Outside, both Zhang San and Ye Yi were a little nervous.

Zhang San still doesn't know if he will die in reality if he dies in this world.

But in general, this is a test...

So, there should be rewards.

Thinking so, Zhang San heard Ye Yi say: "Is there any danger?"

Ye Yi was extremely worried.

But Zhang San said: "To be honest, I'm not very worried. Lin Luo may not be good at other things, but Hiroto is first-rate."

Ye nodded, and then asked curiously: "What's wrong with Brother Lin Luo?"

Zhang San paused and thought for a long time before seriously saying:

"Does picking up girls count?"


Draw cake.

Still a pie.

Clearly, Gray is no fool.

If it was someone else, it is estimated that Lin Luo was pulled out and chopped on the spot.

However, he was moved.

Gray understands...

This is a 28 open battle.

The chances of the Trojans winning in the end are too small.

Lin Luo looked at Gray who was a little shaken, and said: "Patriarch, you believe me, they will definitely have civil strife in the future..."

"They have completed the regime change." General Xi said. Biqu library

Lin Luo looked directly at him and said: "If you say that I am in the position and become the patriarch, will you be willing?"

"Old Dong!" General Xi shouted after hearing this, his face turned pale.

You can't talk nonsense about this.

"I can't understand the situation, but..." Lin Luo said: "I can understand people's hearts."

Gray was silent.

At this moment, gunpowder smoke was everywhere outside, and the shadow of war still shrouded the land. This brief silence was also interrupted by a soldier's voice:

"The other two legions, request the latest instructions."

After the voice fell, Gray slowly raised his head, looked at General Xi, and said, "You still

Why are you standing still? "

General Xi kowtowed, took another look at Lin Luo, finally exhaled, and said, "I will fight for the Trojans, to the last moment..."

"Fart," Gray said, "I'll let you organize the retreat."

"Ah?" General Xi paused, then looked at Gray in surprise.

Lin Luo also heaved a sigh of relief.

Gray is betting.

He Lin Luo, isn't he gambling?

"Hurry up," Gray said.

General Xi kowtowed and quickly retreated.

Gray glanced at Lin Luo again, and said, "What are you waiting for?"

Lin Luo came to his senses and bowed to leave when Gray said, "Hey..."

Lin Luo turned around and heard Gray say seriously: "I can answer your last question."

"If you can really lead the Trojans to the future, the position of patriarch... I will accept it!"

Lin Luo paused, then looked into Gray's eyes, then smiled, and said, "Then you trust me again?"

"Because..." Gray said: "In your eyes, I see wisdom besides strangeness..."


Lin Luo smiled, then turned and left.



Lucas paused.

He doesn't understand.

Everyone knew that this was the last chance for the Trojans.

The holy city system is gradually taking shape, and in the future, a large number of fighters from the Manlo protoss will join the battlefield.

By that time, the Trojans were no longer likely to be their opponents.

So, Lucas knew why Gray was in such a hurry.

But the sudden retreat really caught him by surprise.

"Is there any inside news?" Lucas asked.

"Not yet," someone said.

Lucas was slightly astonished when he heard this, and then said: "Everyone must not relax, continue to maintain

Be vigilant and do not chase to prevent entering the opponent's trap. "

"Yes." After the guards walked away, Lucas looked ahead, wondering...

Gray is not that kind of person.

This time, what is the tactic?

However, forging iron still needs to be hard.

Today's Man Luo Protoss is basically unstoppable.

The defeat of the Trojans is only a matter of time.

Lucas thought so, and suddenly a graceful figure entered his eyeballs...


Hegel's woman.


She is also the goddess in his Lucas heart.

He saw that Emily was walking towards Hegel's palace.

At this moment, Lucas has to admit...

He felt a little uncomfortable.

Even so, Lucas tried to remind himself to restrain himself.

Hegel was willing to hand over all power for the victory of the war.

Although Hegel no longer intends to participate in this war, it is enough to do so.


Lucas's eyes kept staring there.

"Hold it!" Lucas said.


"A man's weakness is a woman."

Lin Luo said.

"So, if you don't have a woman, you don't have a weakness." Zhang San teased.

"But I have you guys." Lin Luo said.

"Just kidding." Zhang San laughed.

Lin Luo said very seriously: "I just want to say that desire is easy to confuse people's minds."

"But now it has been three weeks, and Gray is getting impatient." Ye Yi said.

Lin Luo said, "Grey is betting, and so am I."

"Just bet..." Biquku

"Lucas is also a person, so he can't escape the road of desire!"

"Even in later generations, he is a god!"

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