As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 32 The key to spying on destiny (2)

Originally, Ron didn't plan to kill Herman so quickly. After all, this was a good experience package.

But now, Ron has changed his mind.

Herman, who was originally not worth mentioning, will increase in strength at an extremely fast rate after being parasitized by young eggs.

Having experienced the disasters in the game, Ron knows the terror of the Black Beast better than anyone else.

As long as Ron believes that the threat posed by leaving Herman alive is more terrifying than the punishment of the Dawn Goddess Church and the revenge of the people behind him, then Ron will kill Herman without hesitation.

At the same time, a thought flashed through Ron's mind. Such a major change in Herman's fate meant that he had become a pawn in the world line.

Like... Partridge?

Grabbing the Dark Bible with his right hand, although a casual fist should be able to blow Herman's head off, Ron was still prepared to use the power of knowledge to double the destruction to ensure that Herman would die cleanly.

Without any hesitation, the Dark Bible hit Herman on the head.

Herman, who was originally stubborn, had wide eyes exuding strong fear. He just wanted to show off and gain respect.

Like a group of hooligans, they would say a few harsh words even if they lost the fight. He wanted to pretend to be a man, even if he had lost face, he still wanted to maintain his poor dignity.

After all, this is the church of the Church of the Goddess of Dawn. No matter how arrogant the guy is, he would never dare to kill people at will here.

However, he didn't expect that he would meet a real madman.

"Keep someone under your command!"

Seeing the Dark Bible getting closer and closer to Herman's head, as if Herman was going to be smashed into pieces in the next second, a hoarse voice suddenly came from a distance.

Ron's eyes narrowed slightly, and he knew who the owner of the voice was.

However, the Dark Bible still did not stop for a moment.

On the contrary, Ron even increased his efforts, trying to kill Herman before the obstruction arrived.

But at this moment, a gust of breeze blew Ron's long hair on his forehead.

The very gentle wind contained a power that even Ron could not resist. His body tilted involuntarily and his steps were forced to stagger.

Advanced wind magic, the breeze blows on your face!

The Dark Bible almost brushed against Herman's body and fell with a crash.


The moment the Dark Bible hit the ground, the entire church backyard trembled.

Immediately afterwards, Herman's body, which was very close at hand, was blown away, fluttering and tumbling in mid-air.

After a long time, it hit the ground with a bang.

There was a faint clicking sound, and it seemed that a few more bones were broken, probably the thigh bones. The pale bone stubble poked through the skin, and it was bloody and looked a bit oozing.

The right arm was twisted in a weird way, almost turning into a stick, and all the bones inside were obviously broken.

I don't know how many bones and dregs poked into the flesh and blood and into the internal organs.

It might hurt a little!

Herman opened his mouth desperately, but couldn't make a sound. He didn't even have the strength to squirm on the ground. His body felt like an electric shock, shaking and twitching from time to time.

The open mouth kept spitting out blood foam mixed with internal organs fragments.

In just a short moment, blood covered his body.

All in all, it's a bit miserable.

This injury would have killed others long ago, but the black beast larvae parasitized by its young eggs have a vitality that can be called morbid, and this is a church, and the most indispensable thing is a priest.

It's a pity... I can't kill Herman anymore. Ron sighed with regret. He was a little annoyed. The previous slap should have been harder to slap Herman to death. However, this annoyance only passed away in a flash. If Herman really became a pawn of fate, he would not be easily killed. Even if he tried his best, some kind of accident would definitely stop him. .

After shaking his head, Ron looked forward: "Brother Virgil, what are you doing?"

It was Virgil who stopped Ron from killing Herman.

In fact, Virgil has been here a long time ago...

Vergil had been watching Herman being beaten before, and he had no intention of stopping it. He even watched it happily. He was the one who laughed the loudest...

After all, Herman, because of his father, was looked down upon by no one and had offended many people. Even though Virgil was originally a cleric of the Vice-Pope faction, he didn't have the slightest fondness for this so-called young master.

However, when Ron really wanted to kill Herman, Virgil couldn't sit idly by. As the current head of the branch, if Herman died, he would definitely not end well.

When he walked up to Ron and glanced at the location where Herman had been, Virgil's heart skipped a beat. The place was now a large crater with a diameter of more than two meters and a depth of nearly one meter.

The stone slabs on the ground were all reduced to fragments.

Virgil's lips twitched slightly. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed that this big hole was made by a book?

Those who knew, knew that Ron was a mage, and knew that Ron's profession in the church was a priest. Those who didn't know thought that he was a predator, and his strength was so exaggerated!

Even he, a seven-star disaster expert, might not be able to withstand the impact of the Dark Bible just now.

Quietly wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, Virgil smiled bitterly: "Brother Ron, I would like to ask you, do you really want to kill someone in the church in front of everyone?"

Virgil deliberately emphasized the words church and public view.

He doesn't think his brother is that kind of idiot. Even if he really wants to kill someone, he would find a place that is private and not watched by so many people. Doesn't he even understand this?

Ron shrugged: "The conscience of heaven and earth, he asked me to kill him. I have never heard such a strange request in my life."

"If you really kill Herman, you will be in trouble." Virgil rubbed his forehead bitterly: "Do you know what the oath Herman took to join the church is called?"


Virgil spread his hands: "My father, the deputy pope!"

After a brief pause, Virgil breathed out again: "That's all, I will help you handle the matter here and suppress it as much as possible. I hope it won't cause too much trouble."

For Virgil, the decision wasn't easy.

Although in Ron's opinion, he was a cunning and cunning person, Ron was still somewhat touched that he could do this for him.

"Excuse me, brother. By the way, brother Virgil, if you still have time, please help me find my notebook. I may have lost it when I was kidnapped by the Eternal Freedom Sect. The contents recorded in it are very important."

Virgil's eyes narrowed slightly: "Could it be related to...prophecy?"

Ron's lips trembled slightly. It was really just an ordinary notebook. It might just record some of Ron's daily life. But... Ron finally nodded heavily and said shamelessly: "That's right."

Virgil looked solemn,

Ron's notebook, it may record the future of the world, it is of great importance, so we must find it as soon as possible.

After explaining, Ron walked straight out of the backyard door.

"Where are you going?" Virgil's voice came from behind. He was afraid that Ron would cause trouble again.


Ron wanted to investigate about Archibald and Partridge.

Although Cecilia has read books and knows some history, it is definitely not as detailed as what is recorded in history books.

Especially for Archibald, Ron was very curious about what legacy this senior who traveled to the Twilight Continent thousands of years in advance of him had left to this world.

He discovered something and finally became crazy.

"Your Excellency, Bishop, please spare some time in the past few days. I have something very important to discuss with you." Ron said quietly as he glanced at the half-dead Herman again.

Suddenly, a subtle smile appeared on his lips.

This seems to be a key to unlocking the transmission route of black beast eggs!

The closing of the world line rewrote Herman's fate and caused Ron a lot of trouble that cannot be ignored, but... it also left a loophole that might allow us to peek into his destiny!

Chapter 2 is here, thank you all for your support!

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