"General, I can't hold it anymore!"

A soldier came staggeringly, almost stuck his head on the ground, and said with a pale face.

And next to him was General Xi.

"If you can't hold on, you have to hold on." General Xi shouted loudly.

After a moment of silence, he said again: "We are the foundation of the battle line here, we cannot retreat, if we take a step back, more brothers will die."

"Let... let the brothers... hold on a little longer."

Speaking of the latter, General Xi's chubby face was a bit vicissitudes and uncomfortable.

Any general with a conscience would not want to see the soldiers he worked so hard to bring die.

But at this moment, a voice came from a distance:

"Get out!"

General Xi raised his head and looked ahead.

that front...

It's Lin Luo.


Eyes on each other.

General Dong and General West are the best two brothers in the past.

The first victory of the Trojans was fought jointly by them.

Now, in the pupils of the two people, they both saw strangeness.



"General!" The soldier next to him looked weakly at General Xi, then at Lin Luo.

"You are my soldier." General Xi said, "What I said was an order."

"Is the order to die also called an order?" Lin Luo shouted loudly.

"What do you know?" General Xi said, "This is an order from the patriarch."

"The patriarch's order may be wrong. As long as you are human, you may make mistakes." Lin Luo said coldly.

"Shut up!" General Xi drew his sword straight away, came to Lin Luo's side in an instant, and said, "Old Dong, believe it or not, I can kill you with one blow!"

Lin Luo looked at him motionless and said, "Would you?"


There was silence all around.

"You wait for me outside." General Xi said.

"Yes." The soldiers went out, and General Xi looked at Lin Luo coldly. He sat down and said, "I didn't believe it before, but now I have to believe it."

"Believe in what?"

"The fact that you have betrayed." General Xi said.

"Really?" Lin Luo said, "Do you think so too?"

General Xi swung his knife violently, smashed it directly on the ground, and said, "Old Dong before, was full of passion, but I saw indifference and ruthlessness in your pupils..."

Lin Luo was silent.


Even if he could fool everyone, he couldn't fool General Dong's former best brother.

Some people can see many things with just one look.

Lin Luo took a breath and said: "I know, you have great doubts about my ability to live, but if I want to betray the Trojans, do I need to do this?"

General Xi said indifferently: "What you are doing now is betraying the Trojans."

Lin Luo smiled miserably. He looked at General Xi and said, "Even so, can you...can you, trust me again?"

"Just... just once."

General Xi turned his head, he looked at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo looked at him at this moment.

Still indifferent.

Still ruthless.

However, when General Xi looked at his body, his eye circles suddenly turned red.




"The Western Legion has withdrawn!"

In front of Gray, a soldier rushed to report.

"What did you say?" Gray paused, then said in an instant: "What about others?"

"No...not sure," said the soldier.

"Traitor! Traitor!!!" Gray was furious, and said, "Find him!"

Just as the soldier was about to speak, at this moment, another soldier came quickly and said

Said: "Report!"

"General Dong and General Xi are out to see you!"

Hearing this, Gray was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Okay, I just want to see what they want to do."

He waved his hand, and within a short time, Lin Luo and General Xi walked in at the same time.

Gray sat there, glanced at the two, and said: 'If you can't give me a reasonable explanation today, you can't get out of here. '

General Xi glanced at Lin Luo, then knelt down on one knee.

Lin Luo didn't kneel.

He stood there, looked at Gray, and said, "You're questioning my identity, but...you shouldn't be questioning my tactics."

Gray laughed loudly when he heard this, and said, "If it weren't for your many years of fighting for the clan, you should die."

Lin Luo said calmly, "You know exactly how much chance you have in this war."

"Now we still have a chance of winning. If we wait any longer..." Gray said loudly, "There will be no chance of winning."

"Are you going to wait until this day?"

Gray almost shouted out the last question.

General Xi said: "The patriarch..."

"Shut up." Gray shouted, looked at Lin Luo again, and said, "You don't need to tell me how you survived, but you have to tell me, why should I trust you."

Lin Luo took a deep breath at this moment and said, "It depends on whether you dare to bet."

Gray paused, and even wanted to laugh.


"You want me to bet on the Trojans?" Gray said angrily, "Do you really know what you're talking about?"

Lin Luo said calmly: "Gamble!"

"If you lose, the Trojans will disappear forever!"

"This is similar to the situation you are about to face now."

"Win, you have won a bright world!"

"A... future of the Trojans!"

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