Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1889 Silver Thread Hanging in the Sky

Chapter 1890 The silver thread hangs in the sky

"See the Demon Slayer!"

Baishi Zhizhi altar, the two great masters in charge of the altar looked happy and bowed to Kun Dao Ji.

Kun Dao and Zhang Zhenjun are both the top ministers of the Nine Heavens Golden Palace of the Second Grade. They serve as the Nine Heavens Demon Subduer in the Dao Court and judge the affairs of the North Pole Exorcist Academy.

Both of them looked obviously weak. The short time they had been in charge of summoning the gods had consumed a lot of energy and they had been struggling to support themselves.

A strange phenomenon occurred in Zhitan just now. Both of them noticed it and knew it was a sign of breakthrough.

But the real king came out of seclusion too quickly, so they couldn't help but feel uneasy. When they saw the real king, they breathed a sigh of relief.

The True Lord has just made a breakthrough, and his breath is unstable. Even they can feel that the True Lord's cultivation is not what it used to be, and the breakthrough is successful!

Kun Dao nodded slightly at them, tapped his feet, and flew into the air. His eyes were filled with divine light, and his gaze swept across the battlefield from the north to the south, focusing on the locations of several true king-level evils, including Ji Zhenjing.

Extremely peaceful.

The power of Nu Guan, who transformed into Taiyin Yuanjun, increased dramatically, but it also brought her unimaginable impact and pain.

This kind of pain not only comes from the forcible infusion of huge power that far exceeds one's own cultivation level, but also the impact on the soul and will.

Summoning the Talisman God is a great test for those who become gods.

If the character is not strong enough and the will is not firm enough, even if you hire a high-level Talisman God, you can only try your best to maintain your own sanity, and you will not be able to control this power at all.

Because of this, the Taoist sect attaches great importance to cultivating the mind of its disciples, and must abide by the Taoist sect's precepts from transmission to receiving blessings and even to daily practice in the future.

The most common ones are the three refuges, five precepts, and twelve great vows. Many Taoist sects also have precepts unique to the sect, such as the nine precepts of thinking about you, the twenty-four precepts of knowing truth, and even the three hundred great precepts!

Taoism believes that the six emotions in the world are contaminated, the five desires are indulged, the inner turbidity disturbs the mind, and the outer world is in a state of filth.

Adhering to the precepts and rules, refraining from evil deeds, not only tempers one's Taoist mind, but also enables one to do good deeds diligently and accumulate virtue and merit.

As a real person, Nu Guan naturally had the same character and withstood the impact.

Her delicate body was still trembling, her fists were clenched, and the veins on her jade arms were exposed, struggling to restrain the huge power in her body.


There was a roar of tigers outside the city, and the sound was like thunder.

The Taoist monks who had fought their way out of the city had already fled back to the city, and were using the fairy city wall as a barrier to cast spells to kill the tide of beasts outside the city.

Rivers of blood flowed outside the city, and corpses of ferocious beasts piled up like mountains. But the ferocious beasts were endless, stepping on the corpses of their companions and hitting the city wall crazily.

The city wall is protected by a large defensive formation, and its surface is filled with a layer of golden light, making it impregnable.

When the roar of the tiger came, the attack of the beast tide obviously slowed down, but the Taoist monks in the city were not happy, and instead looked outside the city with horror on their faces.

I saw yellow smoke billowing outside the city. In the yellow smoke, a ferocious tiger trampled through the mountains, rushed towards it, and jumped up on the last mountain peak.

‘Crack! ’

Mountains collapsed.

The ferocious tiger jumped into the air, opened its bloody mouth, roared and rushed towards the fairy city, completely ignoring the fairy city's air trap formation.

Even though they were separated from the fairy city and the formation, everyone could clearly feel the terrifying aura of the fierce tiger.

The Taoist monks were frightened by this, and the demon soldiers behaved even worse. They were all restless, some even trembled, and knelt down directly. If there were not strict legal constraints, they would have dispersed on the spot.

At this time, the pain on Nu Guan's face subsided slightly, and the power in her body finally stabilized.

She raised her right hand, her fingers gently sliding across the void, and her sleeves danced with her slender hand.

