As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 29 Hermann was so angry that he vomited blood (please recommend and collect)

As night fell, the noisy church returned to tranquility.

The moonlight filled the ground, covering it with a layer of white frost.

It's getting colder.

Outside the backyard door, Herman kept rubbing his nose, feeling that his nasal passages were blocked by thick fluid.

However, Herman never left from the beginning to the end, and kept staring at the room inside through the crack in the door.

A flash of excitement flashed across his face. Once Irelia saw the ugly scene of Ron and the nun in bed with her own eyes, all her good feelings towards Ron would be shattered at this moment.

Irelia will definitely not be able to tolerate this kind of betrayal, and by then, her fiancée will come back to her.

Ah, as expected of him, he could come up with such a smart solution.

Herman sighed at how smart he was. He couldn't wait to see that scene. Ron's expression would definitely be very exciting. The only pity is that Irelia has probably lost her purity... But this time, Herman will not give up.

He didn't know what was going on, but he always felt that Irelia seemed to be getting more and more beautiful and attractive. She was obviously a nun, but she was releasing a temptation like a succubus.

Could it be that because Irelia has become someone else's woman, taking someone else's woman away will make him feel doubly excited?

What kind of twisted fetish is this?

I don't know how much time had passed. His stiff body trembled. Herman raised his head and glanced at the sky. A light fish belly white had appeared on the horizon.

It's been several hours, right?

Why hasn't Irelia come over yet?

In the front yard, some early gardeners can already be seen, cleaning the church garden.

Some nuns have already begun to pray in front of the statue.

As time passed, Herman's mood became more and more anxious. Just as the first ray of sunshine in the morning shone, crisp footsteps finally came from behind. Herman's eyes suddenly lit up and he turned around. Looking at it, Irelia's slim body suddenly appeared in front of her.

Still so beautiful.

Her face was cold, and her amber eyes glanced at Herman: "Why did you ask me to come here? The engagement has been terminated, and there is no longer any relationship between us."

"In the future, don't let anyone send me letters, and don't ask me to meet in private. I'm afraid Ron will misunderstand."

She came here just to tell Herman this, hoping that Herman would stop entangled in the future.

Moreover, this is also a church, and she is not worried about what Herman will do.

Ron... Ron... damn Ron again.

Just hearing this name, the irritability in Herman's heart became a little uncontrollable, but for the sake of the plan, Herman still took a strong breath and barely suppressed the irritability in his chest. His originally handsome face, Showing a twisted smile: "Don't you want to see what Ron, who you miss so much, is doing right now?"

Irelia's beautiful eyes narrowed into slits: "I don't want to."

Herman's breathing was slightly stagnant. How could he answer this?

Is this different from what was planned?

He took a deep breath and suppressed the annoyance in his heart again: "Irelia, I just want you to see Ron's true face clearly."

"I know that I hurt you before, and I don't expect your forgiveness, but I also don't want you to be deceived by that bastard Ron."

"As long as you come with me, I promise that I will never pester you again."

This guarantee seemed to make Irelia a little moved.

Seeing that Irelia's attitude seemed to have softened a bit, Herman quickly took out the key and opened the door to the backyard... Yes, this guy had the key.

His status was special, and there were naturally many people who fawned over him. No matter what he wanted, it was just a matter of words... However, he did not dare to enter the backyard, for fear that if he got too close, he would be discovered by that guy Ron.

Herman would not forget the feeling of being slapped against the wall so easily.

Seeing Irelia following behind, Herman became even more excited. He quickened his pace and rushed to the small house. He glanced at the closed door and didn't even bother to look for the key. He kicked up and with a bang, The door was kicked open.

The scene inside the house was instantly exposed to Herman and Irelia.

"Look, Irelia, this is the Ron you like. He is so... Huh?" Herman opened his arms exaggeratedly and declared to Irelia.

His voice got stuck.

The situation in the room seemed a little different from the mess he expected. The room was neat and tidy, without any clutter at all. Even the bed didn't have many wrinkles. Ron was sleeping with his head on Cecilia's soft legs. ?


Herman's body trembled violently. He had been out in the cold wind all night, but Ron, a bastard, actually slept comfortably all night with his pillow on the beautiful nun's thigh?

He was ready to strangle Ron.

However, now is not the time to think about this. Herman took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, showed a proud look on his face, and pointed into the room: "Look, Irelia, this is Ron. After I separated from you, I immediately hung out with another nun."

Although the two of them didn't make peace together and were a little less convincing...but that didn't matter.

"Wake up, this man has never liked you. All he desires is your body. When he gets tired of playing with you, he will abandon you."

In the room, Cecilia was also startled by the sudden movement, and her face turned pale.

Before Cecilia could say anything, Ron, who had been resting on his lap, was also awakened. He rubbed his eyes, finally straightened up, and glanced at Cecilia with a slightly cloudy look. Only then did he realize , this beautiful nun probably didn't rest all night.

This made Ron very embarrassed: "Miss Cecilia, I'm sorry, I worked hard for you last night."

Cecilia almost collapsed, Mr. Ron, now is not the time to say such things.

Cecilia was very smart. From Herman's words and Irelia's attitude, she could roughly guess what was going on. What Ron just said was nothing more than adding fuel to the fire.

Herman was as excited as a child. He almost couldn't help but jump up. Originally, he was worried that Irelia wouldn't believe it because the picture wasn't exciting enough, but what Ron just said almost confirmed his decision. accusation.

Have a hard night?

What can a serving nun do after a hard night?

This was enough to prove how crazy the two of them had been last night.

At this moment, Herman felt that all the hunger and cold he had endured last night had paid off.

He couldn't wait to look at Irelia, but Irelia's madness did not appear in his imagination, and her beautiful face was as calm as ever.

What is going on... Ah, by the way, this is the so-called calm before the storm, it must be like this.

How calm Irelia appears now, how crazy she will be when she loses control later.

Ron seemed to finally feel this oppressive and weird atmosphere. He blinked and the turbidity in his eyes finally dissipated. Seeing Irelia, Ron seemed a little embarrassed. He scratched his head because he was in Cecilia. Turning around on her legs, her hair was a little messy: "Um, Irelia... I'm sorry..."

Irelia smiled softly.

Herman's body was trembling. Look, what a terrifying smile.

"Ron, you don't need to apologize."

Yes, there is no need to apologize, it’s over between you two, haha...

"I said before, I don't care how many women you have around you."


The excited expression on Herman's face suddenly froze. He was stunned. He could almost fit an egg into his mouth, and his eyes were like copper bells.

His neck was like a rusty machine, creaking as he looked at Irelia little by little. He wanted to see some different emotions on Irelia's face, but he was disappointed. Those eyes There was only deep affection in his eyes that couldn't be turned away.


Does Irelia really not care how many women Ron has around him?

Why, why is this happening?

So what's the point of starving and freezing this night?

At this moment, Herman only felt like a clown.

At this moment, Irelia's nose twitched slightly: "Besides, you and Sister Cecilia didn't do anything, right?"

"I don't smell that stuff."

Don't smell that stuff?

What does it smell like?

Could it be...?


In an instant, Herman felt as if someone had punched him hard in the chest.

His heart ached, Herman's mouth suddenly opened, and with a pop, a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out.

Poor Hermann was so angry that he vomited blood!

I forgot to rush to the new book list. The first chapter will be delivered in the early morning. Everyone who has tickets should throw away two. Thank you. Chapter 2 is updated around 12 noon during the day.

Thank you to the female kid and book friend 20230328112119767 for the reward, thank you for your support!

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