"Callu!" Dende turned pale with fright and called his companion's name.

"Ahhh...these villains!" Son Gohan couldn't bear it anymore.


Dodoria stepped forward quickly and broke Muli's neck.

Mu Li fell to the ground limply, having lost his vitality.

"Hey, you don't have time to show your might." Dodoria smiled.

"Hey, Gohan, bear with me, I really want to save him, but we are powerless." Kelin quickly comforted him.

Dende was terrified.

"Wow wow wow..."

The next moment, Dende turned around and ran, crying while running, already terrified to the extreme.

However, how could Dende be able to run?

Dodoria soon appeared directly opposite Dende, blocking his way like a demon.

"Hehehe, it's really meaningless to kill such a small thing." Dodoria stretched out her claws and wanted to slap Dende to death.

"Stop!" Son Gohan couldn't bear it anymore, shouted loudly, and immediately jumped into the air.

Kelin on the side turned pale with fright.

You pig teammate.

This is the rhythm of me being cheated to death by you.

"Who is it? Is it an accomplice?" Dodoria was taken aback, and turned her head to find the place where the voice came from.

Son Gohan quickly appeared directly above Dodoria and kicked him in the face.

Dodoria was caught off guard and fell headfirst, hitting the building behind her.

But immediately after, Dodoria got up from the ground and looked at Son Gohan angrily.

"Who are you?" Dodoria was a little confused.

Where did this guy come from?

"You fat pig, I'm here to kill you!" Son Gohan shouted.

"You...what did you say?" Dodoria was furious and was about to attack Son Gohan.


Suddenly, Kling fell from the sky and kicked Dodoria's fat face.

Dodoria fell to the ground again.

"Uncle Kling?" Son Gohan was taken aback.

"Idiot! Get out of here!" Kelin exclaimed, and stepped forward to hug Dende.

"Ah...uh..." Son Gohan immediately came to his senses.

The two quickly flew into the sky with Dende.

"Not from Namek." Frieza was also a little confused, and forgot to make a move for a while.

"These two beasts!" Dodoria gritted her teeth and got up, showing her head round.

"Dodoria, catch up! Be sure to catch them!" Frieza ordered.


Dodoria screamed, and quickly chased after Kelin and the others.

"Gohan, you must fly with all your strength, you will be finished if you get caught!" Kelin said loudly to Son Gohan.

"Yes!" Son Gohan accelerated the speed of the flight.

However, Dodoria is faster and will soon catch up with the two of them.

"No, he flies faster than us, and he will be caught up soon." Kelin said in a deep voice.

"We have tried our best to fly, if we can't, we will fight with him!" Son Gohan suggested.

"We are definitely not his opponents, let's run for our lives." Kelin shook his head.

At the same time, Kelin's brain was running fast.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of light flashed in Kelin's mind, and he suddenly had a solution.

"Gohan, this child is for you." Kelin immediately threw Dende to Son Gohan.

Son Gohan took it with both hands.

"Gohan, don't look at me! Your eyes will lose your sight! Do you understand?" Kelin urged.

"Yes." Son Gohan nodded.

"Solar Flare!" Kelin made a gorgeous turn, and immediately cast Solar Flare.

Dodoria's pupils turned white.

"Ah... my eyes!" Dodoria exclaimed.

"Successful, this trick really works!" Kelin was very excited, and then immediately pulled Son Gohan to find a place to hide.

The three of them hid under a cliff below.

"Uncle Kling, what did you do just now?" Son Gohan asked.

"I just temporarily blinded him through strong light, but he will recover soon." Kelin smiled.

"If you add another Qi Yuan Slash, can you eliminate him?" Son Gohan scratched his head and asked.

Kelin was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Son Gohan.

"Hey? Your idea is good, why didn't I think of it?" Kelin was very pleasantly surprised.

"I also had a whim, and I don't know if it will work." Son Gohan smiled embarrassedly.

"However, the same skill may not work on the same person... Let's hide here first." Kelin shook his head, not intending to take any more risks.

Dodoria's vision gradually recovered.

"Damn! Where did these three guys escape to?" Dodoria looked around for the whereabouts of the three.

However, how could Dodoria find the three of them? They turned around in the sky several times, but there was no gain.

"It's all right now, he can't find us." Kelin laughed, "That grandpa has broken their detector, if there is a detector, we can't escape!

"I can't spare you guys, I'm so pissed off, I'm going to burn this place to the ground!" Dodoria was furious, and immediately rushed to the sky, gathering energy in her hands.

"Danger!" Kelin's face changed color.


A huge energy jetted out from Dodoria's hands, covered the ground, and set off a large mushroom cloud.

A large area of ​​land below was flattened at that time, forming a large lake.

"Hahaha, you deserve it!" Dodoria laughed wildly, "This is the result of you teasing me! Although Lord Frieza asked me to take you back, it's better than letting you escape! But who are those two guys? Woolen cloth?"

Dodoria kept muttering, but didn't know that Kelin and Son Gohan were already floating diagonally above him.

"How about...uncle Kelin now take advantage of his unpreparedness and release Qi Wuzhan?" Son Gohan suggested.

"Don't be troublesome! If he avoids it, it will be difficult for us to escape!" Kelin felt that his whole body was not well.

Why do you like me to use Qi Yuan Slash so much?

"The best thing is to let him leave here quickly." Kelin said in a deep voice, "If my guess is correct, he should leave immediately.

Sure enough, Kling guessed right.

Dodoria no longer had the slightest hesitation, and immediately flew away from here.

Kelin and Son Gohan also let out a long sigh of relief.

"Shall we go back to Bulma first?" Kling suggested, and asked Dende, "Can you fly?"

"Yes, I will." Dende nodded.