The fingertips are filled with spirit, leaving a moon-white trail wherever they pass.

After a moment, a magical talisman appeared.

This magical talisman is called the Taiyin Mirror Talisman. In the past, female crowns had to make sufficient preparations in advance, supplemented by complex Gang Jue incantations, before they could reluctantly cast it, and success could not be guaranteed every time.

At this moment, she drew in the air, and the magic talisman was created in one go!

The jade hand turned around and lightly tapped the magic talisman.

The ferocious tiger is already close at hand, and is about to pounce into the fairy city. Its two front paws are extremely thick, like two huge stone pillars, smashing against the city wall!

The monks could see the menacing aura of the tiger's eyes and the sharp nails at the front of the tiger's claws with their naked eyes, and they were all frightened.

‘Whoosh! ’

The talisman turned into a stream of light and shot out of the city, stopping in front of the fierce tiger.

The next moment, the stream of light suddenly burst out, like a bright moon.

The moonlight was dazzling, and there was really an outline of a bright moon inside, hanging high in front of the fierce tiger, like a precious mirror, reflecting the silhouette of the fierce tiger.

The roar of the ferocious tiger suddenly stopped, its ferocious eyes moved from the fairy city to the Taiyin Mirror Talisman, and all the hair on its body stood up.

It felt an inexplicable binding force from this precious mirror, as if it was about to be sucked into the mirror.

However, the threat posed by the aura of the Taiyin Mirror Talisman is far less than the sword shadow of the Army-Breaking Divine Sword.

Facing the Taiyin Mirror Talisman, the ferocious tiger showed no intention of flinching, and let out a louder roar. The front paws that originally hit the fairy city rose up and slapped the mirror hard.

'Snapped! ’

The treasure mirror shook wildly.

He actually blocked this blow!

Without waiting for the crowd to cheer, there was just a continuous sound of "pah pah pah", and the tiger's claws slapped the mirror crazily.

Cracks soon appeared on the mirror, and the sound of cracks spread into the fairy city, shocking everyone's hearts.

The female crown's breath was quick, and she stepped forward, floating above the city wall, raising her arms flatly, and the city's protective formation burst out with dazzling golden light.

Even if she transforms into Taiyin Yuanjun and has power comparable to that of the True Lord, she is no match for Fierce Tiger, and her divine power will gradually fade away, so she still has to rely on large formations to defend the city.

At the same time, the Taoist monks realized what they should do, and under the leadership of Zhenren Ruoquan and others, they formed a formation to assist the female crown.

‘Crack! ’

The mirror is broken!

The ferocious tiger looked up to the sky and howled wildly, rushing forward and crashing into the fairy city.

'boom! ’

The earth shook.

The city wall was suddenly hit with cracks, numerous buildings in the city collapsed, and a large number of Taoist monks were blown away.

The female crown cast several divine talismans in succession to stabilize the formation.

The ferocious tiger is almost crazy, its attacks are not fancy, its head is like a hammer, and it constantly hits the walls of the city defense formation.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

The formation was crumbling.

The monks in the city turned pale.

Nu Guan tried her best to protect the Immortal City beneath her and the Taoist disciples behind her.

'Wow! ’

The female crown suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood and staggered, causing the movie to scream.

"Li Zhenren!"

Master Ruoquan was shocked and flew up to support Nu Guan.

Nu Guan shook her head, pushed Master Ruoquan away, swallowed a pill, and continued to cast the talisman.

Everything is reflected in Kun Dao's eyes.

She dodged and landed between the two great masters, holding the Baishi Zhidu Gong Seal in her hand, and whispered: "Take the elixir."

The sound passes through the governance altar and spreads throughout the sub-altars.

Moreover, Zhongmao Zhizhi Tan, as well as Jingtan and Zongtan under Tianshu Yuan can all be heard.

The Taoist court is inherently one, and as long as the master of the rule allows, other masters of the Du Gong seal can also take over the rule.

Kun Dao brought the Taoist Shuangzhi under his control, and his order spread throughout the world!

Including the two great masters of Zhongmao Zhizhi Altar, the monks who presided over the various altars were all ecstatic when they heard the order from Zhenjun. They followed the order and took the elixirs and took the time to recover.

