The whole world was beating in the dark, which also led to the growing calls for a truce.

However, once the apostles get involved, the chain of interests and specifications involved are simply too great.

On the contrary, Zhang San is like a militant, he can't wait for this group of people to fight each other.

"It's best to let them go back to the primitive society, that's the best." Zhang San said.

"There is everything in the dream." Lin Luo said: "This war can only weaken the opponent's strength, and for us, the most important thing is that we can obtain information about their combat effectiveness."

Zhang San nodded, looking at the Institute of God in front of him at the same time, and asked, "Why are we here?"

"Wait." Lin Luo said.

"Waiting for what?"

"Wait until Camilla loses." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San was surprised and said, "Aren't we 50-50 now?"

In a flash, he said again: "Are you thinking that if Camilla loses, she will..."

"History has told us not to offend a woman." Lin Luo said: "Especially, a woman with nothing and a dead heart."

Zhang San was thoughtful.


Even if Camilla wakes up again, she has nothing left.

She doesn't need status.


Camilla was disheveled and out of breath.

How could she be Mandal's opponent.

After all, Mandal participated in the Battle of the Holy City that year.

The two apostles who were fighting in the distance also noticed this scene, Mu Linna said: "Your master seems to be unable to stand it."

Hades was not angry when he heard this, and said, "It's just for fun, why take it seriously."

Mu Linna said: "Since it's just for fun, why do you stick your feet in?"

"Stretching in, of course, is beneficial, and what is not beneficial, who will do it." Hades said with a smile.

Mu Linna glanced around and said, "Not only is she about to lose, but her army has also begun to lose."


No matter what arrangements Camilla made before, she lost too much here.

Although God's Chance holds the theocracy of the eternal universe, its purpose has always been to maintain the peace and stability of the eternal universe.

Now, Camilla wants to overthrow such an existence.

In this final stage, many people in the legion she leads are beginning to be a little reluctant.

Because before the start of the war, Mandal declared that Camilla detonated this war only for personal desires and revenge.

Therefore, when the war entered a fierce stalemate, it was this group of people who did not want to move forward at the first time.

"Then shall we continue?" Hades asked.

"You are really cold-blooded, after all, you have slept together." Mu Linna said.

"I've said it all, it's just for fun, it's really boring." Hades laughed.

Mu Linna smiled dismissively.

Hades said strangely: "Actually, you can guess it, and the old man Mandal should be able to guess it too, why not expose this? In this case, maybe this war has not yet broken out, and we have already lost .”

"Because Mandal's heart is still nostalgic." Mu Linna said: "Camilla is Lucas' daughter after all."

Hades smiled and said, "There is another reason."


"He knows that once it is exposed, I will fight him hard, not just play now." Hades said.

Mu Linna smiled and ignored him.


In this society, no one is a fool.

Benefits come first.


That's all.


"Your Highness, stop fighting."

"What if we continue to fight?"

Mandal said.

Camilla was covered in blood.

She turned her head and saw that all the troops behind her had stopped.

She smiled miserably.

Tens of thousands of years of preparation, did the result just come to this point?

He guessed again...

She really must lose.

Seeing Camilla stop, Mandal hastily persuaded: "I will give you an explanation, an explanation that you are satisfied with."

Camilla looked at Mandal and said, "Uncle, in your eyes, what am I?"

Mandal took a bite.

"My big brother and I grew up under your watch, but you don't see me at all." Camilla said: "In your opinion, I'm just his funeral object, and you can even sacrifice anything I like?"

Mandal was silent when he heard this.


He's too patriarchal, and that's because he wants Lu Kahn to be like Lucas the Great.

"Maybe it's my fault," Mandal said.

When Camilla heard this sentence, tears fell. She raised her hand at this moment, and a silver necklace appeared in front of her. She said, "It's late."

When Mandal saw it, his pupils shrank immediately.

"Camilla, this could not be..." When he said this, Mandal's voice was no longer gentle, but full of anxiety and indifference.

Camilla just smiled and pinched it with her bare hands, and the entire necklace disappeared in the air in an instant.

next second...

it's dark!

Accompanying it was an indifferent yet crisp voice:

"Tanas activated!"

"Target: Space Clearance Plan!"


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