Carlo Lin clearly felt that Lin Luo's breath was not stable when he came in.

However, she did not speak.

No matter what it was, she couldn't open her mouth to ask an apostle.

All she saw was Lin Luo flying towards the hall in a hurry.

But at this moment, Zhang San and Ye Yi are waiting anxiously.

"Are you injured?" Seeing Lin Luo's expression, Ye Yi asked anxiously.

Lin Luo breathed out and said, "I'm fine, we fought each other before."

"Where's Bruce?" Zhang San asked.

"There is a high probability that he is dead." Lin Luo informed some of the situation at the scene.

Zhang San said at this time: "But how could it be such a coincidence, we just finished investigating them, and then they were exterminated. This..."

Lin Luo sat on a chair and said: "This incident is indeed a bit strange, but after such a long time interval, it is hard to say what happened."

"Do you know who did it?" Zhang San asked.

"No." Lin Luo said, "I only saw one wearing a mask."

After speaking, Lin Luo drew it, and Zhang San and Ye Yi looked at it, and the former said: "I have read many records about the Eternal Cosmic Force, but I have never seen this kind."

"It's a pity that our clues have been cut off again." Lin Luo sighed.

If you can really grasp the back door of Thanas, then what you get will be a big harvest.

Afterwards, the three fell silent.

This silence lasted for a day and a night.

Until the early morning of the next day, Lin Luo looked at the starry sky and said suddenly: "The other party is so powerful, it may be difficult for us to find this back door, so we should change the direction."

"The source of the universe?" Zhang San asked.


"We don't have any clues either, do we?" Zhang San said.

Lin Luo asked Da Lan at this time: "Da Lan, do you know the place where the source of the universe was born?"

Da Lan thought for a while and said, "It's been too long,

Impossible to perceive. "

Lin Luo and the others were disappointed, and Da Lan said again: "But because of the radiation, the source of the universe must be surrounded by a desert, or in other words, there are harsh environments everywhere."

Lin Luo was overjoyed, and Zhang San said: "This range is too wide."

"Not wide." Lin Luo said: "Although this universe is very large, after so many years, the population is actually very large, because it is too difficult for them to kill a single person."

"Similarly, highly developed technology will allow them to obtain powerful transformation capabilities, so I guess, there should be very few desert areas in the eternal universe."

After finishing speaking, the three of them searched for the map with the computer of this world, and the result was exactly what they thought.

"It should be here." Zhang San pointed to a continent.

This place is called the Land of Eternal Ancients.

Among them, the desert area occupies 83%.

The area is as high as 130 million fair kilometers.

"That's it." Lin Luo said: "Let's wait and see the situation. If there is no special situation, I will go there when I recover from my injury."

"Okay." The two nodded.


"The Bruce family?" Mandal looked uneasy when he heard Bruce.

When Thanas was killed, they investigated Bruce.

It was discovered that Bruce and Thanas were not only in love, but that Bruce did not grasp too much core content about Thanas.

In addition, the most important stage of Thanas is the second half, and Bruce did not participate in the whole process.

Tuenfu knelt on the ground and said: "The Bruce family at the scene is all dead, no one is left alive, and no trace of the killer was found."

"The opponent is ruthless, and he is ahead of us in everything he does." Mandal said sadly.

Today, clues are getting harder and harder to find.


Suddenly, a member of God Chance hurried in and said

Said: "I...we found two surviving servants of the Bruce family."

"What?" Everyone paused for a while, then became happy.

Soon, two people were brought up.

If Lin Luo were here, he would definitely recognize them as servants guarding the cemetery.

After Mandal knew their identities, he was extremely disappointed.

Because in their capacity, it is impossible to know too many things.

"...In the middle of the night, Patriarch Bruce suddenly ordered us to repair the cemetery..." The servant knelt on the ground and said anxiously.

"late at night?"

"It's not surprising." The servant said, "Patriarch Bruce loves his wife deeply, and he tried to dig the cemetery before. We understand this, and we have never said anything about it."

Mandal and the Great Master looked at each other, and the latter said: "So you guys repaired it under the cemetery and escaped disaster?"


"Is there anything unusual?" the Great Master asked.

"No... count it." The servant thought for a while.


"Patriarch Bruce hurried out after talking to us. I saw that he covered his face, as if he didn't want people to find out. Normally, Patriarch Bruce would go back to rest after visiting his wife. It may be because he is tired and unable to walk normally. , but last night, he seemed to be in a hurry," said the servant.

When Mandal and the Great Master heard this, they were quite disappointed.

This is suspicious, but there is still no clue.

"Go down." The Great Master waved his hand.

When the two servants left, the Great Emperor asked, "What shall we do next, Your Honor?"

"I think God's prediction was right."

"The Eternal Continent is facing a crisis..."

"However, where is the opportunity?"

"Since we can't find the source of the crisis, let's find the opportunity."

As Mandal spoke, his pupils also hardened.

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