Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1888 Swordsman Guarding Tianmen

Chapter 1889 Swordsman Guarding Tianmen


Zhongmaozhi is extremely peaceful.

A roar similar to the roar of a tiger shook the fairy city.

This tiger roar even overwhelmed the roars of all the beasts in the beast tide, making the surrounding ferocious beasts tremble and the monks trembling with fear.

Master Ruoquan woke up with a start and looked to the north. He saw yellow smoke billowing there, and a tiger could be seen faintly, running towards the fairy city.

The tiger's body is comparable to a mountain. With one leap of four hooves, it easily smashes through mountain peaks and flattens river valleys. Its huge eyes as big as copper bells shoot out a terrifying and fierce light, locking onto the fairy city.

All the beasts are prostrate!

The first big killer has finally arrived!

Master Ruoquan couldn't help but look horrified and looked eagerly in the direction of Jingtan.

The city defense formation and these people alone could never stop the impact of the True Lord-level ferocious beast.

Zhongmaozhi, the altar.

The two great masters felt something in their hearts and looked at Ji Zhenjing from a distance.

One man recited a mantra and said:

“There is no moon in the middle of the sky, and it is clear and bright.

The wind shakes the pines and the moon breaks, but the wind is still and the moon is not lacking. "

Another person recited:

"Qingyin is divided into four seasons, and there are three changes in length and shortness.

Just for selfless photos, follow the wind to Taixu. "

The sound of chanting mantras follows the governance altar and is transmitted to all Dharma altars under the jurisdiction of Tianshu Academy. All altar owners and Dharma practitioners can hear it.

Those who are familiar with the Taoist scriptures, after hearing these two lines, immediately understood what they were going to do next, and they all showed excitement, and followed the orders, and the talismans glowed slowly, echoing the governance altar.

Everyone congratulates: "Wonderful Fruit Suyue Tianzun!"

The altar beneath the two great masters trembled slightly, and the bright moon in the sky seemed to be sensing it. The faint moonlight shone on the Zhongmao Zhizhi Altar, and the two great masters' figures were ethereal, as if covered with a layer of moon veil.

In the moonlight, the voices of the two great masters chanted in unison.

"The divine moon in the middle of the sky is bright and consecrated.

The three scenes shine together, and all the heavens are bright.

The rivers and seas are silent, and the mountains hide smoke.

Only one stick can be picked up, and the treasure is praised. "

Following the sound of the curse, the light of the divine talisman appeared frequently between the two great masters, and finally manifested a spiritual incense, and the fragrance curled up to the nine heavens.

All the disciples recited devoutly: "Wonderful Fruit Suyue Tianzun!"

The sound of the mantra was so high that it shook the bright moon in the nine heavens.

In the territory of Zhongmaozhi, looking up at the sky at this time, we can see that the halo of the bright moon in the sky has expanded nearly twice as much again.

Outside the nest of twin moons, a third bright moon seemed to appear at this moment.

At this moment, in the Zhi Altar, the great master in the north suddenly stood up, flicked the dust in his hand, and stepped forward to fight.

"The true and pure Tao is the sect, just like the precious moon in the sky.

The clouds are swept away without any shadows, and a round of light fills the void. "

The crowd really responded.

Several mantras are recited in this way, and each mantra requires corresponding talismans and strict Gangstep fingering techniques.

The expressions of the crowd became more and more solemn, as if they were on a pilgrimage, and they chanted in unison, and the mantras contained a strange rhythm.

"The bright moon is clear and the orchid breeze is breathing.

It is divided into vacant scenes and gathers energy to hang from the sky.

Today's Xuanyi admires Qingchen.

I, my ministers, obey my orders and be in harmony with the truth! "

The bright moonlight was shining brightly, and the moon was getting brighter and brighter, as if it was really about to fall from the sky to the mortal world.

In the divine court.

There is a temple with a plaque that reads: Moon Palace Huang Huasu Yao Yuan Jingsheng Queen Taiyin Yuanjun.

This is the temple where the Taiyin Yuanjun, one of the Jiuyao Star Lords, is located, also known as the 'Taiyin Emperor'.

In the temple, the statue of Taiyin Yuanjun emitted cold moonlight, apparently sensing the call from the lower world.

The great master holding a whisk in his hand looked up at the sky, leaned over and began to play:

"The breeze blows on my face, and the fragrance penetrates directly into Taiyin Mansion.

