The people working in the Academy of God are a bit miserable. This time, the Thanas system almost caused the destruction of the universe, so a hearing will be held here soon.


There is no guarantee that miracles will continue to occur.

However, no one knows whether anyone still has the back door of the Thanas system.

This time the hearing will decide whether to go or stay in the Thanas system.


Behind the hearing this time, Lin Luo was indispensable behind the scenes.

He forged a large number of sailors, deliberately rhythmic, just for this hearing.

If it is said that the eternal universe can shut down the Thanas system, then for them, it is absolutely self-defeating.

Mandal sat at the center of the meeting, because according to the requirements of the hearing, 109 powerful people were selected to come, and the apostles will not participate in the result of this hearing.

"It's started." Carlo Lin looked at Lin Luo with admiration.

She sometimes wonders how many ideas there are in the head of such a person from the outer universe.

Only relying on the operation of public opinion on the Internet, such an ending can be manipulated.


"I agree."

"This crisis has already shown us the future of this system."

Next to it, a middle-aged man stood up, speaking sonorously, and getting louder and louder: "It will be used by people with good intentions, and eventually it will be an irreparable big mistake."

Mandal glanced at him as he spoke.

This person is very important because he belongs to the plutocratic power and has the most money in the universe.

However, the reason why he strongly agrees is probably because of the benefits, because once the Thanas system is gone, they can get more benefits.

"One time is one time, but how many things Thanas has done for us? Have you all forgotten?" An old man on the far right said slowly, "Tanas is used by the ancestors to strengthen our manpower." It has been so many years since the Luoshen Clan ruled over other creatures, have you really forgotten?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the head of the money-making force just now said immediately: "Times are changing, and people must also change."

"If it's closed, what about our control over other universes?"

"Then close the territory of the eternal universe. And our Manlo protoss are already invincible, who can surpass us."

"Fart, we must have a sense of crisis, not arrogance."

"Then if this happens again, who can guarantee? At least it is closed, and the fate is in our hands."

While talking, everyone was talking and arguing.

Even, someone started arguing and arguing, and almost started a fight.

Mandal remained silent until the atmosphere in the venue could not be controlled, and he said: "Since there is a discussion, let's discuss it rationally, or just vote and forget it."

Everyone was quieter now.

"...I think that shutting down Thanas of the eternal universe is a guarantee of our life safety. How can our lives be entrusted to a system?" someone said.

This statement touched the hearts of many people.

Mandal glanced around, screaming inwardly.

This time the universe was almost destroyed, and people only had a deep fear of Tanas.

He wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, everything was pale.

"Okay, let's start voting." Mandal waved.

For a moment, everyone looked at me and I looked at you.

By secret ballot.

A total of 109 votes.


After nearly half an hour, when the last person threw in his secret ballot, the atmosphere at the conference table became tense.

It was clear that this was going to be a big decision.

Carlo Lin asked Lin Luo at this time, and said, "Do you think you can really succeed?"

If it is really successful, Lin Luo is really a god.

"People always like to reflect on themselves after disasters." Lin Luo said.

At this moment, it can be seen on the screen that votes are already being counted.

First vote:


Second vote:



Vote 109, against.

Looking at the number of votes again, Carlo Lynn swallowed her saliva immediately.

For and against:

80 votes: 29 votes!

Yes, those against closing Thanas, only 29.

When Mandal saw this result, his face turned pale.

Those who were in favor stood up and said: "The result is out, Your Majesty will keep his promise."

"Of course." Mandal exhaled, and said: "Someday I will prepare for the Institute of God, and under the witness of everyone, shut down the Thanas system in this part of the eternal universe."

"It's a permanent closure." The man said: "The incident this time must never happen again."


"We want to supervise!"

For a time, the crowd was full of excitement. m..ζa

Seeing this scene, Lin Luo also showed a look of anticipation on his face.

So far, he's been successful.

But, isn't the process too simple?

When the results of the hearing were announced, the whole universe was boiling, and a lot of discussions about the Thanas system began.

And the people of the Academy of God began to work overtime to calculate the algorithms and data of the Thanas system. They needed to clear out part of the eternal universe according to the needs of the hearing.

The entire calculation process lasted for seven days and seven nights.

It wasn't until they found that part of the eternal universe that the people of the God Research Institute discovered that things were far from that simple.

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