As Long As You Have A Health Bar, The Gods Will Kill You Too

Chapter 36 Extraordinary Beyond Night Watchmen

"No, buddy, this is boring."

"Big internet celebrities can't be so domineering... In fact, we can discuss it carefully."

Deng Ke pursed his lips and his voice became smaller and smaller.

Without him, Jiang You really doesn't look like a good person.

Especially those two big claws. A slight touch between the index finger and the middle finger, and a clang of gold and iron clashing directly made people's hair stand on end.

What the hell is this?

If your skills are not as good as others, that's all.

Deng Ke had no intention of continuing the conversation and planned to go back and block "You". Oh no, we have to open a few small accounts and go to his comment area every day to be a scumbag!

"I'm not strong enough. I admit defeat. Brother You takes my leave." Deng Ke clasped his hands in a fist-cup gesture.

"Wait a minute." Jiang You called him to stop.

"You and I have no grievances, so why do brothers have to fight each other so hard?" Deng Ke was wary and took a few steps back to look at Jiang You.

"..." The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Jiang You sighed, "I asked you why you have so many dramas. What about scavengers, what are you talking about?"

"Brother, do you really not know or are you pretending not to know?" Deng Ke was confused.

Jiang You remained silent and watched him quietly.

"Scavenger?" Deng Ke asked tentatively.

"Tell me." Jiang You said.

Deng Ke had a strange expression.

You know this kind of thing when you go to college.

As for Jiang You not going to college...

That's pure bullshit.

The strength shown in the video was not top-notch, but Deng Ke was the first to not believe that a person who had never gone to college could achieve this level.

Mainly, this is considered basic knowledge. Even if you are not a college student, you can understand it if you step into the extraordinary world and look for information.

Yeah, who could have imagined.

Hidden under the ferocious cloak of shadow is actually a young lsp-soul of the second grade-foot-washing master-hot-blooded eroge cartoonist.

Brother, you must have lost your memory.

"About when I woke up after amnesia, I had a mobile phone at hand, so I registered a Douyin account and started posting short amnesia videos"

"Tell me about it, I'm waiting to hear it." Jiang You urged.


Deng Ke's Adam's apple floated and he explained, "Scavengers, scavengers, these are our own names. The official name is 'non-staff personnel of the Night Watch Department'. As long as you have a level above the first-level median, you can register."

"Usually people who don't want to enter, can't get into the Night Watch Department, and want to enter the shadow layer to improve their strength and earn some extra money will register as a 'non-staff'."

"Most of the rag pickers are not very strong, just like... Internet writers, a group of people rush to the street and pile up at the bottom, working hard to barely make some takeaway money. Therefore, we also call ourselves 'shadow layer rag pickers' 'of."

Deng Ke was even more surprised to see Jiang You listening with rapt attention.

This big brother really doesn’t understand this? ?

"Oh, by the way, Brother You, you were attacked on Douyin by a blogger named 'Authentic'. He is actually a scavenger, and I guess he is still an 'old non-staff' who dare not enter the shadow layer." Maybe I’ve even seen a few of the alien species.”

"I scolded him for you, and he blocked me. Seriously, I'll show you my TikTok backstage."

"Brother, no need."

Seeing that he really had the urge to take out his mobile phone, Jiang You stopped him dumbfounded.

"Brother You, just trust me. I'm really your biggest fan."

"What I mean is that there is no net in this shadow layer."



When their eyes met, Deng Ke took the lead and surrendered his hand again, "Brother You, since you have taken care of this prey, I won't bother you anymore and take my leave."

"Wait a minute." Jiang You didn't hear enough.

It is rare to find so much fresh knowledge, so I must gather more wool.

"How much is this thing worth? I'll forward it to you, and you can tell me more."

Deng Ke, who was still a little impatient at first, suddenly had a smile on his face when he heard this.

"Okay, brother, I originally planned to sell this thing. It's a first-level mid-level gray species, in good condition, and the price is about six thousand seven thousand. Let's compromise and get six thousand five thousand."