The bright moon declares, the Taoist edict, please surrender the supreme secret! "

The curse is over.

The great master suddenly threw the whisk in his hand towards the north, pointing in the direction of Ji Zhenjing.

In Jizhen Jingxian City, a divine light suddenly shines directly on the bullfighting altar in the Jing Altar, and a figure floats into the sky with the divine light. It is a female crown wearing a robe.

This goddess has a serious expression and wears a hibiscus and blue sky crown and a rhinoceros hairpin.

Wearing purple Taoist robes, painted with green and five-color clouds, and thirty-two purple clouds and five-color robes.

There are five pieces of crimson skirt and four gussets, and the waist is made of white jade.

She was seen walking up high, looking into the sky, and her breath was in contact with the bright moon in the sky.

At this moment, the moonlight in the entire Nakamoji territory converged in the direction of Ji Zhenjing.

The bright moon in the sky shines brightly.

‘Wow! ’

The female crown spreads her arms and her Tao uniform is flying.

A ray of moonlight fell from the sky.

At this moment, all the monks looked at the female crown with reverence and excitement. They saw the female crown bathing in the moonlight, with a fairy-like temperament, just like the Taiyin Yuanjun descending to earth.

Infinite divine power was pouring from the top door, and the aura of the crown was rising steadily. However, her pretty face was distorted, as if she was suffering from terrible impact and pain. She gritted her silver teeth and finally crossed a certain limit.


‘Boom! ’

Outside the fairy city, the fierce tiger fell heavily to the ground, and its forward momentum slowed down. Its fierce eyes stared at the female fairy in the sky, feeling the threat from her, and let out a sharp roar.

‘Uh-huh! ’

The female crown opened her eyes, ruthlessly, the divine light was like lightning, shining directly into the depths of the fierce tiger's gaze, arousing even more violent roars.

The fierce tiger turned into yellow smoke and crashed into the fairy city!

Fighting continues on the ground.

In the halo of the moon, outside the divine court.

Master Tianyue raised his sword in front of Tianmen and fought against the great sage of the monster race alone.

"Get away!"

The five-clawed golden dragon came riding on the surging golden flames, swung its tail, and lashed towards Master Tian Yue.

The dragon's tail turns into a golden rainbow with a flick of its tail, which is astonishingly powerful.

Facing this terrifying attack, Master Tian Yue looked calm, pointed his sword in vain, and thousands of sword lights moved together and suddenly shot out.

The sword light formed a sword river, vast and sharp, as if it could break through all obstacles in the world and slash towards Jinhong head-on.

'boom! ’

The front end of the golden rainbow shattered in response, and the broken golden light spread freely.

The Jian River flows upstream in the golden rainbow, invincible and as powerful as a broken bamboo!

The sword's edge points directly at the dragon's head!

The five-clawed golden dragon actually felt a dull pain in the middle of his brows, his eyes were slightly focused, he raised his front paws, crossed the void, sprayed out rich golden light, and turned into a golden dragon claw in front of the dragon.

The dragon's claws are huge, and the tips of the claws are as sharp as knives. It grabs Jianhe, and when it moves, it is like wind and thunder.


The void seemed to be scratched by dragon claws.

When the sword river runs through the golden rainbow, the dragon's claw has arrived.

'Bang bang bang...'

The dragon's claws were clenched tightly, and countless sword lights were held in the palm of the hand. The sword lights pierced the dragon's claws, as if they were pierced on gold and iron, and were wiped out one after another.

The five-clawed golden dragon swung its body sharply, taking the opportunity to bypass Tianyue Master. Unexpectedly, as soon as the figure moved, a deafening tearing sound was heard.

The dragon claws that seemed to have the upper hand were actually torn apart at this moment, and the sword river came with the power of breaking the sky.

The expression of the five-clawed golden dragon suddenly changed, and it let out a rapid roar. The scales on its body flashed, and golden armor appeared out of thin air.

The golden armor is simple, bursting with golden light, with the five-clawed golden dragon as the center, gathering into a whirlpool and flying.

Seeing this scene, Master Tianyue immediately changed his sword technique. Jianhe, who was about to slash at the five-clawed golden dragon, withdrew his sword, connected head to tail, and turned into a sword ring, surrounding the five-clawed golden dragon.

