As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 51 You don’t want anything to happen to your brother, right? (5,000 words very large chapter

We are all dead!

I had expected it, but my heart still couldn't stop trembling.

Virgil's face was a little dark. After a while, he raised his head and smiled bitterly: "This is really bad. The more I believe you are a prophet, the more uncomfortable I feel. Can you tell me how I died? I'll see if I can escape."

Actually you are not dead.

Ron blinked.

He wanted to say this, but he put the words back in his stomach. After all, Virgil's expression looked really interesting now.

The most important thing is that Ron knows better than anyone else that Virgil is a typical old fool.

If Virgil knew that Larnaca City was destroyed but he was still alive, this guy would definitely fish in the water and mess it up. But if he also died here, Virgil's potential would be fully stimulated.

Ron's eyes flickered, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile. That smile made Virgil's hair stand on end, and he moved his butt uneasily.

Could it be that he was killed from behind by the black beast?

This was the worst and most unlucky way to die that he could think of.

"Firgil, you, it's so painful to die."

Ron's voice finally came out coldly: "I didn't see the specific story. I only saw you wailing in the fire... The fire was crackling on your body, and you were almost burned to death. , you were still struggling and squirming desperately in the raging fire, trying to crawl out of the flames. Unfortunately, you couldn't climb out of the raging fire in the end. You were burned into black ashes from head to toe. A gust of wind blew by, and the ashes were blown away. ”

Virgil let out a heavy breath.

Fortunately, fortunately, he was burned to death, not stabbed to death by a black beast from behind... Virgil was a little lucky in his heart, but soon he couldn't feel lucky anymore. Damn it, being burned to death wouldn't be much better. Bar?

Especially after listening to Ron's words, he seemed to have been burned for a long time. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt very bad.

Without even saving his ashes, do you dare to arrange an even worse fate for him?

Ron's expression didn't change. He really wasn't lying. Virgil was really burned to death and his ashes were spread by those people. He just slightly advanced the time when Virgil was burned to death... by just twenty. Year.

Small mistakes are not important anymore.

Serafina next to her looked strange and asked cautiously: "What about me? How did I die?"

"Ah, Miss Serafina, don't worry, you died very cleanly. You were stabbed through the chest by the tentacles of the young god, not as tragic as Virgil's death."

"And even if you die, you still use the sword in your hand to support your body and not fall down. Before you die, you also save the last survivors of Larnaca City. All in all, you died a great and glorious death. .”


Virgil's curse came from the side.

Damn it, why?

It's the same death. He was burned alive and his ashes were raised. Seraphina could die in a heroic and decent way?

What about gender equality?

Just because Serafina has a better figure and looks more beautiful, is she given such preferential treatment?

The fate of a dog day!

It seemed like he had to work harder, he didn't want to die in such an embarrassing and miserable way.

As for Serafina, she smiled bitterly. She really didn't know whether she should be grateful for this way of death.

"Okay, you two." Ron clapped his hands and attracted their attention: "This is just the future I see, but now that we know this in advance, will the future appear in this way? "

The eyes of Virgil and Serafina suddenly brightened, and there was more hope in their eyes.

"These things have been settled for the time being. Do you have any other questions?" Ron stretched his waist. After talking so much, he was also a little tired and moved his neck a little.

"There is really a question." Virgil thought for a moment and said, "It's about Sister Isaiah."

Ron raised his eyebrows: "You have investigated clearly."

Virgil nodded with a gloomy face: "Yes, Brother Ron, just like you said, Isaiah is a double agent of the Spang Theocracy and the Heart of Nature Church. She has only one mission, and that is to lurk By my side."

"She doesn't even need to provide any information to the Spang Theocracy and the Heart of Nature. She just needs to be a nun in peace and gain my trust. She will not activate it until the Spang Theocracy and the Heart of Nature confirm that the time has come. "

"So? You didn't kill her?" Ron felt a little funny.

"Ah, no... not yet." Virgil's eyes were a little scattered and erratic: "It's not that I can't bear it, it's just... you know, I am a proud man."

"I have been fooled by this woman for so long. It would be too easy for her to simply kill her."

"So, my dear brother, can you help me find a way to give her the punishment she deserves?"

Ron smiled.

That smile made Virgil's face flush, and that see-through look made him feel irritable and a little sullen.

"Forget it if you don't want to help." Virgil muttered unhappily. He even stood up and said, "I'm leaving first..."

"Are you sure you don't want to listen?"


