As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 50 We are all dead (early morning)


Although they were prepared in their hearts, Virgil and Serafina were still taken aback.

What they cared about was never Herman himself, but the existence behind Herman.

"Ron, are you sure?" Serafina exhaled, rubbed her eyebrows, and said.

I always feel a little pain in my forehead.

damn it.

She was just the daughter of a marquis.

Just a heroic female knight.

She is really not qualified to be involved in a conflict of the level of the vice-pope.

Ron did not answer, but looked at Virgil next to him. Virgil's expression was also very solemn. He could feel that although he did not want to go against Vice Pope Apu, there seemed to be some kind of mysterious power behind him. Pushing him forward, he seemed to be bound deeper and deeper to Ron.

Now we are basically on the pirate ship.

Virgil scratched his hair in distress, then sighed, reached out and touched the storage ring, and soon there were some messy things on the table in front of him.

Serafina took a look and frowned: "What are these?"

What animal were these long and sharp claws plucked from?

An inch long, curved fang like a hook.

There were even some black scales with blood stains attached to them, and hairs that looked like steel needles.

A little disgusting.

"Ron asked me to investigate Herman secretly before." Virgil replied: "Because the matter is special, I don't know how many of the church clergy are die-hard loyalists of the vice-pope, so I will take this matter personally." Go investigate.”

"I found these inside Herman's house."

"Did he open a zoo at home?" Serafina raised her beautiful eyebrows.

Virgil shook his head, his face a little pale: "I saw with my own eyes that Herman cut off his long nails, used pliers to pull out the fangs at the corners of his mouth, pulled out bunches of hair from his body, and uncovered There are black scales on Kai’s body…”

"I collected these while he was leaving." Virgil suddenly raised his head, his shrunken eyes trembling: "He...may not be human anymore."

Serafina's throat kept crawling. She looked at the things on the table and imagined the scene of these things being pulled out of the human body. Her hair stood on end.

"This is the black beast." Ron pinched a scale with two fingers and narrowed his eyes: "Judging from the size, color, and hardness of the scales, Herman is currently in the second stage of alienation!"

"I don't know exactly how the black beasts spread, and I don't know how to interrupt the process of alienation other than killing them. You don't need to ask me these two questions." Ron glanced at Sei next to him. Rafina said.

Serafina moved her lips and swallowed what she wanted to say.

"I only know that black beasts are hatched from young eggs. They are very small things, many times smaller than ant eggs. They will sneak into the human body silently, and then hatch and use human beings. It feeds on the essence and blood and grows rapidly."

"The process of alienation by the parasite is the process of growth of the black beast larvae."

"This process will last from about half a month to a month. The strength of the parasitized person will increase rapidly during this period, and at the same time, the soul and will will be gradually eroded..."

"But his own existence will not disappear, but will gradually merge with the black beast larvae to form an even weirder, ugly, and twisted existence."

"This process is divided into five stages. Starting from the third stage, the black beast larvae have the ability to create infected people."

"Everyone who is scratched or bitten by the black beast larvae in the third stage or above will be infected by the mysterious virus carried by the black beast. In a very short period of time, they will lose all reason and become a crazy beast."

"Just like black beasts, they will also have long nails and sharp fangs. They are eager for fresh blood and meat, and will attack any normal life indiscriminately."

In some ways, these infected people are like a group of zombies.

But unlike zombies, their bodies will not rot, nor will they be as slow as zombies. They are as agile as animals, and their remaining wisdom allows them to accept simple orders.

"The most frightening thing is that these infected people also have the ability to spread the infection."

Virgil and Serafina suddenly turned pale. Once this infection spreads, it won't take long for the entire city of Larnaca to become a paradise for the walking dead.

Could it be that this is what Ron said, the destruction of Larnaca City? Damn it, if I had known this, Ron should have been asked to kill Herman in the first place. The same thought came to Vergil and Serafina's minds almost instantly.

