As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 61 Repairman’s Interference (please read and vote)

Ron's fighting method is very simple. He relies on powerful strength, chants and fully reinforced boots to crush the target to death at a speed that is not slow.

If you can make a sneak attack, you will never be aggressive.

Even if his combat effectiveness on paper is definitely higher than Herman's.

Ron knew better than anyone else that Herman was just an appetizer, and he didn't want to waste too much power on Herman.


Under the illumination of the magic lamp, the iron-wood staff flashed with dark light. When swung with force, the knob-shaped staff head passed through the air, making a whining sound in the air. The speed was unimaginable, even if it was Even with Ron's own strength, it was difficult to see clearly the trajectory of the ironwood staff, and there was only an afterimage left in front of him.

As for Herman, his overall strength has indeed improved a lot, but the gap between him and Ron has not been narrowed, but is even more exaggerated than before.

Hearing a sound like howling ghosts and wolves in his ears, Herman's eyes kept expanding. He wanted to avoid it, but there was no way to use it in mid-air. He could only barely raise his left arm to try to block the fatal attack.


A dull sound.

The moment Herman's left arm came into contact with the head of the staff, the entire arm shattered into pieces, and a bloody wind filled the air.

Herman didn't even have time to let out a scream. His body was already thrown away by the impact and hit the side wall of the courtyard. The wall cracked and debris scattered.

Dark brown liquid splashed, and a strong stench began to fill the air.

The blood was no longer normal blood, but more like some kind of viscous semi-fluid that had been put away for a long time and fermented. The smell was like octopus fermented in a dark and humid corner for seven days in the middle of summer.

Herman's body was still squirming on the ground. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.


For Hermann, no pain was too much to bear.

What is truly unbearable is the growing hatred in the remaining sanity.

The pain intensifies the hatred.

Still raising his head stubbornly, he saw the figure that had fallen from the sky not far away. Stripes of dark red mucus were stuck to the pure white priest's robe, which was the blood spurting out of his body.

The moment their eyes met, the body that had just stood up suddenly bent over.

That was not something Herman could do. It was as if at that moment, another existence had taken over Herman's body.


The black arc of light tore through the night sky, and its height was just as high as Herman's head.

With a crisp sound, Herman's entire head turned into a watermelon and shattered.

Red and white things were splashed everywhere.

There was only a headless thing left in front of him, missing his left arm, as if it had turned into a corpse, standing quietly in front of Ron.

Blast Herman's head off, but Ron was not satisfied with the result. He originally aimed for Herman's chest.

It was clearly visible to the naked eye that on the broken neck, the surface of the smashed wound on the left arm seemed to be covered with maggot-like granulations, squirming in a scalp-numbing manner.


On each bud, dozens of black, cold, and slippery filaments sprouted out, like slender worms. They entangled together and re-evolved into Herman's arms, neck, and even head.

Although this was not the first time Ron had seen this kind of scene, he still couldn't help but get excited.

This scene is far weirder in the real world than in the game.

His throat trembled, and Ron stepped towards Herman.

After the ironwood staff smashed Herman's head, it stuck to the ground in the distance, and Ron took out the Dark Bible again. As long as knowledge is triggered, it is the effect of power. The destructive power of the Dark Bible is not much inferior to that of the Ironwood Staff.


At this moment, Herman, whose head had been smashed and his neck and vocal cords were all destroyed, suddenly let out a sharp scream from his body.

The chest expands and contracts violently.


Ron's body suddenly froze, as if he had been hit hard on the head by a hammer.

His eyes instantly became dizzy, and some kind of fishy-sweet liquid seemed to seep out from the tip of his nose.

This was the first time Herman had resisted so far in the battle.


The voice was still echoing. Ron's eyes were covered with red threads, and the streaks were clearly visible. The blood vessels on his forehead and face were prominent, like delicate poisonous snakes.

The feeling of fainting lasted for a brief second. Relying on his strong willpower, Ron smashed out the dark Bible in his hand.


This time, the Dark Bible hit Herman's chest accurately, and during the collision, there was a sound like metal clashing.

Herman's body, which had not yet fully recovered, was thrown away again. Most of the wall that had been shattered by the ironwood staff collapsed suddenly, sending smoke and dust everywhere.

Ron wiped the underside of his nose, and it was all scarlet.

The broken body on the opposite side seemed to sense that something was not going well and tried to escape.

Ron reached out and touched the storage ring. Several scrolls appeared in his palm, and they were all thrown towards the remains of Herman in front of him.


In an instant, blazing flames burst out from the ground.

With Herman's remains as the center, a not too big circle was formed, and the flames directly shot up to a height of several meters... The third-level black beast could not resist the instinctive fear of flames.

He bounced up on his legs and tried to escape from mid-air.

But a giant golden hammer suddenly appeared out of thin air and hit Herman's head, which had just half recovered, with a clang, directly smashing Herman's body down again.

Hammer of Punishment!

A rare offensive skill for priests. Of course, Ron doesn't know this skill yet. This is all the power of the scroll.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ron picked up the ironwood staff again, crossed the blockade of flames, and walked to Herman.

Before he could get up from the ground, Herman once again tried to make a blasphemous sound. This was currently the only way he could cause harm to Ron.

But a foot trampled heavily on Herman's chest... The newly bulging chest immediately deflated.

The blasphemies that were waiting to be unleashed were stillborn.

Ron's hands grasped the iron and wood staff, and the staff's body dropped naturally, as if he was holding a huge cross in his hands.

The slightly slender end was aimed at Herman's chest, where was the real core of the black beast.

Just as Ron raised his arm and was about to pierce Herman's chest, a shrill voice suddenly came from the distance: "Keep your men alive!"

The repairman's intervention came as expected.

Ron was not surprised at all. All this was within his expectation. He knew that this was the real opponent.

[Beep, the infinite death system is activated. 】

[Task description: Herman will not die easily. You are not fighting a person, you are challenging the majesty of fate. 】

[Optional mission goal 1: Follow the guidance of fate and let Herman go! 】

[Task reward: None! 】

[Perhaps, a kind fate will give you a chance to survive for a short time! 】

[Optional mission goal two: Kill Herman, and then try to survive! 】

[Mission reward: Ostara’s fragment! 】

[Death countdown: 600 seconds! 】

It seems that the repairman really cares about this chess piece!

Ron sneered, and without stopping for a moment, the head of the iron-wood staff stabbed Herman in the chest!

The first chapter was sent in the early morning, please vote, the second chapter will be available soon

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