Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1931 Hunting

I don't know what Suzaku saw something new, he danced and was very excited.

Xiao Wu lowered his head and followed Suzaku's gaze.

Below the cliff is a lush jungle.

The ancient trees are towering, and their crowns are continuous and airtight. Occasionally, you can see a few vines as thick as pythons stretching out from under the crowns.


"Chirp chirp..."

‘Plop! ’

This is a paradise for birds. Bird's nests can be seen everywhere in the tree crowns. From time to time, rustling sounds can be heard from below, and wild animals are running under the trees.

However, the roars of wild beasts can hardly be heard here, and ferocious predators such as jackals, tigers and leopards should be rare.

At the foot of the mountain, you can see traces of human walking, forming a narrow mountain path between thorns and trees.

In fact, this is not a deep mountain.

The mountain road leads here from outside the mountain and disappears at the foot of the mountain.

The road is overgrown with weeds. It is not easy to find if you don't look carefully. It can be seen that few people walk on this road. It is probably a road into the mountains opened by hunters who go into the mountains to hunt.

Going outward along the mountain road, the mountains ahead gradually became gentler. When Qin Sang and the others came over, they saw a village of mortals over there.

Beyond this mountain, you will find the real deep mountains and old forests, which are sparsely visited and where the number of ferocious beasts gradually increases.

It was the mountain road that Suzaku was looking at.

The sun was rising very high, and the sunlight was shining in the mountains and forests. At the other end of the mountain road, a figure appeared.

The person who came was a young man who looked to be about fourteen or fifteen years old. He was wearing a coarse thorn jacket and straw sandals on his feet. It was obvious that he came from a poor family, but his clothes were very clean and he had a perseverance between his brows. There is a hint of bookishness that ordinary people don't have.

He came on foot, holding a bundle of hemp rope in one hand and a steel drill with a sharpened front end in the other hand. He walked on the rugged mountain road, but his steps were quite brisk.

The palms holding the ropes and steel drills had thick joints, obviously they had practiced martial arts.

Orions have more or less practiced martial arts, otherwise it would be difficult to even enter the mountains, let alone hunt wild beasts.

The young man didn't know whether he was here to collect firewood or to hunt. He dared to go into the mountains alone at a young age.

‘Shashasha! ’

After all, he is not a cultivator, nor is he one of those chivalrous knights who climb over the walls and walk on the snow without leaving a trace. When walking on the mountain path, his body rubs against the grass on both sides, inevitably making noises.

The young man's brows were always furrowed and he was very cautious. He was always on guard against dangers in the grass and would stop and watch after walking for a while.

After a while, a mountain appeared on the east side of the mountain road, covering both the mountain road and the boy in shadow.

It could be seen at this time that the young man did not seem to be here for hunting. He slowed down here and kept looking at the mountain on the right side of the mountain road.

This mountain is not as majestic and strange as the one Qin Sang and the others are on.

This hillside is sometimes steep and sometimes gentle. It is overgrown with vegetation. There are stone walls as high as a hundred feet in the steep places. In the gentle places, you can easily climb up with two legs.

The young man seemed to be looking for something, looking for it bit by bit, sometimes shaking his head, sometimes stopping to think.

Finally, he saw a terrain that met his expectations, his eyes lit up slightly, and he walked quickly over.

His target was a stone wall, passing through a gentle hillside, standing about a hundred feet above the mountain road.

The young man was about to walk up, but he remembered something and looked up at the sky. He first drew a line on the ground with a steel drill, then swept his eyes across the hillside, raised his strength, jumped suddenly, and landed firmly on a rock. , and so on again and again, jumping to the stone wall one after another, looking up and observing.

The height of the stone wall itself is not more than a hundred feet, but it is straight up and down, with clumps of weeds growing on it.

From between the cracks in the rocks, a tree grew horizontally, growing upward tenaciously. The tree was accompanied by vines, and two vines hung down, almost touching the ground.

The stone wall is not very wide, with dirt slopes on both sides. There is a big tree growing close to the stone wall on the right side, and the tree is also covered with ivy.

The young man recognized this kind of ivy, which was very tough and could replace ropes.

He quickly scanned the entire stone wall, his eyes flickering as if he was thinking about something, and finally his eyes landed on the top of the stone wall.

Looking from the bottom up, you can see a shadow, which is a large stone. Part of the stone sticks out, but the stone itself is uneven and looks round, making people worried that it will roll down from the top.

The young man came for this stone. He repeated his old trick and jumped from the slope on one side to the top of the stone wall. He held down the big stone and pushed it gently. The big stone did not move at all.

He increased his strength and felt the boulder shaking slightly. He couldn't help but look happy. Regardless of the danger, he lay down on the edge of the stone wall, observed the contact point between the bottom of the boulder and the wall, and tried to insert the steel drill into it.

Next, he kept going up and down, using steel drills and hemp ropes to draw and measure.

