Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1,688 A touch of fragrance

Mo Xingdao remained as silent as a cicada.寴

When Holy King Qinghu spoke, he remembered the past events of Yi Baohui.

That day, he disguised himself to attend the meeting and saw the secret of the Yin-Yang Puppet Crystal. He planned to exchange Qin Sang for the treasure with the Qianjie Divine Network. However, he was afraid of the elder of the Qiongying Sect and agreed to trade outside.

Unexpectedly, Qin Sang was kidnapped and killed by the demon king.

He originally wanted to help and show mercy, which would make it easier to convince Qin Sang. After seeing Qin Sang take action, he discovered that Qin Sang was most likely the fire demon Su Zinan was looking for, and changed his mind.

Although he was won over by Su Zinan, he had no intention of working for him, let alone because Su Zinan had a deadly feud with a powerful enemy, so he decided to continue hiding his identity.

Mo Xingdao didn't take action until he saw an opportunity, and he deliberately used unknown Taoist techniques.

The green-haired rat demon abandoned his two subordinates and fled.寴

One of the two crocodile demons was killed and the other injured, and one of them was captured alive.

In the end, they used the soul-searching technique on the crocodile demon and found some memory fragments. This monster has a high status in the East China Sea Monster Clan, but there is absolutely no part about it being a disciple of the Holy King in his memory!

Mo Xingdao quietly glanced at the Green Fox Holy King. It didn't matter whether the two crocodile monsters were really disciples of the Holy King.

The Green Fox Holy King openly declared in front of everyone that a lie could become true!

Upon closer inspection, Mo Xingdao was also an accomplice.

He would never be stupid enough to argue for Qin Sang, and he would bury that matter in his stomach forever and never mention it to anyone.

Among those present, only Saint Huiguang could stop Saint King Qinghu.寴

Thinking of this, Mo Xingdao looked at Saint Huiguang, only to see that the demon sealing pile surrounded by heart fire had turned bloody at some point. Saint Huiguang was actually using a secret technique similar to blood refining to repair this treasure, and he probably couldn't be distracted anymore.

In the mountains.

Qin Sang heard the Qinghu Holy King's shout and also knew that there was no room for change in the situation.

He personally searched for the souls of the crocodile monsters at the beginning, and he knew it very well. The possibility that the two crocodile monsters were disciples of the God Transformation was very low, but so what?

Even if he was robbed and killed first and was forced to fight back.

He had no chance to defend himself.

The Green Fox Saint King was too decisive, killing him directly and sealing off the Emperor's Mountain, deliberately covering up the qi between him and the incarnation.寴

Refuting is useless, as the ghost mother once said - I always get what I want directly.

Of course, the demon king in the transformation stage also has this ability and confidence.

'call! ’

The pressure of the Holy King formed a substantial storm, and the golden clouds that were about to close had a tendency to solidify.

The three Green Fox Saint Kings stepped into the sword formation together.

The same peerless appearance, the same enchantment, but three completely different styles between their eyebrows. It is impossible to tell whether they are real or not.

The avatar dragged Qin Sang's true form into a sudden fall, and was trapped on the Sword Star by Su Zinan. The avatar's true energy was running out.寴

Qin Sang's original state was even worse. He tried his best to sort out the chaotic vitality in his body. He looked at it in horror, and his eyes met the third phantom body of the Blue Fox Holy King.

"The junior has just presented the treasure of subduing demons to turn the tide, and the senior has to cross the river and burn the bridge. Aren't you afraid that the world will be cold?" Qin Sang stirred up his true energy and shouted in unison with the avatar.

"Give up resistance and explain what happened that day. I, in recognition of your merits, will only kill the first culprit. I advise you to cut off the evil thief quickly and don't make any mistakes."

Everyone knew that the Green Fox Saint King was talking about the incarnation, but they didn't know that the incarnation and Qin Sang were originally one.

To refer to a deer as a horse is nothing more than that.

