The habits of his previous life still affected Ron. When encountering a pregnant woman, he would often choose to get out of the way... After all, a pregnant woman represents more than just a life.

Moreover, pregnant women are very vulnerable.

Keeping distance from pregnant women is to protect both yourself and the pregnant woman.

"Ma'am, how are you feeling? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Ron asked quickly.

Although, it was the pregnant woman who hit her. But Ron still didn't dare to slack off. If there was any problem, if he sent it to the church in time, he might be able to recover some things.

Especially when you see pregnant women looking a little pale.

"If you feel uncomfortable in any way, please tell me. I am the pastor of the church..." Ron said quickly: "I believe that the church will give you the best treatment."

The lady who had been staring straight at Ron suddenly shivered and seemed to have finally come to her senses.

A smile appeared on her pretty face: "Sir, you are such a gentleman..."

"But don't worry, I'm not that effeminate and don't need to go to church."

This elegant and intellectual pregnant woman nodded politely to Ron, then walked around Ron and walked straight away.

Ron was a little bit murmuring in his heart, is everything really okay? Her face was very pale, and there were beads of sweat on her forehead.

However, since this lady has already said that there is no problem, Ron can't continue to pester her.

When Ron looked up again, Cecilia was nowhere to be seen.

After a brief hesitation, Ron placed the bread in front of a little beggar on the roadside, and then chased Cecilia in the direction where she disappeared.

Ron had roughly guessed what was going on. In the game, Cecilia entrusted the player to transfer her money to her boyfriend Malte.

In the real world, there are no players, so Cecilia can only run errands in person. Once Cecilia realizes her boyfriend's true identity...the bloody nun, she is afraid that she will appear.

Ron and Cecilia didn't get along very much.

But, it could still be considered a wonderful night... The night he slept on Cecilia's lap was the most comfortable sleep Ron had ever had.

What's more, it was also from Cecilia's mouth that Ron learned about the existence of Archibald and Partridge, and for the first time he understood the horror of the world line closing.

Ron remembered Cecilia's help to him, and he couldn't bear to see the worst ending.

As for Dolores’ invitation?

Her Royal Highness the Princess should not be impatient.

Cecilia changed out of her nun's uniform. At this moment, she was just wearing an ordinary coarse cloth dress.

But he has a pretty good foundation, and even without dressing up, he exudes a charming aura. As he walks along, he attracts the attention of countless people.

There was a slight smile on her fair and beautiful cheeks.

In her pocket were ten gold coins.

That was given to me by Mr. Ron, a very gentle gentleman indeed.

The upper class, after thousands of years of decay, has long been filthy. Cecilia even doubts that those humanoid creatures can really be regarded as human beings?

A true gentleman like Mr. Ron is so rare.

As a serving nun, it was her job to make the guests feel happy, but Mr. Ron did not hurt her, which was undoubtedly her luck.

After noticing that Ron was a very gentle gentleman, Cecilia had an idea in her mind. She wanted to make a deal with Ron, or... take advantage of this gentle man.

She will use all the skills she has learned to give Ron the most wonderful enjoyment.

She hoped that Ron would be obsessed with her body and keep her by his side. She would be willing to be the most well-behaved pet around Ron.

She only hoped that after Ron got tired of her, he could give her freedom and let her return to her lover.


For the serving nun, this is the best ending.

If Ron didn't keep her by his side, she would soon be given to the next guest, and the next guest, and the next guest... Not everyone would be as gentle as Ron.

She had no choice.

However, what Cecilia didn't expect was that although Mr. Ron did not keep her by his side, he also warned Archbishop Virgil.

She no longer needed to attend to other guests.

Cecilia felt intensely ashamed of the thought of taking advantage of Mr. Ron.

During the ten days when Mr. Ron was in coma, although she did not always guard Mr. Ron like Miss Serafina and Miss Irelia, she also kept praying in front of the statue of the goddess.

Finally, Mr. Ron woke up.

Cecilia was very happy. She could feel that the joy in her heart was definitely no less than that of Serafina and Miss Irelia.

That is, after Mr. Ron woke up, Cecilia finally had some free time, and then she hurriedly left the church.

The thought of meeting her boyfriend soon made the smile on Cecilia's face grow stronger, and she was even humming a brisk song on her lips.