When the sword ring was about to be completed, Master Tianyue suddenly felt something strange and frowned.

Immediately afterwards, there was a thick shaking sound from inside the sword ring, and a dark light emerged from the inside of the golden light vortex.

This light is strange, as if it can swallow golden light, and others will feel cold when they look at it.

As the dark light spread rapidly, the source emerged. It turned out to be an ancient obelisk.

The ancient stele stands on the back of a five-clawed golden dragon. It is completely black and has inscriptions of unknown meaning engraved on its surface. The words are twisted and twisted, as weird as the dark light.

The golden dragon carried the stele, raised its head and roared!

The ancient monument shook, and a rich dark light burst out, like a stormy sea, or like a ghost mist formed by countless ghosts. The momentum was extremely terrifying, and it rushed toward the sword ring.

For a moment, the sword light in the sword ring was dim, and countless sword lights were infected by the dark light, turned black, and then died.

The five-clawed golden dragon rushed forward, breaking through the blockade of the sword ring. Just as he was about to continue charging, he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

The sword ring disappears.

It was replaced by a sword light and a spiritual sword.

'call out! ’

The three-foot green blade hung upside down in the sky and fell from the sky. As it fell rapidly, the sword became more and more powerful. It turned into a sword rainbow in a moment, and the blade pointed directly at the vital part of the five-clawed golden dragon's reverse scale.

Locked by the sword's intention, the five-clawed golden dragon suddenly felt frightened. It had a golden armor to protect its body, and its body was so strong that it felt invincible.

If it insists on going its own way and is hit by this sword, it will be seriously injured even if it doesn't die!

The five-clawed golden dragon overestimated the enemy as much as possible, but he never expected that this person would still have such terrifying swordsmanship without using the army-breaking divine sword!

‘Uh-huh! ’

In desperation, the five-clawed golden dragon had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​rushing forward, moved its body sideways, flapped its cheeks, and opened its mouth to spit out a ball of golden light.

The golden light was not as powerful as the previous attack, but more solid, like a dragon ball.

'when! ’

The sound of collision spread throughout the sky.

The spirit sword paused in mid-air.

The golden bead suddenly became dim, shot back, and was swallowed by the five-clawed golden dragon.

The five-clawed golden dragon groaned, its body trembled, as if it had suffered a loss, and its dragon eyes exuded a terrifying killing intent.

"court death!"

The five-clawed golden dragon showed a ferocious expression and had no choice to continue charging.

During this time, it had already sensed its altar-protecting general, and looked across the sky and towards the divine court.

The next moment, green light appeared on the horizon.

The wind and thunder broke out.

The green brilliance is like pure wood essence, shooting towards the five-clawed golden dragon and sinking into its body.

Although it is a five-clawed golden dragon, the one he summoned was Lord Mude Sui Xingxing, one of the Nine Glory.

It is the Great Sage itself, and the altar guardian generals it summons have the same status as itself, so naturally it does not need to be as cumbersome as the Great Master.

After all, the demon urn is not as good as the orthodox magic urn. It can only summon the altar-protecting god generals, but cannot summon higher-level talisman gods.

After becoming a god, the burden it bears becomes even heavier.

However, the five-clawed golden dragon has nothing to worry about now, and must go all out to become the master of the divine court!

"Become a god?"

Master Tianyue thought about the Taoist inheritance, and his expression became a little more solemn, but he did not panic.

This is also expected.

Divine power comes from the Talisman God. After a monk becomes a god, the improvement he obtains is more reflected in the Talisman Dao.

The demon clan cultivates demons, but they focus more on their own bloodline magical powers and cannot exert the full power of 'god transformation'.

Of course, it is not easy for him to kill the five-clawed golden dragon.

'Ding! ’

The spiritual sword trembled slightly.

The ferocious expression of the five-clawed golden dragon suddenly solidified.

This time, there were no thousands of sword lights, and even the spirit sword itself gradually disappeared.

But in the perception of the five-clawed golden dragon, the sword intention is everywhere in the surrounding void!

No matter which direction it rushes, it will be blocked by the sword.

‘Crack! ’

Thunder bursts.

Green demon thunder burst out from under the five-clawed golden dragon. The demon thunder was so powerful that it spread across most of the sky in an instant.

The monster thunder hits the surrounding void.