Having said that, the Holy King Qinghu showed no mercy.

The eyes of the three phantoms are all pure white, without pupils. There is no killing intent in their eyes, only a heart-stopping indifference.寴

It's no different than looking at an ant.

next moment.

Three phantom bodies flew towards Qin Sang, looked down at Qin Sang, and waved their right hands in unison. Their bare hands were like snow and their muscles were like condensed fat. They raised their slender jade fingers and pointed at Qin Sang.

A faint blue light condensed on their fingertips. Under the blue light, the slightly transparent body added a clear glow, as if it were carved from beautiful jade.

‘Uh-huh! ’

The green light is like electricity.

Qin Sang's pupils were tightened, and a tingling sensation suddenly arose between his eyebrows. He did not dare to hesitate, mobilized the vitality in his body that had barely gathered together, and poured in the mani beads crazily.寴

‘Wow! ’

Black fire surged out from Qin Sang's body, and there was a faint golden light inside, instantly protecting Qin Sang's whole body.

The moment the Ganghuo shield was formed, green electricity appeared.

'boom! ’

Three waves of fire were aroused on the Ganghuo dome. The green light and the fire light were mixed together and exploded. The aftermath was so powerful that Qin Sang's figure was submerged in the chaotic vision.

Amidst the thunderous noise, the fire shield shook and suffered a terrible impact.

Unexpectedly, the Gang Fire Shield was extremely tough. Under the joint attack of the three phantoms of the Green Fox Saint King, it did not break. The green lightning was blocked by the Gang Fire Shield.寴

Only Qin Sang knew how much pressure he was under. Inside the Gangfire Barrier, Qin Sang's body was trembling and he was trying his best to maintain it. The newly recovered true energy was being consumed rapidly. The good news was that it was actually reducing the burden on his meridians.

Seeing that the attack was invincible, the three phantom bodies and eyes showed a cold light, and the three green lightnings suddenly met, but there was no wave or sound.

Suddenly, the three green electricity merged into one, and turned into a drop of green green liquid out of thin air. The intertwining of green electricity could be faintly seen inside, which seemed to be traces of mutual fusion.

After the fusion was completed, it became a pure and flawless jade seal.

The jade seal is small, no more than the size of a baby's fist, and there are green and white lights flashing alternately inside. The rich blue-white spiritual light escapes, forming circles of halo around the jade seal.

The white light is like clouds and mist, and there are countless illusions. The green light is constantly transforming into various postures of demon foxes, chasing and playing among the clouds and mist, creating a grand scene of fairy mountains.

This is not a simple aura, but a vision of the power of the jade seal, which is firmly locked on Qin Sang and sealed with extremely terrifying pressure!寴

Qin Sang only felt a tightness in his chest, his whole body was stiff, and his blood was coagulated. He felt as if he was being pressed by a fairy mountain. There was only a blue and white aura in his field of vision, and nothing else.

At the same time, the laughter of Holy King Qinghu reached Qin Sang's ears, as clear and appealing as a bell.

"I have a lot of treasures..."

The sound came together with the jade seal.

The bodies of the three phantom bodies gradually became transparent.

Obviously this was a full blow from the three phantom bodies.

'boom! '寴

The jade seal is thunderous!

A jade seal suddenly appeared on the surface of the Gang Fire Shield and was embedded deeply inside the Gang Fire Shield. The green and white spiritual light was overwhelming, and the blazing demonic fire on the Gang Fire Shield seemed to be suppressed.

The scene at this time was like smashing a huge boulder into the lake.

With the jade seal as the center, the demonic fire was hit by huge waves, and the sound of "squeaking" came from the Ganghuo. In an instant, almost only a thin layer of Gangshi was left in the area that suffered the frontal impact. .

The fire lotus is integrated into the Mani Pearl, and its defensive capabilities are rarely matched by the world. It is already difficult for ordinary monks to break through the Ganghuo Barrier.

