Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1689: Emperor Mountain urges the collapse

Red fire shines in the sky. Chi

The monks outside the mountain really saw that red light shot out from the cracks in the clouds that were almost closed, and the golden clouds immediately turned into burning clouds. Extremely terrifying power spurted out with the red light, and the layers of light quickly separated to both sides. .

The three phantom bodies of the Blue Fox Holy King were in the shape of a Chinese glyph, with one in front and two behind. The pressure was as strong as ever, but at this moment, it was illuminated by red light from the inside to the outside, and there was a feeling that it was about to melt.

In front of them was a fireball.

The fireball itself shouldn't be too big, but the light was too dazzling and the momentum was too brutal, hurting everyone's eyes. The monks who knew the secrets of spiritual eyes were using their mental methods to try to see clearly the nature of the fireball.

But all everyone saw was blazing fire.

Even from a long distance, one can feel how brutal the energy inside the fireball is from the vision on the mountain, and the scene of the morning sun rising in the east is recalled, and one's heart is shaken.

Behind the fireball. Chi

The Sun God Tree rotated slightly. No one could have imagined that such terrifying power came from this small tree.

Qin Sang's body and incarnation were illuminated by the fire, and his whole body was red. His body seemed to be ignited by Nanming Lihuo and burned.

The incarnation ducks and catches the true form.

This deity was covered in blood, his expression was distorted due to severe pain, and his whole body was trembling.

The severe pain originated from the body. It suffered two waves of impact. The flesh and blood meridians of the whole body were washed away by the violent torrent. Everywhere was hurt. This time, it was really hurting yourself before hurting others.

Qin Sang suspected that if he had not practiced the secret skills of the demon clan and had some attainments in body refining, he would have exploded and died without the help of the Holy King Qinghu.

The eyeballs are bloodshot. Chi

Qin Sang looked past the Sun God Tree and stared into the depths of Nanming Lihuo. He didn't know how much damage this could cause to the Holy King Qinghu.

He knew very well that simply wanting to kill the Holy King was tantamount to wishful thinking.

However, as long as she can hurt the Holy King Qinghu and make her unable to stir up trouble anymore, it will be enough.

As for whether this would cause the Hanging Lake to collapse, affect the battle situation in the sky, and release the ancient demons, it was not within the scope of Qin Sang's consideration. If he wanted to blame it, he should also blame the instigator. He could not be allowed to surrender and be slaughtered by others.

'call! ’

The fierce fire passed by and the sword array wavered.

The scene not long ago reappeared. The Qisu Sword Formation was torn into larger cracks, and the cracks almost penetrated the entire golden cloud. Chi

Raging flames rushed toward his face.

The three phantoms were dressed in hunting clothes, and their momentum was suppressed by the fierce fire.

The Green Fox Saint King felt the extremely violent power, his eyes were deep, and he was moved by it. Before, Nanming Lihuo was the first to break out in the sword formation, and only a part of them rushed out of the sword formation. The feeling was not so strong. Now he was facing Nanmingli directly. Fire, only to find out that the fire was stronger than expected.

She didn't expect that Qin Sang, who was almost depleted of his true energy, was still capable of firing that kind of fire, and could also use her charm skills to set traps.

‘Crack! ’

The transformed fox claw was the first to touch Nanming Lihuo.

Under the impact of the spiritual fire, green light exploded, and cracks suddenly appeared in the fox's claws, which shattered with a sound. The fragments were like flying flowers, and were swept away by the flames in an instant, leading to the same fate as Su Zinan's giant demon soul. Chi

In an instant, Nanming was very close to the fire.

At the critical moment, the Green Fox Holy King did not try to retreat or evade, and his posture did not even change at all. His body was stiff in place, and the energy in his eyes faded like a tide.

‘Wow! ’

Fiery fire rolled over the phantom body.

