A few days later, a war broke out in the western Sif continent.

According to Lin Luo's instructions, Camilla kept retreating, forcing Mandal's army to keep chasing, and finally won the battle.

After this battle was over, Camilla followed what Lin Luo said, and began to publicize, saying that the God Chance led by Mandal no longer understands war and how to defend the eternal universe.

For a time, the whole universe was talking about it.

Many people began to condemn Mandal's divine chance.

Lin Luo couldn't help smiling when he saw this, and said, "Unexpectedly, the water army we use in modern times has produced miraculous effects here."

Zhang San said curiously: "Why do we want to prolong the war?"

"Zhang San." Lin Luo said frantically at this time: "Perhaps, I really found a way to end this disaster without war."

Zhang San was taken aback.

"As long as I get the background of the Thanas system, then I can completely destroy the connection between the Eternal Universe Continent and other universes..." Lin Luo said: "Relying on the Manlo Protoss Clearance Plan, I can also make this Fang The universe is turned upside down."

Zhang San was overjoyed when he heard this.

Lin Luo's plan generally works. If he proposes it, it basically means that he is sure.

"Has the virus researched by Zhu Yihui been researched?" Zhang San asked.

"The research is done." At this moment, Zhu Yihui walked in with a bottle.

Lin Luo and Zhang Sanyi were delighted to hear Zhu Yihui say: "I call this virus Manlo virus..."

"What is the effect?" Zhang San asked.

"Restricting bodily functions." Zhu Yihui said: "It's fine for a short time, but if it's like this for a long time, the symptoms will become more obvious."

"If it's a deadly virus, I'm afraid I can't hide it."

Hearing this, Lin Luo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's enough, as long as it can weaken the opponent's combat power, that's enough."

He remembered something...

At the beginning, his starting point was to solve the g3 virus, and then discover the conspiracy of aliens.

Lin Luo never imagined that one day, he would launch a biochemical war against another race.


He has no choice.

Because if the Manlo Protoss does not decline, people from the entire Blue Star Universe will die.

"Let's get started." Lin Luo said, "How is your roast chicken?"

"It has been gradually unfolded." Zhang San said: "At that time, I will add these viruses to it."

Lin Luo nodded and watched them leave while talking and laughing.

Lin Luo took a deep breath.

He always felt that the current situation should be developing towards a good momentum.

But vaguely, he felt that he had overlooked something.


Two weeks later, the jihad between Camila and Mandal continued to be on the hot searches, and Lin Luo also broke his fortune and put Lan's Roasted Chicken on the top of the list.

The war led to high attention, which also maximized Lin Luo's advertising effect.

For a time, Lan's Roasted Chicken sold well throughout the universe, and orders kept coming.

Zhang San is very smart, he added this virus into the formula, and successfully deceived the monitoring agency.

At the same time, under the guidance of Lin Luo, Camilla is like a fish in water, and the war is moving in a direction that is more and more favorable to her.

For this reason, Camila specifically approached Lin Luo to express her gratitude.

"What is your purpose?" Lin Luo said.

"The one who deserves to be punished gets punished," Camilla said.

But Lin Luo said: "You can't say this to your subordinates."

"Of course I know this." Camilla said, and asked again: "The situation is getting more and more favorable to me now, what do you think this old man Mandal will do next?"

Lin Luo said almost without hesitation: "Do you think the war is over?"

"Of course," Camilla said, "I can't think of any chance for him to come back."

"Your Highness, the war has just begun." Lin Luo said, "The most powerful force in this world is neither you nor Mandal, but..."

"You guys." Camilla paused, then came to her senses, she said: "Impossible, they have already promised not to do anything."

"God's opportunity has meaning." Lin Luo said: "Some apostles won't watch him fall."

Camilla didn't believe it. She stood up and said, "Then I should hurry up."

Lin Luo didn't persuade her and watched her leave.

As soon as she left, Mandal came.

He is much older than before.

"Long time no see." Lin Luo said.

"I need your answer," Mandal said.

"If you want to make a move, I will help her." Lin Luo said: "But I won't make a move now. When I do, I will tell you."

When Mandal heard this, he turned and left.

He was actually a little depressed.

Why does Camilla use soldiers like a god, and seems to be able to guess him in advance every time.

He had doubts about Lin Luo.

However, in the battle of the early gods in the past, it was because of poor command that Lucas took advantage of Hegel, took the position, and took away the woman.

Lin Luo looked at his back, but smiled.

The muddier the pool of water in the eternal universe, the more beneficial it would be for them.

Today, the Manlo protoss removal plan has begun.

Let them kill each other again...

The last step is to get rid of the Thanas system.

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