As Soon As I Became Supreme Kai, Gods Of Destruction Came Looking For Trouble

Chapter 90 Gine's Excellent Work, The New Universe Has Grown Bigger!

Lu Fan visually observed that the diameter of the planet has increased by about 5 times during at least one month.

Lu Fan was a little surprised.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Fan immediately let go of the sensor and looked for the location of his mother.

over there!

Lu Fan quickly flew towards where his mother was.

Not long after, Lu Fan appeared above his mother and looked down.

Gine below is observing a lake as vast as the sea in the distance.

"Divide this lake into three parts, one part is used to irrigate the drier area over there, the other part is left in the wet area, and the other part is used as a backup." Gine said to himself, with both hands With a fierce swing forward, a burst of energy instantly covered the distant lake.

The energy turned into a "herringbone" shape in the air and fell into the lake.

It's just that Gine's energy is too weak. Facing such a large lake, I feel hopeless.

Although the energy covered it, it didn't completely separate the lake. Instead, it stirred up the waves, causing the lake to set off waves.

" combat power is too low, it's not easy to achieve." Gine shook his head.

Suddenly, a huge wave formed by the lake suddenly covered the marriage.

Gine hurriedly wanted to dodge.


Lu Fan appeared in front of Gine in an instant, raised his hand lightly, and a protective shield was formed.

The shield keeps the huge waves out.

"Lu Fan? My child! You are back!" Gine said softly.

Lu Fan looked at Gine carefully.

I finally know why my work is so good.

My talent is inherited from my mother "Qiqisan"!

If the mother's combat power value increases, the development of this planet must be less spectacular than what I saw.

"Lu Fan, it's just in time for you to come back. Let's see how Mom has developed this planet. Is it the result you want?" Gine asked hastily.

"It's even better than I thought..." Lu Fan admitted, nodding, "But if you improve your combat power, you will definitely be more perfect than you are now."

"I also want to improve my combat power, but I'm not suitable for cultivation. If I'm suitable for cultivation, how can I just be a support staff?" Gine replied with a smile.

Lu Fan thinks about it too.

Most Saiyan want to be combatants.

Combatants are Saiyan's glory after all.

As a fighting nation Saiyan, a Saiyan who does not want to be a fighter is not a good Saiyan.

However, the fact is so cruel.

There are a lot of Saiyans whose combat power will never exceed 200 in their lifetime.

Therefore, they cannot become excellent combatants, and can only work in the logistics to ensure the rear of the combatants.

The same is true for Gine.

"You're right. If my mother's combat effectiveness can continue to improve, she will definitely be better than her current job." Gine nodded, "There are many times when I feel powerless, just like that lake, I want to divide it into three parts ,It's a pity that my combat power is too low...It's too difficult to do it."

"I should find you an assistant." Lu Fan pondered.

"Assistant?" Gine was taken aback.

Lu Fan thought about it carefully, who is the right one for me to come over as an assistant?

Wait a moment!

The mother's combat effectiveness could not improve.

It used to be the same with my fighting power.

However, there seems to be no obstacle to my cultivation of divine power.

If my mother also cultivates divine power...

Lu Fan's heart moved, and he immediately took his mother and teleported back to the temple of the Unbounded Continent.

"Lu Fan, what's the matter?" Gine asked.

"Try to see if you can practice the kind of free spirit I taught Kakarot." Lu Fan suggested.

"Are you comfortable?" Gine was taken aback, "To be honest, Mom is not very interested in using skills that can only be dyed.

Lu Fan:

Skills that can only be avoided.

Your description...I...don't even know what to say.

"Try it. After all, I have become very strong now. I believe that if you can cultivate the skills of gods, you should be stronger than you are now." Lu Fan didn't explain too much.

Wouldn't it be better to experience this for yourself?

I won't show you.

It would be great if my mother could really practice Zizaijiyi.

"Well, idle is idle anyway, just do as you say." Gine didn't care.

A black line on Lu Fan's forehead.

You don't seem to care at all!

This is the skill of God!

A skill that only Angels can possess.

Even Gods of Destruction can't deeply comprehend the ultimate meaning of freedom.

Let's see if we can practice first.

Immediately, Lu Fan told his mother about the skills of Zizaijiyi in detail.

"I was there when you and Kakarot were practicing before." Gine nodded, "I basically memorized what you said to Kakarot, I'll give it a try! In fact, my requirements are not very high, as long as I can When the combat power is increased to about 600, there is no big problem in managing this planet.

"You have to be clear about one thing. The combat power of 600 is really not a big problem for a planet as big as it is now." Lu Fan replied, "If the planet continues to grow, this combat power is not enough at all."

"You're right." Gine thought about it.

"But having said that, do you like this kind of work?" Lu Fan stared closely into Gine's eyes.

"I like it!" Gine nodded joyfully, "Mom really likes her job now, and I just have something to do, so I can see your dad in a year.

Lu Fan found out that her mother was not lying, she really liked her current job.

Since he likes it and his mother does a great job, Lu Fan naturally won't stop her.

If he didn't like it, Lu Fan didn't plan to let his mother continue to help, this is his own job.

You can't be so old and continue to gnaw on the old, right?

Next, Lu Fan was on top of the temple, accompanying his mother to practice Zizijiyi.

Seventh Universe, Namek.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three young Namekmen launched a violent attack on Frieza's little Karami.

Soon, the little Karamis present were beaten to death by three Namek people.

"What's going on? Didn't they say that their total combat power is only about 1,000?" Sabo asked Dodoria strangely.

"I don't know what's going on, but now their fighting power has increased to 3000." Dodoria shook her head.

"These guys are not simple." Frieza smiled lightly.

