With Lu Nanfeng's expression as if he had seen a ghost, Jiang You waved goodbye.

What happened today is truly dizzying.

First, the shopping mall fell into the shadow layer and he learned that his daughter was in danger. Then the night watchman arrived to save the day, and then the night watch department held a meeting.

Halfway through the meeting, during the intermission, there was another thunderstorm on the qualification testing side.

The first time I discovered the sixth level talent was probably forty or fifty years ago.

Who would have thought that this unexpected surprise would come to everyone.

It was routine to record the conversation. Unexpectedly, Jiang You suddenly transformed into a writer, and a few words almost caused Lu Nanfeng's brain to shut down.

He looked at the records in front of him and wondered whether he should just hand it over to his superiors...


Pretending to be big.

It's really cool.

If it is too big, there will be problems.

In the shadow layer, feeling the energy constantly pouring into his body, Jiang You felt anxious.

Golden talent?

He really didn't feel that he was the material.

It's good now. According to Uncle Lu, it won't be long before he becomes famous in the Night Watch Division.

If nothing goes wrong, in a few years, his name will appear in the Handbook of Extraordinary Basic Knowledge.

"Following the existing sixth-level talent, our country's Jiangyou has successfully detected a golden talent, breaking the upper limit of extraordinary..."

"According to his later recollections, he was plunged into deep darkness, surrounded by dead silence, and the shadows were whispering to drag him into the abyss."

"At this moment, Jiang You resolutely bent down and raised the torch, held it high, and said those shocking words: If there is no torch from now on, I will be the only light."

Mist grass.

Just thinking about that scene makes me dig out a villa with my toes in embarrassment.

Squatting on the tall building, he sighed.

That's all, the matter is at this point, it's useless to say more.

Keep hunting.

[Remaining life span]: 20 days!

The shopping mall wandering spirit provides a few days of life, and the current stock is barely enough for him to survive until the end of the month.

But not enough, far from it.

On March 25, the special training camp officially opened.

Those who meet the qualifications will undergo special training for several months to truly understand the extraordinary, their own abilities and alien species.

The martial arts college entrance examination is a centralized assessment of the learning results of the special training camp.

Unless he goes through the back door, he must attend special training camp.

It's good to learn some basic knowledge and exercise your abilities. Jiang You doesn't intend to be special.

So before that, it's best to accumulate enough lifespan.

There are still more than ten days left. It should be enough to hunt one or two alien species in one day.

Jiang You stood up.

Open your arms and tilt your upper body forward little by little.

A fifty-six-story building!

Falling downward!

The wind howled, passing through my hair and hitting my face.

A trace of shadow spread from the limbs, completely covering the body in just two or three seconds.

The speed of descent suddenly slowed down.

Gradually retracting his limbs, he sank his feet, stood on the wall, and started running downward!

【Shadow Walk】, even the vertical wall can be walked on flat ground.


The wall exploded and he jumped up high.

He jumped onto the wall across the street, about ten stories high, and his right arm completely turned into a sharp claw.

A layer of ink-like cuticle covered the forearm, with hideous barbs and a cold sheen.

The sharp claws are sharp and the blade is cold.

The body was half-hanging on the wall, and a series of sparks were produced at the intersection between the claw blade and the wall.

Seeing that he was still seven or eight meters below the ground, he jumped again.

Below, a mutant with only [25%] health left looked back from time to time, as if being chased by something.

Unfortunately, it was looking behind, and by the time it reacted, Jiang You had already flown into its face!

This is a humanoid species with gray skin and dense lines on the skin surface.

His facial features seemed to have been put through a blur filter, except for his eyes, which emitted a blue-grey luster and were barely clear.

One leg was broken, the entire abdomen was almost penetrated, and the left arm was missing.

Limping, it was difficult not to make Jiang You's heart flutter.

He didn't even use [Shadow Attack], relying on the downward kinetic energy and sharp claw blades, he struck down the hungry tiger!

[HP] Big explosion!


The alien, who was already seriously injured, fell to the ground on the spot.



Jiang You inserted his palm into the opponent's heart and said, "Behead him."


This poor alien was left cold on the spot.

[This is a severely injured alien species. It is so pitiful and runs for its life in a hurry. It just wants to live, that's all.]

[But obviously, its life ends here. It can no longer see the sun rising tomorrow, nor can it hear the whisper of the breeze]

[Chasing seriously injured prey that does not belong to you, obviously, this is not a glorious hunt]

[The judgment of "Hunting" is in progress, "Hunting" is successful]

["Remaining life" increases, current number of days: 22 days]

["Combat Skills" slightly improved]

A memory flashed through my mind.

The first time I fought against Ah Piao, fighting a mutant species alone, and then the instant kill just now...

Memories circled around in his mind like a revolving door, and Jiang You looked amazed.

With such a "small" improvement, he really gained a lot.

For example, in a previous battle, if you attack from a different angle, the effect may be more powerful; if you adjust your avoidance method, you can save more energy.

not bad.

This alien species was indeed extremely disabled, and he was prepared to [hunt] without gaining anything.

Grasping the opponent's body with his palms, Jiang You activated [Shadow Bite] again

Under the control, the shadow is like strong acid, eating away at the opponent's body bit by bit, and then flows back into the palm.

[Shadow Point] +4!

Successfully exceeded 40 points!

Very good, it can be used for two purposes and is very efficient.

"Hey! Where did you come from?"

An angry voice sounded not far away. Jiang You was stunned and looked over.

A young man wearing a leather jacket, camouflage trousers, and a camouflage helmet on his head approached with a wary expression.

The clothes on his body were torn in many places, and there was slight blood oozing from the wounds.

[HP]: 73%

What does this person do?

Jiang You looked at him confused.

"Where's my alien species?"

The young man glared angrily, glanced at Jiang You's side, and when he saw the "puddle" on the ground, he immediately understood something.

[Shadow Bite] does not completely swallow the prey, but usually leaves a lot of "indigestible" parts in place.

"Brother, you are a bit unreasonable."

Deng Ke was stunned.

The person in front of me felt more and more familiar.

No, none of this looks familiar.

"Are you Yu?" he asked.

"Is something wrong?" Jiang You tilted his head.

Although the other party was wearing camouflage uniforms, it was obvious that he could not be from the Night Patrol Department.

It was the first time to encounter a wild and extraordinary person, which was quite novel.

Deng Ke laughed angrily at the word "something happened".

He said, "No, buddy, even if you are a big Internet celebrity, you can't steal my prey. I wasted time and effort, and it escaped in the middle of the fight, and then you just missed it. This is not in line with the rules." ."

"I only saw this alien species at that time, not you." Jiang You shook his head.

That's not the case.

The visibility of this shadow layer is only so much, it's weird that you can see me.

Little did I know that in the time it took me to take a few breaths, I would catch up to the prey and it would be gone.

"I targeted this prey first, and you should have seen its condition. It was seriously injured and on the verge of death. Look at the injuries on my body. I was just waiting to take it down and sell it for some money..."

Deng Ke said, "Okay, I'm unlucky today, let's follow the rules of the scavengers. Three to seven points, no problem, right? You are a big internet celebrity, you won't bully a little shrimp like me, right?"

"What thirty-seven points?"

Jiang You was at a loss again.

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