As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 62 Breaking the Interference (2)

Elsa's shadow emerged from Ron again.

As always, her graceful body floated in the air, one black eye and one white eye staring indifferently below, as if she wanted to see what decision Ron would make at this time.

Not every creature has the courage to challenge fate.

This road is full of thorns. If you are not careful, you will be doomed, just like Archibald thousands of years ago.

But, so what?

After just traveling into this world, Ron already understood that he had no choice.

It has nothing to do with system rewards.

Ron just wanted to live, that's all... But perhaps it was because of this humble wish that he became the most badass villain in the eyes of fate.

There was no hesitation.

Ron's hands tightened.

The iron-wood staff does not have a sharp tip, but with the blessing of powerful power, it also has unimaginable destructive power.


A voice that shouldn't have appeared at this moment echoed in Ron's ears.

A translucent, glass-like barrier emerged from Herman's body out of thin air. When the iron-wood staff hit it, it failed to break the barrier.

The force of the counter-shock made Ron almost unable to hold on to the ironwood staff. The jaws of his hands were shattered and his palms were dripping with blood.

Of course, under Ron's power, this barrier was not much better. The glass-like barrier was covered with dense cracks, as if it would collapse in the next second.

The mysterious interference is really annoying.

It is really difficult to kill Herman without eliminating the interference.

Ron raised his head and met the man's eyes.

That was a priest.

But unlike other priests of the Dawn Goddess Church, his robe is dark brown.

Being able to ignore the magic circle arranged by Vergil is enough to show that he is stronger than Vergil. Even Serafina has no time to stop it, which means that his strength is at least not inferior to Serafina.

Heroic priest.

Alik is a member of the Dawn Goddess Cult Tribunal and a direct subordinate of Apu Lawn Montgomery.

Information about this cleric came to mind. The sharp aquiline nose and narrow eyes made it easy for Ron to recognize his identity.

He was obviously a heroic being, but Alik's face was clearly panicked. He was ordered by the Vice-Pope to come to protect the young master. But from far away, I heard a loud sound and smelled the strong smell of blood. When I came here and saw the scene, my eyes went dark and I almost fainted.

The only good thing is that he arrived in time, at least, he barely managed to save Herman from this man.

Although, even Alik had difficulty confirming that the body had almost no human characteristics. It was like a combination of various ugly monsters. Only the head was a strange existence that barely retained the appearance of a human. It was really rare. Lord Hermann?

God knows why the young master became like this... Was he contaminated by some evil force?

But, no matter what, the young master cannot be allowed to die here, otherwise he will not be able to explain to the deputy pope when he returns... After all, the deputy pope is such a single person.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to have a second offspring.

Although it is very secretive, there are still some rumors circulating in the Church of the Goddess of Dawn. It is said that the Vice-Pope Apu was given to that by the Great Saint Christian in some way... The Vice-Pope is actually a testicle. By.

Oh, damn, this is just a shameless rumor. How could he have such disrespectful thoughts towards the vice-pope?

Alik's eyes fell on Ron. Although he didn't know who this person was, and he didn't know what the conflict was with Young Master Herman, but even if this person almost killed the Young Master, Alik's face Kamiya had to work hard to smile.

With a fierce face and a forced smile, that expression is hard to describe in words.

Alik took a deep breath: "Goddess of Dawn, dear sir, I don't know what the conflict is between you and Young Master Herman, but please don't be impulsive. You may not know Herman." As a young master, his father is the vice-pope of the church."

"You should understand what kind of trouble killing the young master will bring you."

He is a hero-level master, but he actually has to use honorifics to someone whose strength is far inferior to his own. This feeling is really unpleasant.


Herman, whose head had just recovered not long ago, seemed to feel that he was functioning again. He made an extremely unpleasant sound from his mouth, and stared at Ron with his dark red eyes, looking crazy and proud: "Ron... you Can’t kill me.”

"If you kill me, my father will not let you go. My father is the vice-pope."

"Just wait, I will definitely kill you, I swear, I will!"

Herman was not very smart to begin with. As the process of becoming a beast continued to intensify, there were fewer and fewer brains left. Alik was speechless for a while. Is this guy really stupid or pretending to be stupid? Now you stimulate him. What to do? Do you think you have a long life?

Is this guy really the son of the Vice-Pope?

Alik quickly interrupted Herman: "Sir, please rest assured. As long as you are willing to let the young master go, I promise that the Vice-Pope will never retaliate against you in any way. I swear in the name of the goddess of dawn."

