As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 83 The completely broken nun (20,000 words)

At that moment, Cecilia's eyes lost their light, leaving only dullness and darkness.

She couldn't describe how she felt now.

Seeing her boyfriend's excited and distorted expression, and his violent breathing like a beast, the original warmth and sweetness in his heart was extinguished instantly as if a basin of ice water had been poured on it.

Malte's originally familiar face seemed so unfamiliar to Cecilia at this moment.

It was as if he had been replaced by another person at that moment.

As a serving nun, she couldn't change her fate, but she didn't want to hide her lover, so she chose to tell the truth. What's more, Mr. Ron didn't do anything to her.

She had thought about how her boyfriend might react.

He may be very angry and furious, cursing those in authority for their shamelessness.

He may also be very sad, but in the end he will pat his head gently to comfort himself and not to feel too uncomfortable.

He might even vent his anger on her and beat her severely.

After all, no man wants to see the woman he loves becoming another man's toy.

But Cecilia never expected that her boyfriend would react like this.

It seemed that, in his eyes, his own chastity was far less attractive than ten gold coins.

In an instant, Cecilia felt as if a piece of her heart had been dug out, leaving it empty and painful.

Her brain was like a mess, and she didn't even know how she should react.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Malte finally recovered a little from the excitement of ten gold coins. His face was still red, he was breathing heavily from his nostrils, and he was holding one tightly with his fingers. A gold coin shimmering with dazzling light, his eyes moved away with difficulty, and finally fell on Cecilia.

"By the way, Cecilia, what did you just say? Are you arranged by the church to serve distinguished guests?"

Malte said easily: "Oh, please, Cecilia, when you secretly told me about the serving nun before, didn't we already know that such a day would come? Why should we care?"

"Ten gold coins... That gentleman is really a generous gentleman... Didn't he name you again later?"

It seems that Malte is more interested in the man who took away his girlfriend's virginity than the fact that his girlfriend lost her virginity. After all, he was a rich and generous man who only paid ten gold coins.

These ten gold coins are enough for a commoner to live a normal life for ten years.


Cecilia's face instantly turned pale. She bit her lip hard and her body was shaking slightly. She tilted her head and looked at Malte with an incredible look: "Do you want me to accompany him again?"

"Of course..." Malte nodded subconsciously, but the man who gradually recovered from the madness caused by the gold coins quickly noticed something unusual about Cecilia.

This is a very smart man. He judged Cecilia's thoughts in the shortest time. A gentle smile soon appeared on his face. He gently stroked Cecilia's long hair: " Of course I don’t want to, Cecilia, you are my most precious gem, how can I bear to watch you being defiled by other men?”

"Dear Cecilia, can't you feel it? I am caring about you!"

"What happened has happened, and you know very well that we don't have the ability to change it."

"If you can't make that gentleman obsessed with your body, you will soon be assigned to other guests... It is better to have your body used by one man than to be used by many men, isn't it?"

Malte's voice became softer and gentler: "Cecilia, you must not think that I am doing it for money. You know, I am not interested in money."

"Otherwise, it would not have cost a huge amount of money to rebuild the original wooden house into a brick house. I am really thinking about you. Think carefully about what I said. Is this the best thing for you?"

"Besides, you've already done it once with this gentleman, so what's the difference between doing it once and doing it a hundred times?"

"Of course, this gentleman, it would be best if he could still be as generous as the first time."

Seeing that Cecilia just lowered her head and said nothing, Malte narrowed his eyes and spoke again: "Cecilia, I know these words may make you disappointed and angry."

"But, please believe me, I am simply considering you from your perspective, without any selfish motives."

"You can doubt everything, but you must not doubt my feelings for you. What I like is your person, not your body. I don't care about that thin film. I just hope you can live a happy life."

"Look, I have even prepared our wedding room. I am just waiting for the day when you leave the church. Then I will marry you, and we can live happily together!"

Cecilia didn’t know when she left.

Her mind was very confused and confused.

All kinds of pictures keep popping up in my mind.

She thought about how her parents died in a plague when she was very young. She had not yet been adopted by the church, so she could only wander around the streets and alleys with unkempt hair every day, fighting for food with rats and wild dogs in garbage dumps.

The world of children is very cruel.

A child like her without parental protection will inevitably become the target of bullying by other children.

They threw stones at her, snatched away the rotten bones that she had finally dug out from the garbage, threw them on the ground and stamped on them with their feet, and tore her few clothes into tatters. The icy cold water poured over her body and she laughed heartily.

Cecilia could not forget that when everyone was bullying her, only Malte stood up.

From that moment on, Malte's figure was forever imprinted in Cecilia's heart and could never be forgotten.

Maybe he is not strong.

But, he is her hero.

But today, when she saw her boyfriend again, Cecilia felt extremely strange. No matter how hard she tried, she could not overlap the image of her boyfriend with the image in her memory.

Her boyfriend's voice still echoed in her mind.

Maybe she should trust her boyfriend?

After all, the wedding room is ready.

However, Cecilia didn't know what was going on, she just felt an unbearable nausea suddenly surged into her heart.

She couldn't bear it anymore, so she staggered to the roadside, holding on to the rusty railing with one hand, and with a sound from her mouth, a large piece of filth was spitted into the grass.

The intestines seemed to be twisted together, constantly releasing pain that made Cecilia's soul tremble.

Her eyes were filled with tears, and tears rolled down her smooth cheeks.

At this moment, a hand suddenly patted her back gently: "Okay, okay, it's okay, it's okay..."

A very gentle voice floated in Cecilia's ears.

Cecilia raised her head in a panic, and a familiar face appeared in front of her: "Mr. Ron, why are you here?"

