As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 49 The Vice-Pope’s Wife, the Great Saint! (A huge chapter of six thousand words)

Virgil and Serafina naturally knew each other.

All kinds of work and entertainment in daily life are indispensable for communication.

Virgil glanced at Serafina next to him, nodded slightly, and said hello, but the words in his mouth stopped abruptly. Although Ron and Seraphina walked out of the hotel together and even flirted wantonly at the door, it seemed like they had just had an in-depth communication.

However, Virgil couldn't tell what position Serafina was in. In this case, Vergil would not let Serafina know too many secrets.

Serafina is not stupid either. She smiled slightly: "Bishop Virgil, Mr. Ron, please take your time and chat. The law enforcement team still has some things to deal with. I'll first..."

"No, Serafina, you stay."

"The situation that Larnaca City will face next cannot be solved by just one branch of the Dawn Goddess Church." Ron said quietly.

Serafina's eyes froze slightly. She remembered that Ron had called himself a prophet before and said that the city of Larnaca would be destroyed.

Virgil frowned slightly.

Originally, in Vergil's eyes, he and Ron had formed a group. He and Ron were the core of the group, plus Irelia at most.

But in this situation, Ron obviously wants to bring Serafina into the team... He feels a little uncomfortable. After all, he and Serafina belong to different forces, and they are between the political power and the divine power. The contradiction between them is irreconcilable.

But since this was Ron's decision as a prophet, Virgil couldn't refuse.

Returning to the hotel opposite, I still sat down by the window.

Around the round table, the three of them sat in an equilateral triangle, and the atmosphere seemed a little depressing. Vergil and Serafina were harmonious on the surface but full of internal conflicts, while Ron was nominally a member of the Church of the Dawn Goddess, but he was also in harmony with them. Serafina has an ambiguous relationship and can be regarded as a mediator between the two.

"Ahem..." Ron broke the silence: "Serafina, I know you have many questions in your mind, just ask."

Serafina exhaled slightly, her smooth forehead wrinkled, and she no longer hesitated: "Are you really a prophet?"

This is the core of all issues, and everything discussed next is based on this point.

Ron smiled slightly and didn't answer.

Vergil, who was next to him, had already spoken: "Miss Serafina, there is no need to doubt that Ron does have the ability to see into the future."

Virgil chanted the prophetic poem that Ron had written before, which made Ron a little embarrassed, and it felt like dark history was being revealed.

"Brother Ron accurately predicted various situations such as the sun being swallowed, the world falling into darkness, the emergence of the Golden City, etc. This is enough to prove Brother Ron's ability."

Serafina nodded. Ron had also said what Snowphilippe wanted to say before Snowphilippi spoke.

"Brother Ron, he also predicted that a great race will wither and the Twilight Continent will usher in disaster."

Virgil continued: "These two prophecies are being confirmed little by little, especially the first one."

"Archbishop Gerald has left Larnaca City a long time ago and is currently at the church headquarters." Virgil's expression became extremely depressed: "The information the archbishop sent back through the secret technique is not very good."

Serafina's expression also became serious: "How?"

"The Golden City appeared in the sky above the Dragon Valley. The Dragon Clan naturally regarded the Golden City as their own property. They sealed off the nearby area and strictly prohibited other races from approaching."

"Archbishop Gerald went to the headquarters of the Church of the Dawn Goddess as quickly as possible. Through the church's senior officials, he conveyed the information that the Dragon Clan might be in crisis to the Dragon Clan and expressed his willingness to provide help."

Virgil spread his hands: "As you know, the dragon clan is proud and arrogant. Those big lizards with wings are not as smart as their strength... No dragon will take the church's warning to heart."

"Actually, they quite like that giant city. They don't think there is any danger in the giant city at all, or they firmly believe that even if there is any danger, they are strong enough to deal with it."

"In the eyes of the dragon, that golden, shiny, majestic and huge city is worthy of the identity of the dragon clan. They want to take the golden city as their own and become the royal city of the dragon clan."

"They tried to enter the Golden City, but there seemed to be some mysterious force blocking the Golden City, making it difficult to break through."