Not one, but three phantom bodies were crushed by the fire. At this moment, the Green Fox Holy King could only try his best to protect himself, but could not take care of his phantom body at the same time.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the three phantom bodies had almost no resistance and were engulfed by the sea of ​​fire on the spot. Only at the last moment, the shadow of the fox tail seemed to disappear in a flash.

Destroy everything and leave nothing behind! Chi

There was an uproar in the palace.

Some people stared blankly with their mouths wide open, so shocked that they were speechless.

They didn't know that the Green Fox Saint King had come to the phantom body, but the momentum of the three phantom bodies was definitely not fake, and they all thought that this person's death had come. Unexpectedly, the three phantom bodies not only failed to capture the enemy, but were burned to ashes by the fire, without even a chance to escape.

"What kind of spiritual fire is this?"

"Is it a spiritual treasure or a magical power?"

"Where on earth did this fierce man come from and stewed the three phantom bodies of the Holy King of the Monster Race in one spoonful?"

"No wonder you dare to kill the disciple of the Holy King!" Xi

"Damn it! These old immortals are always scheming. If they can work together and have such powerful means, how can they allow the devil to become arrogant?"

There were exclamations of exclamation and discussion everywhere in the palace.

They couldn't take their eyes away from Dishu Mountain. They saw the raging fire rushing out of the golden clouds. It was not exhausted, and it rushed out of the mountain. It penetrated the sky and was unstoppable. It finally exploded in mid-air.

'boom! ’

The explosion shook the area.

Fireballs exploding in the sky can be seen from any corner in the palace. The red flowing fire split into thousands, and the flowing fire exploded like fireworks, dyeing the sky red, forming a strange beauty. Chi

No one was really attracted by the beautiful scenery, they only felt scared. After the fire explosion, there was no trace of the Holy King's phantom body, not even ashes were left.

As if echoing the raging fire, an even louder noise came from Dishu Mountain, and the mountain peak that had been slowly tilting suddenly accelerated and tilted.


The whole palace was shaken by this.

The Imperial Mountain was shattered, and the landslide and the ground were torn apart!

It looks like it was blown up by Nanming Lihuo.

In fact, the fact that Dishu Mountain collapsed so quickly has something to do with Nanming Lihuo. The Five Elements Divine Forbidden were in conflict with each other, and the Qisu Sword Formation was shaken to its foundation twice. The formation was in chaos and became the weakest breakthrough point, which indirectly accelerated the destruction of the Five Elements Divine Forbidden. Chi

The toppled mountain peaks smashed into the Five Elements Divine Forbidden City, and clouds surged up and filled the sky.

Various strange lights in the clouds appeared together, causing chaos and chaos. This was the last resistance of the array in the mountains. It is conceivable that most of them could not stop the Five Elements Divine Forbidden.

I don’t know how many treasures from the Secret Mansion, how many treasures the Wuxiang Immortal Sect has collected, and how many secrets of skills and techniques left by our ancestors will be buried here.

The monks who saw this scene were all heartbroken.

At this time, the alert person could already foresee something. Thinking of the most terrifying consequences, his expression changed and he hurriedly looked towards the hanging lake.

The lake is as black as ink.

The moonlight and the stream of light produced by the crowd merged into one, hitting the demon body hard. Chi

The Qinghu Holy King's eyes stiffened for a moment, and then quickly regained their charm. It was difficult for ordinary people to notice such a subtle change.

According to her plan, everyone teamed up to hit the demon body hard this time. Even if they couldn't hurt it, they would still be able to arouse the demon body's defensive instincts and not actively cause trouble at this time. She could take advantage of this opportunity to come down and capture the phantom body. Live in Qin Sang, then return immediately and calmly control the battle situation.

As long as everything goes well, nothing can go wrong.

The accident happened.

The Green Fox Holy King returned to his true form, and his delicate body suddenly trembled. Having seen the power of demonic fire, even if she had a chance to win, she still remained vigilant, sensing the danger, and chose to return without hesitation.

