For a while, the Union Army was a little overwhelmed.

The few people in the lead were even more apprehensive. They actually didn't want to be an enemy of Lan Xing, because they knew that the combat power led by Lan Xing must surpass them.

However, they never expected that the gap would be so big.

According to this scale, even if all the races in the universe add up, they cannot match the Blue Star humans.

You know, the Blue Star civilization is just a very small branch of this universe.

"Hurry up and get out." Lin Yue was not so polite in her words. She has always had a bad temper. She has led one legion these years and has become the coach of one party.

When those people heard this, they were naturally angry, but they dared not speak out.

Lin Yue didn't continue to care about their intentions, but grinned and looked into the distance. At this time, Doraen and the others also saw a black spot flying forward, getting bigger and bigger.

In the end, it was vaguely seen to be a figure.

"Brother Lin Luo is back!" Lin Yue shouted happily, and flew straight there.

Doraen and the others looked at the man in front of them and were slightly taken aback.

In terms of momentum, Lin Luo doesn't feel like the commander of a party, and in terms of breath, he is extremely weak.

"Boss, he really Lin Luo...General Manager Lin?"

"I have seen his portrait, it is indeed him."

"Now...what now?"

Everyone is uneasy.

It doesn't matter if Lin Luo is strong or not.

Now, this place is surrounded by heavenly soldiers, as long as Lin Luo gives an order, they will all die here.


Lin Luo looked at Lin Yue who was jumping directly over, and helplessly stretched out his hand to catch her, and then said: "How many times have I told you that when you grow up, men and women can't kiss each other."

"We are brothers and sisters, who dares to talk about us." Lin Yue smiled and said: "Brother, you can find me a sister-in-law, and I will definitely change it."

Lin Luo smiled bitterly, he could only touch her head and put her down.

At this time, Chen An and the others also flew up quickly. Chen An's eyes were a little red. He walked up, glanced at Lin Luo, and said, "It's a little weak, but it hasn't changed much."

"Uncle An is quite old." Lin Luo said with emotion.

"It's okay, I can hold on." Chen An said.

Lin Luo hugged him gently, and Yang Jun and others behind him couldn't wait to come up.

In the end, it was Xia Qian. She made a military salute, and Lin Luo smiled and said, "After you break through to the fifth level, you look younger and more like a woman."

Xia Qian rolled her eyes, showing a bit of murderous look, but the other men beside her laughed.

Lin Luo didn't pay attention to them all, but swept into the distance, looking at the densely packed heavenly soldiers, and all the heavenly soldiers respected the military salute and looked at Lin Luo.

The leaders of each legion are old faces. They have followed Lin Luo for many years, and tears are in their eyes at this moment.

Lin Luo slowly raised his hand and said, "Soldiers, I, Lin Luo, am back!"

All the heavenly soldiers stood there motionless, staring at him.

After the ceremony, Lin Luo said to Chen An: "I'll be back when I come back, bring..."

"Ahem..." Chen An coughed dryly.

Lin Luo paused, then narrowed his eyes and smiled, at the moment in the corner, a big white bear was looking at him angrily.

Lin Luo laughed, stepped forward, and said, "Dabai, I almost forgot about you, so I just said something was missing."

Dabai rolled his eyes, obviously despising him.

Lin Luo didn't care about this, he went up and patted its stomach directly, and said, "I've gained a lot of weight, no one cares about you when I'm away, you must have eaten it secretly."


"Your talent is really poor, you haven't learned how to speak yet." Lin Luo joked.

Dabai rolled his eyes again, but Chen An whispered, "There is something that you may need to deal with."

Lin Luo paused and looked around. He had already noticed these strange races and crowds.

Chen An just said the matter exactly, Lin Luo was silent for a while, and said: "Do it?"

"" Doraen said quickly from behind.

Lin Luo looked back, squinted his eyes and smiled, and said, "You led what happened today?"

"No...not." Doraen shook his head quickly, looking at Lin Luo's eyes, he broke out in a cold sweat, he was extremely surprised, what kind of person is it, who can make him feel like a man with just one look in his eyes? Fear.

"'s me."

Doraen said weakly.

"It's okay, you are a man if you admit it." Lin Luo smiled, put his arms around his shoulders and said: "Actually, this matter is nothing, if we can live, if you think otherwise, we will fight, but now. ..."

"I...I was just kidding."

"Do not hit?"

"No... dare not." Doraen said weakly.

Lin Luo smiled, pulled him again, and talked a lot. At the end, Doraen looked at Lin Luo's eyes and Shendu changed.

"Okay, you go back and sort them out, and integrate other races by the way." Lin Luo said.

Doraen swallowed, nodded, walked back a few steps, and suddenly turned around and said, "By the way, General Manager Lin, we Shante people are bisexual."

"Oh." Lin Luo squinted and smiled, watching him leave.

After Doraen led the people away completely, Lin Luo kept looking at his hands, and Chen An next to him asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, I put his shoulders just now, was it a woman or a man?" Lin Luo said.

Everyone laughed.

Lin Luo breathed out and said, "Let's go back to Blue Star."

"Go prepare our final plan!"

"Prepare for the final battle!"

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