Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1805 Defeat

The sapphire floor tiles reflected the walking figures of the two people.

The illusion of light flowing inside the tower gives people the feeling that the space is constantly distorting, making people unconsciously nervous. However, according to Venerable Zhenru, there is actually no danger on the first floor.

At this time, Qin Sang put away the Buddhist seal and was not excluded from the Vajra Pagoda.

As he walked, Venerable Zhenru described to Qin Sang the layers of seals in the Vajra Pagoda, and took out some things and gave them to Qin Sang, all of which were treasures that could help break the seals.

After careful discussion, the two decided that Venerable Zhenru would open the way first, and Qin Sang would follow behind to familiarize himself with the Vajra Pagoda and take advantage of his dual cultivation of Dharma and Body.

So, Qin Sang sacrificed the Gray Eagle Sword. The sword was suspended in the air, and the sword light shone down and surrounded the two of them.

Not long after, the two reached the end and saw a Buddha statue.

Different from the solemn Buddha statues in the temple, this Buddha statue is only the height of a normal person, and its facial features are lifelike, as if it was carved after a real monk.

The monk is wearing simple robes, his feet are on the lotus platform, his eyebrows are lowered and his eyes are kind, he is saluting with one hand, and the other hand is holding a crescent Zen staff with nine golden beads on it.

Compared with the majestic Crescent Moon Zen Staff, the monk's body seems a bit thin, and it feels like the man and weapon are not suitable for him.

Walking in front of the Buddha statue, Qin Sang's eyes were immediately attracted by the monk's eyes.

It’s hard to imagine that these are carved eyes. At first glance, it only gives people a very kind impression, but when you look at the Buddha statue, you will find that the eyes seem to contain infinite Buddhist principles, and you are deeply involved in them.

"Be careful, real person."

Venerable Zhenru recited the name of the Buddha.

When he first entered the Vajra Pagoda, he was attracted by the eyes of the Buddha statue. Fortunately, there was a record left by the patriarch, so he was alert and broke free in time.

If you fall deeply into it and are unable to extricate yourself, you may not necessarily get lost, but it may agitate your mind and take a long time to calm down. This time you will return in vain before you even start.

Qin Sang slowly withdrew his gaze, his expression as usual, followed the example of Venerable Zhenru, bowed to the Buddha statue, and sat cross-legged on a lotus platform in front of the Buddha statue.

The next moment, Qin Sang felt the light and shadow in front of his eyes change. The Buddha statue in front of him disappeared suddenly, and was replaced by two stunning women, wearing thin clothes and extremely charming. Tingting walked toward them.

The woman's every frown and smile are full of charm, full of affection, and her figure is graceful. Wonderful places are looming as she moves, accompanied by boundless wonderful sounds, arousing desire, just like the legendary music and dance of demons.

People with a poor temperament may feel lustful and unable to control themselves when seeing this scene.

"Master, please follow this poor monk. If you feel unwell, you can take the elixir..."

The voice of Venerable Zhenru came, pointing to the jade bottle that had just been handed over to Qin Sang.

Since he was a child, he has regarded these women as pink skulls.

However, the power of Tianmo Music and Dance will become stronger and stronger.

Moreover, this kind of music and dance of heavenly demons is comparable to ordinary illusions, and it arouses people's deepest desires. In the end, if Master Dongxuan has insufficient character and is slightly negligent, he may lose his mind.

Venerable Zhenru doesn’t know what the consequences of getting lost here will be. The founders of Jingtai Temple have always been very careful when exploring the Vajra Pagoda.

Zhenru Venerable didn't know that Qin Sang was protected by the Jade Buddha, and the music and dance of demons of this level could not shake his mind.

Qin Sang was lucid, but didn't show anything special. He said hello, got up and followed the Reverend Zhenru, closing his eyes and following every step.

Venerable Zhenru put his hands together, recited Buddhist sutras, and walked forward slowly.

The two walked between the devil dance.

