As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 52 Death of God (early morning)

"Ron, you're here!"

A soft voice penetrated Ron's ears.

"Well, here we come."

Ron responded subconsciously.

But, in the next moment, Ron suddenly woke up, and his eyes suddenly widened.

It was obvious that Ron was just a pure soul body on the Soul Crossing Boat, but at this moment, Ron could clearly feel a cold air rushing up to his forehead along the soles of his feet.

Who... who's talking?

Although she had communicated with Agnes before, Agnes was summoned by Ron... it should be said that she was forcibly dragged onto the Soul Crossing Boat.

The boat of soul crossing is the world of the dead.

Only cross the gods.

Ever since he put on the ring that symbolized the ownership of the Soul Boat, Ron subconsciously regarded the Soul Boat as his own domain.

He never thought that he could actually hear other people's voices on the Soul Crossing Boat without summoning other living beings.

who is he?

How did he board the soul-crossing boat?

What does he want to do?

Caught off guard, Ron's consciousness suffered a strong impact, his brain became chaotic, and his non-existent throat swallowed non-existent saliva...

He tried to control his emotions and forced himself to calm down.

At least, it seemed to have returned to normal on the surface. He looked in the direction of the sound and soon saw a slender figure next to the railing on the left.

Unlike Agnes, who was completely summoned directly, he seemed to be a pure soul body, very thin, light gray in color, and seemed to be likely to dissipate at any time.

He was very quiet, just standing quietly a dozen meters away from Ron, without making any unnecessary movements, and even had a gentle smile on his face.

A pair of purple-pink eyes were staring at Ron from a distance.

Ron was about to open his mouth to ask you what kind of existence you are, but before he could make a sound, he felt a different kind of abnormality.

The figure in front of me always feels like I have seen it before somewhere.

Ron couldn't even tell his gender...he was like the most beautiful woman and the most handsome man in the world rolled into one.

Half male and half female, both male and female!

The elegance and beauty of women and the bravery and handsomeness of men are perfectly integrated in him, but they are completely different from each other.

This weird state should be very twisted, but Ron didn't feel this way at all, as if his existence should be like this.

Ron didn't know how to describe his appearance, but Ron knew that his charm was like a terrifying whirlpool that neither men nor women could escape.

Suddenly, an idea appeared in Ron's mind...and this idea made his hair stand on end.

Ron finally remembered where this inexplicable sense of familiarity came from... the statue of the God of Eternal Freedom in the Eternal Freedom Sect.

The same is true, both male and female, half male and half female!

The biggest difference between the two is that although the statue of the God of Eternal Freedom exudes irresistible charm, it is overall biased toward evil.

The person in front of me was quiet and gentle.

From beginning to end, the smile on His face never disappeared.

Then think of the soul-crossing boat, which only crosses gods...

After a long time, Ron slowly said: "Are you the God of Eternal Freedom?"

He smiled and nodded.

Ron felt his voice tremble: "You are... dead?"

The God of Eternal Freedom across from him still had a gentle smile on his face. He nodded just like before.


Although he had been prepared, Ron still felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his body was shaking slightly, his brain was buzzing, and his mouth was dry.

The God of Eternal Freedom, the god believed in by the Eternal Freedom Sect, is actually dead?

Then, who was sealed by Irelia, the White Saint?

The plot direction deviates too much from that in the game. This is no longer a subtle difference, but an anomaly in the entire main line.

Why is there such a big difference?

Who killed the God of Eternal Freedom?

It can’t possibly be due to your own influence, right?

Ron is not so arrogant. With his strength, it is no problem to torture some soldiers, but he wants to kill a real god?


In an instant, countless thoughts appeared in Ron's mind.

The God of Eternal Freedom also seemed to see many questions in Ron's mind, but He did not explain too much: "How do you feel about the blessing I gave you?"

The voice is gentle and steady!


Ron was slightly startled.

The God of Eternal Freedom tilted his head slightly and stared at Ron curiously: "It seems you don't know yet, but it doesn't matter, you will know sooner or later."

"Why do you want to give me a blessing?" Ron asked.

The God of Eternal Freedom exhaled slightly: "Maybe it's because you are an outsider."

On the outside? Ron's eyelids twitched sharply.

His body slowly twisted and his eyes looked at the bright stars in the sky. He slowly stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch something: "Actually, I don't really like the title of God of Eternal Freedom."

"Why?" Ron seemed to have turned into a curious baby.

"Because I am neither eternal nor can I give freedom to believers." He sighed: "After all, even I am just a pathetic..."

"Caged bird!"

Caged bird?

Ron was shocked.

What does this mean?

This way of speaking of the Riddler is the most difficult to understand. If you understand it correctly, everything will be fine; if you understand it incorrectly, you will be doomed.

While thinking quickly, Ron tried to see something from the other person's face, but unfortunately, this mysterious existence maintained a slight and peaceful smile on his face from beginning to end.

"Then what kind of god are you?" After a few seconds, Ron broke the silence.


Ron's expression suddenly became strange, Cupid? This may be the most outrageous answer. Think of the current Eternal Liberal Sect, where indulgent parties are held every day. Those believers are indeed doing things related to love, but they have nothing to do with love.

