Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1,755 Journey to the East

The boat sails on the river.

The boatman looked ahead, hurried back to the cabin, and knocked on a door.

"Sir, Mugui Pass is almost here."

After a while.

Qin Sang walked out of the cabin.

The boatman kept smiling and babbled: "The government has strict orders that only official boats can pass Mugui Pass. If our private boats dare to cross the thunder pond, the river god will raise a storm to warn them. If they dare to go forward, they will make big waves and capsize the boat." , as a punishment, please go ahead and change the official ship..."

Qin Sang walked onto the bow of the ship and looked around. He couldn't see the river bank at a glance. A black shadow appeared on the river in front of him. It turned out to be a majestic flag tower, like a bridge lying across the river.

A black gold flag flutters in the wind, with the word "Herdsman" written on it. The two ends are connected to the river by a pontoon, and you can see the figures walking on the pontoon.

Qin Sang recalled the information he had found out before. After passing Mugui Pass, it was not far from Gu Sanji. The front was not peaceful, and there might be monsters coming up the river to harass them. This move was also to protect them.

He set out from Zhongmao to govern the West Pole, sometimes walking quickly, sometimes taking a boat and staying in a hotel like ordinary people. Not only could he experience the customs and customs under Taoting's rule, but he could also practice cultivation on the way.

At this time, he was already in Shiraishiji under the jurisdiction of the Arctic Exorcist Academy, less than three years before his departure.

It's not because of how fast he is traveling or the narrow boundary of the Taoist court, but because each palace in the Taoist court has a large teleportation formation. When the transfer is approaching, the spiritual formation is more sophisticated than the ancient teleportation formation in the Storm Realm. and.

The Taoist court has a vast area, which is necessary for Taoist monks to travel, and there is a constant flow of people coming and going on weekdays.

Riding the Great Teleportation Formation only requires spiritual stones, and usually people do not carefully check their identity. As long as Qin Sang does not activate the Heavenly Demon Transformation, he can completely restrain the demonic energy, and it is not difficult to get through with a few tricks.

Shiraishiji is located northeast of Nakamaji, and Qin Sang just walked along the edge of Shiraishiji. The two cities gave him similar feelings.

You can drive straight to Gusanji along the river where Mugui Pass is located, but it is not the best choice.

Even the official ships will not continue forward to the Shiroishiji border. If you want to enter Gusanji, you have to go alone, and you may face various dangers along the way.

The safest way is to go to the Arctic Exorcist Academy. Any Taoist disciple who wants to hunt monsters and ghosts can apply to the immortal official of the Arctic Exorcist Academy to get protection.

The monks hunted demons and ghosts in Gushan, and they could not leave the two courtyards of the Taoist court.

Even if the Taoist disciples lose their ambition to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, the prerequisite is sufficient cultivation and corresponding foreign objects.

After Gu Sanzhi gains merit, he can exchange for various rare treasures in the Taoist court to further his merits. This is why so many Taoist disciples are willing to go through fire and water.

After learning about this, Qin Sang knew that he had come to the right place, and Gu Sanji would undoubtedly have more opportunities.

In order to fight against the Guifang Kingdom, the laws of the two courts of Daoting will not be as strict as those in the hinterland of Daoting.

Your opportunity may come here.

With his thoughts turning, Qin Sang looked back and paid the boatman the shipping fee. The change of boat before Mugui Pass was negotiated in advance, so there was no need to blame the boatman harshly.

The boatman shook his weight and happily went back to work on the boat. After a while, he arrived in front of the flag tower.

Qin Sang got off the ship and climbed up the stairs. He was guided by the guards and walked towards one of the official ships. When he was about to board the ship, he paused slightly and then stepped onto the official ship with his usual expression.

The guard did not notice that there was a slight change in the aura of the person behind him.

There are not so many fine arrangements on the official ship, the cabin is opened, and all the people on the ship, mostly mortals, sit in the cabin.

"Brother, today is already the last day. It will be noon soon. Why isn't your Brother Liu here yet?"

In the corner of the boat hall, a man and a woman were sitting at a round table, both wearing Taoist uniforms.

There are ten seats at a round table. The man and woman are sitting here. Ordinary people are afraid of disturbing the immortal master and avoid them. Even the two tables next to them are empty.

As for the few monks on the boat, they sensed that the men and women were far beyond their cultivation, so they did not dare to step forward rashly.

The person who spoke just now was a woman, wearing a goose-yellow Taoist uniform, with a pure heart hanging around her waist. Her chin was resting on her arms and she was lying on the table. She spoke in a lazy tone with a hint of complaint, and her little feet swayed under the table.

The man sitting next to the woman had handsome features and was wearing a plain white Taoist robe. He comforted softly: "There is still an hour until noon. Junior sister, don't worry, Brother Liu will definitely not..."

When he said this, the man seemed to feel something. He looked back and his eyes fell on Qin Sang who had just entered the door.

The two looked at each other, and Qin Sang bowed his hands.

The man hurriedly stood up and returned the greeting with his hands. When he saw Qin Sang directly passed them and sat inside, he hesitated for a moment and then did not step forward.

