Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1804 Vajra Pagoda

Qin Sang guessed that the "Seven Masters of Buddha Seal" might be the Great Vajra Wheel Seal, one of the nine great light seals, but he was not very sure.

The origin of the "Seven Masters of Buddha's Seal" is unknown and cannot be inferred from this aspect. It can only be known if he has practiced this seal to great perfection.

However, half of the inner lion seal is hidden in the Western Land Buddhist Sect, which is enough to show that the Storm Realm has the inheritance of the nine great light seals.

"I don't know the origin of the Nine Great Seals of Light. Your Majesty told me this. What do you want?"

Qin Sang remained calm and asked thoughtfully.

"The Nine Great Light Seals are the superior magical powers of my Buddhist Vajra lineage. There are nine kinds of Buddha Seals, each with its own magic and power. Unfortunately, they have been lost and can only be seen in classics..."

Venerable Zhenru sighed.

Qin Sang's heart moved slightly. Buddhism believes that gold is the most solid thing in the world. Diamond means immortality. The Buddhist Vajra Protector is also recorded in the Buddhist scriptures. It is a god who protects Buddhism and has a respected status.

In reality, based on the two known nine great light seals, it is inferred that the Vajra lineage should be the body refining lineage of Buddhism.

Qin Sang is deeply aware of the power of the inner lion seal, but he only masters half of it.

The remaining eight seals are as famous as the inner lion seal. It can be imagined that the nine bright seals must be the great supernatural powers of Buddhism. It is true that the words of the venerable are not exaggerated.

At this time, Venerable Zhenru was silent for a moment and said: "The purpose of this poor monk's trip involves a secret in our temple. I hope that the master can make a cause-and-effect oath and never tell anyone about it in his life."

A strange color flashed in Qin Sang's eyes, and he was even more curious, naturally.

After making the oath, Venerable Zhenru recited the name of the Buddha, "Our temple is derived from the inheritance of the Vajra lineage, with the "Third Grade Vajra Technique" as the fundamental method..."

Qin Sang listened and nodded. What the Venerable Ru said was not a secret. He also heard about it when he came back to inquire about Jingtai Temple.

Jingtai Temple can occasionally produce a high monk in the transformation stage, and he is considered a powerful force in Gu Sanji.

Since there is no such thing as a Buddhist temple, Jingtai Temple must also accept Taoist temples and build the Dragon and Tiger Altar.

Buddhism is difficult to tolerate, and the Dragon and Tiger Altar has limitations. It is conceivable that it will inevitably have an impact on the monks' practice. There has never been a holy monk in Jingtai Temple who can turn the tide and revive Buddhism.

As he spoke, Venerable Zhenru paused and said in a deep voice: "In our temple, there is also a Vajra pagoda! The origin of this pagoda is unknown. It is probably a treasure of the Vajra lineage, but there are multiple seals in the pagoda. The temple has not been able to break the seal so far.”

Hearing this, Qin Sang understood, "Your Majesty, do you think Pindao's Buddhist seal can open the seal?"

"If the Vajra Pagoda is a holy pagoda of the Vajra lineage, as one of the nine great light seals, the Great Vajra Wheel Seal, even if it is not the key to unlocking the seal, can still have miraculous effects when breaking the seal," Venerable Zhenru said firmly.

He looked at Qin Sang with a fiery gaze.

Qin Sang knew that what the other party was looking for was not him, but the whereabouts of the Great Vajra Seal behind him.

Venerable Zhenru determined that the "Seven Masters Buddha Seal" was created after the Great Vajra Seal. If the origin of the "Seven Masters Buddha Seal" can be found out, it is possible to find clues to the Great Vajra Seal.

Even if you can't open the Vajra Pagoda, getting a Nine Light Seal is enough to make you ecstatic.

Qin Sang looked solemn, and the next answer made Venerable Zhenru look disappointed, "To be honest, this Buddha seal is called "Seven Masters Buddha Seal". It was obtained by a poor man hundreds of years ago. No one knew about this seal at that time. It has such a great origin and has never been taken seriously. Today, it is impossible to trace the origin of this seal. If you don’t believe it, you can swear it. Great magical powers such as the Great Vajra Wheel Seal can be used as the foundation of your life. Your Majesty. You are willing to help me find the seal, but I can't get it. It is actually a matter of mutual benefit, and I have no need to hide it."

Seeing that Qin Sang did not seem to be faking it, the disappointment in Venerable Zhenru's eyes became even stronger, and he murmured: "So... I only hope that "The Seal of the Seven Masters" can be recognized by the Vajra Pagoda."

Qin Sang still had many questions in his mind, "May I ask what secrets there are in the pagoda? There are many eminent monks in your temple. Is there nothing you can do about the seal?"

Venerable Zhenru shook his head slowly.

The secret of the Vajra Pagoda has not yet been revealed, and it is not even clear what treasures are stored in the tower.

But one thing is certain, this tower is very important to them. Once it is opened, Jingtai Temple may prosper because of it.

