Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 161 Death Flame and Weird Aura

A huge amount of seawater hit the deck, and Zhao Sheng was also hit hard by the seawater.

However, he was already prepared. With a thought, his whole body was wrapped in a large water ball. The water ball cushioned the impact of the sea water and he was not injured.

Some people were unable to react in time and were blown away by the raging waves, and soon disappeared in the vast sea.

However, the sailors on the Dafu are all immortal cultivators, so they will not die so easily.

Zhao Sheng couldn't care less about the fate of those people.

At this time, the "fight" between the Dafu and the Spirit Whale has just begun.

The spirit whale wanted to repeat his old trick, but Dafuhao easily dodged it.

Under the control of Hai Dafu, Dafu's dodge behavior is like an art.

Next, no matter how many times the Spirit Whale struck, the Dafu dodged them one by one.

The whole process is thrilling and difficult to express in words. It looks like... bullfighting!

Half a day later, the nearby seawater had been dyed a bloody color. The spirit whale had consumed a lot of energy, and its initial vigor had been wiped away.

With a plaintive cry, the spirit whale suddenly swung its tail and quickly dived underwater.

Bang bang bang!

The twelve whale-blocking ropes suddenly tightened, and the huge pulling force caused the bow of the Dafu to sink rapidly. If this continued, the hull would inevitably dive into the seawater.

Hai Dafu was not surprised but happy when he saw this, knowing that this was the spirit whale's last resort.

"Everyone, hurry up and get into the cabin and start whale watching!"


Hearing the captain's order, a sailor screamed with excitement. The most thrilling stage of whaling was finally over, and what followed was a long sea diving journey.

When the spirit whale's energy is exhausted and its blood flows out, the harvest will come.

Two breaths later, the deck became empty,

As the seawater flows over the deck, a faint film of light wraps the Dafu.

The next moment, the Dafu had disappeared from the sea.

The Dafu was dragged by the spirit whale and dived deep into the sea.

In the cabin, Zhao Sheng and others returned to their respective positions, pressed their hands on the spiritual array on the bulkhead, and silently contributed their spiritual power to the spiritual stone furnace.

At this point, there's only so much they can do.

On the other side, Hai Lan'er and Li Mu were guarding the door of the helm, while Hai Dafu was firmly holding the rudder, looking through the glass window at the fleeing spirit whale ahead.

He could feel that the ship's speed was gradually decreasing, which meant that the spirit whale was about to run out of strength.

Half a day later, the speed of the Dafu had become very slow.

However, at this time, Hai Dafu became extremely nervous, not only because he had to guard against the spiritual whale's dying blow, but also because at this moment, the Dafu had dived to a depth of several thousand feet.

At this time, the surroundings were pitch black, and occasionally some strange luminous sea creatures would appear. The sight was extremely bad.

Facing this mysterious and unknown sea area, no matter how prepared you are, it is never too much.

After a moment, Hai Laner suddenly exclaimed, "Dad, what is that?"

Before he finished speaking, Li Mu flashed and rushed to the glazed window, looking ahead with a solemn expression.

Seeing the strange scene ahead, Hai Dafu couldn't help but frown.

At this moment, as the three people looked, they saw a faint blue flame suddenly appearing in the dark sea water ahead.

This flame was floating in the sea. Although its brightness was extremely weak and seemed to be extinguished at any time, it was very conspicuous against the dark background.

As the Dafu slowly moved forward, there were more and more faint blue flames in the sea water.

Slowly, a ball of flame touched the helm, but it seemed like a phantom, silently penetrating through the thick wall into the helm.

Seeing this scene, Hai Laner and Li Mu fled away, but Hai Dafu was thoughtful.

The next second, this ball of flame penetrated the wall again and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

However, this was just the beginning. More and more faint blue flames passed through the hull and appeared in front of the three people.

At the same time, the appearance of this strange flame caused a commotion below the cabin.

However, everyone calmed down quickly.

Because everyone has discovered that these flames are harmless, they are like ghosts and phantoms, and have no intersection with the material world at all.

Someone accidentally had a flame pass through his body, but found that he was safe and sound.

Seeing countless flames appearing and disappearing, Hai Laner could not restrain her curiosity and asked: "Dad, what is this?"

Hai Dafu shook his head and said uncertainly: "There are too many unknown things in this world. I don't know what it is. I just think it is somewhat similar to the rumored submarine phosphorus fire."

Hai Laner became interested and asked: "Dad, don't you think they are like a kind of spiritual fire from heaven and earth? Well, it is very likely that they are a kind of spiritual fire that has never been discovered before!"

With that said, Hai Laner tried to collect these strange flames, and Li Mu next to him also had some intention.

Hai Dafu thought for a while, but did not stop his daughter's actions. He only returned his attention to the dying spirit whale.

On the other side, among the sailors in the cabin, it was obvious that some of them had an idea with Hai Laner, and some of them were quick to try to capture these faint blue flames.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the others followed suit and used their own methods, except...Zhao Sheng!

At this time, his face was as dark as water, and his body was far away from the bulkhead. While trying his best to avoid the flames, he secretly observed everyone's faces.

Because in Zhao Sheng's field of vision, these faint blue flames were suddenly accompanied by a faint black mist, and when someone touched the flames, the white light outside the human body was also mixed with a faint layer of black.

Black represents death!

The flames are dangerous, extremely dangerous!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Sheng's alarm bells rang in his heart, and his danger awareness was fully activated.

"Don't touch! These flames are weird and may be dangerous! It's best not to touch them!" Zhao Sheng reminded them with good intentions.

Some people listened to his persuasion, such as Chen Laoer.

After several months of getting along with each other, Mr. Chen became very clear that Zhao Sheng, who seemed young and immature, was actually calm in character, extremely mature in mind, and was by no means a talkative person.

Since he gave a warning, he must have discovered some danger.

Just because Chen Laoer thinks this way doesn't mean that others agree with Zhao Sheng.

To put it bluntly, money moves people's hearts.

No one in the cabin recognized this strange light, let alone seen it.

In the Tianzhu world, the weirder and bizarre things are, the more precious they are. Especially the flame-type exotic treasures are even more precious.

If these faint blue flames are a kind of heaven and earth spiritual fire, or even some kind of extremely rare heaven and earth true fire.

Then, aren't they developed?

The so-called good words are hard to persuade a dead man.

Zhao Sheng saw that everyone was greedy for money, so he stopped reminding them.

Chen Laoer came close to Zhao Sheng and asked in a low voice: "Xiaotian, did you discover something?"

Zhao Sheng nodded first, then shook his head, and said in a voice as loud as an ant: "Tou Chen, my spiritual awareness has been amazing since I was a child. When I saw those flames just now, I felt very dangerous, very dangerous!"

Chen Laoer was stunned when he heard this, and then fell silent. Zhao Sheng's reason seemed outrageous, but in the world of immortality, people with extraordinary spiritual awareness are not uncommon.



As soon as Chen Laoer opened his mouth, he stopped suddenly, and Zhao Sheng suddenly let out a startled cry.

The two looked at each other and said at the same time: "Do you feel it?"

At this time, everyone in the cabin who was trying to capture the flames stopped in unison.

At this moment, everyone felt something abnormal. I felt a strange, cold aura quietly pouring into the cabin.

This kind of aura is obviously different from the five elements aura.

Zhao Sheng held his breath and concentrated, sensing the heaven and earth with his mind, and then "saw" that the surrounding space was filled with countless gray aura particles.

In an instant, a rare aura suddenly appeared in Zhao Sheng's heart.

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