The melancholy sound reaches the ears and stirs up the fire in the heart. Even if the five senses are closed, it cannot be isolated.

More and more women came out of the shadows, and the scene gradually became richer and more unsightly.

Some even cling to them, gasping softly and breathing like orchid, and the smooth touch feels like reality.

Venerable Zhenru and Qin Sang walked through many illusions without looking directly, and finally stopped in front of an arch.

The door of the arch is transparent, like a door of light. This is the seal of the pagoda. The moment they stood in front of the door, the power of the devil's music and dance suddenly increased several times.

Venerable Zhenru's eyes narrowed slightly, and he slapped the arch with one palm. He heard a "click" and the light door shattered.

After the two quickly stepped into the door, the demon music and dance disappeared in an instant.

Venerable Zhenru glanced at Qin Sang and saw that his expression was as usual. He nodded and said, "The next level is the Blood Pool Hell."

Qin Sang had already seen the wave of blood coming from the front.

‘Wow! ’

They were surrounded by overwhelming blood and water.

The Blood Pool Hell is one of the eighteen levels of hell in the Buddhist scriptures. The name given to this place by Jingtai Temple is quite vivid.

The water of the blood pool has a dirty smell.

Qin Sang activated his true energy to form a body-protecting shield to block the blood and water. He saw blood and water from all directions, and his eyes were full of blood.

Then, Qin Sang discovered that although he blocked the blood and water, the filthy aura could actually penetrate the protective shield and seep into the body.

As the filthy atmosphere accumulates, not only the flesh, flesh, bones, and bones will decay, but the true essence will also be polluted, which is very scary.

Qin Sang also used the Vajra Heaven Seal, but it could only weaken the penetration of the foul smell, but could not completely isolate it.

‘Wow! ’

Blood and water rolled around.

The blood and water formed into grotesque evil spirits, staring at them with ferocious faces, and pounced on them fiercely.

Venerable Zhenru took out the whistle stick at some point, and there was a continuous bang, and the evil ghost turned into blood mist and exploded.

Qin Sang also took action, and made a shocking discovery. Every time he killed an evil ghost, he would be contaminated with a smell of filth.

"There are ice hells and volcanic hells ahead, both with similar evil spirits. When the poor monk entered the tower alone and reached the end of the volcanic hell, a large amount of filth, ice and fire breaths had accumulated in his body, and they collided with each other. Entering the sixth level, there is not enough energy left to continue moving forward..."

Venerable Zhenru and Qin Sang walked side by side and joined forces to kill ghosts, while talking in detail about their previous experiences.

Looking from the outside, the Vajra Pagoda has seven floors.

There are no upper and lower layers in the tower.

Venerable Zhenru believes that the space where the Buddha statue is located is the first level, the music and dance of the demons is the second level, the three hells are the third, fourth and fifth levels respectively, and the sixth level seal is the last level. As long as it can be cracked, it can Get the seventh floor treasure!

But the last layer of seal blocked all the eminent monks of Jingtai Temple.

When breaking the first few layers of seals, there will be residual breath, and there is no chance to adjust the breath in the middle. When reaching the sixth layer, the strength will be greatly reduced. Even if they collect various pills and treasures as assistance, they will not be able to break the last layer of seals.

This time, Qin Sang helped, and the two of them shared the burden.

Qin Sang tried several magic weapons and Taoist techniques, but they were unable to resist the intrusion of the filthy atmosphere. He simply used the Gray Eagle Sword. The sword energy was like a forest, and he opened a passage through the Blood Pool Hell Hole.

The two of them moved forward quickly, passing through the blood pool, and when they came to the end, they saw exactly the same arch.

After blasting through the arch, he faced the cold wind and his body was suddenly covered with a layer of white frost.

The two of them walked forward against the cold wind, and the biting cold kept intruding into their bodies. Even with their cultivation levels, they both had the illusion that they would be frozen to death.