As soon as she said the words, Cecilia thought that she had just vomited and now her body must smell very disgusting. She subconsciously stepped back and distanced herself from Ron, not wanting her bad smell to spread to Mr. Ron.

Ron just smiled. Although he came a little late, looking at Cecilia's appearance, he could basically guess what happened here.

The hope that Cecilia had been holding on to had cracks in her heart, but it had not yet completely collapsed.

Ron didn't answer, just handed Cecilia a pure white handkerchief.

Cecilia took it silently and wiped away the stains on her mouth and chest.

I wanted to return the handkerchief to Ron, but in the end I put it in my pocket: "Sir, I will return the handkerchief to you after I wash it."

Ron didn't mind a small handkerchief.

He tilted his head and stared at Cecilia: "Is it difficult?"

Cecilia bit her lip and nodded silently.

"Let's go."

"where to?"

"I'll show you something more uncomfortable." Ron said extremely cruel words with a smile on his face.

The seeds of doubt have been planted in Cecilia's heart. Sooner or later, Cecilia will discover the truth... In this case, let him completely destroy the hope in Cecilia's heart.

No matter what Cecilia will become in the end, at least she no longer has to endure the long suffering.

Ron turned around and walked away. Cecilia's eyes were frightened. She hesitated, but finally followed Ron.

Soon, Cecilia discovered that the direction her husband was heading was exactly where her boyfriend's house was. Unspeakable fear, like the sharp claws of a beast, grabbed Cecilia's heart and made her whole body tremble.

Finally, the brand new brick house reappeared in front of Cecilia.

Cecilia looked at Mr. Ron with some doubts, wondering what he wanted to show her, but he didn't say much. He didn't seem to care about the etiquette of the superiors, the identity of the priests, and he didn't care at all. Regardless of whether the pure white and holy priest's robe would be stained, he just walked to the corner of the street and sat under a big tree.

He leaned against the tree trunk and stared at the scorching sun above his head.

Then, Ron waved at Cecilia and motioned for Cecilia to sit over.

There was a slight struggle on Cecilia's face, but in the end she sat obediently next to Ron, with her back leaning against the same big tree, her black hair scattered on the ground, and her slender white hands wrapped around her knees.

The originally tall body was huddled up at this moment, looking a little pitiful.

The same dark eyes stared at the ground, as if carefully observing the ants moving, but those eyes had no focus after all.

"Later, no matter what you see or hear..."


"I have everything."

Cecilia's body trembled slightly, and after a while, a weak response floated to Ron's ears:


Ron did not comfort Cecilia. When she was about to face the cruel truth, any comfort was so pale.

Finally, when the sun floated above their heads, a burst of chaotic footsteps, mixed with a man's voice, entered their ears.

Cecilia shuddered and raised her head suddenly. The familiar voice told Cecilia that Malte was back.

Her eyes flicked over, and the next moment, her originally rosy cheeks suddenly became as pale as paper, without any blood.

Right next to Malte, there was another girl following him.

It was a petite girl who looked very cute, like a butterfly flying among the flowers.

A soft smile appeared on Marte's face. He led the girl to the door of his house, pointed at the brand-new brick house, and proudly announced: "Look, Ava, this is the wedding I have prepared for you." house!"



Ron seemed to feel that Cecilia beside him was struck by lightning.

When he looked over, he only saw Cecilia's eyes, which had turned scarlet at some point.

"Brother Malte, I heard that you have a very good relationship with a nun?"

The two people opposite did not know the existence of Ron and Cecilia, and the voices of their voices continued to float.

"Ah, you said Cecilia...Ava, you have to believe me, I have nothing to do with Cecilia. I have never liked her. It was purely because she was bullied when she was a child, and I helped her stand up. It was just once... Actually, I wasn't standing up for her, it was just because her parents gave a sum of money to my parents before they died, asking my parents to help take care of her... Who would have known that this woman would get involved Me."

Cecilia was trembling all over.

Before his death, his parents gave a sum of money to the Malte family? Why did she never know?

take care of?

"Don't worry, I will definitely cut ties with her and won't let that woman affect our married life."

"What's more, that woman has been screwed by the higher-ups in the church a long time ago. She just wants to find me to take over. How could I fall in love with that kind of woman?" Malte said with a smile. He only fell in love with Cicely. It's just Ya's money... After all, it feels really great to earn a lot of money every month without doing anything but saying a few nice words of love.

As for Cecilia, will she cause trouble for him after she leaves the church?

God, Cecilia has already left the church, so what is there to worry about?

Pain, pain, pain... heartbreaking pain.

When her husband brought her here, Cecilia had vaguely guessed something about Marte's previous performance.

But when the bloody truth was unfolding in front of her, Cecilia still felt so painful that she couldn't breathe.

Sir, he is really a gentle and cruel person.


Who is it, who is speaking in the ear?

Can't hear clearly.

Cecilia's beautiful face showed a silly smile, slightly twisted, and her black eyes were wide open.


Malte, have you been lying to me?

He lied to her for ten years!

Ten years!

Ten years of sweet talk are nothing but poison wrapped in a shell of happiness.

Cecilia stood up from the ground silently and walked towards her boyfriend opposite step by step.

The real yandere looks far scarier than the one in the game.

Her hands dropped naturally, and on the long tip of the middle finger of her right hand, a scarlet blood drop slowly emerged, as if there was some mysterious force adhering to it. The blood drop did not fall to the ground, but hung in the air and swayed gently. , there are more and more blood beads, and they gather together to form a ball.

It squirmed, and then... turned into a scarlet knife!

Chapter 6 is here, 20,000 words have been updated, and I will update it a little later.

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