When Mandal saw the full version of Annihilation, he knew something was wrong.

As Gray's once-confessed god skill, this is not something he can forcefully challenge.

However, the strong desire to survive forced the power of the law of heaven in his body to explode continuously.

However, when Lin Luo's moves really came, he realized that all this was futile.

This was the strongest blow of Gray, the patriarch of the Troy clan. Even if Lin Luo couldn't reach the figure of Gray at the peak, Lin Luo is definitely not weak now.


Mandal was in despair, he never thought that he would die today and here.

Lin Luo looked at him indifferently. He looked at Mandal submerged in the energy explosion and said, "Camila, you too can rest in peace."

After finishing speaking, Lin Luo was gasping for breath. The huge energy consumption made him unable to keep up physically.

At this time, Da Lan's voice sounded: "Someone is approaching."

Lin Luo nodded and quickly left towards the distance.


"Why don't you come back?"

Zhang San has arrived, and Yang Jun and the others are beside him.

Over the past few years, the Blue Star Universe has undergone shocking changes. The Heavenly Court Project proposed by Lin Luo and the Lord God Space Project have all been very successful.

Today, the human beings with the fifth-order gene lock are one after another.

This is what makes management extremely difficult.

After all, if there isn't a fierce tiger to suppress a mountain, it is easy to cause trouble.

And in recent years, many people thought that the crisis had just passed.

"This group of people is still here." Just as Chen An was also waiting anxiously, a correspondent behind said.

"Who?" Zhang San asked puzzled.

Chen An didn't hide anything, and told the truth.

Upon hearing this, Zhang San said, "Why don't we suppress it directly?"

"I'm not afraid of trouble." Chen An said.

Yang Jun waved his hand helplessly, indicating that he was also helpless.

At this moment, Zhang San felt several powerful forces approaching, and when he turned his head, he saw a dense crowd.

Zhang San squinted.

These people seem to have good strength, but compared with the current Zhang San, they are far behind.

Moreover, this time when Lin Luo and the others come back, the most important thing is to implement the final promotion plan.

This plan, Zhang San was also discussed by Lin Luo, and finally named: Human Leap Project.

According to Zhu Yihui's research, the common characteristics of the human body and the Trojan race have been perfectly developed to adapt to the power of the Dixuan.

Here I have to talk about the charm of the fifth-order gene lock.

After unlocking the fifth-order gene lock, human beings actually have a very big advantage, that is adaptability.

Like this Fang universe, in fact, changes such as black rain can't do any harm to people with fifth-order gene locks, and they will become stronger and stronger because of the harsh environment.

Just when Zhang San was thinking, he heard a shout: "If my guess is correct, you should be Lin Luo's right-hand man, Zhang San, right?"

Zhang San looked over, only to see that the leader was a green human race.

"Shante people, Doraen." Chen An said.

"I've never heard of it." Zhang San smiled.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it." Doraen looked at Zhang San, smiled, and said: "I know, Blue Star is still the strongest now, but the times are different. Now that all forces are rising, we must not Willing to be ruled by Blue Star like this..."

Zhang San wanted to make a move, but at this moment Chen An grabbed him and said, "Calm down."

Zhang San felt a little helpless, he remembered what Lin Luo said.

As long as there are people, there will be struggles, which is very helpless.

However, Zhang San still said: "Other things are easy to talk about, please apologize first."

"Apologize?" Doraen was puzzled for a moment, and said slightly angrily, "You don't seem to understand anything..."

However, before Doraen finished speaking, he felt his legs go limp. When Chen An looked over, he saw Zhang San's strange pair of eyes.

Chen An knew that something serious happened.

Sure enough, Zhang San's cold voice came slowly: "You may not be grateful to us for giving you strength, but... Lin Luo is not something you can call directly."

Doraen had a meal, and so did the others.

In fact, they were all very afraid of Lin Luo.

However, in these years, Lin Luo has never shown up, and has not even announced anything to the public. There is only news that Lin Luo has gone to other universes.

It's just that these people came together after all, and the few leaders glanced at each other, and they were ready to attack.

At this moment, a cold voice came:

"Whoever dares to do it, stay here today."

Everyone paused, turned their heads to look over, and saw a woman riding a dragon riding through the air.

It was Xia Qian who came.

And the dragon turned into a human body, it was Lin Yue.

Looking back, everyone's scalps felt numb.

All I could see was that there were heavenly soldiers densely packed behind that distance.

These heavenly soldiers are neatly dressed, with blue seals printed on each shoulder.

one million.

Ten million.


At least over 100 million.

Beside Lin Yue, a white bear opened its eyes in a daze, looking ahead.

"Could it be..." Doraen paused, remembering something.

According to the cosmic textbook, on the blue star, the scariest thing today is not a human being, but a big white bear that looks harmless to humans and animals.

And this bear only recognizes one person...

"He...he's coming back?!" Everyone became anxious. m..ζa

Above the stars in the rear, the heavenly soldiers lined up neatly are full of energy.

After so many years, their leader is finally coming back.

This also means that their war is about to start.

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