"I understand that the Namek people are a race that can control their combat power. There are very few people of this type." Dodoria suddenly realized.

Seeing the heroics of the three Namek men, Kling and Son Gohan were also happy for them.

Elder Mu Li cautiously looked at the remaining detectors and made a decision.

"Kids, let me go, hurry up!" Mully ordered.

The two children let go of Mully immediately.

"The little brothers are all dead, so I have to do it myself." Dodoria muttered dissatisfiedly, and put the two Dragon Balls in her hand on the ground, asking Frieza, do you want to kill all three of them?"

"As you please!" Frieza smiled slightly.

Mu Li suddenly shouted violently, and shot quickly, a streamer in his hand hit Dodoria's detector.

The detector was blown up on the spot.

"This... you bastard, actually engaged in a sneak attack?" Dodoria's face turned cold, "Do you think you can hurt me?"


Mu Li suddenly soared into the air, released flames with both hands, and hit the other two detectors.

The three young Namek men also froze for a moment, not understanding why the elder would do this.

Sabo suddenly reacted and shouted: "No, his target is the detector!"

"Kill them!" Dodoria flew into a rage and rushed in the direction of Muli.

"Detector?" Kelin was taken aback, "Why did he do that?"

"That thing can detect the opponent's position and strength." Son Gohan replied.

"I see! Frieza and the others don't know the exact location of the Dragon Ball! The detectors are only used to find the Namek people!" Kelin's eyes flashed, "That's why the old man in Namek knew this and destroyed all the detectors. Lose."

"Dodoria, wait a minute! Kill those three young men first!" Frieza yelled.

Dodoria was just about to kill Elder Muli, and immediately fell from the air after hearing Frieza's words, and appeared opposite the three young Namek people, with a strong murderous intent on his face.

"It only takes 10 seconds to deal with the three of you." Dodoria chuckled lightly.

"Do you think the three of us will let you get what you want?"


Dodoria's figure flickered, and she appeared behind one of the Namek people in an instant, and poked it with a fierce paw.


Dodoria's hand penetrated the Namek's body on the spot...

The face of the Namek was twisted and deformed, and his mouth opened wide, feeling that his own vitality was rapidly spreading.


Dodoria pulled her hand back, and a mouth shot out a blast of energy, killing another Namek on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Dodoria punched another young Namek.

That Namek man's expression changed again and again, and he hurriedly dodged with all his might.

Dodoria followed.

The Namek suddenly gathered energy in both hands, and smashed towards the rushing Dodoria.

The energy hit Dodoria right then and there.

A cloud of dust rose from the scene.

The Namek grinned.

After the smoke dissipated, Dodoria stood there unharmed, with contempt and disdain hanging from the corners of her mouth.

The young Namek's face turned ugly.


Dodoria flew up, hit the Namek man's chest with his head, and drove his body, smashing directly on the boulder behind him.

The Namek man spewed blood and died instantly.

Elder Mu Li was completely stunned.

These guys are so strong.

"You should understand by now that you can't run away at all." Frieza greeted Murray in the sky.

Muli's face changed again and again, and he immediately fell from the air, appearing opposite Frieza.

"You've finally relented, that's good." Frieza chuckled lightly, "You destroyed our most important detector, then hand over the Dragon Ball as compensation! What kind of people are we, you should be the same now It's clear, if you continue to resist, those two children will die!"

Mu Li's expression became more and more heavy and uneasy.

A brief hesitation.

"I can give you the Dragon Ball, but you have to make sure you don't hurt the child!" Mu Li said in a deep voice.


OK Frieza smiled perfunctorily, "Isn't that good at the beginning?"

"These bastards!" Son Gohan trembled with anger.

"Gohan, don't release your breath, they are too powerful, we are no match at all." Kelin quickly persuaded, "Don't forget, that guy is the emperor of the Universe

At this time, Elder Mu also took the Dragon Ball from the village out of the room, and handed it to a little Karami of Frieza.

"Take the Dragon Ball and get out of here quickly." Mu Li said coldly.

"You've worked hard." Frieza smiled triumphantly and asked with narrowed eyes, "Can you tell us where the other two Dragon Balls are by the way?"

"Wishful thinking! We, the Namek people, would rather die than betray our compatriots!" Mu Li shouted coldly, "Okay, according to the agreement, you guys leave now!"

"It turns out that you are the same, isn't everyone on this planet willing to betray their friends?" Frieza smiled even brighter, "In this case, 5.8, the only way to kill you and those two

child. "

"You... what did you say?" Mu Li's face changed again and again.


Dodoria shot quickly and punched Murley in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Mu Li struggled to get up from the ground, let the blood flow on his face, gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't you just say that as long as you hand over the Dragon Ball, we won't be killed."

"But what's the use of not getting all seven Dragon Balls?" Frieza smiled, "You destroyed our detector, if you don't tell us the location of the other two Dragon Balls, you know what you want!"

"As I said, I will never betray my friend even if I die. Mu Li is already ready to die.

"Then let you die as you wish!" Frieza snorted.

"Mr. Frieza, can we find the Dragon Ball without detectors?" Sabo asked.

"There are only the last two Dragon Balls left, as long as you find other villages or Namek people, you will be fine." Frieza looked indifferent, "Kill all three of them

"Yes!" Dodoria clenched her fists and grinned grimly.

"Run away, children!" Mu Li blocked his body in front of the two children and shouted loudly, "I want to show you the power of the Namek people!

The two children also fled quickly.

"call out!"

Frieza lifted his finger lightly, and Dao energy sprayed out from the fingertip.

The red streamer rubbed against Elder Muli's body, hitting a Namek child at that time.

The kid died instantly without even realizing it. .

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