The woman just glanced at Qin Sang with her almond-shaped eyes, and then looked away without interest.

At this moment, the clouds in the sky changed suddenly, and a strong wind blew away the layers of white clouds and came through the sky, causing wind and waves on the river.

In the strong wind, there was a golden wither with a wingspan of more than ten feet.

Suddenly someone screamed, "There's a monster!"

A black shadow floated below the river, shot two faint eyes, stared at the sky, and then disappeared again.

There was going to be a commotion in the cabin. A Taoist said loudly: "It's not a monster, it's some Taoist friend who turned into a spirit with his talisman. Don't be afraid."

Golden Da withered spotted the official ship and suddenly swooped down, causing another scream.

The man and woman did not know when they appeared on the official ship.

The man stretched out his hand, and when the golden wither was about to fall, the figure suddenly shrank, turning into a palm-sized paper kite, flying in a circle in his palm, and turning into a talisman falling down.

After looking at it, the man sighed.

"Brother Liu's sect received an urgent order and he can't come."

"I just said he was glib and untrustworthy!" the woman curled her lips.

"Junior sister, be careful what you say!"

The man's tone became a little more serious, "Brother Liu used his most cherished golden withered general talisman to convey the message. He thought it was indeed an emergency and it was not a breach of promise."

The woman snorted and said dissatisfied: "We have accepted the call and must complete it within the time limit. The man named Shen is still waiting for us, and suddenly there is one less person. Where can we find helpers in this remote place? What will happen next? "

This statement was not unreasonable, and the man couldn't help but frown, "Now I'm asking Senior Sister Yi for help. I don't know if it's too late..."

At this time, the man suddenly remembered something, his expression moved slightly, and he pulled the junior sister back to the cabin.

The commander of the official ship trotted up to ask for instructions whether to sail the ship.

The man sent it out at will. After a while, the hull of the boat shook slightly and the water moved.

After observing for a while, the man suddenly stood up and walked towards Qin Sang.


Qin Sang's back was to the man, but he was well aware of his actions.

Along the way, Qin Sang would sometimes let out aura like he did now, attracting people to come and talk to him. This way, he didn't have to make up his background, but instead seemed to be incomprehensible and tried and tested.

"This Taoist brother is polite."

He was the only one at the table where Qin Sang was sitting. The man walked to the side and slapped his head.

"Fellow Taoist, you are polite."

Qin Sang cupped his hands and extended his hand to lead.

The man was not polite and sat down opposite Qin Sang, "I'm Shi Xuan in Jiuhua Cave. How dare you call me my friend?"

Qin Sang still said in a lukewarm tone, "I am a poor man."

Shi Xuan was slightly startled, Qingfeng had as many as eight hundred in Taoist sects, especially the old Taoists who preferred to use Qingfeng Mingyue when choosing dharma titles for their Taoist disciples.

This person should be using a pseudonym!

Shi Xuan thought to himself, thinking about the other party's reluctance to disclose his origins and the territory ahead, he thought he could guess a bit. The other party probably wanted to go to Gu Sanzhi to hunt monsters and make some achievements, but he did not want to inherit the legacy of his master. , or in other words, was bound by the master's sect, so he went to Gu Sanji alone.

He once had this thought, and after weighing it, he made the wisest choice.

Thinking of this, Shi Xuan couldn't help but admire, "Brother Taoist wants to do something that ordinary people can't do. I admire you."

Qin Sang didn't know where this person was going, so he didn't point it out, which was regarded as acquiescence.

In this way, Shi Xuan became more confident, but his tone changed, "Brother Taoist, doing extraordinary things is commendable for your courage, but you must also act within your ability."

"Young Daoist Shi think Pindao is not strong enough?"

Qin Sang frowned.

Shi Xuan shook his head quickly, "Brother Taoist's cultivation is on par with mine, and he is strong enough to survive in Gu Sanzhi. But demons and ghosts have treacherous powers, so we must be on guard against them. When a person is always beyond his power, it is best to Find more like-minded Taoists to support each other."

At this time, the aura exuded by Qin Sang was similar to theirs, probably at the level of the middle stage of the golden elixir.

The corner of Qin Sang's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a mocking look, "It's not because I don't know etiquette. Your brother and sister didn't hide it when they were communicating on the boat, and it just happened to fall into the ears of me. My fellow Taoist wants to do something big, but he needs a helper." ?”

Shi Xuan felt slightly embarrassed. He didn't expect Qin Sang to be so smart. Instead, he was more interested in soliciting. "Since I have been exposed by Taoist brother, I will tell you the truth. A few days ago, our brother and sister unveiled a spell from the Arctic Exorcist Academy." The call needed to be completed in Gushanzhi, so I invited two helpers. Unexpectedly, one of them was unable to go with him due to urgent matters. Time was tight. Seeing that Brother Taoist was walking alone, and it seemed that there was nothing urgent, I started to recruit him."

Qin Sang's heart moved when he heard this.

He had heard of Dharma Calling before, mostly from the two courts of the Taoist Court.