However, even though she was very quick to see the opportunity and escaped from this difficulty, the three phantom bodies were directly destroyed.

The phantom body was transformed from a fox tail and could not hurt her fundamentals, but the thoughts she had left in the phantom body were burned by the fire before they could be dissipated. Chi

Especially the phantom body that descended upon her, the partial thoughts had just merged with the main body, so it was not so easy to cut.

The Blue Fox Saint King's cheeks turned red, and he let out a moan, as if he was in pain.

Even so, her voice has an indescribable charm, and her slightly furrowed brows are even more pitiful, unintentionally showing off all kinds of charm.

The strange behavior of the Green Fox Saint King directly affects the situation of the battle.

Amidst the humming, the bright moon in the sky seemed to be covered with a veil, its light dimmed. At the same time, the suspended lake stirred up waves and the lake body shook. This was not caused by the attack of the demon body, but caused by the turmoil of the lake itself.

The Hanging Lake and the Long Moon are the foundation for trapping the demonic body. Fan Laomo and others rely on these powers to entangle with the demonic body.

In an instant, everyone felt something unusual. Chi

The demonic body felt that the pressure on its body was weakening, and its fighting instinct allowed it to seize the opportunity accurately and let out a shocking demonic roar. Endless demonic energy surged out of the body and transformed into demonic claws.

This time, the claws were fewer in number, but more terrifying.

At the same time, the five-element crown on the top of the demon body became fierce and powerful. The five-color brilliance and the demon's claws blended together, making it impossible to distinguish one from the other. It was terrifying and grabbed everyone.

By now, the demon spirit's consciousness has been infected by madness and it relies entirely on instinct. The poison king's gray cocoon is like a tortoise shell. The demon body no longer stares at the poison king, and the poison king gradually escapes from the center of the vortex.

Fan Laomo and the others are even more tempting.

‘Uh-huh! ’

The devil's claws came out of the air to grab him, his fingers like hooks. Chi

Fan Laomo's scalp was numb. Seeing that Hanging Lake and Long Yue failed to contain the demon body in time, how could he not know that there must be something wrong with the Holy King of Green Fox? He immediately cursed Holy King of Green Fox in his heart.

A mysterious lotus appeared under his body, waiting for action.

Everyone else was also in a state of panic, and they all resorted to desperate measures to save their lives. The first thing must be to escape for their own lives, as they can no longer maintain the Zen Arhat Formation.

As a result, the joint offensive collapsed, and the situation behind it was unpredictable.

At this moment, the round light behind the head of the Saint of Wisdom Shined brightly, and the immeasurable light spread throughout the suspended lake. The shadow in the round light clasped its hands together, and the sound of chanting sutras could be faintly heard in everyone's ears.

The next moment, the shadow stepped out of the round light, pointed at the demon body, and golden light flew.

Finally, the golden light condensed into a golden ring, which engulfed the devil's body. Chi

Golden light shot out, and the shadow disappeared. Before disappearing, he turned his head and glared at the Holy King Qinghu, like the angry King Ming.

"Blue Fox!"

The roar was thunderous, with a rich voice filled with anger and warning.


The demonic body was bulging and the golden ring was trembling. It was obvious that he could not hold on for long. Fortunately, when the demonic shadow took action, Fan Laomo and others sensed it and made the best response.

The Green Fox Holy King knew that he was in the wrong, so he said nothing, crossed his jade hands, and used a technique to suppress the injury and stabilize himself, then closed his eyes slightly and muttered something.

The water level of the lake is restored, and the bright moon is restored. Chi

The golden ring happened to shatter at this moment, and before the demonic body could counterattack, the pressure from all around came over again.

Everyone worked together to finally save the critical situation.

