Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1,756 Cutting down mountains and destroying temples

Chen Huo is a person of good temper. When he learned that Qin Sang was also a body cultivator, his attitude changed drastically. He pulled Qin Sang to sit down and sat down next to Qin Sang. He picked up the wine bottle on the table and drank it all in one gulp. Liquor at the corner of the mouth.

He originally wanted to pat Qin Sang on the shoulder, but for some reason he raised his hand and changed his mind. He patted him and said, "Everyone knows that building the Dragon and Tiger Temple is barbaric! As everyone knows, when manipulating soldiers and horses, there is no way to knock them down with one punch. ! Just because Taoist Master Qingfeng built the Dragon and Tiger Altar, Shen trusts you!"

Shi Xuantong drank a drink and smiled bitterly.

He has known Shen Huo for many years and knows his temperament. When he meets people of the same mind, he becomes his confidant.

The smile on Qin Sang's face did not diminish. He raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.

According to his investigation, he learned that the Dragon-Tiger Altar and the Soldier-Horse Altar represent different schools of practice for disciples of this realm.

In addition, there is also the Golden Seal Altar.

The altar of soldiers and horses is easy to understand. Taoist priests recruit and raise soldiers and horses. They can not only arrange their troops into formations and form an army by one person, but also unify the soldiers and horses' mental thoughts, coexist with each other, and help practice.

The Taoist sect calls soldiers and horses to secure the altar, which is the orthodox Taoist sect.

But not every Taoist priest has the ability to raise soldiers and horses.

Those who came from a famous sect or a Taoist court had Taoist soldiers maintained in their divisions, and when they received their orders, they would have soldiers and horses assigned by their division commanders.

Tao soldiers were born and raised in this country. They are loyal to their masters and can obey orders without having to bother with group training.

If there are no Taoist soldiers allocated by the master's sect, they will have to go out to slay the monsters and recruit soldiers and horses in person.

Not to mention whether you have the ability to subdue monsters or not, it takes a lot of energy to find soldiers and horses that suit you.

Conquering the demon soldiers in this way is also called the Five Rampant Soldiers and Horses.

As the name suggests, they are free-spirited and wild-tempered. They are just a group of rabble at first. They cannot obey orders without group training. After being tamed, they have to eat frequently.

There are many soldiers and horses like this who rebel and explode the altar. Even the real people in Danxiao Mansion have been tricked. You can imagine the difficulty.

However, once soldiers and horses are developed, they can not only assist in martial arts, but also set up formations on the battlefield. The formations, talismans, and spells they cast are all extremely powerful. However, the connection between the foundation and the soldiers and horses is too deep, and the soldiers and horses are damaged. , there is a danger that the altar will be shaken.

There are also ways to raise soldiers and horses.

No or fewer soldiers and horses were collected, and external forces such as heaven and earth wonders were used to build a solid altar. As the Taoist priests practiced, the altar and the urn merged into a seal, forming a real golden seal.

Taoists call it the Golden Seal Zhentan.

Except for the two houses of Daoting, which are rich and powerful, other sects can support a limited number of Taoist soldiers. In addition to Zhenzhuan, most of their disciples form the Golden Seal Altar, but it may not be easy to find the wonders of heaven and earth to cast the altar.

Qin Sang has never seen a monk from the Golden Seal Altar take action, so he doesn't know how he will perform.

It is said that there is no conflict between the two paths, and there are many people who practice both.

Regardless of whether the altar is built with soldiers and horses or the altar is cast with rare objects, the purpose is to build a stable altar with an altar, and use the altar to install the altar as a sustenance for the gods.

The Dharma basket stabilizes the vitality, and the gods will protect the mind.

The third school is the Dragon and Tiger Altar, which is actually about tempering the physical body and the intersection of Qi and blood to form a dragon and tiger, hence the name.

When cultivating the Dragon-Tiger Altar, one no longer fears the Six Heavens Old Qi like a tiger, and even specially uses the Six Heavens Old Qi to temper one's body. However, one still needs to receive the Dharma urn, condense the altar, and think about the divine generals who will protect the altar.