Kun Dao took out a wooden sword. The sword was three feet long and made of an unknown spiritual wood. The dark red sword had clear wood grain and a sword tassel hanging from the end of the handle.

This is a Taoist magic sword. It is mostly used when setting up altars to perform magic. It has the effect of summoning divine generals, exorcising evil spirits and suppressing monsters, and even breaking prisons and saving people from death.

‘Uh-huh! ’

Kun Dao raised his magic sword and pointed it towards the sky.

"Flying in the sky and blazing fire, bringing good fortune to the dew."

A faint sound of chanting a mantra sounded.

The Baishi Zhidu Gong Seal suspended in front of Kun Dao flickered with spiritual light, and the altar in the Enshrinement Hall was induced and glowed with golden light.

At the same time, similar phenomena appeared in the Dharma altars in Shuangzhi.

The monks in charge of the altar were still refining the elixir power in their bodies. When they saw this, they were about to take action. They realized that this time the method was different from the previous one, and they were not needed.

This time we only need the true king and all the great masters to mobilize the power of all the Dharma altars under the Taoist sect!

The magic sword pointed at the talisman shining in the void. Each talisman was as big as a bucket, using the sky and the earth as talisman paper.

‘Uh-huh! ’

The sword of Kun Dao points to the east pole.

"The Yang Valley rises in the east, and the Longtai rises in the west."

Turn quickly to the west, then move north and south.

"Turn south to Fire Mansion, north to River Kui."

The sound of the mantra contains the spirit, reaching straight into the blue sky.

In the end, Kun Dao raised his sword to point to the sky again, and the talisman in the void burned, and the flames filled the sky, and finally turned into a stream of light, shooting towards the nine heavens.

"Driving the dragon to cause rain, chase after the talisman as soon as possible!"

The curse is over.

Suddenly, a storm broke out on the battlefield.

‘Crack! ’

Thunder roared.

The monks who were struggling to hold on in the fairy city raised their heads and saw that the sky above had been shrouded by dark clouds at some point, even covering the bright moon.

'call! call! ’

Dark clouds are gathering more and more, and heavy rain is coming.

Not only was this celestial phenomenon seen in the fairy city, Daoting Shuangzhi and Gushanzhi, as well as all the places at the north and south ends that were being attacked by the beast tide, were covered with dark clouds.

A strong sense of depression permeated the battlefield.

‘Boom! ’

Thunderclouds rolled.

Some people noticed that there seemed to be human figures above the dark clouds and lightning. Those figures were so fierce that their appearance could not be seen clearly. They were soaring in the clouds and mist, just like gods descending to earth.

Some held thunder cones and kept beating them, and the thunder cones shot out streaks of lightning.

Some were holding huge bags with both hands, their mouths wide open, and strong winds gusting.

Some hold a clay pot in their arms, pour endless water into it, and turn it into clouds.

"He is a heavenly soldier and a heavenly general!"

"The true king invites the gods to help us!"

Some monks who didn't know the truth cheered.

This is another method of summoning gods besides transforming gods. The Kun Dao running talisman conveys orders, summons the gods, mobilizes the power of the divine talisman gods, and greatly enhances the power of the divine talisman.

The talisman she is currently using is called the Rain Talisman. It sounds very ordinary, but it has:

Thunder God calls thunder.

Feng Bo blows the wind.

The rain master makes rain!

As the dark clouds gathered, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on the battlefield was swallowed up by the dark clouds, and the spiritual tide poured into the clouds crazily, making the shadows in the clouds even more mysterious.

‘Crack! ’

‘Wow! ’

It rained heavily on the battlefield.

This rain is extraordinary.

When the raindrops fall on the enemy, they are like swords; when they fall on one's own monks, they are like nectar.

Heavy rain washed over the battlefield.

Under the rain curtain, countless ferocious beasts died.

The Taoist monk seemed to have taken a panacea. Not only were the injuries and pain on his body relieved, but the sea of ​​energy was also nourished.

Places such as Jizhenjing were given special care.

