Soon, Deng Ke’s wife also arrived at the scene.

"How is Hehe's situation? I went to my second uncle and third uncle to collect some money..."

Deng Ke, who was sitting on the bench, raised his head and smiled with relief. "It's okay. I've prepared the medicine. The director also said that the success rate of the treatment is very high. Please return the money, you won't need it."

The wife was a little suspicious, "But... the director informed me on the phone that the situation is not optimistic."

"Because I didn't get the blood source potion at that time." Deng Ke reassured her, "Don't worry."


"trust me."

Is this the strength of middle-aged men?

Jiang You hesitated for a moment, then left the hospital and found a quieter place.

"Uncle Li, I have a friend whose child has metabolite syndrome. Can it be cured? I think he took out a bottle of blood source medicine and chatted with the doctor for a few words, but the doctor didn't look good. ."

Not long after, Li Xunguang replied with a message, "If a bottle of blood-derived medicine cannot cure the patient, it will basically be difficult to save him later, no matter how old the patient is."

"Five years old." Jiang You replied.

"The probability can be said to be lower or even close to 0. Children's ability to resist pollution is extremely poor. If found early, blood-based drugs may be effective. In the acute stage, it can basically be said that they cannot be rescued."

"All right."

That being said, there is no need for Deng Ke to go around begging for help and spending all his energy to switch bottles of blood source potions.

But reason is reason, and it is a matter of life and death for his daughter. Even if there is a glimmer of hope, Deng Ke will do it without hesitation.

"for you."

At this moment, a cup of coffee was pushed over.

"Long time no see, handsome guy Jiang."

A girl with a high ponytail and a delicate appearance sat opposite Jiang You.

"Xiao Xiao?" Jiang You's pupils gradually focused on the girl in front of him, "What a coincidence?"

"Yeah, aren't you in a special training camp? Why are you back?"

Feng Xiaoxiao, Lu Yaoyao's best friend, I don't know what kind of cosmetics she has used recently. Her skin is moist and delicate, and her eyes are full of autumn.

However, after not seeing him for more than a month, his appearance was quite different from what he remembered.

"Because of good behavior, I was released early." Jiang You said casually, "What about you? Didn't go to school today?"

"I was attacked by a alien species a few days ago. A night watchman rescued me. I was fine, but he was seriously injured and unconscious. I came here to see him."

"I see." Jiang You nodded, "A lot of alien species have indeed appeared in the sea of ​​clouds recently. Don't go out at night or walk on the trails."

"Yeah." Feng Xiaoxiao responded, taking a sip of coffee and looking at Jiang You with a somewhat inexplicable look.

Do not misunderstand.

It's not seduction, but a very complicated look.

"It's only been a month since I last saw you. You have changed so much. Your temperament is completely different."

"What's the point?" Jiang Youyile said, "I feel like you've changed a lot. How have you been lately?"

"I saw that you all went to the special training camp, but I am not qualified and can only stay in Yunhai. In addition, when there is danger, the night watchman who stepped forward... the more I think about it, the more I envy you."


For a moment, Jiang You didn't know how to respond.

Speaking of this, she said in a faint tone, "My family is engaged in the catering industry and small business. I can only say that we are not short of money, but if we encounter any danger, no amount of money will be of use."

"I went on a trip before, and when I came back, I saw a group of alien species on the road. That was probably the first time I saw such weird creatures. From then on, I wanted to become a transcendent."

Jiang You listened silently.

"But extraordinary things like willpower are completely dependent on fate. If you don't have the qualifications, you don't have it. No matter how hard you try, it's useless."

"The school offers martial arts classes. Everyone says that this thing can only strengthen the body. At most, the mutants will run faster. If you really want to become extraordinary, you must have qualifications. No matter how good you are in ordinary martial arts, it will be useless."

Jiang You opened his lips slightly, then closed them angrily.


He had also practiced with the school before, and he thought he was pretty good at first, but when he really entered the extraordinary world, he realized that he was nothing.

If someone punches it down, you can't dig it out by smashing it against the wall.