"It is possible that the great inheritance of the Vajra lineage or the Buddha treasure, or even the Vajra Stupa itself is a treasure. The ancestors of our temple have tried continuously, but unfortunately no one can break the seal. They have also invited worthy people outside the temple. Trusted Taoist friends can help, but those who do not practice Buddhism will be ostracized. If they want to enter the gate of the pagoda, they will not be able to, and it will be impossible to break the seal..."

If you ask Dao Ting Da Zhenren, you may be able to forcefully break the seal. But in this case, the Vajra Pagoda may not be able to stay in Jingtai Temple.

Qin Sang pondered: "Does the venerable want Pindao to try to enter the tower and help the venerable break the seal?"

Venerable Zhenru nodded with expectation in his eyes.

Although Qin Sang did not practice Buddhism, he was able to gain recognition from the pagoda perhaps because of his origins in the Seal of the Seven Masters.

"If the real person can help the poor monk break the seal, you and I will share the inheritance in the pagoda. If they are all my Buddhist treasures, our temple will also compensate the real person and will never let the real person do it in vain," the venerable Zhenru promised.

Qin Sang's heart was pounding.

In the foreseeable future, fighting will rely more on strength and cultivation. If you can obtain great magical powers similar to the Nine Light Seals in the Vajra Pagoda, it will be a great improvement for yourself.

If he could get a superior technique from the Buddhist Vajra lineage, it would be something Qin Sang could only dream of.

He practiced "Celestial Demon Refining" as a human being. Even though it was going well, there was a hidden worry that he might not be able to continue at any time due to blood incompatibility.

Qin Sang has long wanted to find a human body training technique comparable to "Celestial Demon Refining" as a replacement when the road ends.

The two hit it off immediately.

Without further ado.

The master holding the sword went into seclusion again. Qin Sang told the sword slave his whereabouts and rushed to Jingtai Temple with the master Zhenru.

Exit Zuodaiguan and continue southbound.

Because the Eastern Region is adjacent to the Demon Kingdom, the situation is chaotic and fighting continues. Unlike the fairy cities in the West, small moving formations are connected to form a shortcut.

Sometimes they entered the city and took a small flight, and sometimes they had to fly. It took them five days to arrive at Jingtai Temple.

Jingtai Temple is located on the top of Jingtai Mountain.

This mountain is the highest peak nearby, so high up that one can even see the border of the Eastern Demon Kingdom.

However, the overall terrain of Jingtai Mountain is gentle, the vegetation is lush, and there are many mortals living nearby.

Only when mortals are protected by Jingtai Temple can they resist the intrusion of demons and live and work in peace and contentment.

Two rays of light flew from a distance and headed straight to the top of the mountain.

There is a magnificent temple on the top of the mountain. The temple door is wide open and monks come in and out.

Venerable Zhenru did not alert anyone else, and quietly led Qin Sang into the temple and to the abbot's room.

"Please wait a moment, real person."

Venerable Zhenru went out alone and soon returned, holding a blue jade bead in his palm.

The jade beads are crystal clear, like water droplets.

Venerable Zhenru moved the jade beads and said, "This is the image of the great Vajra Wheel Seal."

It was Qin Sang's request to watch and take photos, which was regarded as an advance payment. He looked at the jade bead seriously and saw white mist filling the bead.

The water mist gathered into a ball between Zhenru Venerable and him. The interior was constantly changing, and some phantoms gradually appeared.

It was a desert with billowing smoke, flying sand and rocks, and someone was fighting.

It can be seen that the person who took the photos seemed to be worried about being affected and was far away from the battlefield.

Among the yellow sand, there are two figures.

On one side is a monster that looks like an eagle owl. This monster is huge, and its gray wings can easily roll up sand and rocks all over the sky.

On the other side is a person. This person stands in the void and has no intention of shrinking in the face of the ferocious monster.

Although the shadow is not very clear, it can still be seen that this person is wearing monk's robes and is a shaved monk.

The most peculiar thing is that the monk's body exudes a faint precious light, which is like the blue sky and pure water.

This light surrounds the monk, is clear inside and outside, illuminates all things, and shines through the wind and sand, making it clearly visible.

The pure glazed light that Venerable Zhenru calls is the symbol of the great Vajra Wheel Seal to achieve the Vajra Glazed Body.

The photo remains silent.

I saw the silhouettes of the monk and the demon beast intertwined, and then the demon beast opened its huge wings in anger and instantly approached the monk. Its sharp claws were like knives and clawed at the monk's head.

Facing the crisis, the monk calmly struck out with a palm, and the flying sand in the sky suddenly felt inexplicably attracted and began to spin.

In an instant, a yellow vortex appeared in the void, and the monster fell into the center of the vortex, shaking its wings in a hurry.

'boom! ’

The wind whirlpool exploded, erupting with astonishing power, surging in all directions, spreading rapidly with a sandstorm, and the photo was immediately interrupted.

Seeing this, Qin Sang's eyes flashed.

That palm, one trapping and one exploding, obviously has the charm of the Wheel Seal and the Demon-Destroying Seal.

The two seals of "Seven Masters Buddha Seal" are more like crude versions of the two styles. No wonder Venerable Zhenru believes that they were created after imitating the Great Vajra Wheel Seal.

The photos flashed in turn in the mist.

