Mandal remembered something and broke out in a cold sweat.

Mishus once told him that someone in this world may have mastered the power of the Trojans.

However, Mandal never imagined that it was Hegel.

At this moment, Lin Luo is not only naked, but Lin Luo has already done it.

Just sitting there, the continuous breath was able to cross the entire dining table, and when it exploded with a bang, the whole earth was split in two.

Mandal soared into the sky and looked up, only to find that the surroundings had been covered by equipment similar to enchantment.

This is a level 4 technological product, and it can be bought according to Hegel's specifications.

"It seems that you really want to kill me." Mandal said abruptly: "Why, after so many years, can you still not let go?"

"That's right." Lin Luo said, with a swipe of his foot, a red mark pierced the sky.


Above the starry sky, the confrontation between the two is like walking in a garden, but there are murderous intentions everywhere.

Mandal's strength is basically at the apostle level, but there are gaps among the apostles.

In short, if Hegel really wanted to kill Mandal, the latter would have nowhere to go.

However, after fighting, Mandal discovered a problem, the Hegel in front of him was not that strong, even a little weak.

In the past, Hegel was able to become the leader of the whole clan, naturally because Hegel was the most powerful person in the whole clan.

However, Lucas came to power and ascended to the most powerful position.

Lucas is smart, which also means that he is narrow-minded.

This is the reason why Hegel became the Seventh Apostle. His strength can no longer be improved, and it will become weaker and weaker.

This is also the most important reason why Hegel will eventually die in the hands of the king of dinosaurs.

"...But no matter how weak he is, it's impossible." Mandal began to sense that something was wrong.

Lin Luo's offensive became more and more fierce.

He is also a weirdo.

This world, including the power obtained by the legitimate way of Blue Star Universe, is the Law of Heaven.

However, Lin Luo not only possesses the Law of Heaven, but also obtains the Profound Earth.

However, in ancient times, these two forces were not only opposed, but their energy sources themselves were incompatible.

Mandal suddenly seemed to be enlightened, he shouted: "You are not Hegel!"

At this moment, Mandal was cold all over, and even felt a little chilly.

The Manlo protoss mixed in with a foreign race...

And, still an apostle?

At this moment Lin Luo is in an extremely delicate state, he is surrounded by white on one side and red on the other.

He also knew that it was impossible for him to hide the truth from the other party, so he smiled abruptly and said, "What are you talking about?"

Mandal looked at him, and said in a cold voice: "In the experiments hundreds of millions of years ago, we have already proved one thing, the Manlo protoss cannot obtain the power of the Earth Profound."

Lin Luo said: "If you can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it. After all, I was once the master of this world."

"Who are you?" Mandal acted as if he didn't hear Lin Luo's voice.

Lin Luo didn't answer him, he squeezed his hand, and the moment the two forces intertwined in his body, he disappeared out of thin air.

Lin Luo was extremely excited.

He finally found a way to grow fast.

That is to use these two incompatible forces to accelerate your growth.

At first, it was extremely painful, and even Lin Luo almost exploded to death.

However, after getting used to it, the power they can bring to Lin Luo is really incomparably powerful.

This is also...

The root cause of why Lin Luo is confident in killing Mandal.


Outside Tiandao Library

Mishus was still addicted to the book, but suddenly he opened his eyes.

"It appeared." Mishus looked into the distance.

In the distance, two stars appeared.

One white, one red.

This scene is recorded in the origin of the universe. When the heaven and the earth first opened, there were two lights of stars, one red and one white, across the sky.

This represents the beginning of history.

"History, is it really going to start all over again?!" Mishus had a cold expression on his face, and when he was about to lower his head and continue reading, he suddenly remembered something.

He disappeared in place in an instant, and appeared in the land of the eternal universe in the next second.

He looked up and observed a universe.

Finally, he locked a direction.


There is the direction belonging to the Hegel Shrine.

Mishus didn't even think about it, and went straight away.

In the black enchantment, the battle between Lin Luo and Mandal has entered a fever pitch.

"You can't go away, you can't go away." Mandal was surprised and delighted.

Because, Lin Luo's ability is not strong.

Therefore, as long as he perseveres and waits to be discovered, then he can be saved.

Little did he know, the next second he was desperate.

Because from Lin Luo's body, a powerful force rose up.

"This is..." Mandal swallowed, and said, "Grey's move..."

He started to panic.


Once a man that even Lucas dared not confront him head-on.

It's because of his move...

"Annihilate the universe!"

Lin Luo stretched out his hands and directly locked Mandal.

He would never allow Mandal to live.

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