No matter which school you are in, it is necessary to maintain the spirit, so that you can practice with peace of mind in this world.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang couldn't help but think of the snake demon in the spirit beast bag. The demon urn cultivated by the snake demon and the Taoist Dragon and Tiger Altar gave him very similar feelings. The only difference was that Cunsi's goal was different.

Hearing the resentment in Shen Huo's tone, Qin Sang thought slightly and guessed the reason.

Consistent with the information he had found out, the Taoist sect regarded the Xiu Bingma Altar as the superior one and the Dragon and Tiger Altar as the inferior one, which gave rise to the derogatory name "Barbarian Tao".

"The old spirit of the Six Heavens is everywhere. Those beasts with fur and horns are like a fish in water, making them more beautiful than before. When will the demon kingdom be pacified and the demonic atmosphere be eliminated? Since we were born here, we should obey the destiny, but the world's people They are all as old as time!"

Shen Huo was indignant and looked at Shi Xuan's brother and sister with evil eyes, even scolding his two friends.

He doesn't believe in any orthodox Taoism, but he believes that Longhu Altar is the right way.

Since he was not hiding anything, his voice spread outside and was heard by the other Taoist priests. They all looked aggrieved. However, due to Shen Huo's cultivation and the combat power he had just shown, they did not dare to come forward to argue.

Luo Yin was so angry that she couldn't think of a reason to refute.

Shi Xuan gave a bitter smile, ordered someone to bring a large pot of wine, pushed it in front of Shen Huo, and blocked his mouth with the wine.

"The demon cultivators are blessed with natural resources and are naturally suitable for the cultivation of strength. We humans have no special bloodline and have weak bodies. Is it really easier to cultivate the Dragon and Tiger Altar than others? Brother Shen and fellow Taoist Qingfeng encounter many difficulties and obstacles during their cultivation. They should know better than us. .”

Noticing Shi Xuan's gaze, Qin Sang nodded slightly, but had no intention of participating in the argument.

Shi Xuan was disappointed and had to comfort Shen Huo alone. He kept talking until his mouth went dry, but in the end, Shen Huo stopped him with a word.

"You have sworn that by cultivating the talismans to the deepest level, you can summon the heavenly soldiers and generals, and conquer them as soldiers and horses on the altar. You can also borrow the power of the gods to enhance the talismans. Where is the god of heaven now? You have been praying to the altar all day long, performing rituals with virtue stars, and Have you ever received a response when you combine Qi to summon the gods? Aren’t you just like us, with only one altar-protecting general who comes from the gods?”

Shen Huo looked disdainful, and Shi Xuan sighed deeply, shaking his head repeatedly, too lazy to argue with him.

Shen Huo then asked Qin Sang to talk.

Qin Sang had already seen that Shen Huo seemed to be a rough and arrogant person, but in fact he was rough and subtle. He avoided talking about the real secrets and never revealed the slightest bit of secrets. It was a big mistake to think that he could be honest with him.

However, after all, Shen Huo was not as cunning as him. Qin Sang got a lot of useful information without saying a word, especially having a deep understanding of Gu Sanji.

Shen Huo had been hanging out in Gu Sanzhi for many years, and it was there that he and his brother Shi Xuan met.

Gu Sanji is located between Daoting and Onifang Kingdom, and has always been a battlefield between the two major forces.

However, after years of continuous battles, neither side was able to drive the other out of Koo Sanji. Instead, they fell deeply into the quagmire of war. They had a bloody feud between them and the possibility of reconciliation was lost.

In recent years, Daoting and the Kingdom of Demons and Ghosts have stopped fighting to recuperate, but Shen Huo claimed that this time will never last long, and both sides must be intensifying their military strength.

Taking history as a guide, even if Daoting recaptures Gu Sanji, the war will not stop, and vice versa.

Even when there was a truce, Gu Sanji was not short of killing.

Both sides have their troops here, fighting openly and secretly has never stopped, and Dharma calls, merits and so on have emerged as the times require.