Unknowingly, she came to the civilian area.

She skillfully shuttled between these low houses, and it didn't take long before she arrived at the place in her memory... However, looking at the brick house in front of her, Cecilia was a little confused.

She looked around and confirmed that this was her boyfriend's home.

But why is it a brick house?

It was obviously a wooden house before.

It is not easy for ordinary people to own a brick house, and only the rich farmers among the ordinary people can build such a house.

The Malte family is not very rich.

Suddenly, Cecilia thought of something, a blush quickly appeared on her face, her eyes were silky, and her eyebrows were full of happiness.

Could it be that Malte was ready to marry him, so he renovated the house? The brick house you see in front of you is actually the wedding room of your future self and Malte?

This, this is such a waste.

This costs a lot of money.

Cecilia complained slightly, but sweet happiness flowed in her heart.

Just then, a young man in his twenties was walking out of the house.

He was in such a hurry that he didn't notice Cecilia at the door.

"Mart..." Cecilia called.

The young man named Malte was stunned for a moment, turned around subconsciously, and when he saw Cecilia, a smile appeared on his face: "Ah, Cecilia, I dreamed of you last night, I miss you so much. "

Cecilia bit her lower lip lightly with her teeth, a happy smile on her face: "Mart, I miss you too."

She doesn't know too many cheesy love words, but the sentence "I miss you too" is just a way to vent the hottest feelings in her heart.

She really wanted to throw herself into her lover's arms and listen to her lover's heartbeat.

But as a nun, no matter what her job is within the church, she must not do anything that damages the face of the church outside.

Cecilia took a deep breath and suppressed the impulse in her heart: "Mart, why did you build a new house? Is this our future wedding room?"

Malte's face stiffened slightly, but he was very good at adjusting his facial expression. The slight stiffness quickly dissipated. Malte even opened his hands: "Of course, Cecilia, do you like it?"

Cecilia nodded her head vigorously: "I like it very much, thank you, Malte, but does it cost a lot of money?"

Malte said affectionately: "Oh, Cecilia, please don't say that."

"You are the most precious gem in my heart. For you, I am willing to do my best."

"I can't entertain countless guests in a luxurious villa like those great nobles. I don't have the power to let you receive the blessing of a priest in a sacred church."

"But, I will do my best to give you a home that can protect you from wind and rain."

"Although I spent a lot of money, I can make more money, but the wedding between us is only once, and I don't want you to have any regrets." Malte gently patted Cecilia's head and said softly.

Cecilia's eyes were filled with mist, and her heart was filled with gentle happiness.

Malte is not strong.

Not handsome either.

Not rich either.

But for Cecilia, he is the best man in the world. As long as he loves her, Cecilia will not ask for anything more.

But soon, Malte's brows frowned. He raised his head and glanced at the sky: "Ah, Cecilia, I'm really sorry. I really want to spend more time with you, but I have to go to work. In order to I owe a lot of money for building this house.”


Cecilia's body trembled, and then she remembered her original purpose of leaving the church this time.

His little hands hurriedly groped in his pocket and took out a small money bag. Inside were the ten gold coins given to her by Mr. Ron, as well as the silver coins and copper plates she had saved in her daily life.

She handed the purse to Malte and whispered: "By the way, Malte, I have to tell you something. I have been arranged by the church to entertain a distinguished guest..."

Malte frowned and his expression turned gloomy for a moment, but his fingers did not stop opening the money bag.

In order to avoid Malte from misunderstanding, Cecilia spoke faster: "But don't worry, that guest didn't do anything to me..."

At the same time, Marte had already opened the money bag, and a dazzling golden light flashed in front of Marte. In an instant, the haze on Marte's face disappeared, replaced by an excited twist: "Oh, God, this Is it...a gold coin?"

He didn't even hear Cecilia's words behind him. Malte's voice was trembling: "Ten?"

"You can get ten gold coins by sleeping with a distinguished guest. As expected of you, Cecilia, you did a great job."


For a moment, Cecilia's face was dull. She looked at her boyfriend who was twisted and howling like a monster in front of her in disbelief, and her eyes lost their highlights!

It's like...a bad look!

Chapter 5 is here, 16,000 words have been updated today, continue reviewing!

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