As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 30 I didn’t even try hard (Please collect and read)

Irelia even knows what that stuff tastes like?

Although after seeing Irelia without stockings on her legs, Herman began to worry about what had happened between Irelia and Ron.

However, there are still some thoughts in my heart from beginning to end.

Maybe the stockings were accidentally torn while walking and had to be replaced?

And even if something happened between the two of them, Herman felt that he could accept it. After all, Irelia was becoming more and more attractive now.

But when he heard these words from Irelia, Herman realized that his ability to bear it was not as strong as he thought.

He originally thought that even if Irelia gave her purity to Ron, it was just an impulse driven by anger and sadness. He never thought that it would be so filthy and messy.

Do you even know what that stuff tastes like? How did she know? Did she... taste it?

The goddess I yearn for is just a female beast kneeling in front of other men and serving her diligently!

The last hope was shattered.


As more and more unbearable images appeared in his mind, Herman seemed to be going crazy, clutching his head with both hands and pulling the hair on his head.

Clusters of golden hair were suddenly pulled from the top of the head by Herman and fell down.

That crazy look startled Cecilia, and her face suddenly turned pale.

The look on Irelia's face next to Herman was even more instinctive as she sensed danger, and her slender legs subconsciously moved towards Ron's position.

At this moment, Herman suddenly raised his head.

The originally golden eyes had turned scarlet red, and the pupils were bloodshot.

Like a crazy wild dog.

Cruel and vicious.

That look frightened Irelia, and her retreat speed suddenly accelerated.'s too late.

Herman is a knight, he has quite good explosive power, and the distance is very close, even Ron can't stop him in time.

With a low growl, Herman rushed out and appeared beside Irelia in an instant. He grabbed Irelia's wrist and tried to push him away.

He was so hard that Irelia felt the sting on her wrist as if it was about to be crushed.

"What are you doing? Let me go..." Irelia struggled, but she couldn't break free at all.

Herman's face showed a nervous, scalp-numbing smile, his scarlet tongue kept licking his lips, and his voice was accompanied by a thick breath. Irelia is so beautiful, so beautiful Make him crazy.

"Irelia, why are you doing this to me?"

"I love you so much, can't you feel it?"

"You should understand that I am better than Ron, and I am the one who is truly worthy of you."

"Come back... I won't care that you have been violated by this bastard Ron, I will be as good to you as before." Herman's voice was trembling, pleading.

This was perhaps the most humbling moment of Herman's life.

He just wanted Irelia to come back to him.

I once said how flamboyant it is when an engagement is cancelled, and how humble it is when praying for reconciliation.

He hoped that Irelia would change her mind, and stared into Irelia's eyes expectantly, hoping to see the emotion in those amber eyes.

But soon, Herman was disappointed. There was no emotion in his eyes, only indifference and ridicule.


"Are you excellent? In my eyes, you can't even compare to one of Ron's toenails."

Does his so-called love mean that when his fiancée may be violated, he willfully humiliates, abuses, and ruthlessly terminates the engagement?


The scarlet color in Herman's eyes disappeared, replaced by darkness and emptiness, as if he had lost all hope in an instant.

A few seconds later, Herman suddenly raised his head. His face had returned to normal, as handsome as usual. He even smiled at Irelia: "Really? Then... just go die." .”

A very soft voice.

Since you can't get Irelia, let's destroy her!

As he spoke, Herman raised his left hand, and the five curved fingers, like the claws of some kind of beast, stretched out towards Irelia's head little by little.

In an instant, Irelia's scalp felt numb.

No one could see that, just above the small house, a thick cloud had appeared at some point. In the rolling dark clouds, purple thunderbolts kept flashing.


A bolt of lightning suddenly fell and hit Herman's head directly.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, fourth, fifth... five lightning bolts... ahem, it's chain lightning!

Dense arcs of electricity instantly covered Herman's body.

Amidst the sizzling sound, Herman's body fell into stiff paralysis, unable to move, and only his eyes could barely turn around.

From the corner of his eye, he happened to see Ron getting up at some point next to the big bed, and the Dark Bible was turning over the windless pages in Ron's palm.

Ron also didn't expect that the advanced magic he just obtained would be put to use so soon.

Ron was very calm throughout.

Even when Irelia was controlled by Herman, Ron did not lose control.

Ron knew very well that although he was very powerful, his speed was not as exaggerated as his strength. It would be very difficult to pull Irelia away before Herman.

And chain lightning is a good choice. First of all, although this is a high-level magic, but... how to put it, Ron's own magic value is very bad. He can barely use this magic, but the power can only be subtle. To describe it, in this case, there is no need to worry that the damage of chain lightning will affect Irelia.

Secondly, chain lightning has a pretty good paralysis effect, which can buy time to save Irelia.

As for whether Irelia would also be paralyzed, Ron couldn't care less about it.

Cecilia next to Ron reacted very quickly. The moment Ron just used magic, Cecilia had already rushed over. Before Herman could break free from paralysis, he grabbed Irelia's shoulders and pulled Irelia away with force.

When Herman finally returned to normal, the two nuns were already hiding behind Ron.

The empty eyes stared at Ron silently, and only when staring at Ron, a trace of strong hatred would appear in the depths of those dark eyes.

Herman's sanity had been completely destroyed by hatred. He had forgotten how big the strength gap between the two sides was, how powerful Ron was, and what kind of humiliation he had suffered before.

He just wanted to... kill Ron.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you..."

Her lips murmured nervously, and the next moment, the magic power in her body was pushed to the limit by Herman, and dark red flames seemed to be burning on her body.

Herman is worthy of having a relatively strong bloodline, and his strength seems to have improved a lot compared to before...probably, from a four-star panic level to a five-star panic level.

In an instant, the entire room was flooded with scalding heat.

The invisible impact disrupted everything in the room, blowing Ron's robe and making a rattling noise.

Then, just like that night, Herman's body turned into a meteor again, and his fingers covered in fire were like the claws of the most ferocious beast, tearing towards Ron's throat.

Ron raised his left hand and waved it gently.

Just like chasing away an annoying fly in front of you, the movement is easy and comfortable.

The next moment, there was a bang.

Herman's body immediately flew backwards and hit the wall hard.

The walls, which were quite soundproof, collapsed.

Along with the ruins, Herman's body rolled out directly.


Cecilia's eyes were shining next to her, and she looked at Ron with a strange look.

Mr. Ron really holds a grudge, just because Herman threatened Irelia, so he just beat Herman away?

This time, I'm afraid I'm going to beat Herman half to death!

She's really stingy... Irelia is Herman's fiancée, right? Why is Mr. Ron angry and stealing someone else's fiancée? Shouldn't he feel guilty?

On the other side, Irelia's face was flushed.

My heart is full of sweetness.

From Ron's casual slap, Irelia could feel Ron's friendship and protection for her.

[Beep, the system prompts that the White Saint Irelia's favorability towards the host has increased, and her current favorability is eighty-five...]

Ron's forehead was covered with black lines, feeling the gazes of Cecilia and Irelia, Ron helplessly spread his hands: "I didn't even try..."


Herman, who had just gotten up from the ground and had several broken ribs, could not bear the blow of these words, and another mouthful of blood spurted out far away.

The two nuns admired him more and more. He was indeed Mr. Ron. Although he was a gentleman, he was more ruthless than anyone else when he needed to be ruthless. It is not only necessary to attack the enemy physically, but also to completely destroy the opponent mentally.

Chapter 2 is here. Thank you Ling Moche for the reward of 1,500 coins. Thank you for your support.

I beg for collection, for further reading, for recommendation, for monthly pass, and for all kinds of requests!

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