However, unlike the hinterland of Taoism, Taoism has another force in Gushanji, called Yintian Palace, which is said to be able to compete with the two houses of Taoism.

Speaking of Yin Tiangong, Shen Huo was also full of praise, "Shen's fellow Taoists who admire Yin Tiangong the most are rooted in Gu Shanzhi and take it as their own duty to subdue demons and slay demons. They never have the idea of ​​​​stability and enjoyment, and fight with demons all day long!"

Its full name is Zhou Jue Yin Tian Palace, and others usually call it Yin Tian Palace. The name comes from the Six Heaven Palace in the Taoist legend.

Legend has it that the Northern Emperor was in charge of Mingjing, Fengdu, and was the cardinal of the Nine Places. He had six heavenly palaces, and Zhou Jueyintian Palace was the first palace.

Qin Sang had heard the name of Yintian Palace and listened carefully when Shen Huo talked about it.

For Qin Sang, the more influence there is in Gu Sanzhi, the better. The more chaotic the situation, the easier it is to fish in troubled waters.

A few people chatted and laughed, and the official ship sailed through several passes.

Shi Xuan and the others did not mention the content of the Dharma call, and Qin Sang did not ask any further questions.

After getting acquainted, several people briefly exchanged their methods to facilitate future cooperation.

Qin Sang naturally prides himself on physical cultivation, and all his magical powers are within himself.

When they arrived at the last pass on the river, the official ship did not dare to move forward. At this time, apart from the officers and soldiers, there were only four of them left on the ship.

"The road ahead will be unstable, so please be careful."

Shi Xuan stood up first and walked out of the cabin.

With all their cultivation skills in hand, Qin Sang and others followed Shi Xuan, jumped into the air and flew across the river, flew along the river bank for a while, and landed on land.

As far as the eye can see, there is a desolate scene ahead.

In fact, since the official ships were replaced, the scene on both sides of the river has gradually deteriorated.

After all, the strength of the Taoist court is limited, and it is impossible to station experts at all times to prevent the attacks of demons and ghosts. When necessary, those realms can be temporarily abandoned.

Everyone walked over mountains and ridges for several days. The mountains ahead were continuous and dangerous mountains and rivers were everywhere.

Shi Xuan jumped up to a mountain. After observing for a while, he turned back and warned: "Controll your breath and remember not to fly at high altitudes. There is no cover. It is easy for monsters to detect you and set up an ambush in advance."

This was mainly said to Qin Sang.

Although Shen Huo has a fiery temper, he is not at all arrogant at this moment.

I didn't expect to be so cautious when entering Gushanji. After careful questioning, I learned that the confrontation between Daoting and the Kingdom of Demons and Ghosts was in the middle of Gushanzhi. It was the safest place where Daoting Immortal Officials and the army were stationed.

On the contrary, in such remote areas, it is possible to encounter wandering demon soldiers from Guifang Kingdom. Once encountered, it will be a life and death fight.

Either you die or I die!

Qin Sang followed his good example and randomly picked a piece of precious armor from Qianjun Ring and put it on.

Shi Xuan couldn't help but look at it twice, but did not ask any further questions. He motioned for everyone to stop and said to Qin Sang: "Brother Taoist is so patient. I haven't told you the content of the Dharma call until now. Brother Taoist can bear not to ask." , been with us for so long.”

Qin Sang smiled slightly, "Since you have unveiled the Dharma summons and invited Pindao, it will probably not be beyond Pindao's ability. You will always know when things happen, so why bother talking."

Shen Huo said hello.

Shi Xuan took a deep look at Qin Sang, "We are honored that Taoist brother can trust us. However, not all Taoist sects are moral people, and there are also some scum who do things that seek wealth and harm life. The situation in Gu Shanzhi is chaotic. It has become a place where filth and people gather. If the Taoist court launches a crackdown, there may even be people who rebel against Guifang Kingdom. We must be on guard. Brother Taoist must be vigilant."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Qin Sang bowed his hands.

