Inside the tent, a man and a woman were lying there naked. The woman looked indifferent, but the man was very emotional.

After a long time, the woman put on her clothes, and the man smiled and said, "I said, I will keep my promise."

The person who spoke was Hades.

This superficially righteous apostle is actually just a hypocrite with illusory charts.

He has always been beautiful, but he is not Hegel, he only likes those hard-to-get...

For example, Camilla.

Camilla didn't speak, but just walked outside, but Hades smiled dismissively and said, "Why are you pretending to be innocent at this time."

He got up and looked at the map.

Tomorrow, we will arrive at the new holy city.

This may also be the last battle.

It can be seen that the network of Eternal Universe is now directly blasted, and many peace envoys are petitioning not to continue the war.

However, there are also news that new apostles will join the war.

Hades sneered.

In this war, in addition to getting Camilla's body, it can also get rid of God's chance, which is also a good thing for him.

"I just hope Mitheus doesn't make a move." Hades was a little worried when he thought of this.

Because he knew that in the last inheritance ceremony, Mishus had given God a chance.


Lin Luo looked at the pale Camilla on the communicator, and said, "I'm sorry, I can't make a move."

"It's okay, you have helped me enough," Camilla said.

Lin Luo was silent.

After a short pause, he raised his head and said, "Is it worth it?"

Camilla was puzzled at first, then she looked at Lin Luo and said, "If everyone who deserves to be punished dies, it will be worth it."

"But justice delayed is no justice at all," Lin Luo said.

"Justice delayed isn't justice at all..." Camilla muttered to herself, then smiled and said, "Maybe, Uncle Hegel."

Lin Luo let out a breath, and he said, "I know you still have a question, and I can answer it for you."

Camilla looked at Lin Luo.

She was actually very surprised at Lin Luo's supernatural powers, and she could even guess how she invited Hades?

You know, this kind of thing, even God's chance can't guess at all.

Otherwise, God Chance would definitely publicize their things in order to gain the upper hand.

"Misius, there is a high probability that he won't make a move." Lin Luo said: "He helped the gods have a chance before, and it was just a transaction."

Relieved to hear this, Camilla said, "Thank you."

Lin Luo smiled slightly. He wanted to hang up the communication, but saw Camilla staring at him intently.

"Is there anything else?" Lin Luo asked.

"If..." Camilla said: "If I can have your wisdom, that would be great."

Afterwards, the communication hung up, leaving only Camilla's last sigh.

Carlo Lin next to her looked at Lin Luo and said, "Shouldn't she be your enemy?"

"Although I am using her." Lin Luo said: "But a human being is an existence full of emotions."

Carlo Lin seemed to understand, but when she looked at Lin Luo's pupils, she became a little more colorful.

"We're about to start," Lin Luo said.

"Yes." Carlone nodded.


The next day, when the light of the stars shone into the holy city, the armies of both sides had densely covered the surrounding sky, and the ground...

This battle was also called the Battle of the Holy City by the netizens of Eternal Universe.

Standing in front were Camilla and Hades.

Behind, there is an apostle.

This apostle was invited by Hades.

Looking into the distance, Mandal stood there. He looked at Camilla and said, "Stop it, Your Royal Highness, if you continue to fight, it will be of no benefit to anyone."

"You hang yourself, I can stop." Camilla said: "You have lived for so long, and you have lived enough."

Hearing this, Mandal was obviously a little annoyed, and he said coldly: "I am stubborn."

"Mandal, if you don't dare to fight, just say it, there is so much nonsense." Hades raised his hand, and suddenly...

Both sides are tense.

Everyone knows that with a wave of the hand, war is about to break out.

"This is the Holy City, where your father is buried." Mandal said excitedly.

His heart is still thinking about the eternal universe.

This war really broke out, no one can count how many people will die in the eternal universe.

"I respect my father." Camilla said: "But you don't deserve to mention him."

Camilla said, Hades waved.

Immediately, all the soldiers launched a charge.

above the sky...

above the earth...

The energy of the cross-flow is everywhere, and the sound of shouting.

"Can you solve it?" Hades asked Camilla.

Camilla looked at Mandal and said, "I've been waiting for this moment, and for a long time. I have to deal with him myself."

Hades didn't speak, looked at Mu Linna, and said, "We haven't fought for a long time, come on, let's fight."

Mu Linna didn't speak, but felt her head was big.

As for Mandal and Camila, they rose to a height of tens of thousands of meters...

"I thought you would invite Hegel here," Mandal said.

"There are many things you can't control, not just this one." Camilla smiled abruptly, and rushed forward in the next second.

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