The young man was so busy that he suddenly remembered something. He looked at the line he had drawn before and found that the shadow of the mountain was about to cross the line. His expression became tense and he hurriedly hid the steel drill and hemp rope in the grass and ran back with all his strength.


Zhuque and Xiao Wu were watching with great interest, and were quite surprised to see the young man coming in a hurry as if he had suddenly encountered a natural enemy.

"He will definitely come back tomorrow," Suzaku vowed.

The next day, at the same time, the young man arrived as promised.

This time, he also brought a shovel, found hemp rope and steel drill from the grass, and continued to work.

Just like yesterday, when the time came, the young man left without any hesitation and immediately left.

From then on, Qin Sang was busy repairing the Thunder Altar, and the boy became the spice of Zhuque and Xiao Wu's boring life.

Suzaku even wanted to make a bet with Xiao Wu on what the boy wanted to do, but unfortunately Xiao Wu didn't take up the challenge.

This does not affect Suzaku's interest at all. What he looks forward to most every day is when the sun rises.

However, in order to retain their curiosity, they had no intention of using their magical powers to explore and spy on the boy.

From then on, the boy would bring something new every time he came.

For example, there is a barbed wire fence wrapped with iron nails. The color of the iron nails is abnormal, and they are probably quenched with poison.

For example, a wooden handle with an iron hoop on the top and a very sharp sharpened spear.

There are also various mechanisms.

These traps are the wisdom of the hunters, used to lay traps, and the structures are quite sophisticated.

The young man tried again and again, and it took him more than ten days to choose the most suitable mechanism.

"How about it! Ben Suzaku guessed on the first day that he was going to set a trap!"

Suzaku was satisfied and showed off to Xiao Wu.

But what is puzzling is that the young man is so troubled, presumably to hunt extremely ferocious beasts, but there are no such ferocious beasts nearby, and the ferocious beasts in the deep mountains are also blocked by the mountain under Qin Sang and cannot get through.

The young man was extremely patient and worked hard for more than a month before finally setting up the trap.

On the last day, the young man carefully inspected every mechanism, carefully cleaned the traces, and picked up a few pieces of moss from elsewhere to cover up the indelible scratches on the stone.

Next, the young man was not seen leaving any bait, nor was he seen attracting wild beasts from elsewhere. When the time was up, he ran home again.

"This kid's hiding is not perfect enough. Let me help him."

Seeing the excitement, Suzaku didn't take it too seriously. He smiled evilly and waved his wings.

For the next three days, there was no sign of the boy. Suzaku scratched his head and scratched his head with anxiety. He couldn't help but want to fly to the village, catch the boy out, and ask him what he wanted to do.

On the fourth day, the sun rises in the east.

The boy finally appeared again.

His steps seemed heavier than before, but his speed was not slow.

This time, the young man passed by the trap but did not stop and headed straight for their mountain.

The boy went into the mountains for the first time in these days.

The dense leaves could not block the sight of Suzaku and Xiao Wu. They watched the boy move nimbly through the forest like an ape.

He had a light crossbow strapped to his right arm, and with the cooperation of traps and crossbow arrows, he gained a lot.

When going down the mountain, there were several birds in the bag and a medium-sized forest deer in his hand.

Back on the mountain road, the young man glanced at Tianshi and saw that it was almost the time to leave before.

This time, he did not go home. Instead, he took the prey to the trap. He set up a bonfire on the slope on the north side of the stone wall at a place he had already chosen. He caught a bird, disembowelled it, and put it on the fire. Bake it up.

The bird was very fat and soon became sizzling with oil, and its aroma spread far away.

What was surprising was what the boy did next. He was not moved by the aroma of meat. He took out a short blade from his waist and made several gestures to his left arm. He endured the pain and stabbed into the skin, cutting a deep wound, showing no mercy to himself.

The flesh and blood rolled around, and the bright red blood immediately stained the skirt of his clothes. The smell of blood mixed with the smell of meat and floated out.

'hiss! ’

The young man took a deep breath, tore off a strip of cloth, bit one end of the strip, and bandaged his wound.

The bleeding was not easy to stop, and the cloth was soon soaked through.

The young man's face turned pale from blood loss. He untied the water bag, took a swig of wine, then stared at the fire and concentrated on roasting the meat.

Not long after.

On the top of the mountain where the young man was, a white shadow suddenly appeared and disappeared in an instant.


Suzaku, who was watching the show, couldn't help but lower his voice and his eyes gleamed with excitement.

"No wonder, it turns out he wants to hunt monsters! Isn't this kid just eating the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's?"

Xiao Wu's eyes also flickered.

Bai Ying's actions couldn't be hidden from their eyes. He was a white mink in the mortal demon stage.

Even though human warriors have entered the innate stage, they still have considerable fighting power and can possibly defeat low-level monks in the Qi refining stage.

The young man was obviously not such a top expert. He dared to lure the white ferret to kill him, which was considered to be extremely daring.

