As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 31 The Black Beast Arrives (Please recommend and read more)

The looks in Cecilia and Irelia's eyes told Ron that these two beautiful nuns did not believe what he said at all.

What he told was the truth, but no one believed the truth all this time.

He had really worked very hard to control his strength just now, with a strength value of 1,500 points and a physical attack power of more than 5,000. If he really hit Herman with all his strength, Ron believed that the current Herman would become about Form into a ball of meat sauce.

The kind that can be used to make dumplings directly.

God knows how hard Ron worked just to control his strength and not slap Herman to death. Of course, this is not just because Herman is an experienced player in his eyes, but also because of Herman's background.

If you just had a bad relationship with Herman, or injured Herman, there would basically not be too serious a problem. The man behind Herman would not be able to openly use methods to deal with him.

But if Herman is really killed, there will be no guarantee what will happen.

After all, he is that guy's only son!

That person's strength is not something he can deal with now... That is an existence at the same level as Agnes, one of the four pillars of the Eternal Freedom Sect.

What's more, this is a church... Ron is not so arrogant as to kill people randomly in the church.

It's a pity that no one can understand Ron's kindness.

Moreover, although he tried hard not to cause excessive physical harm to Herman, he seemed to have caused serious mental harm to Herman.

I didn't even use any force...he fell down!

For Herman, the lethality of these words was far more terrifying than the previous slap. The tall body was like a maggot crawling on the ground, vomiting blood from its mouth.

This slap also brought Herman back from the previous loss of control. His face was full of pain, anger, unwillingness, and even despair.

He doesn't understand.

I was humiliated at the hands of Ron before. It can be said that I didn't understand Ron's strength and suffered a loss that was caught off guard.

But now?

He is obviously stronger than before, but why has his end become even worse?

Could it be said that this is also a trial arranged by fate? Why is it so painful?

The movement here has attracted the attention of many early-rising priests, and pairs of eyes peered at Herman's embarrassed appearance.

Every glance was like a sharp knife, torturing his soul. Herman still wanted to maintain his dignity and struggled to get up. At this moment, there were footsteps in front of him.

The crisp sound frightened Herman.

Even without raising his head, he knew who was coming.

A cold voice penetrated his ears:

"Herman, you pinched Irelia's wrist, and I pinched you too. Is that fair?"

Herman felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. His wrist had been caught by Ron, and his body could not stop shaking. He suddenly raised his head: "No, Ron, you can't... I am... ahhhhhh..."


The sound of bones being crushed.

The screams reached unprecedented limits.

It was so shrill that it tore the sky apart.

Herman's body rolled desperately on the ground, big beads of sweat rolling down his face.

Every cleric who heard this voice felt their scalp numb and goosebumps all over their body. They looked at Ron as if they were looking at a devil.

God, he actually crushed Herman's wrist.

From the crunching sound, it could be heard that the bones of Herman's wrist had probably turned into dregs.

So cruel. When did such a vicious character appear in the church?

Goddess of Dawn, please forgive this thug.

The screams lasted for an unknown amount of time and finally slowly stopped. Herman's rolling body also stopped. He was squirming on the ground, still holding his head stubbornly high, and the gasping sound in his throat was like a bellows.

A pair of eyes stared at Ron, as if the nature of the beast was awakening at this moment.

Herman's performance actually surprised Ron.

He subconsciously glanced at Herman, and then his expression changed slightly.

All I could see was that Herman's pupils had turned gray and black at this moment, and slender, spider-like traces could still be seen faintly, slowly moving in his pupils.

Those were several extremely tiny insects.

The mark is so shallow that you won't even notice it if you don't look carefully.

But Ron's eyes became more solemn than ever before. He was too familiar with what this change meant, which was...

The eggs are hatching.

The black beast has arrived!

Once the eggs begin to hatch, the host's body and will will gradually begin to mutate.

It won't take more than a month at most before he will completely transform into a black beast.

This is also the origin of the name of the game "Goddess X Black Beast".

Ron's eyes looked towards the golden giant city in the distant horizon. It was the Dusk Temple that brought the beast tide.

Ron had not told Gerald before. On the one hand, in the game, the black beast officially appeared after the dragon clan was destroyed, so there was still enough time.

Moreover, as a prophet, Ron must maintain the character of a prophet... Revealing too much content at once will lower the grade and mystery of the prophet. And if the content of the black beast is revealed, but no corresponding countermeasures can be taken to prevent the eggs from hatching, the prophet's qualifications will probably be lost, and his title may change from prophet to a liar.

In the game, there is no detailed explanation of how the eggs are spread. By the time people react, the black beasts have begun to wreak havoc in the Dusk Continent.

What is even more speechless is that it was not until the destruction of Larnaca City that the Black Beast really attracted the attention of the top leaders of the major races and kingdoms.

As for the few people who were familiar with Ron and had a relatively good relationship with them, Irelia, the heroine, was not parasitized by the young eggs.

Gerald, was not parasitized by the eggs, but eventually died fighting to prevent the young gods from hatching.

Not to mention Virgil, this guy lived a long, long time.

As for Ron himself, there is no death warning for Elsa, so there is basically no need to worry too much.

In addition, as soon as he traveled to this world, too much had happened in a short period of time, and Ron had no time to think about the parasitism of young eggs.

Unexpectedly, now I can see traces of the black beast's mutation on Herman.

What surprised Ron the most the game, Herman was not parasitized by the eggs.

This guy was a shameful deserter. When the situation in Larnaca City became increasingly dangerous, other clergymen were trying to control the situation. Only Herman abandoned the city and fled back to the headquarters of the Church of the Dawn Goddess. , because of his father, not only did he not receive any punishment, he even raped many nuns at the headquarters.

What went wrong that caused Herman to be parasitized by an egg?

Ron frowned, his mind thinking rapidly.


Herman's hoarse voice came in front of him. The disabled Herman finally straightened up his upper body and looked at Ron with twisted eyes. Scarlet mucus continued to flow from his grinning mouth:

"Ron, you'd better kill me now."

"If you don't kill me, I will kill you, I promise!"

Ron judged that Herman, who had begun to transform into a black beast, was more dangerous than the person behind him. He exhaled softly, with a soft smile on his face:

"Your request will be fulfilled, Mr. Herman!"

I sent the first chapter in the early morning, please recommend it, please read it, thank you for the reward of Drawing Square Compass, thank you for your support.

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