The fog of the great war has completely shrouded the entire eternal universe, and it has to be said that the entire universe is panicked.

This made Lin Luo very interesting, and even summed up a law.

"What law?" Zhang San asked while eating roast chicken.

"The ability and the range of activities are proportional." Lin Luo said.

Seeing Zhang San's incomprehensible appearance, he continued: "This is the same as the Blue Star back then. In ancient times, we did not have strong energy and technology, but we could only move within the territory or even within the city. After entering the steam age, you can own the basic land of Blue Star."

"That's right, it's like the genetic power we have now, allowing us to go to the universe." Zhang San said.

"But have you ever thought about it..." Lin Luo said: "The problem of destructive power, you can see how many continents they shattered in their war, but the people in the eternal universe don't care, because this place is too big."

"If this kind of war was placed in the Milky Way, it would be deserted."

"That's true." Zhang San said, "There is some truth in what you say."

Just after he finished speaking, Carlone from outside the door came in, and she said: "Sure enough, something happened to the Camilla Legion, and an apostle took action."

Lin Luo was not surprised, he saw the report, which read:

The third apostle made a move.

The reason is....


She said that she does not want wars to continue on this continent.


The shot of the third apostle Steele Mulina obviously made people feel uneasy.

Because, no one knows whether Camilla has an apostle behind her.

If the apostles join the war, the entire eternal universe may perish.

At least, the war will gradually spread to the entire continent.

Naturally, Camilla immediately condemned Steele Mulinna for being full of benevolence and morality, but she was actually a lackey of God's chance.

As soon as these words came out, the eternal universe exploded directly.

The other party is an apostle.

However, what they got in exchange was the anger of Steele Mulina, which made Camilla retreat steadily.

For this reason, Camilla specially sent a message to Lin Luo, who only said one sentence: "Your failure is only a matter of time."

Camilla was very unwilling to hear this, and she only said one sentence: "I will win."

Camilla, who put down the communicator, looked up at the sky. The envoy behind saw her and found that her body was trembling.

She's... scared.

However, Camilla once said that she is not even afraid of death.

"I'll go out for a while," Camilla said.

"Okay." The envoy said, watching her disappear before his eyes.

When she reappeared, she had already appeared in a shrine in the Eastern Continent.

This shrine is solemn and luxurious, named: Xinglong Palace.

This is the residence of Hades, the second apostle.

Camilla appeared, and an envoy from inside stepped forward, and he said, "Sorry, Your Royal Highness, the apostle is not here."

"Give this to him." Camilla handed him a golden box.

The angel paused, he took it, and wanted to open it, but Camilla said: "If you open it, if I don't kill you, he will kill you too."

The envoy smiled slightly, and hurriedly walked towards the rear.

After a while, I heard the envoy say: "Master Apostle let you in."

When Camilla heard this, she paused for a while, as if hesitating and wandering.

After a while, she walked in firmly, but when she walked in front of the hall alone, her eye circles were already red.

The door opened automatically, and Hades appeared inside. He looked at Camilla greedily, watching her walk step by step.

And Camilla stepped in, and under his gaze, the clothes fell off one by one.

Accompanied by the change, were the tears in her eyes.


"It's fighting."

Lin Luo was still recuperating, so Zhang San ran over excitedly to tell the news.

Lin Luo collected his breath and asked, "What happened?"

"Hades made a move." Zhang San said.

"What?" Lin Luo was surprised.

But see, what was shown in the news is...

Hades strikes.

He even tried his best to help Camilla.

The battle between the apostles was about to break out, and God Chance and Mu Linna were at a disadvantage in the discussion.

"This Camilla is fine, but she still has such contacts." Zhang San said.

"This horror is not as simple as a network." Lin Luo called Carlo Lin over, but she said that Lanmen had not received any news.

"What kind of person is Hades?" Lin Luo asked.

"I heard that he is very decent." Carlo Lin said: "Except for losing to the first apostle Mitheus, I haven't heard any negative news about him. And he has publicly condemned Hegel's apostle for lust..."

"What did Hegel say?" Lin Luo asked.

"Apostle Hegel just sneered a few times, as if disdainful." Carlone said.

Hearing this, Lin Luo pondered for a few minutes, then sighed and said, "It's a pity."

"What a pity?" Carlone asked.

"Camilla can't go back." Lin Luo said.

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