Ron remained unmoved.

He seemed to be waiting for something.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared from the side. Who was it if it wasn't Serafina?

The tall female knight's brows were furrowed tightly, with an unclear look on her face: "Damn it, what happened here?"

Alik frowned. He didn't know Serafina, but he knew that there were only two heroic masters in Larnaca. One was Gerald, so the one in front of him should be the only daughter of the Marquis of York.

In order to fight against the royal family, Vice-Pope Apu united with the noble class, and the Marquis of York was one of them. This female knight Serafina should be considered one of her own.

Before he could speak, a figure also walked out from the other side.


When he saw Virgil, Alik's brows suddenly dropped. He knew that Virgil and they were both clergymen of the Apu Vice-Pope faction.

Previously, the servants around the young master sent back news that the young master was attacked in the church and almost died. It was Virgil who rescued the young master.

This made Alik naturally have some trust in Virgil.

The surprise on Virgil's face was even more vivid: "Oh, Goddess, who can tell me what exactly happened here?"

Alik's face was covered with black lines, and the local security was really bad.

There was such a big movement here, and as the guardian of Larnaca City, he actually appeared later than himself, an outsider.

"Father Alik, why are you here?" Virgil asked in surprise as if he had just discovered Alik.

Alik reached out and rubbed his brow: "Don't worry about this for now. Can you find a way to save the young master? Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to do business."

Virgil followed Alik's line of sight, and when he saw Ron, his expression suddenly changed.

"Do you know that person?" Alik keenly caught the change in Virgil's expression and asked immediately.

Virgil nodded gloomily and muttered in a low voice: "Of course, he was the one who almost killed the young master before."

A layer of anger suddenly appeared on Alik's face. He lowered his voice and roared: "Damn it, Virgil, this is your dereliction of duty. How could you let such a guy live until now? You should have killed him long ago." he."

Virgil smiled bitterly: "I would like to, but... he is a prophet."

"Prophet?" Alik's face was full of astonishment: "The Ron who predicted the emergence of the Golden City and the demise of the Dragon Clan?"

Gerald brought the news back, and Alik had naturally heard of Ron's name as prophet. Now, he finally understood why Virgil did not kill Ron.

Virgil exhaled and nodded: "I'll try to see if I can persuade Ron to put down the weapon in his hand."

As he spoke, Virgil walked in the direction of Ron and Herman.

He opened his arms like a compassionate saint: "Oh, Ron, my dear brother... The world is so wonderful, why should we be so irritable?"

"It's just a woman's matter, why did it get to this point?"

Alik's lips trembled. Sure enough, it was because of women... Can't this damn second generation have some brains?

No matter what, Alik was very concerned about Herman's life and death. Naturally, his eyes and attention all fell on Virgil.

He didn't even notice that Serafina was approaching.

Virgil still approached Ron: "Brother Ron, believe me, Vice-Pope Apu is a very kind and tolerant man. He will never care about your offense to Master Herman. You are just a woman. I believe that Vice-Pope Apu will definitely give Irelia to you."

"Vice Pope Apu values ​​you very much. He is even planning to make you the holy son of the Church of the Goddess of Dawn."

"Think about it, you are a prophet and you have a bright future. Why should you ruin your future over a trivial matter?"

"We are all believers of the Goddess of Dawn, and believers do not deceive believers!"

"We all love each other, half-brothers..."

Alik looked at Fergil with eyes full of admiration... Although this guy's strength was far inferior to his own, Alik admitted that in terms of eloquence, none of his 100 people could compare to Fergil.

Look, this little mouth is talking black, and everything is white.

Archdeacon Apu is kind and magnanimous?

Those who died in the Inquisition were the first to express dissatisfaction.

Let Ron be the Son?

How come he, a confidant who has always been with the Vice-Pope, doesn’t know this?

However, I have to say that Virgil's bewitching voice seemed to have some effect. The black staff in Ron's hand seemed to move away from the young master's chest a little bit.

The current scene made Alik feel inexplicably nervous, his whole body was tense, and he even held his breath.

I was afraid that the slightest movement would irritate Ron, the prophet.

There was only one pair of eyes, staring straight ahead.

Just when Alik's attention was highly concentrated...


dull sound.

Immediately afterwards, there was unbearable pain and Alik couldn't control his screams.

A sharp long sword penetrated Alik's waist from the side!

Sneak attack!

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