The two chambers of the Taoist court issued legal summons, specifying what was to be done and the reward after it was accomplished. If someone believed that he was strong enough, he could remove the legal summons. This was most common in Gushanji, and the rewards were mostly very generous.

Seeing that Qin Sang seemed to be a little moved, Shi Xuan continued, "As long as Brother Tao agrees, I will inform Brother Dao about the content of the summons as soon as I enter Jushanzhi. After the matter is completed, we are willing to share half of the merits with Brother Tao." , but the two treasures in the reward must be given to my brother and sister."

Merit is one of the rewards after hunting monsters and completing the calling, and it is said to be very useful.

Qin Sang originally planned to inquire about Gu Sanji's situation first, so he might as well do it. He pondered for a moment and nodded.

Shi Xuan was overjoyed to easily convince a helper. He immediately invited Qin Sang to sit at their table and introduced the woman's identity to Qin Sang, "This is my junior sister, her name is Luo Yin."

Luo Yin's facial features were delicate and her brows were a bit delicate. She looked at the helper that her senior brother had picked up halfway, with no concealed doubt in her eyes. She wrinkled her nose and was about to say something when a strong voice came from outside the cabin. of laughter.

"Girls from the Luo family, Brother Shen is here, why don't you come out to greet him?"

Luo Yinqiong's nose wrinkled even more tightly and she hummed: "The annoying person is here!"

A few splashes of water.

The cabin suddenly became dark, and everyone subconsciously looked outside the door, only to see a big man in an iron tower-like suit blocking the door.

This man has a muscular back and is nine feet tall. His body is wider than the door panel, and he blocks the door tightly.

The Taoist uniform looked like a powerful piece of clothing on his body. It was so bulging that one couldn't help but worry that it would burst.

Seeing the three people in the corner, the strong man laughed again, stepped into the cabin, and the ship shook twice.

"Girl of the Luo family, I haven't seen you for a year. Do you miss you, Brother Shen?"

"Brother Shen, don't make fun of junior sister. Isn't the lesson learned last time enough?" Shi Xuan smiled and stood up to greet him, leading the strong man to Qin Sang, "I'm here to introduce you two. This is my good friend Shen Huo. Born in the Shen Family Mansion, this is Taoist Brother Qingfeng."

Shen Huo looked Qin Sang up and down, a little confused, "You didn't summon someone named Liu, so why is it this Taoist fellow Qingfeng?"

"Things have changed..."

Shi Xuan pulled Shen Huo to sit down and explained the reason in detail.

Shen Huo snorted when he heard this, "The Luo family girl is right. The man named Liu must have escaped from the battle and will settle the score with him when Shen comes back!"

With that said, Shen Huo stood up and turned to look at Qin Sang, "Friend Qingfeng, Shen doesn't know how to beat around the bush. This matter is of great importance and there is no room for error. If you want Shen to feel at ease and fight side by side with you, you need to stretch your muscles first." Measure your strength."

Brother Shi Xuan did not stop him and turned to look at Qin Sang.

From beginning to end, Qin Sang has not said a word.

He had heard about Jiuhua Cave Heaven, which was a force under the jurisdiction of the Arctic Exorcist Academy and was quite famous.

But I don’t know where Shen Jiashan is.

According to his opinion, Shen Huo was probably a physical practitioner and wanted to test the opponent's abilities.

"How are you going to try, Fellow Daoist Shen?"

Qin Sangshi stood up quickly, his tone calm.

"Just try it!"

Shen Huolang laughed, raised his arms horizontally, and at some point there was a black iron heavy sword in his palm.

The sword was taller than him, like a door panel dancing, but it was extremely easy to hold in his hand.

"Be careful!"

After flexibly turning the sword, Shen Huo's right arm muscles bulged, a golden light circulated, and he raised his sword and struck Qin Sang!

Shi Xuan took action at the right time, shooting out a green light that covered the cabin and sheltered the rest of the people.

'call! ’

A strong wind blew against my face.

The sword was extremely powerful, and it was extremely easy to cut the ship in half.

Qin Sang's expression remained unchanged, and he raised his head slightly to take a look. His body was already shrouded in the shadow of the sword, and he remained motionless until the black iron heavy sword was about to hit the top door, and his right shoulder shook slightly.

'winter! ’

The sound of the golden drum echoed across the sky.

The menacing epee suddenly stopped in mid-air, and Qin Sang raised his right fist at some point and struck the side of the epee.

Neither side moved a step.

The treasure ship beneath him was shaken violently, and huge waves a hundred feet suddenly arose outside the ship, covering the sky and the sun. It took a while before it hit hard.

Shen Huo's wrist trembled slightly, and he slowly put away his heavy sword. His eyes showed a strange light, and he suddenly burst into laughter: "How happy! I didn't expect that fellow Taoist Qingfeng, who seemed to be a weak scholar, was actually like Shen, not a soldier. , build the Dragon and Tiger Altar!"

Qin Sang closed her fist with a smile.

He already knew that not all the Taoist monks were recruiting soldiers and horses, but there were also people like demon cultivators, whose Qi and blood condensed in the altar, known as the Dragon Tiger Altar.

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