After just getting up, he sat back on the chair. He was sinister and cunning, and his hands in the future... no, it was the Blood Pope whose whole body was soaked in blood. He was acting particularly well-behaved now, and even had a flattering smile on his face. : "I knew, good brother, you must have a way."

Ron shook his head helplessly.

Virgil is really a complicated guy.

He can mercilessly slaughter the entire city's opponents with bloody hands. He can kill the Eternal Freedom Sect, and the Hidden Tower is filled with blood. He can kill so much that even the followers of the Lord of Blood and Destruction tremble when they mention Vergil's name.

But only towards Isaiah, he showed a completely different attitude.

Even when he was sent to the stake, Virgil never criticized or cursed Isaiah.

After clearing his throat, under Virgil's expectant gaze, Ron slowly spoke: "First, we must figure out one thing."

"What existence does Isaiah care about most?"

"Spang Theocracy? Heart of Nature Church?" Virgil replied subconsciously.

Ron shook his head: "No, no, no, it's a man..."


Virgil's face immediately turned green.

"I'm talking about her brother, don't think too much about it."

Virgil felt a little itchy at the base of his teeth, and he wanted to bite off a piece of meat directly from Ron.

Oh, Goddess, if he didn't want to hear what was coming next from Ron's mouth, he would definitely kick this bastard's ass with his boot.

"Isaiah is an orphan. He has been dependent on his younger brother since he was a child. Isaiah lurked in Granville in exchange for his younger brother receiving preferential treatment from the Spang Theocracy and the Heart of Nature Church, ensuring that his younger brother can receive advanced education. When he becomes an adult, he can Served in the Kingdom’s civil service.”

"It's just that Isaiah doesn't know that the intelligence agencies of Spang Theocracy and Heart of Nature also said the same thing to her brother..."

Damn it, shameless.

Even though Virgil and Seraphina were used to all kinds of shameless operations in the church and government, they were still shocked by the despicable methods of Spang Theocracy and Heart of Nature.

"Perhaps it was just out of sheer bad taste that the intelligence agencies of Spang Theocracy and Heart of Nature placed her younger brother in the Marquis of York's Mansion... Because Isaiah is very well-behaved and she almost never leaves the church, so she basically Don’t worry about siblings meeting.”

Serafina's expression froze slightly, but she didn't expect that there was something about her involved.

The smile on Ron's face gradually changed, making Serafina's hair stand on end.

"You can arrest Isaiah's brother!"

"Then ask Isaiah how much she knows about the intelligence agencies of the Spang Theocracy and the Heart of Nature Church, and then uproot the intelligence agencies of the other party."

"If Isaiah doesn't cooperate, tell her..."

"You don't want anything to happen to your brother, right?"

Virgil's eyes were shining!

You don’t want anything to happen to your brother, right?

Oh, Goddess above.

Where is this language that is so beautiful?

Looking at Ron again, Virgil's eyes were full of admiration.

This is a true master. Every word he speaks is like a motto, inspiring people.

Ron's face also looked a little strange, and he always felt as if he was carrying out some kind of inheritance.

He coughed softly: "Ahem, believe me, Virgil, as long as you say these words to Sister Isaiah, no matter what request you make to Sister Isaiah, she will never refuse."

"Of course, that's not enough. You can also find Isaiah's brother and tell him the same thing: You don't want anything to happen to your sister, right?"

"As long as you use such a combination of punches, not to mention uprooting the intelligence system of the Spang Theocracy, it is not impossible to even instigate Isaiah and her brother to rebel. By then, the two of them might still be able to Be the most useful chess piece in your hand.”

Virgil breathed out a sigh of relief. Having such a good brother was definitely the greatest luck in his life.

Next to her, Serafina's eyes widened, her mouth slightly opened, her face full of astonishment.

Especially when looking at Ron, there was an indescribable meaning, as if it was the first day I met this person...

Well, it was indeed the first day we met.

However, in the short time they got together, Ron had already left a pretty good impression on Serafina.

This is an elegant gentleman.

Serafina has always thought so.

But now, Serafina had serious doubts about her judgment. Although, from the perspective of being the captain of the law enforcement team, the method provided by Ron is undoubtedly the best solution.

But, from a woman's perspective, this is really shameless.

You don’t want to XXXXX… To Serafina’s ears, it was simply the most vicious curse on a woman.

While Serafina was complaining in her heart, Ron had already stood up, with a tired expression on his face and a slight frown, which made Serafina feel a little distressed.

After gently rubbing his forehead, Ron's expression returned to normal: "By the way, Virgil, Miss Serafina, please do me one more favor."

