head, and looked up directly to the front, where Bruce's main hall was.

"I don't know if it's too late." Lin Luo said and flew over quickly.

He hoped Bruce wasn't dead.

That way, he could use it to get more information about the Thanas system.

He is infinitely close to the main hall, but the main hall

Almost burned to ashes.

Lin Luo knew that he was late, and when he was about to leave, a powerful force struck from behind.

Lin Luo turned his head and his pupils shrank.

He saw a dark mask.

The opponent's eyes were mature and filled with killing intent.

He also didn't hesitate and shot directly.

Lin Luo naturally wouldn't sit still.


The two punched, and the area centered on them split apart.

Lin Luo knew that he had met his opponent.

The two took a few steps back, and Lin Luo actually had the urge to vomit blood.

The other party also covered his stomach, and it seemed that he was not having a good time.

"Will the Bruce family have such a master?" The masked man looked at Lin Luo silently. At this time, Lin Luo made a sudden move, and he actually used the wind to ignite the fire, and the entire area was instantly engulfed in flames.

"Want to leave?" The masked man got up straight away, but the flames couldn't stop him.

However, it was raining heavily at the moment.


It rained heavily.

And this heavy rain only fell on the Bruce family.

Thanas system triggered.

The original intention of the Thanas system is to serve the Manlo Protoss, so when the fire is large, it will be triggered.

"Go." The masked man shouted immediately when he saw this scene.

He knew that the man of God's chance was about to appear.

He turned his head, looked at the black spots where Lin Luo had gone away, gritted his teeth, and finally had no choice but to leave.

And not long after they left, a group of people wearing the robes of God's Chance descended and scanned the surroundings.

The leader is Tu Enfu, the senior envoy of God Chance.

He glanced around, and heard the team member's report: "It's all burnt out, I don't know if there are any survivors."

"Genocide." Tuenfu frowned, feeling very uncomfortable.

The person behind the celebration crisis seems to have started to act again.

It's just... Pen Fun Library

What is the connection with the Bruce family?

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