"So the Dragon Clan chose to use the simplest and most brutal means to solve the Golden City... They gathered hundreds of giant dragons and tried to use dragon breath to break the blockade of the giant city."

"Then what?" Serafina became interested and urged.

"Then, they all died." Virgil exhaled: "Their huge mountain-like bodies turned into fine powder, staining the sky with blood."

"The Seine River near the Dragon Valley is dyed scarlet."

Serafina subconsciously sat up straight, her expression more solemn than ever before. She was a dragon.

That is truly the strongest person in the entire Twilight Continent.

Even young dragons that are just a few days old have catastrophic power, and even adult dragons, at their worst, can reach heroic levels.

Such a powerful being gathered hundreds of giant dragons, but not only failed to break the blockade of the Golden City, but they all even died?

What is the origin of this giant city, and why can it release such terrifying power?

Serafina subconsciously looked at Ron next to her, only to find that Ron was just smiling enigmatically, as if she had expected this outcome.

The elegant neck swallowed: "Then..."

Virgil smiled bitterly: "The Dragon King was furious and gathered thousands of powerful dragons, preparing to take action in a week to completely destroy the blockade outside the Golden City."

Serafina smiled bitterly.

It is indeed the most barbaric race.

Although the dragon clan is the ruler of the Twilight Continent, it does not represent the ruled life. They have much respect for the dragon... They are more afraid of the power of the dragon.

As for wisdom... By the way, does the dragon have such a thing?

The death of hundreds of giant dragons will not scare the dragons. On the contrary, it will stimulate the wildness of the dragons. Since hundreds of giant dragons can't handle it, then thousands!

All problems that can be solved by violence are not problems.

After Virgil finished speaking, both of them turned their attention to Ron. They both wanted to know what the prophet thought of the current situation.

The smile on Ron's face faded slightly, and he glanced at the Golden City, which was still clear even from a long distance away, with a sarcastic smile on his lips: "The end of the Dragon Clan... has arrived."


Even though they had expected it, Virgil and Serafina's expressions still changed.

That is the Dragon Clan, the most powerful existence that has ruled the entire world for thousands of years. How could it be possible to usher in the end so easily?

Ron's fingers rubbed the wine glass in front of him: "Firgil, tell them that the blockade outside the Golden City is a long-lost magic circle. No one knows the name of the magic circle... but it may be called infinite rebound. Magic circle?"

Although the city has been sealed off, Virgil naturally has a way to convey the message. If that doesn't work, Serafina is right next to her, so why not open a backdoor head office?

"This magic circle itself has no destructive power, but when it encounters an attack, it can bounce back the attack with 200% of its power."


Both Virgil and Serafina looked pale.

If what Ron said is true...thousands of giant dragons attack together, with 200% power...this destructive power may really be enough to flood the entire Dragon Valley!

But it's not too late now. As long as the dragon clan is informed of the news, everything will be fine...

But at this moment, Ron's body suddenly pressed down, his eyes glanced at Virgil and Serafina, and there was a weird smile on his lips: "So, Bishop Virgil, Miss guys Will you inform the Dragon Clan of this information?”

Virgil and Serafina subconsciously wanted to open their mouths.

But when the words reached their lips, they suddenly stopped. The expressions on the two people's faces kept changing, and finally turned into a helpless bitter smile.

The Dragon Clan is really going to die!

Although we already know the future and the crisis, the Dragon Clan is still going to die.

On the surface, Ron was asking Virgil and Seraphina if they wanted to use this opportunity to save the dragon clan...

But, in fact, as Virgil and Serafina, they are not qualified to contact the Dragon Clan at all... Yes, the Dragon Clan is so proud, and there are only those who are qualified to enter the Dragon Valley and receive an interview from the Dragon King. Kings of major kingdoms, popes of churches, saints, queens of elves, patriarchs of orcs, etc...

Virgil is just a branch bishop of the Church of the Goddess of Dawn.

Serafina was just the daughter of a marquis, and her heroic strength was not worth mentioning in the eyes of the dragon.