"Archibald and Partridge, you both know, I guess they both left notes, diaries and the like!"

"I know that nearly a thousand years have passed and it is not easy to find these things, but I would like to ask you two to help me pay attention." Ron said.

Virgil nodded.

The documents left by Archibald and Partridge are very popular among practitioners.

In particular, the writings left by Archibald are regarded as Bible-like among practitioners who delve into the occult.

Even if you master the dirty language, you may be struck by lightning.

However, no one can deny the power of dirty words.

With thousands of years of history, this one person is the only one who can suppress the seven major orthodox religions and dozens of cults.

That arrogant spirit has fascinated many people later!

He robs nuns, robs saints, robs female priests, and robs female popes. He is so carefree that even if he is struck to death by lightning, his life will not be in vain.

Besides, being punished by the gods is in itself a symbol of strength and status... Why didn't you see the gods punishing you by chopping up a beggar on the roadside?

Even the sage Partridge, who also left a strong mark in history books, was a little less legendary in front of Archibald.

It is for this reason that Archibald's relics are regarded as the most precious treasures. Even just one page is worth tens of thousands of gold. Over the past thousands of years, countless amazing geniuses have devoted themselves to the research of obscene language. .

It's a pity that no one can interpret the dirty words after a long time.

Virgil glanced at Ron... If it were Ron, it might be possible to decipher this mysterious text.

There is no reason, just this hunch... Virgil just believes that Ron can accomplish what countless geniuses have been unable to do for thousands of years.

"I will help you investigate." Virgil agreed.

Serafina's long eyelashes next to her twitched slightly, as if she remembered something: "I know where there is..."

Ron's eyes lit up.

"But it takes time, and the other party's conditions are not so easy to meet." Serafina said.

"Okay, give me...well, four days to prepare." Serafina thought for a moment and continued: "Meet you at the Sykes Hotel in four days."

Without saying a word, Serafina turned and left.

Virgil next to him had an ambiguous expression on his face.

Gee, we actually made an appointment at the Sykes Hotel... But that's normal, after all, that place is convenient for doing things, in every sense of the word.

When he returned to the church, the silver moonlight had already filled the ground.

Ron was lying quietly on the bed, with Irelia next to him... There was a lingering lingering look on his little face, his silver hair covered the large bed, his eyelashes were trembling slightly, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. , as if he was having a good dream. .

This is Ron's room. The room assigned to Ron has finally been approved...

Quite big.

Especially this bed, let alone two people, more than two people will be fine.

Ron held a handful of silver bracelets in his hands. Under the reflection of the magic lamp, the bracelets shone dazzlingly.

Holy heart!

It was a little different from what Ron imagined. He originally thought it should be some kind of more special existence... However, the bracelet is not bad, and the bracelet is not within the scope of the equipment column.

In other words, even if the equipment slot is full, the Holy Heart Bracelet can still take effect. This is a completely additional attribute.

[Holy Heart: Green Suit! 】

[Enhancement level: cannot be enhanced]

[Strength +1]

[Physique +1]

【Speed ​​+1】

[Spirit +1]

[Special props, bound! 】

['Gate' series special suits, as the number of collected suit parts increases, the mythical suit effects can be gradually activated. 】

In imagination, after obtaining the Holy Heart, one's strength would skyrocket, and one could not say that one was invincible, but one could at least become a small master.

The attributes of Holy Heart can be said to be rubbish, even worse than whiteboard equipment.

The only thing that interested Ron was the mythical suit effect. In the entire game, no one gets any of the special sets in the Gate series, but Ron knows very well how powerful the mythical equipment is...

After a long time, Ron put the bracelet back on his wrist.

His eyes fell on the soul boat ring. Starting from the afternoon, the ring began to get loomingly hot.

His fingers subconsciously rubbed the surface of the ring, and just as Ron thought, slightly noisy murmurs began to echo in his ears again, and he was in a daze. When he opened his eyes again, he was suddenly in the Black Sea again.

Under the feet, there is still a soul-carrying boat made of bones.

Compared with before, the mental pressure on me this time was much less. After all, I was promoted from one extraordinary star to four extraordinary stars. This was an improvement worthy of praise.

Perhaps, we can take this opportunity to explore the Soul Crossing Boat a little bit?

Ron thought so...

"Ron, you're here!"

At this moment, a soft voice suddenly penetrated Ron's ears.

Here comes the second chapter, a very large chapter with 5,000 words. We will try our best to update it every day. If you have votes, please vote for it.

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