Qin Sang looked attentively, watching the photos over and over again, lost in thought, and Venerable Zhenru did not disturb him.

Qin Sang tried to corroborate the monk's every move with the "Seven Masters of Buddha's Seal".

Gradually, Qin Sang made another discovery.

The feeling the monk gave him was very strange.

The so-called Great Vajra Seal does not show extraordinary power when fighting monsters.

The monk's moves looked very ordinary, but they pushed the monster into a desperate situation step by step, and he easily defused the fatal blow.

If he had to describe this feeling, Qin Sang could only think of one word: freedom.

Each move comes at his fingertips, completely natural, but it is exactly the best choice at the moment. It is as if everything on the battlefield is under his control, he has no flaws, and the enemy's threat is invisible.

Qin Sang had a similar feeling after completing the seventh Seal of Vajra Freedom. Compared with the monks, he could only be considered a beginner.

Of course, the power of the Vajra Glazed Body must be more than that. Maybe the monster beast is not enough to force out the monk's full strength, but it is a pity that the photo is too short.

After watching it countless times, Qin Sang finally regained his composure.

"How?" Venerable Zhenru asked.

Qin Sang nodded, "Your Majesty's judgment is good. There must be a great connection between the two Buddhist seals. Watching this photo will be of great benefit to the poor man. Thank you very much."

This statement is true.

Watching the monks fight brought a lot of touches to Qin Sang. If he goes back and ponders it carefully, he will definitely make great progress in "The Seal of the Seven Masters".

Putting away the jade beads, Venerable Zhenru led Qin Sang towards the back mountain.

The layout of Jingtai Temple is similar to some of the temples Qin Sang had seen in the Storm Realm. There are many pagodas built in the back mountain, and the pagodas enshrine the relics of the eminent monks of Jingtai Temple throughout the ages.

After passing through Tallinn, the two continued to move forward, winding down a narrow mountain path.

There were many barriers along the way, and Qin Sang also sensed the aura of the eminent monk, and the guards were very tight.

At the end of the mountain road was a deep stream. Venerable Zhenru pointed his fingers at the water, nodded to Qin Sang, and jumped into the stream.

Qin Sang followed closely behind and dived quickly without any hindrance. Soon he reached the bottom of the water and saw a pagoda.

The pagoda is simple, hidden under the water, and is seven stories high.

This reminded Qin Sang of the seven-story pagoda he got from Jinghai Sect. The seven-story pagoda and the "Seven Masters Buddha Seal" are both related to Jinghai Sect.

However, the seven-story pagoda and the seven-story pagoda of Xuantian Palace were refined by Xiaoxiangzi, and the materials and shapes of the magic weapons used to warn were different from these pagodas.

This Vajra Pagoda seems to be made of wood, an unknown black spiritual wood.

Venerable Zhenru landed in front of the pagoda, pointed to the pagoda door, and said to Qin Sang: "If you practice Buddhism, you can enter through this door. If you don't practice Buddhism, you will not be able to advance even an inch."

The tower door is closed.

Qin Sang walked to the pagoda door, observed it for a moment, and touched the pagoda door without using any magical powers.

The moment he was about to touch the tower door, golden light suddenly burst out from the door, and a gentle but extremely powerful force directly pushed Qin Sang several feet away.

Bounce him away, the golden light disappears immediately, the tower door remains the same, there is no special fluctuation on the door.

Qin Sang secretly marveled, returned to the pagoda, concluded the heart seal, used the auspicious seal to mobilize his energy and blood, cast the Vajra Heaven Seal, and his skin turned pale gold. At the same time, he silently activated the seventh seal, the Vajra Great Freedom Seal, and faced Venerable Zhenru. He glanced at it and raised his hand to touch the tower door again.

Seeing Qin Sang's movements, Venerable Zhenru couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

If Qin Sang can enter the Vajra Pagoda with the Seal of the Seven Masters, even if the two of them are not strong enough to break the seal, they can still find a way to exchange this seal with Qin Sang and ask for a stronger helper.

The secrets in the tower will eventually be revealed.

According to past experience, the moment a non-Buddhist person touches the pagoda door, just like before, he will be immediately bounced away by a soft golden light.

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't penetrate the golden light.

Qin Sang's palm touched the tower door again.

The anxiety on Zhenru Zhenru's face suddenly turned into surprise, and there was no golden light!

He kept saying: "Hurry..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Sang had already pressed hard on the tower door according to Venerable Zhenru's previous instructions.

The pagoda door did not open, but Qin Sang felt as if he had penetrated a barrier. His figure flashed through the pagoda door and entered the Vajra Pagoda.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared next to Qin Sang, and it was Venerable Zhenru who followed closely.

From the outside, the first floor of this tower is no more than three feet in diameter, but the interior space is very vast.

The light here is normal, and what comes into view is the sapphire floor tiles. The light and shadow in front are intertwined, and it is not clear. It seems that there is a Buddha statue standing there.

"Zhenren is following me," said the Venerable Zhenru, stepping forward.

After exploration by eminent monks of all ages, Jingtai Temple is already very familiar with the first half of the journey and there will be no danger.

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