They simply did not have the qualifications or opportunity to enter the Dragon Valley, meet the Dragon King, and convey information. Even if you barely meet a giant dragon, with the dragon's arrogance and cruelty, you will not receive any thanks. It is more likely that you will be sprayed into slag by a breath of dragon because you cursed the dragon, despised the power of the dragon.

The only remaining way is to inform the higher-ups of the kingdom and church about this information and convey it on their behalf.

But, will King Holt do this?

Would Archdeacon Apu do this?

No one who is a true careerist wants to have a more powerful and terrifying being above him, who can destroy him at any time.

The 473rd King of Granville, Holt, seemed incompetent on the surface, but in fact, under Holt's operation, the influence of the aristocratic class was concentrating on the royal family, and several of his descendants were also very outstanding, and , the 473rd Holt, is also one of the most powerful people in the entire Granville Kingdom. This is definitely not something that a fatuous and incompetent monarch can do.

The Pope of the Church of the Goddess of Dawn is old, and many things in the church are managed by Herman's father, Vice-Pope Ap Montgomery.

And this man's ambition is well known to everyone.

It is almost certain that even if the higher-ups get the information, they will definitely keep it secret.

They will watch helplessly as the Dragon Clan is destroyed.

After losing the dragon suppression, what followed was... war!

Except for a very small number of people, not many people wanted to see blood flowing on the oars and corpses strewn across the field. Virgil and Serafina looked at each other and could feel the depression in each other's eyes. It was clear that the singing and dancing were peaceful at the moment, but the invisible pressure had already made the two of them breathless.

Ron still had a smile on his face: "Oh, you two, please don't think so far. Really... let's deal with Larnaca City first."

Serafina's heart trembled slightly: "Ron, you said before that Larnaca City will perish?"

Virgil's eyes flashed. Even he didn't know this news.

"If you don't do something, destruction is right in front of you." Ron took a sip of the drink in front of him, it was sweet and cold.

"Could it be that this is also the sequelae of the dragon clan's demise?" Serafina asked.

"No, this has nothing to do with the Dragon Clan." Ron shook his head slightly, his face showing some compassion: "This is the sequelae brought about by the appearance of the Golden City."

"I once had a glimpse of the future... People dragged their rotting bodies and walked through the streets of Bruno. They opened their mouths and roared like beasts."

"They bared their fangs and tore into the flesh of normal humans."

"They don't know pain or fear. They seem to be summoned by the necromancer and wander in the lightless night."

"The black beast leads its loyal servants. They advance, they trample, they destroy, they destroy..."

The hoarse voice and suppressed tone made Serafina and Virgil's scalps tingle, and an invisible coolness penetrated their bodies. They imagined the scene, and small pimples appeared on their skin.

"Then...what is it?" After a long time, Virgil asked with his throat squirming.

"The black beast and its infected!"

After a brief pause, Ron said again: "They are the guards of the young god, and they exist to protect the young god."

Infected person?

Black beast?

Young God?

The name they had never heard of made both of them a little confused.

"Young God, what is it?" Serafina asked.

Ron obviously revealed a lot of information, but the more she knew, the more Serafina felt that she was ignorant, and her mind seemed to be more confused.

Ron didn't answer. He just glanced out the window and saw the golden city floating in the sky far away: "Do you know what that is?"

Virgil raised his eyebrows: "City of Gold?"

"No, it's the Twilight Temple."

"It is the imperial mausoleum of the Twilight Dynasty that ruled the entire world eight thousand years ago... There, a large amount of wealth, knowledge and power that has long been forgotten by the world is stored. Also lying there are the remains of the Twilight Kings of the Twilight Dynasty. .”

"A awakening!"


Although they had already received enough shocks in this period of time, at this moment, when they heard these words, Serafina and Virgil both took a deep breath.

The origin of the Golden City is more exaggerated than imagined.

Twilight Dynasty?

The Twilight Clan!

It is an existence that requires the gathering of all intelligent life in the entire Twilight Continent, including the giant dragons, and even relies on the assistance of the gods... That's right, it is not a certain god, but the assistance of the gods to suppress it.