Seeing that Qin Sang was not arrogant, Shi Xuan nodded secretly and said: "To be honest with fellow Taoists, this summons from the Arctic Exorcist Academy is asking us to cut down mountains and destroy temples, and destroy a few evil gods!"

"Cutting down mountains and destroying temples?"

Qin Sang was slightly startled, but subconsciously thought of the land of the mountain gods under the rule of Daoting.

Qin Sang has not found out the origin of these land animals yet. Shi Xuan was born in Jiuhua Cave. He thought he might know more, but Qin Sang just asked around the corner. Even he couldn't tell the reason. He only knew that the land of the mountain god, the city Huang Yuehuang are all conferred by Tao Ting.

And the legendary heavenly soldiers and generals are even more mysterious. As Shen Huo said, the monks in the world only know the god generals who protect the altar, but they have never seen the gods show their holiness.

Evil God...

Qin Sang secretly thought that with this correspondence, the person consecrated by the Tao Ting was the Righteous God.

He raised his head and looked around the mountains and rivers.

After entering Gushanzhi, Qin Sang never found any trace of the mountain god's land.

However, Shen Huo once said that in the central part of Gushanzhi, the land occupied by Daoting and the land entrusted by Daoting could play a big role in the battle with Guifang Kingdom.

While speaking, Shi Xuan flicked his fingers and shot out a little yellow light, which opened into a spiritual talisman in front of everyone.

The summons exists in the form of a spiritual talisman. It contains a brief introduction to the mission and a map.

However, the Kanyu map is very simple and is only used to indicate directions.

There were no signs of dangers along the way. Gu Sanji's demons were rampant, and the situation was changing three times a day. They needed to be careful. Fortunately, the goal this time was not too far away.

"Go east from here to the area near the evil temple, and then carefully find the way," Shen Huo looked at it and pointed forward carelessly.

Shi Xuan said something, put away the yellow talisman, and called on everyone to set off.

One month later.

There were no surprises along the way.

In a mountain, four people gathered together, looking at the map to identify their location, and finally confirmed their target.

"It's right in front, less than five hundred miles away! Where did the evil god come from? Dare to build a temple here and take advantage of Dao Master's sword!"

Shen Huo shouldered the heavy sword and rushed forward with murderous intent.

Others followed.

As they approached the evil temple, everyone was surprised to find that the ghost people here were very different from other places, living in huts and forming villages.

They stopped outside a village and saw that the ghost people in the village still had some of their bestiality, but they already knew simple etiquette and were cultivating wasteland around the village.

In front of the village, there is a flattened circular square with a stone statue standing on it.

Although the carving method is crude, it can be seen that what is carved is a monster with a fox head and body.

There are tributes placed in front of the statue, which shows that the ghost people here worship this monster very much and worship it every day.

Everyone looked at each other, crossed the village silently, and continued forward until they came to a steep mountain peak.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, you can still see a temple standing on top of the cliff, emitting a golden glow under the rising sun, but there are bursts of smoke lingering above the temple.

Qin Sang originally thought that the evil god might be a special existence, but unexpectedly, what he sensed from the temple was evil energy.

Moreover, the demonic auras in the mountains merge into one, which shows that there are many demons.

Shen Huo could no longer hold back any longer. He looked up at his breath for a moment, then stepped heavily on his feet, making the bones in his body explode. He silently performed a magic spell, and his body suddenly grew in size, turning into a giant several feet tall.

The already reluctant Taoist robe burst open on the spot, revealing a suit of iron armor.

Shen Huo had a broad face and broad ears, raised his sword high, jumped up, and shouted loudly.

"Your Taoist master is here!"

At the same time, Shi Xuan and Luo Yin both made moves.

Qin Sang paid attention to Shi Xuan, who cultivated the Golden Seal Altar.

I saw Shi Xuan soaring into the sky, with a flash of light in front of him, and a blue altar appeared. It was smaller than the normal altar of soldiers and horses, and the seal inside was more solid.

He raised his hand, and a stream of light flew out from the seal and turned into a talisman in mid-air.

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