Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 160 Whale Hunting

Click, boom, boom!

On the endless ocean, thick dark clouds covered the sky and the sun. There was lightning and thunder in the clouds. Thick criss-crossing blue and white lightning formed a chain network, and the thunder resounded throughout the world.

It was as if a hole had opened in the sky, and heavy rain poured down from the dark clouds like a flood.

With the howling of the wind, the waves on the ocean rose, and huge waves as tall as mountains kept rolling in, bombarding everything.

The more than 50-foot-long treasure ship Dafu was like a toy in this extremely bad weather. Sometimes it was abandoned high up, sometimes it was submerged by the waves, and finally it stubbornly emerged from the sea. The hull swayed violently back and forth, and it almost capsized several times.

However, none of this dampened Hai Dafu's desire to get rich suddenly.

Under his skillful control, the crew members cooperated seamlessly, sailing the Dafu, braving the wind, rain and waves, and clung to the group of spirit whales.

an hour,

Two hours,

Three hours later, the thunder in the sky suddenly stopped, and soon the rain stopped and the clouds dispersed. The sky was filled with dark clouds and the heavy rain came and went faster. In the blink of an eye, the sun was shining brightly again.

Hai Dafu didn't care where the boat drifted. All he could see was the thick water column rising from the sea not far away.

good chance!

Seeing that the spirit whale had been separated from the whale group, Hai Dafu made a quick decision and expanded his consciousness to the limit, covering everyone on the ship.

A message then poured into everyone's mind: "Attention, everyone, everyone should go to their respective positions immediately. Whether everyone will enjoy the spicy food later or go back empty-handed depends on everyone's cooperation. Action!"

In the cabin, Chen Laoer jumped up excitedly and shouted: "Hey, we can finally start killing! My bones are getting moldy from waiting."

Zhao Sheng also jumped down from the bulkhead that fixed his body, and followed Chen Laoer to climb onto the deck.

After a while, the sailors on the deck of the Dafu took their positions, and a pale golden spiritual energy array emerged from the deck, and the spiritual energy nodes connected everyone into the array.

At this moment, Hai Dafu was standing naked to the waist behind a large dragon-shooting crossbow. Behind the other two were Li Mu and a ninth-level Qi Refining sailor.

Hai Dafu looked majestic, turned to look at the crew, and asked solemnly, "Are you all ready?"

A group of sailors immediately shouted: "Captain, you guys are already hungry and thirsty. Please give the order quickly!"

Seeing the high morale of everyone, Hai Dafu smiled with satisfaction, then turned around and held the firing hammer of the Dragon Shooting Crossbow with both hands.

Amidst the clicking sound, the dragon-shooting crossbow slightly adjusted its mount. The crossbow arrows shot out with cold light, and the sharp arrows were aimed at the spirit whale resting on the sea a mile away.

Beng. Bang Beng!

There was a sudden crashing sound, and the six-foot-long dark iron crossbow arrow suddenly disappeared from the crossbow seat and shot out at an ultra-high speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

Zhao Sheng just heard the vibrating buzz of the crossbow string in his ears, and the next second he suddenly heard a high-pitched and miserable whale roar.

At this moment, only three pillars of blood suddenly exploded high on the sea in the distance, dyeing the nearby water red.


The next moment, Zhao Sheng saw three silver-white ropes suddenly jumping out of the sea. The ropes were instantly pulled straight, and then the Dafu's hull shook violently, and the bow sank suddenly.

Zhao Sheng felt a strong push from his back. Fortunately, he had been reminded early and had roots under his feet, so he didn't make a fool of himself.

"Pay attention to the bottom plate and activate the formation!" Hai Dafu ordered his crew members unusually calmly.

At the same time, the Dafu slowly moved forward, and the ship's speed gradually increased from slow to fast.

Zhao Sheng was secretly surprised when he saw this. The spirit whale was so powerful that it could actually pull a treasure ship that was more than fifty feet long and weighed a thousand tons.

With this thought in his mind, Zhao Sheng did not move slowly, and his spiritual energy quickly poured out of his Dantian and poured into the spiritual energy formation at his feet.