Seemingly sensing Ron's strange thoughts, the self-proclaimed God of Love exhaled helplessly: "In the beginning, I was indeed Celios, the god in charge of love and reproduction..."

"However, over a long period of time, due to certain factors, my beliefs began to go awry. They gradually moved closer to desire and indulgence, and now they have even given birth to freedom..."

"Didn't you correct the believers' beliefs?"

Celios glanced at Ron: "I told you, I'm just a caged bird!"

Ron thought, it's not that he doesn't want to, but... he can't do it.

Sizzling la la...

Celios' figure, like an image stuck on a computer, began to make strange sounds, and his form began to flicker brightly and darkly.

He glanced at Ron with complicated eyes, and then took a deep breath, as if he wanted to feel the intoxicating air again.

Ron knew that His time was running out.

His brain entered unprecedented chaos. He had many questions that he wanted to ask. In the end, they turned into one sentence: "What do you want?"

Celios turned around and faced Ron directly, with a smile full of yearning and expectation on his face. He narrowed his charming eyes, opened his arms, as if hugging something, and looked up at the sky above his head:


In the sky, countless twinkling stars all turned dim.

His form began to disintegrate.

It turned into delicate light spots, like countless fireflies, rushing towards the starry sky above with their faint light.

They drew arcs in the sky, and finally gathered in the sky, turning into a purple-pink star, shining with hazy light.

Ron was shocked by what he saw in front of him, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

A bone-chilling chill made Ron's soul tremble.

After Selios completely fell, he turned into a star...Looking above his head, there are stars all over the sky.

In this twilight continent, how many gods have fallen over the past thousands of years?

I don't know how much time passed before Ron finally calmed down from this indescribable shock.

Fortunately, Ron's strength has improved now, and his mental strength is at least several times what it was before. Otherwise, he would have been unable to hold on long ago.

Ron panted. His pure soul body shouldn't feel too tired, but Ron felt like he couldn't even stand.

He sat quietly on the bow, recalling the brief exchange with Celios.

It was obvious that Celios was waiting for him here on purpose, otherwise he would have turned into a star long ago. He seemed to want to tell him something, but due to certain restrictions he could not explain it clearly, so he could only let Ron do it on his own through the Riddler. Comprehension, trying to circumvent the blockade.

The specific goal of Celios is unknown for the time being, but there is no doubt that even after his death, he still wants to achieve this goal, and puts all the chips on himself, so he gives him some kind of blessing, although it has no effect yet...or It said it had taken effect, but he didn't know it.

The reason for choosing him was external... It is possible that He has seen that he is not a native of the Twilight Continent. As an outsider, he will not be subject to the same restrictions as Seleos, or in other words, the restrictions are not as high. Exaggeration, there is the possibility of breaking through the shackles.

Celios tried to correct his belief, but he couldn't. In other words, although he is a god, Celios has no ability to interfere with the world... The repairman repairs the world line. His own existence is a BUG, ​​but the repairman never If you haven’t personally taken action to erase the bug, is it because you can’t do it, or…

Perhaps, the repairman can repair the world line, but like Seleos, he cannot directly interfere with the world. He can only influence or even manipulate the world through a more conceptual way, by arranging a certain destiny.

Caged bird!


The existence called eternal freedom pursues nothing but freedom!

Ron's eyes dropped, and his breathing gradually became steady.

Not sure how much time had passed, Ron suddenly breathed out slowly and looked down at the ring on his finger.

There is a silk thread wrapped around the ring.

This thread represents Agnes, one of the four pillars of the Eternal Freedom Sect.

He gave the thread a gentle tug.

Granville Royal City.

royal palace.

Within the high courtyard wall, Agnes was kneeling devoutly in front of a statue as usual.

Both male and female, half male and half female.

That is the statue of the God of Eternal Freedom!

Agnes has a beautiful and plump figure, her soft body is wrapped in a plain white dress, and her beautiful and impeccable face is less haggard and more lively than before.

Although she still worships the God of Eternal Freedom, Agnes always feels that her belief in the God of Eternal Freedom is not as strong as before.

It is not difficult for Agnes to leave the Eternal Freedom Sect. After all, although she is a member of the Four Pillars of God, she is basically a member in name only. No matter what she did, the other three divine envoys would not say anything. After all, they did not want to create a powerful enemy out of thin air.

However, Agnes is still within the sect because she has something that she must obtain from the Eternal Freedom Sect.

Ron's notes.

Agnes has completed the task assigned by the mysterious captain.

Speaking of which, will she become a believer in the God of Eternal Freedom, or will she be influenced by a princess in the palace... And her contact with the outside world is almost all through secret arts!

Soon, a wry smile appeared on that fair and beautiful face... While praying to the God of Eternal Freedom, he actually got distracted. This was something that was absolutely impossible to happen before.

May the great God of Eternal Liberty not blame her for this!

The first chapter was sent in the early morning, asking for votes as usual.

Thank you Qinju and FengS9173 for the reward, thank you for your support!

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