The white mink's whereabouts were mysterious, and it made no sound as it shuttled through the grass. It silently came behind the young man and suddenly burst into flames.

The young man seemed to be concentrating on the barbecue, but in fact his mind was always tense, but the white ferret was so fast that when he felt the wind, he didn't even have time to dodge sideways.

The white ferret approached instantly, and its two sharp front claws clawed hard at the boy's back.

'boom! ’

What came out was the sound of gold and iron colliding.

Under the torn clothes, iron pieces were exposed.

From the corpses of the Master and others, as well as the descriptions of the survivors, the young man analyzed that this monster liked to make sneak attacks, dig out people's hearts from the back, and use iron sheets to protect them in advance.

Unexpectedly, the white ferret's claws were so sharp that they actually pierced the iron piece!

The young man felt a stinging pain in his back, and a terrifying force struck him through the iron piece, and he subconsciously pounced forward.

‘Wow! ’

The young man was facing the stone wall, and with the grill on the fire, he fell headlong into the sand under the stone wall.

Severe pain all over the body and displacement of the five internal organs.

In this case, before falling, the young man half-twisted his body and pointed the light crossbow on his right arm behind him.

The strike failed to kill the prey, and the ferret let out a scream.


The cry was extremely harsh.

At the same time, the white ferret turned into a white shadow, jumped down after the young man, and continued to chase. The hair under its jaw trembled, and it shot out a puff of white smoke, covering the young man.

The young man had known Bai Mao's methods, so he closed his eyes in advance and held his breath.

Even though he was extremely well prepared, when he heard the cry, he felt his head buzzing and suddenly became a little drowsy. This was because he had filled his ears with cotton in advance.

The white smoke and strange screams are all terrible witchcraft. The hunter with the highest martial arts skills in the village died under the witchcraft without being able to fight back, which made the villagers frightened.

Fortunately, this white ferret will not appear in the morning. The villagers only dare to move around in the morning. After noon, they will close their doors and doors, and no one dares to go out to hunt monsters.

These preparations had some effect after all. The young man did not pass out on the spot. He raised his left arm with tenacious will and fired the crossbow.

The white ferret rushed towards him and saw that the boy's left arm was about to be torn into pieces. Fortunately, an iron piece was tied to his forearm, but it was also torn apart by its sharp claws, leaving a wound deep enough to show the bone.

‘Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ’

Three crossbow arrows were shot out, and the arrow tips reflected blue light, quenching the poison in advance.

The white ferret was forced to avoid and twisted a few times at incredible angles to avoid three crossbow arrows without any damage.

'boom! ’

The boy hit the ground hard, spitting blood on the spot.

The white ferret looked at this vigorous body greedily and jumped down.

At this moment, some mechanism was triggered, and the sand on the ground rose up.

On the trees on both sides, a bent branch straightened at the same time, making a banging sound.

The green vines hanging from the branches to the ground were immediately pulled out of the sand.

Several green vines were tightly tied to the barbed wire. The barbed wire bounced up from the ground, bringing up a cloud of sand and soil, forming a net pocket in the blink of an eye. The ferret was about to be trapped in it and pierced by iron nails.

After all, it was a demon beast that had become a spirit. The white ferret reacted very quickly, grabbing the edge of the iron fence and leaping high into the air.

Unexpectedly, when the iron net bounced up, there was a chain mechanism, and a green vine clinging to the stone wall was pulled out, causing the stone against the edge of the boulder to fly away, and the boulder rolled down from the top of the cliff on the spot.

'call! ’

The strong wind ruffled the ferret's hair.

The white ferret's whole body was shrouded in the shadow of the boulder. With its cultivation level, if it was hit by the boulder to the ground, its bones would be completely shattered.

'squeak! ’

The white ferret became angry and howled miserably.

'puff! ’

'Snapped! ’

At the critical moment, the white mink hurriedly blew out a puff of white smoke and blocked the boulder. It grabbed the edge of the boulder with its front paws, kicked hard with its back paws, turned over like a kite, and escaped the disaster.

But this is not all the traps. At the same time as the boulders fell, there was actually a third chain of mechanisms. The sound of the mechanisms was heard on the ground, and a cold and faint light appeared in the grass.

There were five poison-quenched spears on each side, which were shot out suddenly while the white ferret was in mid-air and had no way to draw on its strength.

‘Uh-huh! Whoosh whoosh! ’

The poisonous spear is as powerful as a powerful crossbow and as fast as lightning.

Ten poisonous spears were intertwined, and the force was so strong that the old white ferret could not escape, and the roar turned into a scream of terror.

‘Pfft! ’


The demon blood left a line of blood on the ground.

A poisonous spear penetrated the ermine, the tip of the spear penetrated deeply into the tree trunk, and the tail of the spear was still trembling.


Suzaku flapped his wings vigorously, "Unfortunately, this little mink has the aura of a monk. It must have been raised by someone else. This kid is in trouble." ()

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