Qin Sang discovered a problem. The seal in the tower was indeed very strong, but they passed three levels without encountering fatal danger.

Rather than being used to prevent outsiders from breaking the seal, it is more like a test and trial.

The eminent monks of Jingtai Temple believe that the seventh floor contains Buddhist treasures, and they also make judgments based on this reason.

After passing through the ice hell, the two entered the volcanic hell where the flames burned the sky.

Their eyes were red, and fire surrounded them, as if invisible fire penetrated the layers of defense and burned them.

Venerable Zhenru took out a piece of warm jade and held it in his mouth. This was a treasure obtained from many years of searching in Jingtai Temple. It can relieve stress and is also effective in the volcanic hell.

Qin Sang's eyes flashed. He considered himself to be quite accomplished in the art of fire control. He did not make any other moves. He sensed the invisible fire that invaded the body and silently moved the fire lotus. However, he unexpectedly found that the invisible fire was not suppressed.

After pondering for a moment, Qin Sang realized that the fire in the volcanic hell looked real, but it was probably not a real spiritual fire, but a false thing evolved from some special formation.

Even he and Tianmu Die couldn't tell the truth from the false. Qin Sang was amazed and wanted to say that it was a miraculous skill.

Countless flames formed evil spirits and rushed towards them. The two fought their way through the fire and reached the seal.

The swords and sticks came out, shattered the seal, and entered the sixth level!

Qin Sang sensed the chaotic aura in his body, the mixture of filth, ice, and fire. He had to suppress it at all times, and it could not be eliminated in a short time.

Venerable Zhenru also sensed himself, and his condition was indeed much better than before. He was overjoyed and said: "This is the Eighteen Bronze Human Formation! The founder of our temple has broken at most three people."

There were no illusions on the sixth floor. They were greeted by eighteen monks made of brass.

The bronze monk looked like a living creature, bowing and bowing to the two of them.

Then, the figures of the eighteen bronze monks flashed, and they instantly formed a formation, raising their bronze sticks to attack them.

‘Whoosh whoosh whoosh…’

A bad wind is coming.

In an instant, the two people were surrounded by eighteen bronze monks.

Eighteen Bronze Monks surrounded them and moved quickly.

The next moment, eighteen copper rods appeared above the two men's heads and smashed down with an astonishing momentum.


As the Venerable chanted in a low voice, he raised his right palm above his head, and the palm of his hand swelled like air and transformed into jade.

'boom! ’

The huge palm holding up the sky faced the copper stick head-on.

He was not fighting alone, Qin Sang also took action at the same time, and the Tantan Seal and the giant palm of Qingtian came into contact with the Eighteen Bronze Sticks at the same time.

One hard and one soft, two completely different forces, but with an unusual tacit understanding. Not only did they repel the bronze sticks, but under their deliberate control, the formation of the Eighteen Bronze Man Formation was also affected.

The next moment, Venerable Zhenru cast an unknown magic trick, and the Buddha's light flowed all over his body, bursting out from the top door, and instantly turned into a giant pillar holding up the sky.

The huge pillar fell to one side with such a terrifying force that some bronze monks had to hold up their sticks to resist.

At this time, a cold light flashed in Qin Sang's eyes, and there was a sudden sword whistle. The Gray Eagle Sword appeared above a bronze monk, and at the same time, Qin Sang's seven sword souls appeared.

Seven Souls Killing Formation!

‘Uh-huh! ’

The light of the sword is like lightning.

The Bronze Monk had no way to avoid it. At the critical moment, it appeared in the light of Buddha, and other Bronze Monks appeared around it out of thin air.

Unfortunately, the sword light was too fast, and it had already cut down the Bronze Monk before his formation could recover.

‘Boom! ’

The sound of the bronze bell resounded through the space, and the bronze monk was torn into pieces. Pieces of broken copper were scattered on the ground. The other bronze monks couldn't help but stagnate.