After taking a breath, the spiritual power array on the deck was already sparkling with light, exuding rich and colorful spiritual light.

Along with this scene, the speed of the Dafu ship actually began to slow down a little bit.

Obviously, this means that the power on the ship has been fully activated and it has begun to wrestle with the spirit whale.

Bang bang bang!

The dragon-shooting crossbow fired three rounds in a row, and all nine crossbow arrows were deeply engulfed in the spirit whale's body.

At this time, the twelve whale-blocking ropes on the Dafu had collapsed tightly into a straight line, firmly connecting the spirit whale to the ship.

"very good!"

Seeing this, Hai Dafu licked his lips with his excited tongue and stared closely at the fleeing spirit whale ahead.

If all goes well, this spiritual whale will be the treasure of the Dafu sooner or later.

However, he was happy too early!

The next second, the whale rope suddenly loosened and fell into the sea.

At the same time, on the sea surface one mile ahead, a huge black and white whale tail in the shape of an eight-figure fan suddenly stretched high into the air, then violently slapped the sea water, and then splashed a huge wave more than ten feet high.

Hai Dafu's face changed drastically when he saw this, and he shouted wildly: "No, hide now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone on the boat changed their expressions, and suddenly a black whale spine as wide as a mountain appeared on the sea not far away.

At this time, the sea water within ten miles nearby suddenly surged. The spirit whale turned head and tail, carrying an unimaginable amount of sea water, forming towering and huge waves, and crashed towards the Dafu with great force.

With the spirit whale's huge size of several thousand tons, coupled with the immeasurable sea water behind it, if the Dafu was hit, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Lift off, lift off!"

At this time, Hai Dafu looked extremely ugly, roared loudly, his body suddenly flew up at a high speed, and crashed into the helm cabin.

Cangtou Li Mu also shouted: "Everyone, stop holding back and instill spiritual power with all your strength!"

In fact, he didn't need to remind him at all. Everyone knew that the most dangerous moment had arrived, and everyone used all their strength at the critical moment.

Zhao Sheng held a spiritual stone in each hand, veins popped out on his head and face, the whirlpool of spiritual energy in his Dantian was spinning like flying, and the spiritual energy all over his body poured into the spiritual energy formation at his feet like a flood.


The spiritual power array network instantly became dazzling, and the torrent of spiritual power was quickly directed into the spiritual stone furnace in the cabin.


The Dafu shook violently, then squeaked, and the hull began to slowly break away from the sea.

Faster, faster!

Looking at the huge waves approaching quickly, especially the huge black-brown back at the front, everyone was anxious.

One foot,

Two feet,

three feet,

The Dafu quickly rose into the air and was about to exceed the height of the waves.

However, at this moment, the huge body of the spirit whale suddenly jumped high from the sea, and the whale's tail slapped the waves behind it. With the help of the second force, the body of the spirit whale had already exceeded the height of the treasure ship.

The next second, the Spirit Whale's head sank, and with a fearless momentum, it crashed straight into the Dafu.

"It's over!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and all had the same idea.

However, as an experienced whaling veteran, Hai Dafu will not sit still and wait for death.

With a stern look in his eyes, he immediately switched his spiritual power route, regardless of the risk of damaging the spiritual stone furnace, and violently switched from the floating formation to the gravity formation.

In an instant, the hull of the Dafu suddenly paused, and then fell violently from the sky.

At this moment, the spirit whale broke the mast and narrowly missed the deck of the Dafu. Three sailors were unlucky and were accidentally hit by the spirit whale. They exploded into a ball of flesh on the spot and stuck to the whale's head.


The huge mountain-like waves hit the fallen Dafu.

The Dafu tilted nearly 90 degrees, the bottom of the ship rose high on its side, and it was about to capsize.

Fortunately, there was a highly skilled captain on the ship. The bow of the Dafu was turned in time, and the stern of the ship was pushed against the waves. The hull was pushed out, thus avoiding the tragedy of the hull flipping.

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