
Mandal immediately said: "At the beginning, our army had already wiped out all the forces of the Trojans."

Mishus looked at the excited Mandal, but said indifferently: "I'm just telling what I saw, and he will give it to you, and our deal has been completed."

Mandal looked at Mishus and seemed to understand that they were just a deal.

He thought for a while, and handed him a token.

It says:

Tiandao Library.

The Tiandao Library records all the details of the universe from the beginning of the universe to all stages.

Among them, including the establishment of the Thanas system, as well as data.

Later, the key to the Tiandao Library was banned, and only God had the chance to have the key.

This time, Mandal used this as a trade item in exchange for Mitheus' services.

After Mishus took the things, he turned around, thought for a while, and before he left, he murmured again: "You don't really think that a son who has inherited power can lead this universe, right?"

Mandal was silent, but frowned slightly as he watched the figure of Mitheus going away.



"Tell me, can they find out that Camilla did it?" Zhang San asked.

"As long as you want to check, you will definitely find out." Lin Luo said: "To a certain extent, it is certain that Mitheus and Mandal are standing together."

"Is Mitheus not afraid of Lou Kahn, or does he really support him?"

"From the beginning to the end, Camilla, Metheus, and even... Mandal didn't care about Lu Kahn." Lin Luo said: "Including me."

Zhang San paused and asked, "Is he just a pawn?"

"I think..." Lin Luo said: "We all want to know an answer."


"Lucas, are you still alive?"

"What?" Zhang San said as if hearing thunder, "Are you kidding?"

"The so-called inheritance ceremony is just a bait."

"The result?" Zhang San asked.

"He should be dead." Lin Luo said: "The poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring. The result of the failure of Lu Kahn's inheritance is..."

"It's useless." Zhang San suddenly realized.

"That's right." Lin Luo said: "And, from now on, he will withdraw from the high-level disputes."

"What's your plan?" Zhang San asked.

"The Manlo protoss removal plan..." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San was stunned. Looking at a plan handed over by Lin Luo, he realized that since Lin Luo came to this world, he has never been idle.

"So you called Zhu Yihui here, and you still have this plan." Zhang San said, "Can it be done?"

"How do you cook?" Lin Luo asked.

"It's...not bad." Zhang San said, "I cook roast chicken very well."

"That's it." Lin Luo looked at him and smiled, "Are you interested in opening a roast chicken restaurant?"

"Ah?" Zhang San was astonished.


Carlo Lin knew that she had already made a choice.

Lin Luo is right.

No matter how much she loves this race, if it wasn't for Lin Luo, she would have died after all.

Lin Luo, at least will give her a way out.

However, this is the great crime of treason.

On the third day, she came to Lin Luo's residence.

"Have you decided?" Lin Luo asked.

"I hope I won't betray my family." Carlone said, "What will you do to me?"

"I will imprison you until the war begins." Lin Luo said, "However, before the war begins, I will kill you."


"I will never show mercy to my enemies," Lin Luo said.

Carlo Lin clenched her fists, and she thought of a lot.

Thinking of her dead sister, thinking of her family destroyed by Hegel, she finally said: "I am willing to join you, and from now on, I am no longer the Manlo Protoss."

Lin Luo was not surprised. He said: "Don't worry, I won't let you attack the Manlo Protoss. Your task is to master the Blue Gate."

Carlo Lynn stares straight at

Looking at Lin Luo, he hesitated to speak several times.

And at this moment, above the shrine, Camilla and Mandal met.

What Mandal was carrying was the head of the Black Iron Legion.

"I didn't expect it to be you, Your Highness the Princess." Mandal exhaled, with a little more shock in his tone.

Camilla slowly opened her eyes and said, "It will be a matter of time before you know about it."

"I wonder why?" Mandal said.

Unexpectedly, Camilla became excited instantly, and she said abruptly: "Why? You really don't know why?"

A powerful impact spread directly, Mandal stood there, and said slowly: "You still can't forget what happened back then."

"How could I forget." Camilla laughed loudly and said, "In order to seal me and Lu Kahn together, you killed him. I don't understand why he wanted to seal me to the next generation."

Mandal said: "Do you think, in that situation, you can survive?"

At the beginning, Lucas fell, the apostle princes rose, and the eternal universe was in chaos.

Camilla falls in love with an admiral.

In order to make Camilla willing to follow Lu Kahn and seal it to the later generations, Mandal shot and killed him.

Mandal felt that this incident had passed long ago, but he did not expect that Camilla would not forget it after waking up after a long history.

"What do you want?" Mandal said.

"God's chance, I can't stand it again." Camilla said.

"The opportunity of God was established by your father." Mandal said.

Camilla stood up, looked at him, and said, "I didn't ask for your opinion."

"Then it's time to fight?" Mandal said.

Camilla sat down with a cold expression.

Mandal turned slowly, and he stepped out.

He raised his head, only to see the densely packed Black Iron Legion above the sky.


Camilla should still have a lot of power.

"My lord! Could it be that this is the calamity of hundreds of millions of years?" Mandal said with a trembling voice.

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