The void gives people an inexplicable feeling of darkness, but to the naked eye there is nothing.


Without any warning, large swaths of demonic thunder suddenly disappeared, and the shadow of a fleeting sword was faintly visible.

There were many gaps in the demon thunder's thunder net, and several spiritual swords seemed to be dispatched at the same time, breaking through the demon thunder and slashing at the five-clawed golden dragon.

The five-clawed golden dragon jumped into the air, whipping up the bone-eroding demonic wind. A single stroke of its claws produced a thick demonic thunder, and countless demonic thunders struck the surrounding invisible sword intent crazily.

At the same time, precious light appeared frequently on the five-clawed golden dragon.

Following the golden armor, the ancient obelisk and the dragon beads, several more treasures were sacrificed, some intact, some damaged, all of them were treasures inherited from the Guifang Kingdom, and all of them were extremely powerful.

On the other hand, the Heavenly Master is the only one with two swords!

He activated the Army-Breaking Divine Sword and slashed two sword shadows at Nie Yuan and Nie Hai respectively, and used his natal spiritual sword to fight against the great sage of the demon clan. It could be said that he had three uses at once.

With one sword, all the five-clawed golden dragon's attacks were in vain, and it was not allowed to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

The five-clawed golden dragon roared angrily.

The roar of the dragon reached the Great Sage Mansion.

The demon soldiers of the Great Sage Mansion were preparing to guard against the True Lord Daoting. Unexpectedly, the True Lord Daoting did not choose to attack the Great Sage Mansion and snatch the demon drum.

At this time, hearing the roar of the Great Sage, all the demon soldiers immediately changed their formations.

The Great Holy Mansion was now occupied by densely packed demon soldiers. When they moved, they formed an extremely complex demon formation like a torrent.

The demon formation has some demon kings as its core.

When the formation was first formed, the demon kings raised their fingers to the sky, and their spiritual light was like a sword, shooting towards the ends of the sky, supporting the Great Sage from a distance.

The pressure on the master holding the sword was increasing, and only the lightning of the monster thunder was left in his field of vision.

His face was pale, but he stood with his head held high, one hand resting on the hilt of the Po Jun Divine Sword, and he stared at the opponent in front of him calmly, without taking a step back!

At the critical moment, Nie Yuan and Nie Hai finally changed their situation.

Daxi's fierceness gained the upper hand and attacked Jianying.

At this time, the sword shadow has lost its power to intimidate, and the Taoist sect also has a certain degree of resistance.

Master Tianyue glanced at the ground, and urged the sword shadow to strike out with the final sword, forcing the evil force back. He immediately withdrew his sword intention, and suddenly felt that the pressure was greatly reduced!

'Snapped! ’

Master Tian Yue took back the palm on the hilt of the Po Jun Divine Sword, took a step forward, and stepped into the void, causing the demon thunder in front to freeze for a moment.

The golden light in the demon thunder revealed the almost crazy figure of the five-clawed golden dragon.

‘Uh-huh! ’

The spiritual sword appeared in front of Master Tianyue, and the sword's intention suddenly withdrew.

Master Tianyue's eyes flashed, and he let out a long laugh. His laughter was louder than the thunder, with a shocking spirit, "Fellow Taoist, please take another strike from me!"

‘Buzz! ’

The sword's light shines like a rainbow, its momentum is like a rainbow!

Just when Master Tianyue and the five-clawed golden dragon were fighting fiercely.

Zhongmao Zhizhitan was awarded Ruyuan.

Zhang Zhenjun, who was sitting cross-legged on the urn altar and holding the Du Gong Seal, moved slightly. The vitality of heaven and earth that was pouring into the urn courtyard stopped for a moment, and then rushed into his body with even more majestic momentum.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Zhenjun successfully broke through, but he did not stop. He stabilized his cultivation slightly and continued to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth.

Not long after, a similar situation occurred in Shiraishi Zhizhitan Shiluyuan.

Kun Dao holds the Baishi Zhidu Gong Seal, with a calm expression, and his cultivation has steadily crossed the bottleneck, followed closely, and entered the middle stage of the Hetu Dharma Position.

Different from Zhang Zhenjun.

Without waiting for his cultivation to be stable, Kun Dao slowly stood up, moved his lotus steps lightly, and walked out of the Enlightenment Courtyard.


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