It's a pity that Ron's next words easily overturned this conclusion: "Of course, neither the black beast nor the infected are real threats. The real threat is the young god who is about to awaken."

"Then what are we going to do next? How on earth are we going to deal with this kind of thing?" Serafina quickly regained her energy.

"First of all, we'd better use Herman to investigate the ways in which black beasts can parasitize and spread. If all goes well, we may be able to significantly reduce the appearance of black beasts." Ron looked at Virgil.

Virgil understood and immediately said: "According to the results of my investigation, on the night you entered the church, Herman left home and went to two places."

"You know, he was injured by you and had his fiancée taken away. He was extremely depressed. This kind of depression and depression cannot be cured by healing techniques, so he went to a potion shop in the city and got some from an old man. The pharmacist bought a few bottles of love potion... Ahem, this potion can effectively relieve depression and relieve stress."

"Then he went to a prostitute in Praia City and conducted some import and export trade with the prostitutes there." Virgil spread his hands and quickly spoke about the information he had.

"I often... ahem, I often hear about that brothel. It's a very regular brothel, a time-honored one that has been in operation for decades. It has a good reputation and basically there won't be any problems."

"As for that potion shop, it opened last year and has been open for more than a year now. It is open 24 hours a day."

"There is only one old man in the store."

"It is said that there is a very bad smell in the store, so the business is very poor. I don't know how to maintain it."

"All in all, there is something wrong with this store. If Herman was really parasitized in one of these two places, I feel it is more likely in the potion store." Virgil said.

"Then keep an eye on this store." Ron thought for a moment and said: "As for Herman, I suggest getting rid of him as soon as possible. In three days at most, he will be able to enter the third stage. He cannot be allowed to create a large number of infections. By."

"If you are worried about offending the vice-pope, he can leave it to me to deal with it. You just need to help control the situation!" Ron said quietly.

"Count me in." Serafina said slowly. This woman made a decision simply. She could not put Larnaca City at any risk.

Virgil grinned. He really didn't want to get involved in such a stupid thing, but even Serafina had expressed her stance. He couldn't be inferior to a woman, right?

Although, this woman is stronger than him.

"Count me in too!"

Ron exhaled slowly, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes. Herman was different from ordinary black beasts. In the world line woven by the repairman, Herman was most likely the murder weapon used to kill him. So this time, no matter what, Herman must be killed.

Without this murder weapon, what would the repairman do?

"Then, try to collect fire and light magic scrolls as much as possible."

"Both the black beast and the young god have no obvious shortcomings, but flames and intense light can still cause stronger damage than other magics."

While thinking about the experience of his previous life, Ron quickly assigned tasks: "Serafina, the situation on your side is even more troublesome."

"Herman is definitely not the only black beast. After the black beast larvae reaches the third stage, it can accept the signals conveyed by the unhatched young gods."

"These black beasts that have not yet reached their full body will start looking for food for the young gods in advance."

"Please increase patrols in Larnaca City. If we can track their movements, we may be able to follow the clues and find the lair of the young gods."

As long as the Young God is eliminated, the world line controlled by the repairman will be completely chaotic.

The crisis of his death may also be lifted!

"What kind of food?" Serafina asked again with a serious look on her face.


Serafina's eyes narrowed slightly: "Then, what if I successfully find the lair of the young god?"

"Just tell me." Ron's eyes dropped, and he said quietly: "Leave the rest of the matter to me, and you don't need to participate anymore."

Seraphina will die in front of the young god.

The expressions of Virgil and Serafina all changed. They were very smart, and they already understood something from Ron's words.

There was a brief silence in the entire scene. After a few seconds, Serafina broke the solemn atmosphere: "Ron, tell me, in the future you see, what is my ending?"

Virgil also stared at Ron.

Ron frowned slightly: "Are you sure you want to know?"



Scanning Serafina and Virgil, Ron slowly spoke:

"We...are all dead!"

Except for Virgil... Of course, Ron didn't say the last sentence!

I sent the first chapter in the early morning. Thank you for your reward and support.

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