At this moment, he felt the danger of the Gang Fire Barrier breaking. Qin Sang was horrified and hurriedly sunk his mind into the Mani Pearl, touching the origin of the demonic fire.

He tried his best to induce the amount of demon fire origin he could control and inject it into the Gang Fire Shield. Although he could not control these powers yet, he could still simply strengthen the Gang Fire Shield with the help of Mani Beads to guide him.寴

Qin Sang could see that the three phantom bodies of the Green Fox Saint King were not like his external incarnations. They should be transformed by magical powers and would not last long. As long as he survived the attack, he would have a chance to escape.

Qin Sang had not considered using the Sun God Tree again, but without a chance, the Green Fox Saint King must be on guard and it would be difficult to succeed.

As soon as the origin of the demon fire came out, it was indeed extraordinary.

Like a rich ink color spreading inside the shield, the fire shield that was originally swaying in the wind and rain suddenly became much more stable, firmly resisting the jade seal.

Correspondingly, Qin Sang's true energy was also being consumed at a terrifying speed.


The top of Dishu Mountain is tilting and is about to break in half.寴

The top of the mountain was almost submerged by the five-color clouds. At this moment, the five-color clouds were no longer so distinct. The five colors were intertwined. Under the strange beauty, the Five Elements Divine Forbidden City was entering its final destruction.

Such momentum still failed to cover up the fluctuations caused by the collision between the jade seal and the Ganghuo shield.

The Yunxia crack could not be closed for a long time, and three beautiful figures were looming. Judging from the fluctuations inside the crack, they were unable to capture the man on the spot.

The viewer is stunned.

The man was obviously seriously injured, his robes were stained with blood, and his true energy was in chaos.

The powerful man who transformed into a god took action, and three powerful phantom bodies surrounded him. How could that person still have the power to fight back?

The monks who claimed to be well-informed and well-connected were all thinking hard, but they couldn't remember the origin of that person. After several visits to the top sects, there was no such person.寴

Who is it?

It's too late, but it's soon.

The three phantom bodies are becoming more and more illusory, and even feel erratic, more like three shadows. Similarly, Qin Sang felt the familiar feeling of emptiness again, but it was better than before.

His face was pale, and he kept his head raised, staring at the three phantom bodies. His eyes flashed, his mind and the incarnation became one, and he was about to take action.

Among the three phantom bodies of the Green Fox Saint King, one of the phantom bodies suddenly blinked.

In the blink of an eye, the expression was completely different, the white eyes became normal, and the beautiful eyes were flowing, as if there were waves in the water, containing infinite charm, like two deep pools, which made people fall in unconsciously and unable to extricate themselves.

Other than that, the face of the phantom body did not change at all, but because of the pair of charming eyes, it instantly brightened up and made him look completely different!寴

The phantom body seemed to be able to see his frail appearance through the shield of fire. The corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and his smile was as beautiful as a flower. He was extremely beautiful.

Qin Sang heard faint laughter again.

It's still the sound of laughter, but it's not as far away as before, it's right next to your ears, so close!


Ever since the Green Fox Saint King took action against Qin Sang, Fan Laomo and others were hesitant to speak.

They had more or less heard about the demon chaos in Liuzhou Hall, and they had different thoughts, but they had no idea of ​​helping Qin Sang. Instead, they were worried that the Holy King Qinghu would be distracted and affect this place, and be taken advantage of by the ancient demon. Resulting in failure.

However, the Green Fox Saint King only released the three phantom bodies, and the original body did not move, and his judgment and reaction were still as accurate as before.寴

When Qin Sang resisted the three phantom bodies, the battle here did not stop for even a moment.

They surrounded Holy King Qinghu, gathering at different times, and the battle formation dispersed without chaos.


The shouts of the Green Fox Holy King reached my ears.

After some trial and error, Fan Laomo and others understood the meaning of this order. The demonic body wanted to show its power again and could not be forced to do so. They had to retreat and immediately fled in all directions without hesitation.