When there is a huge gap in physical fitness, the effect of conventional training methods is almost zero. The essence of extraordinary is pollution. If you are not old enough, accepting pollution will have huge risks and is almost a dead end.

The reason why this kind of martial arts class is offered is simply to give students a basic foundation.

"At that time in the martial arts class, I was almost the most serious in the class. I thought that hard work would be rewarded, but the qualification test broke my fantasy. I have no chance of being extraordinary in this life."

Feng Xiaoxiao showed a bitter smile, "When encountering alien species, we can only place our hope of survival in the hands of others."

Those who want to be extraordinary are not qualified to resist the extraordinary ability to awaken.

It's so confusing and frustrating.

"People without qualifications cannot even learn extraordinary liberal arts, because they will be more likely to despair and become contaminated."

Feng Xiaoxiao shook the coffee cup gently, and the look in his eyes gradually narrowed.

"Hey." Jiang You could only sigh, but he couldn't comfort him.

After a moment, he said, "Actually, it's the same. Extraordinary people are not as good as you think. They have to face danger almost all the time."

"The probability of ordinary people facing danger is not high. If they do encounter it, there is nothing they can do. But most people can always live their lives safely. If we were extraordinary people... how many people would be able to survive without being injured or disabled? "

"No." Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Feng Xiaoxiao bit her lip, "Jiang You, you have talent, you are different."

"You can't understand the powerlessness that an unarmed mortal feels when facing a mutant. If the night watchman hadn't risked his life to save me that day, I would have even been swallowed in one bite!"

Jiang You was silent.

Possessing unprecedented golden talent, he is also a great devil who can overpower others at his level.

Comforting a girl who had just been attacked by a alien species.

His words indeed seemed weak, and he was unable to truly empathize with his feelings.

The two fell silent suddenly.

"what is that!!"

"How come there are alien species!"

Various exclamations came from the streets.

Only three human-type blood species were seen, with smooth and exposed skin marked with blood lines.

I don’t know where I jumped onto the street!

And one of them came straight to this coffee shop!

There was a click.

The glass could not withstand the attack of the alien species and shattered into pieces on the spot.

It was a weekday afternoon, and there weren't many people in the store. It set its sights on Jiang You!

Come on!

"Be careful!" Feng Xiaoxiao's face turned pale, her legs and feet were a little weak, and she looked frightened.


Hold the other person's throat with your palms.

It snaps with a snap.

Jiang You's expression didn't change much.

The opponent didn't know if he had a first-level midrange, but in his hands, he would be killed instantly.

[HP] was cleared and Jiang You shook it off.

Then rush out into the street.

boom! boom!

These two vampires smashed around recklessly, or directly chased the crowd.

He grabs a passerby who is running slowly, swings his claws, and stabs him until his flesh and blood fly!

One of them jumped onto the car and beat on the window. After two or three times, the window was covered with cobwebs and was shaking!

The release of this kind of power made several vampires excited.

"Help! Help!"

Some people's legs were so weak that they tripped over themselves while running and fell to the ground.

He looked at the vampire who was getting closer in horror.


Just as the other party was about to approach, Jiang Yousheng was hit in the head by a flying blow.

He turned his steps, leaped up with big strides, put his foot in the opponent's chest, pursued him, and landed with his cannon fist!

With the gap in rank here, it can be said that the opponent has basically no power to fight back.

Jiang You's face was stern.

These three vampires...are almost exactly the same as those seen during the mission this morning. Could it be that these three are also vampires transformed from humans? ?

If that's the case, then something is really wrong.

It is normal for one or two people to become fallen ones and transform into alien species. If there are several in a row, it is definitely not a coincidence!

Finished dealing with the last vampire that was transformed from a fallen human.

Jiang You took a deep breath and stood up. The street was extremely messy.

Everyone abandoned their cars and fled, scattering all kinds of debris on the ground casually.

Crying, panic, mostly similar.

He turned his head and looked towards the cafe.

Feng Xiaoxiao stood at the door with a pale face, looking at him.

The girl looked sad and somewhat self-deprecating. She pursed her lips as if to say: "You see, ordinary people are so fragile when facing alien species."

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