And a Twilight King is awakening?


Ron was an understatement, this was no longer a disaster.

This is the end of the world!

"Of course, the Twilight King will not wake up so easily." Ron continued: "Before the Twilight King wakes up, his children will be the first to wake up from their slumber, hatch from the eggshell, and be born from the placenta!"

"These are the young gods."

"And the most loyal guard will offer the most delicious, sweet, and nutritious blood and heart to his master."

"How many young gods are there?"

Ron shook his head: "I don't know, maybe dozens, hundreds, or even thousands?"

"No one knows how many heirs the Twilight King has. What I know is... even in his deep sleep, the Twilight King who is about to wake up is still giving birth to offspring in a special way."

Serafina's throat trembled slightly: "What about the black beasts? How many are there?"

"have no idea!"

Ron still gave the same answer: "I only know that the number of black beasts is dozens or hundreds of times that of the young gods."

"Currently, I only know of the existence of one black beast..."

"Who is it? Where is it?" Virgil asked immediately.


Vergil and Serafina's eyes suddenly shrank.

The Kingdom of Granville.


The main church of the Church of Dawn Goddess.

A middle-aged man wearing a white gold robe was walking quickly through the corridor.

In his forties, it is the time when he is strong and strong. His tall torso, handsome face, and golden eyes are shining like the sun. This is a very charming man...especially for those uncle-controlled girls, this man is endlessly charming.

Apu Montgomery!

Vice Pope of the Church of the Goddess of Dawn!

But at this moment, this elegant and noble man frowned.

Not long ago, he felt it.

Eden, Simon, and Mattie all died. They were the bodyguards specially arranged by Ap Montgomery for his only son Herman.

He used special means to control the lives and deaths of the three of them, which was enough to ensure their loyalty.

But not long ago, the threads tied by the three people to Apu were all broken.

The only son Hermann is in danger!

This sudden situation did not seem to have any impact on Apu Montgomery. There was no trace of nervousness or worry on his face, and his steps were unhurried. He could even respond to the greetings of other clergymen with a gentle smile on his face. .

"Where you're going... it's best not to leave headquarters."

Just when Apu walked to the door of the church, a voice suddenly came from the side.

There is a slight hoarseness in the laziness.

The sound is neither clear nor pleasant, but it seems to be full of magnetism and has a different kind of charm.

From the corner of his eye, he could see a tall figure to the side.

She was a woman in her thirties, but time had not left many traces on her body. At first glance, she looked only in her twenties. Her mature charm and tight and sexy figure formed an unparalleled temptation.

Her figure was plump, extremely plump.

The chest of the saint's dress is about to burst. It is obviously a conservative and holy saint's dress, but when worn on this woman, it exudes seductive lust. The fabric sticks to the skin, revealing the uneven curves, fully displaying her beauty. The round and plump legs support her plump body.

The plain long skirt covered her ankles, leaving only a pair of white and tender feet exposed. She didn't wear shoes or socks, just stepping on the cold floor.

A pair of cold eyes did not look at Ap Montgomery, but the vice-pope felt the sight.

His body stopped.

His face was as indifferent as ever. He didn't pry into the woman's beauty. His eyes just dropped slightly: "Something happened."

Not counting the answers, Apu didn't seem to want to communicate too much with this woman, and walked straight out of the church.

The woman did not stop her, she just looked up at the statue of the Goddess of Dawn in the church, with a giggle on her face. She was a little dirty... She took out a white silk scarf and gently wiped it on the statue. Get rid of those tiny dust.

It is her job to clean the temple.


"You go to Larnaca!"

The woman seemed to be talking to herself, but a clear and cold response came from the shadow next to her: "I will obey your orders, the great saint!"

This woman looks chaste, but yet gives people endless reveries and desires.

The great saint of the Dawn Goddess Church.


Archdeacon, wife of Apu Montgomery.

But, she is not Herman’s mother!

Chapter 2 is a 6,000-word chapter. A total of 8,000 words have been updated today. It’s worth a few tickets.

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