For some reason, he seemed to see the color name above Feng Xiaoxiao's head turn red for a moment, and then return to normal in an instant, turning into a normal friendly green with a touch of pink.

The fight took place right in front of the coffee shop, and the two were only a few meters apart.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Feng Xiaoxiao looked away and his body trembled slightly.

"Follow me first and don't run around. I'll notify the night watchman."

Jiang You shouted.

"Well..." Feng Xiaoxiao nodded.

Jiang You took out his mobile phone, made a call and quickly explained the situation.


"I feel so dizzy."

"Why are my palms so blood is so hot!!"

Not far away, the crowd screamed in surprise.

Several people were running and suddenly fell down.

What happened again? ?

Jiang You was confused.

He watched helplessly as people ran and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Others, don't come close, please spread out!"

Jiang You didn't dare to hang up the phone, shouted and ran over quickly.

With a touch of his hand, the skin of these people who fell to the ground was extremely hot!

And wisps of bloody lines gradually appeared on his body.


He is good at killing alien species, but he is really useless at treating pollution!

"Several more people here suddenly fainted and their bodies felt hot. The symptoms are a bit like hemorrhage syndrome. I don't know if it is specific. Please send someone over quickly!"

Putting down the phone, he suddenly thought that this was not far from the hospital.

OK, now rescue should come quickly.

Just as he was about to put the phone back, he noticed that there seemed to be capital red fonts in the floating window.

Jiang You quickly clicked on it. Was it a notification from the Night Watch Division APP?

[Attention, all extraordinary beings! Recently, a large number of blood-contaminated patients have appeared in the Yunhai gathering place. It is suspected that there is a powerful blood type in the gathering place. If you encounter a blood type, please record its information in time and report it to the Night Patrol Department! 】

What happened to the sea of ​​clouds?

Jiang You thought in his mind, and moved his hands slowly to keep some distance between the fainted passers-by to prevent the pollution from further affecting each other. There was only so much he could do.

After a moment, the ambulance beeped and approached.

"This way!" Jiang You waved.


Medical staff were dispatched quickly, and he was relieved.

"Jiang You, you are so powerful now." Feng Xiaoxiao said sincerely.

"It's okay." Jiang You glanced at her.

The girl who was still in shock but forced to calm down actually looked particularly pitiful.

"It's okay." Jiang You said, "Hurry up and go home. The sea of ​​clouds may not be peaceful recently, and stock up on supplies. Don't wander around at night."

"Thank you." Feng Xiaoxiao said softly.

"no need thank me."

"Thank you for saving my life and... for letting me see the power of extraordinary beings."

Feng Xiaoxiao said.

"There's no such thing as saving lives. If I hadn't been in the cafe, you wouldn't have been able to stay, let alone be attacked by vampires. As for being strong...that's all."

Feng Xiaoxiao shook his head, "It may be easy for you, but for an ordinary person like me, my whole mind was blank just now, and I even thought I would die here."

"Okay, old classmate of many years, don't be so mean." Jiang You grinned, "I'll take you back."

"No need, I can walk by myself." Feng Xiaoxiao shook his head again and said, "You are really powerful now. You can help more people in need."

Jiang You paused.

"I'm really fine. We're all old classmates. Don't you know me yet? I'll go by myself, and you can go about your business." The girl waved her hand.

"Okay, see you next time."

After taking a deep look at her, Jiang You turned around and opened the Night Watch Division APP.

There are several locations marked on the map, all of which are locations where vampires are overflowing.

One of the places was only one kilometer away from here, and Jiang You started to jog.

The girl watched him leave, turned around, and walked towards the road in the opposite direction.

The two figures gradually pulled apart.

"Old classmate..."


By the time Jiang You arrived, other extraordinary beings had already taken action in this place.

Be it a night watchman or a scavenger.

Faced with this kind of low-level first-level and middle-level blood types who were transformed from humans and lacked wild and violent energy, they could be easily dealt with.

When you open the map again, the marked positions have basically been cleared.

Counting the entrance of the cafe, there are four places in total.

All within this East 2 District.

The place Jiang You arrived at was a shopping mall, which had been cordoned off and finishing work was being done. He took a few glances and realized that he had nothing to do, so he simply left the place.

Buzz! Mobile phone vibration.

It's news from Uncle Li.

"Are you still alive?"

"?" Jiang You's face darkened and he replied, "I can't support you in your old age."

"That's okay. I have a night watchman to support me. You can't imagine how fat I am in this position."

Are you still a human being?

How can you blame Jiang You for always misunderstanding that Uncle Li was a big tiger?

Every day, I have a good time and show off in front of him.

Coupled with his intimidating aura, Jiang You believed that he was right and wrong.

"I've taken a screenshot and I'm going to report you now."

[Uncle Li withdrew a message]


After ending the chat, Jiang You found a place to escape into the shadow layer.

I just killed three vampires, and there were surveillance cameras nearby. Didn't I complete three tasks at once?

The night watchman is probably very busy right now, so don't worry, go pick out some soft persimmons first!

Shadow layer!

The figure covered in black almost completely blends into the darkness.

Cold eyes stared at the figure in front of him:

Nearly two meters tall, it is human-shaped, with three huge fingers. From time to time there are thorns made of blood on the body, which penetrate the skin and come out.

This is also a vampire, but it is different from the previous ones and looks more advanced.

[HP: 20%]!

A large hole was completely opened in the opponent's chest, and the beating and twisted organs could be seen.

He was limping as he walked, holding in his hand a mutilated alien species of unknown race.

He chewed and chewed, and his blood volume recovered visibly to the naked eye.

The blood type has extremely tenacious vitality. It would be difficult for any other mutant species to recover from such a serious injury.

At this time, you can see the granulations swarming around the wound, repairing the body bit by bit.

Does this allow it to continue to recover?

[Shadow Attack]!

Feeling good about eating, the vampire watched its surroundings vigilantly, but it never expected that a big knife suddenly appeared from the shadows beside it!

Falling straight from top to bottom!


This vampire didn't even have time to resist. Under the mark, the heart palpitation and panic effect took effect directly, and he fell into a state of freeze!

So he watched helplessly as the giant blade penetrated his shoulder blade, and his body was almost split in half.

Even if you don't have enough health and fall to the kill line, the instant death rule will be triggered.

The blade was swung left and right, killing him instantly!

"Unexpectedly, as powerful as a second-level blood type, I can already kill him instantly."

"Cricket level two, nothing more than that."

Ignoring the opponent's 20% remaining health, Jiang You dispersed the shadow blade and attached it to his palm.

The rich darkness enveloped the other person's body and then rushed toward his arms.

The darkness decomposed the other's body, and longing naturally came from Jiang You's body.

For a moment, he frowned.

This time the absorption... wasn't quite right.

Jiang You stared at the other party's body, only to see a ray of blood clinging to his arm, and then gradually disappeared.

My arms are slightly itchy.

Jiang You's thoughts moved slightly.

The arm turned into a blade again.

A flash of blood, like a line, started from the handle of the knife and spread to the tip of the blade.

Slender, looming.

"What's this?"

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