The next day, when Lin Luo was still resting, he suddenly heard a loud noise.

Lin Luo frowned, and heard Carlo Lin walk in and say, "Something has happened."


"It's fighting."

"God Chance and Camilla?" Lin Luo said.

Carlo Lin looked at Lin Luo in surprise.

Lanmen's information chain is very complete, but they don't know anything about this sudden war.

How did Lin Luo know these things.

"Yes." Carlone said, "Princess Camilla has gathered a group of people somewhere, and the forces among them include the Temple of Anwa, the largest force today."

Lin Luo was not surprised. Camilla planned all this carefully. Lin Luo thought it was for her big brother, but he didn't expect it was for God's chance.

"What actions did the other apostles do?" Lin Luo asked.

"It's not clear yet." Carlone shook her head and said.


The war did break out, and the news of the war swept across the entire universe in an instant.

In a plain of the Central Continent, a battle of tens of millions broke out.

This battle lasted for a day and a night before finally ending.

However, no one knows who actually won.

After a long time, people realized that the protagonists of the war were God Chance and Camilla.

"Could it be because she failed in the inheritance of her big brother, so she took her anger out on God Chance."

"His Royal Highness usually sees her as weak and weak, but she never expected her to be so violent."

"According to the latest news, the power in her hands seems to be extraordinary."

For a time, the crowd was talking about it.

On the first night after the end of the first war, Camilla announced through the media that she would launch a jihad to punish God Chance. She believed that God Chance monopolized the belief in the eternal universe, held great power, and practiced dictatorship.

Only half an hour later, Mandal issued an announcement that Camilla was trying to destroy the peace of the eternal universe, and advised her to stop as soon as possible, otherwise once the war breaks out, the people of the universe will be injured.

As soon as the two announcements were made, unexpectedly, there was three days of silence.

Carlo Lin said to Lin Luo: "Why?"

"In any war, first of all, you have to be famous." Lin Luo said: "In fact, many camps do not distinguish between right and wrong, and the real conflicts are interests and hatred."

Carlolin seemed to be eye-opening when she heard this point of view. It was the first time in her life that she came into contact with such a point of view. She said: "If the Manlo God Race is willing to live in peace with your race, you will not start a war? "

"Of course." Lin Luo said, "I really hate war."

"Is this your first war?" Carlone asked.

"A few times." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San next to him rolled his eyes, wondering why it happened several times.

Blue Star has fought countless battles along the way, and it sounds like a novice to Lin Luo.

However, Carlo Lin fell silent.

"Do you think I can't win?" Lin Luo asked.

Unexpectedly, Carlo Lin shook her head and said, "I was just thinking, is there really peaceful coexistence in this world?"

"It's difficult, but it's not impossible." Lin Luo said: "The law of the dark forest prevails in the universe, but this does not mean that everyone likes war."

"It's just that those people are afraid of death."

Carlo Lin heard this and looked at Lin Luo again.

The deeper she gets in touch with Lin Luo, the more mysterious she feels.

At this moment, Lin Luo felt a breath, and he said, "You guys go first."

"Yes, God Lord." The two people also noticed it, and said with a bow.

After a while, Camilla walked in. She was wearing a battle armor, which was completely different from the old Camilla.

"Sit." Lin Luo said so.


"The purpose of your coming is not to win me into the war." Lin Luo said.

Camilla thought for a while and said, "No, I just want to make sure that none of you are involved."

"Although you have done a lot of things in the past, you are still no match for God's chance." Lin Luo said.

"Hegel Uncle doesn't believe me?" Camilla said with a smile.

"Of course not." Lin Luo said: "I was just thinking, why did you start this war? The reason is probably related to what happened before you fell asleep."

"Everyone says Hegel Uncle is a womanizer, but you are not." Camilla said.

Lin Luo paused, then stared at Camilla.

"Uncle, what are you looking at?" Camilla asked.

"It's really like it." Lin Luo said with a trance-eyed look: "It really looks like your mother." '

Camilla didn't react too much when she saw Lin Luo's expression, because she knew about the affairs between Hegel and Emily.

She coughed softly. At this moment, Lin Luo regained consciousness and said, "Let me help you."

Emily had a meal.

"Not only for Emily, but also for the grievances between me and Mandal, we have to settle it," Lin Luo said.


"I won't make a move." Lin Luo said: "I know, once I announce that I will join you, there will be a chance to attract more people."

Camilla smiled when she heard this.

After all, Hegel had mastered the real power of the Manlo Protoss, so he must be more powerful than her in terms of military command.

Moreover, the reason given by Lin Luo is very sufficient.

"So what do I do next?" Camilla asked.

"For now, you are still in the dark." Lin Luo said: "Mandal wants to end the war as soon as possible, so we have to stretch the front line."

"Retreat your army to two continents. If they dare to chase you, you will fight."

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