"How about it?"

Lin Luo is looking forward to it.

All in all, Lin Luo's overall plan almost fell through because of a miracle in Camilla's war.


After the war, the Manluo Protoss will only become more united, and God Chance's control over the entire clan will become more cohesive.

"What this system lacks is this." The system said.

Lin Luo stared, then revealed ecstasy.

The system is extremely powerful.

The system once said that it was not created by Ye Su, but it was set and expected by Ye Su.

But it's a pity that Ye Su's brain is limited after all, it can't achieve the almost abnormal calculation method like Thanas.

"The upgrade was successful?" Lin Luo was delighted.

"It's not that simple." The system said: "This system needs time to digest, but it won't be too long."

Lin Luo was overjoyed.

"In the next period of time, I may fall into a deep sleep. Do you have any questions, or do you want to exchange them?" the system asked.

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "What is a miracle?"

"You should know about this problem," the system said.

"It's about Lucas." Lin Luo gasped.

He has been doubting one thing, Lucas is still alive.

Now, things seemed to be going in the direction he suspected.

However, Lu Kahn and Camilla are both his children, can he really watch them like this?


Lou Kahn is almost gone.

After the inheritance ceremony, his body was extremely chaotic, and Mandal could only continue to seal him up.

"Her Royal Highness's remains...still haven't been found." The member of God's Chance said to Mandal.

Mandal seemed to have aged a lot indeed, saying, "It doesn't matter anymore."

God's chance man is silent.

Mandal was indeed cruel to Camilla, but no one dared to question Mandal's contribution to the eternal universe.

"Next, we need to thoroughly investigate one thing," Mandal said.

"What is it?"

"The Trojans." Mandal said: "Mishus said that he once saw people with the power of the Trojans near the Academy of God."

Everyone paused, and then became tense.

Mandal has never forgotten this matter, even though he and Camila had made such a deal before, it still hasn't erased the worry in his heart.

"Then for those remnants of Her Royal Highness..." the member of God Chance asked.

"The one who should be killed, let's kill it." Mandal exhaled, and said so.

God sees people who meet each other face to face.

Mandal's words are equivalent to the death of tens of millions of people.

In fact, Camilla is not here, and many of them have no desire for war.

However, in doing so, Mandal is killing chickens and monkeys.


Time passed day by day, and the eternal universe began to restore its former peace.

The eternal universe after the war is indeed more united than before.

Lin Luo didn't have much to do during this period of time. While letting Lanmen act in a low-key manner, he began to consolidate his strength.

Since Lin Luo came here, he has actually absorbed a lot of power, not only the power of the Trojans, but also the special power from the Manlos.

Just a week later, Ye Yi suddenly ran over in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" Lin Luo asked.

"I suddenly remembered something." Ye Yi said.

Lin Luo looked at him.

"According to the inertia of our technicians, after facing such a major mistake by Thanas, they are bound to make up for it. If they scan all the programs of Thanas, they may discover everything about the Blue Star Universe. .." When Ye Yi spoke, his face turned pale.

Lin Luo suddenly realized.

Indeed, this is very possible.

"Now, I can only hope that they don't care." Ye Yi swallowed.

Because both he and Lin Luo knew that they couldn't artificially stop all this.

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "We should also prepare to go back."

Ye Yi paused, and then said pleasantly: "Have you found a way to deal with the Thanas system?"

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded, looked into the distance and said, "But before I go back, I want to give Mandal a gift."


blue star universe

"I heard no, Dado on Yixing has broken through again."

"Yeah, he's really a genius."

"Now he seems to have gathered a group of people, all of whom are perfect geneticists who came out of the main god's space."

"He won't plan to be an enemy of Blue Star Heaven."

Today's Blue Star universe network is integrated, and it is impossible for the universe to merge into one.

However, Blue Star was right there, and no one dared to move.

However, as Lin Luo left for longer and longer, and the power of many people gradually became stronger, some people thought they could do it again.

Among them, not only Da Da, but now this universe is full of forces.

Some people even started to challenge publicly.

But for such things, the leader Chen An turned a blind eye.

"Let me teach them a lesson." Yang Jun said violently.

"What's the use of you trying to teach me a lesson." Chen An concentrated on writing in the office, and said, "Don't worry, in front of him, whether it is a dragon or a tiger, you have to lie down."

When Yang Jun heard this, he turned around and said, "Calculating the time, he will be back soon."

"He's back..." Chen An exhaled, "It also means that the war is about to begin."

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