Kelin let go of Dende, and Dende was also suspended in the air, and quickly thanked: "Thank you for saving me."

"You should thank Gohan, I didn't dare to rescue you because of fear." Kelin said truthfully.

"But without Uncle Kling, we both would be dead." Son Gohan scratched his head.

"You go with us first, we won't hurt you." Clint said, and looked around, where is Bulma?"

"Over there, Uncle Kling." Son Gohan pointed in a certain direction.

The three of them rushed towards where Bulma was.

Tenth Universe, Supreme Kai.

Zamasu is practicing hard.

What Zamasu wants to learn most now is Instant Transmission.

Fortunately, Zamasu is already the king of the realm, and he has a certain foundation, so it is not too strenuous to learn.

Moreover, in order to exchange bodies with Lu Fan, Zamasu also worked hard.

Just wait for me! Lu Fan!

Haven't you been cheating on me?

When the time comes, our bodies will be swapped, let me see how you can cheat!

The corners of Zamasu's mouth rose slightly, forming a shallow arc.

"Zamasu, are you learning Instant Transmission?" Gevas walked up to Zamasu slowly, looked at Zamasu and asked.

"Yes, Master Supreme Kai." Zamasu nodded, "Since Lu Fan has learned Instant Transmission, I think it shouldn't be too difficult for me to learn."

"Yes, after all, you were the king of the realm before, and your talent is also very good. I believe you will also learn Instant Transmission soon." Gevas nodded, "Come on, Zha Jiang!"

"Yes, Lord Supreme Kai." Zamasu replied.

"Ask me anytime if you don't understand anything, and I, as a teacher, can answer it for you." Gevas laughed.

"Teacher... I really have an unkind request." Zamasu gritted his teeth and asked.

"What? You said." Gervas smiled.

"The space-time ring...can I study it?" Zamasu asked.

"This...to be honest, no." Gevas shook his head and refused.

Zamasu felt pierced at the time.

You already lent Lu Fan the space-time ring.

Can you let me do some research?

You also said that I am your direct disciple!

Who are you lying to?

you bastard!

Zamasu cursed Kvass 100 times in his heart.

"Zamasu, although our Supreme Kai can use the time-space ring, it is only used to observe the development of the universe. It is wrong to change the time-space without authorization due to selfish desires and cause unnecessary impact on time-space." Kvass sighed, " So, I can't let you make mistakes! I want to be responsible for you!"

The meaning in Kvass' words is very clear.

That is, if Lu Fan uses the space-time ring to change time and space, it is an illegal act.

But what reassures Gevas is that fortunately, Lu Fan has not changed time and space.

Zamasu: "...

Take your fucking responsibility.

You obviously lent the space-time ring to Lu Fan.

Now you say you are responsible for me?

Who is your real disciple?

Zamasu hated Kvass again unknowingly.

Because he felt it was unfair.

You said that I am your direct descendant.

You end up being treated differently!

Do you think that if you don't tell me how to use the space-time ring, I won't know how to use it?

Can I do my own research?

"Suddenly I'm thirsty...I'm going to make a cup of tea." Kwas stretched his waist.

"Let me go." Zamasu said with a cold face, and ran to make tea.

Seventh Universe, Namek.

Dodoria flew in the direction of Frieza, worried about the Dragon Ball at the same time.

After losing the detector, it is not so easy to continue searching for the Dragon Ball.

Fortunately, this planet is not too big.

Just when Dodoria was thinking about something, someone suddenly fell from the sky and kicked Dodoria's back with 120 feet.

Dodoria fell from the sky and plunged headlong into the lake below.

Dodoria felt that the whole person was not well, gritted her teeth and climbed onto the shore, and when she looked up, she saw Vegeta appearing on the shore.

"Vegeta! Why are you here?" Dodoria's face

slightly discolored.

"Dodoria, long time no see, how are you?" Vegeta chuckled lightly.

"The guy who likes to engage in sneak attacks is really shameless!" Dodoria said angrily.

"You and Sabo always follow Frieza around, and I have been waiting for your chance to be alone." Vegeta folded his arms and smiled, "As long as Frieza is not around, I can destroy you.

"Saiyan is so arrogant!" Dodoria sneered, "Hand over your detector obediently, and I will let you go."

"No wonder you couldn't receive your signal suddenly, so your detector is gone!" Vegeta suddenly realized, "So when I approached you, you didn't know it at all!

With that said, Vegeta unhurriedly took off the detector.

"It will take you a few days to get back to Planet Frieza to get the probe? I'll give this to you." Vegeta threw the probe to the ground.

"Are you going to hand it over? You're finally scared!" Dodoria was a little surprised, "That's right, I can let you go."


Vegeta let out a cold snort, stepped on it and smashed the detector into parts.

Dodoria was stunned.

"What are you doing? Vegeta! Are you crazy? Why are you destroying it?" Dodoria cried out, "Aren't you also collecting Dragon Balls? How would you know without detectors?"

The position of the Namek people? Besides, even if you don’t give it to me, you can keep it for yourself. "

"When I went to Earth, people there could know the opponent's strength and position without detectors." Vegeta smiled, "Since Saiyan on Earth can do it,

Of course I can do that too. 17'

Dodoria fell silent.

"As long as you get the hang of it, it's easy to learn." Vegeta sneered, "You're just like Frieza, you only pay attention to the improvement of energy, you are too idiotic. 27

"I see, the little guy I was chasing just now is a human from Earth." Dodoria suddenly realized, "You actually teamed up with a human from Earth?"

"Earthlings?" Vegeta was taken aback, "Don't be kidding, why did the Earthlings come here? If there are any Earthlings, I will deal with them first."

"I can't take care of that much, get out of here quickly, if you don't want to die!" Nodolia spoke in a loud voice, wanting to use this method to hurt Vegeta. .

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