The Saint of Huiguang took the greatest credit. Fortunately, he knew that once the heart-fire and blood-refining process began, it would be difficult to be distracted, so he left a back-up plan in advance just in case, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Looking at the Holy Spirit of Wisdom Guang again, he is not in a relaxed state at this time and is also affected. At the same time as the phantom took action, the demon sealing stake creaked, and the blood light around him suddenly became a little thicker. The arms of the Saint of Wisdom Light trembled, and veins popped out.


The demonic body roared, and the counterattack came again.

At this time, the Hanging Lake and Long Yue have been stabilized, and the Holy King Qinghu has just suffered a loss. He no longer looks down, concentrates on dealing with the demon body, and gradually stabilizes his position. Chi

However, Holy King Qinghu did not give up his attempt on Qin Sang.

Outside the mountains.

Bai Ao led the demons to move and stay. Seeing that the situation was stabilizing, he felt that the danger was not great, so he speeded up and rushed to assist the Holy King. Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened.

He saw the illusory body of the Holy King perished, and wondered what the status of the Holy King was. While hesitating, the cold voice of the Holy King Green Fox came: "He is at the end of his strength, don't let this person go, otherwise I will take care of you!" "

Bai Zhen's heart was beating fast.

The Holy King's tone was completely different from his previous orders, extremely harsh.

He dared to delay just now, but now he would not hesitate in the slightest, otherwise he would have no doubt that after returning, the Holy King would first skin him and then dismantle his lair. Chi

"Quick! Catch that kid! Whoever dares to delay, I will skin him!"

Bai An fiercely kicked the bird demon in front of him, transformed into white light, and his speed increased sharply.

Upon seeing this, all the demons manifested themselves into demon bodies, and the demons danced wildly.

When Nanming Lihuo rushed out of the mountain, more people were frightened by the power of the spiritual fire and could not recover. Suddenly someone pointed at Dishu Mountain and shouted.


Behind the fierce fire, from the cracks in the golden clouds, a ray of light rushed out following the fierce fire. Chi

"It's him!"

After destroying the three phantom bodies of the Holy King, the man escaped before he died.

Where is he going?

Questions arose in everyone's mind.

Unexpectedly, the escaping light paused for a moment and did not escape towards the entrance of the Relic Palace. Instead, it headed straight for an area lined with strange peaks to the east of Dishi Mountain.

That strange peak is like a sword, the mountain trend is integrated, and the energy is tight, as if there is a big formation.

"That's the Jinxiang Palace..." Xi

Someone recognized it.

Either Qin Sang didn't want to run away directly or hide in Dishu Mountain to adjust.

In fact, on the way to escape, the demonic aura was soaring into the sky. The Green Fox Holy King actually had followers. There were quite a few demon kings. There was also a presence in the demonic aura that Qin Sang felt threatened, which he could not deal with now. Moreover, the Five Elements Divine Forbidden City is about to be destroyed, and I am afraid that I will be buried in it before the enemy comes after me.

Looking at the entire palace, Jinxiang Palace may be the best choice.

The golden sword he got contained the sword formation inherited by the Jinxiang Palace, and the mountain-protecting formation of the Jinxiang Palace was integrated into part of the sword formation. He escaped into the Jinxiang Palace. Even if he could not use the sword formation to kill the enemy, he could still use the sword formation. Able to deal with one or two.

Qin Sang rushed straight to the Jinxiang Palace without anyone stopping him along the way.

In fact, almost no one dares to approach Dishu Mountain now. Even if there are people, they have to consider whether they can stop Nanming Lihuo. No one knows what Qin Sang's current condition is. Chi

‘Whoosh! ’

Escape light like electricity.

Qin Sang flew to the edge of the Jinxiang Palace and saw numerous sword peaks below. Each sword edge seemed to exude sword intent and was connected to the mountain guarding formation. The formation was as sharp as if it were made in heaven.

The demons are coming.

With the help of the magical power of the Heavenly Eye, Qin Sang quickly found several familiar formations. Without thinking, he chose one and fell sharply. His figure triggered a faint blue light and disappeared among the peaks in the blink of an eye.



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