‘Wow! ’

The claws of the devil are divided into thousands, overwhelming.寴

There was a banging sound coming from Fan Laomo and others. Although they dodge in time, there are still claws that cannot be avoided. They all showed their magical powers and used various defensive treasures to resist the claws.

Before the devil's claws dispersed, the shout came again: "Come together!"

This is an order to join forces to fight back. Although they are in a panic, they are not without a chance to fight back. Take the initiative to attack while the old strength of the demon body is exhausted and the new strength is not yet generated. If you are lucky, you can disrupt the demon body's position and gain a few precious seconds.

However, there are not many such opportunities.

There is no doubt about the order of Holy King Qinghu, and everyone has no time to think about it carefully. They sacrifice their magic weapons one after another, and the formation changes accordingly, forming a joint attack.

In an instant, rays of spiritual light shot out from everyone's bodies, merged into a stream of light in the center of the suspended lake, and shot straight down towards the demonic body in the lake!

At the same time, the bright moon suddenly became extremely bright, and the moonlight was like a waterfall rushing in. It instantly merged with the stream of light. The unprecedented loudness made Fan Laomo and others slightly stunned.寴

No one noticed.

At this moment, the Green Fox Saint King's body showed an undetectable stiffness.

In the mountains.

The phantom body whose temperament changed drastically took a step downward.

The laughter that Qin Sang heard became louder and louder, as if it had penetrated his eardrums, invaded Zifu, and sounded in Yuanshen's ears, and he seemed to smell a faint fragrance at the end of his nose.

"It seems to be some kind of psychedelic technique..."

These words suddenly appeared in Qin Sang's mind.寴

This is the magic of Tianhu's charm. Once a casual person is caught, his heart will be filled with desire, and his mind will be full of illusions, and he will be disturbed by the charm. Those with a slightly worse character will sink into the boundless sea of ​​desire and become a zombie on the spot.

Even if your mind is firm enough, it will inevitably be affected and your mind will wander.

There are only a handful of people in the world who can stop the envoy from the Holy King Qinghu who is in the stage of becoming a god!

It's a pity that the ancient demon's mind is confused and his charm skills are useless.

Obviously, the three phantom bodies were just a test, forcing Qin Sang to use the powerful spiritual fire, and then take advantage of it. Even if the spiritual fire is not forced out, it can still consume Qin Sang and make him worse.

It takes all the strength to fight a lion against a rabbit, let alone one of the few great monks in the world, the Green Fox Holy King himself, who was restrained by the ancient demon, could actually calculate this far!

At this moment, Qin Sang fell into weakness and had a phantom body, even if it was only for a moment, it was enough.寴

The real murderous intention is coming!

However, Holy King Qinghu could not imagine that there were people in the world who could not respond to her charm.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Qin Sang's body suddenly became stiff, his eyes became distracted, and the power of the Gang Fire Barrier dropped drastically, as if it was about to dissipate.

The smile on the lips of the Blue Fox Saint King became deeper and deeper. He stretched out his jade hand, and the spiritual light burst out, turning into an illusory fox claw, and grabbed Qin Sang through the air. The void where the fox claw passed shook, and its power was more powerful than the jade seal. win.

Success is imminent.

The Qinghu Holy King's smile suddenly faded away, his brows furrowed slightly, and he felt inexplicably uneasy.

The next moment, Qin Sang's eyes suddenly regained clarity, and his face showed a stern expression.寴

The vitality in the body roared. Before, only the small meridians were broken. Now, even the main meridians were torn. He had already gotten another Boiling Snow Pill from the Avatar's hand and held it in his mouth, just in case, and swallowed it without hesitation.

The impact of one Boiling Snow Pill would overwhelm the user. After taking two pills one after another, Qin Sang's whole body convulsed and his flesh and blood were torn.

The dazzling red fire is like the rising sun, shining on the mountains of Yifu.

This time, the monks could see with their own eyes the sight of six birds emerging together.



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