"According to the rules of the scavengers, the person who picks up the waste will get 30%, and the person who provides the main force will get 70%. The condition of this alien is very bad, Brother Wart, do you have any objection? I just walked a little slower at the time, and I calmed down after a while. I can catch up and kill him, Brother Wart, you don’t have any objections, right?”

"Why didn't I see you from all around just now?" Jiang You seemed to be smiling, although the other party couldn't see his expression.

"As I said, my line of sight is blocked by the shadow layer. I was injured again. I have to be careful during the pursuit. Brother Wart, it's normal that you didn't see me."

Deng Ke spoke without blushing or blinking.

"Okay, you continue."

Jiang You is funny.

With such careful calculation, it really feels a bit like haggling in a wet market.

"Okay, I'll continue." Deng Ke said, "I'm really your fan, so let's not do 37, let's go 55. I can earn medical expenses, 6500, brother, please give me 3250." ."

"I'll transfer you seven thousand in a minute, and it will be used as tuition for teaching me these things."

Jiang You is generous.

He is indeed not short of money. The profits from erotic comics are beyond your imagination.

"Thank you, brother. If you want to ask anything else, just ask." Deng Ke's eyes lit up.

He decided not to block "You" when he returned. He was going to open ten small accounts and take turns to play against "Tunnel".

"Let's sit somewhere else and talk."

"Okay, where shall we go?"

"How about the rooftop?"


Before he finished speaking, Jiang You in his shadow form directly picked him up like a chicken, and ran against the wall as if he were walking on the ground.

How could Deng Ke react?

When he came back to his senses, his whole body was lifted up and swayed in mid-air.

"Slow down! Slow down!!"

Deng Ke screamed and felt like he was floating.

He was one hundred percent sure now.

Brother Wart's "fly on the wall" cliffhanger is not a special effect! !

Wandering all the way, his days were like years just a few seconds away.

My brain was almost shaking, and I finally stood firmly on my feet.

Deng Ke looked around blankly and blankly.

People fly in front, and souls chase behind.

Brother, what is your ability?

It can climb walls, has sharp claws, is covered in shadows, and can shoot shadow threads...

"Would you like a drink? I'll get some."

"No... no need."

"You're welcome."

Jiang You turned around and took out a large bag from the corner of the rooftop.

"?" A question mark slowly appeared on Deng Ke's forehead.

"Come on, let's continue chatting."

Sitting on the edge of the rooftop, he opened a bottle and drank it down tons and tons. Jiang You burped.

Brother Wart seems not as cold as he thought.

Deng Ke was thoughtful, hesitant, and tentatively sat down next to him.

Looking down, my whole body suddenly felt weak and dizzy.

Turtle, if you fall from a fifty-story building, you might be smashed into pieces.

"You...really lost your memory?" Deng Ke asked.

"As you can see." Jiang You shrugged.

"Then..." Deng Ke couldn't figure out how to spit out all the bad things in his stomach.

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Jiang You turned around and asked, "Who are you selling those alien species you hunted to?"

"The Night Watch Department, universities, or some companies that have obtained 'acquisition qualifications', such as Chuyang Group, research new drugs and sometimes issue tasks to acquire alien species."

Jiang You nodded, "Are there any benefits to becoming a non-staff member?"

"It's really not much." Deng Ke shook his head and said, "There is neither a basic salary nor five insurances and one housing fund. At most, there is something like a 'performance commission', and the other is that you can select alien species based on the tasks issued by the Night Patrol Department. In this way, the probability of encountering powerful alien species is greatly reduced."


Jiang You's eyes brightened slightly.

This is good.

His biggest worry now is that the efficiency of finding alien species is too low, and there is no way to control the strength of alien species.

It all depends on your eyesight.

For example, if you look at a mutant that is too big, you won't be able to deal with it at first sight, and then you can change the target.

The problem is that not all alien species are small and weak.

If he really bumped into that kind of small but extremely powerful alien, he would have no choice but to consider himself unlucky.

The night watchman supernumerary... is a bit interesting.

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