Venerable Zhenru looked surprised, astonished by the power of the Seven Souls Killing Formation. He was delighted that he had never killed a Bronze Monk so quickly before.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Venerable Zhenru cheered loudly, donned golden armor at some point, and rushed towards the other bronze monks like thunder.

They took the advantage and killed a Bronze Monk, causing the Eighteen Bronze Man Formation to be unable to perform many formation changes. However, the Bronze Man Formation was not weakened too much. It seemed that because of the death of his companion, the Bronze Monk became furious and became stronger.

However, without a strict battle formation, it would be futile to restrict Qin Sang.

Zhenru Venerable tried his best to contain the Bronze Monk Formation. Qin Sang patiently waited for the opportunity and would kill a Bronze Monk every time he used his sword.

As time goes by, the number of Bronze Monks decreases.

Ten, nine, eight...

The Bronze Monk who fell into a rage was stronger individually, but could not prevent his demise.

Just as the two were overjoyed and began to look forward to the Buddha treasure in the pagoda, a sudden change occurred.

The remaining six bronze monks looked up to the sky and roared, and suddenly threw the bronze sticks in their hands into the sky.

'boom! ’

The copper sticks clashed, emitting a dazzling golden light.

The six monks jumped up and merged themselves into the golden light. The moment they got close to the golden light, they seemed to be melted by the heat of the sun, and their bodies became twisted and grotesque.

'boom! ’

The golden sun shines everywhere, and the golden light is blazing.

Qin Sang and Master Zhenru both changed their expressions. They felt the terror of the golden light, which seemed to be able to melt everything.

Golden light shone through the space, and Qin Sang's pale golden skin turned golden, giving the illusion that his flesh and bones were about to melt.

Golden light is everywhere, and the fragments of real treasures are of no use at all.

Tianmudie secretly used the divine light of separation and union, but it could only provide temporary relief.

What's even more terrifying is that the dead bronze monks have also melted and merged into the golden sun, and the power of the golden light continues to grow stronger.

Qin Sang has not yet summoned the Gangfire Barrier, but Venerable Zhenru, who was struggling to hold on, could no longer hold on.

Moreover, Qin Sang estimated that when the golden light reached its extreme, summoning the Gang Fire Shield would be useless.

He felt mortally threatened!

"Quickly retreat!"

Qin Sang shouted. Venerable Zhenru's eyes were full of unwillingness, but he could only retreat.

The moment they exited the arch, they appeared outside the Vajra Pagoda.

Being so close to the Buddha, no one expected such a change. Venerable Zhenru sighed and couldn't help but feel discouraged. With their cultivation, it was impossible to resist the golden light.

Qin Sang remained silent, and finally suggested that he try again after taking a rest.

One month later.

The two entered the Vajra Pagoda again and still fell under the golden light.

"You and I won't be able to get through this level in a short period of time," Qin Sang asserted.

Venerable Zhenru said solemnly: "Forgive me for being presumptuous, can you please ask the real person to trade the "Seven Masters of Buddha's Seal" to our temple? The poor monk will try his best to meet the real person's request."

Qin Sang guessed that Venerable Zhenru wanted to use this Buddha seal to ask helpers with higher cultivation levels.

It was just the "Seven Masters of Buddha Seal". Qin Sang suspected that it might be the dismantled Great Vajra Seal. How could it be easily leaked?

In fact, he didn't do his best.

Although the Suzaku spirit has not yet awakened, he can still barely move the nine sacred birds on the Sun God tree.

But their purpose is to hunt for treasures, not to kill enemies. The space on the sixth level is not big, and the Nine Birds and the Golden Sun collide, and they have nowhere to hide.

He must also be wary of others. He can't possibly use all his strength here.

Qin Sang said in a deep voice: "To be honest with you, Your Majesty, this Buddha seal of Pindao has not yet been completed, and I feel that this seal has special resistance to golden light. Is Your Majesty willing to wait for a while?"

If his feeling was correct, the fusion of the seven seals would give him a chance to resist the golden light and break the final seal.

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