The heavy rain poured down like the Tianhe Waterfall. Nu Guan bathed in the rain, and her face became a little more rosy. On the other hand, the ferocious tiger outside the city was hit by the water of the waterfall. It shook its head crazily, with a look of pain on its face, and finally gave up hitting the city wall. The mouth spits out yellow clouds to resist the heavy rain.

In an instant, the momentum of the Taoist sect surged!

On the battlefield, the serious situation has been temporarily alleviated, especially for the endangered Gu Sanji, this time's support is extremely valuable.

Kun Dao stood up with his sword put away, then turned his eyes and suddenly stared in the direction of Okayamaji.

In the Great Sage's Mansion.

A demon king was beating the demon drum, and he felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

The other demon kings around also felt their hairs standing on end, and couldn't help but be horrified.

Fortunately, this ominous feeling is fleeting.

Kun Dao did not attack the Great Sage Mansion and snatch the demon drum. He moved his gaze upwards and looked outside the Nantian Gate.

At this moment, Master Tianyue and the five-clawed golden dragon were fighting fiercely. The sword light and golden flames reflected each other, creating a chaotic scene.

Master Tianyue fought alone with his sword against the five-clawed golden dragon after turning into a god, as well as the demon formation in the Great Sage's Mansion.

He firmly blocked the path of the powerful enemy, and every time the five-clawed golden dragon made an impact, he was able to sever it back with his sword.

But he also paid a heavy price.

I saw Master Tianyue's face as pale as paper, with a touch of blood at the corner of his mouth, but his grace remained the same, standing majestically in front of the Nantian Gate, like a door god!

The two true kings were unable to hide the momentum of their breakthrough, and had already been noticed by the five-clawed golden dragon in the sky.

The five-clawed golden dragon became even more crazy, rolling up golden flames and demonic thunder, and desperately pounced on Tianyue Master.

Kun Dao did not dare to move lightly at this time, and could only use part of the power of the rain talisman to help Tianyue Master recover.

Her eyes continued to move upward, passing through the Nantian Gate and entering the Divine Courtyard.

She saw the fairy mountain temples and the escaping light chasing between the temples.

His eyes paused on Qin Sang for a moment, then continued upward, past Jiutian Jiuxiao, Lei Zu Hall, Shenxiao Shang Palace, until even higher.

The deep night sky there was supposed to be quiet and silent, but the birth of the divine court caused waves.

And in the depths of the endless void, circles of ripples emerged.

Like water ripples gently rippling, the ripples gradually spread, becoming wider and wider, and a silver light suddenly appears in the center of the ripples.

Immediately afterwards, a silver thread penetrated into this world and hung down from the sky.

The silver thread is slender and transparent, like an ordinary fishing line. The front end swings gently, causing ripples in the void, and it falls rapidly. The target is Shenting!

In the blink of an eye, the front end of the silver wire descended above the divine court, paused briefly, and then suddenly fell!

'boom! ’

Nantianmen shook violently.

Kun Dao's expression changed drastically.

In the divine court.

Qin Sang is running for his life.

The two demon kings chased and intercepted him, and he relied on teleportation time and time again to survive in death.

But this is not a long-term solution. Even if Qin Sang can insist on it, the God of Patrolling the Sky will be at the end of his game.

The figure of the golden dragon pulling the cart has become more and more illusory. Now you can still vaguely see the outline of the scales on its body. If it comes again a few times, I am afraid that all I will see is a dragon shadow.

Until now, there were no reinforcements from the Dao Sect.

Qin Sang escaped into a temple. The spiritual light barrier outside the temple would be broken in an instant. He had to escape after taking a breath. His expression was numb, almost desperate.

This time, unlike when he encountered a crisis before, he had no choice but to think of how to escape from the two demon kings.

‘Boom! ’

Before escaping, Qin Sang suddenly realized that the vibration in the temple was a bit strange.

Thinking that reinforcements had arrived, Qin Sang regained hope, but after escaping, he realized that this was not the case.

The source of the vibration is above!

At this moment, Qin Sang, the two demon kings, and the demon gods who broke the ban in Lei City all felt something and looked up at the sky.

In the sky above the Divine Court, ripples rippled, and a silver thread actually penetrated the barrier of the Divine Court!


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