Ask about the Immortal Way

Chapter 1932 Principle

The boulder hit the ground and bounced up, then rolled down the hillside, crossed the mountain road, and finally fell into the ravine.

Blades of grass were flying, and a loud rumble echoed through the mountains.

The young man used all his willpower, used his hands and feet to crawl out with all his strength, and narrowly avoided being crushed by the boulder, so that he did not die in the trap he had set.

"Hoo ho!"

The young man gasped for air and turned his head to look upward.

The poisonous spear was inserted into the tree trunk, and the white mink's body hung on the poisonous spear. The head, tail and limbs hung down feebly. The demon blood flowed along the poisonous spear, and the bright red blood was mixed with blue-black venom.

The white ferret was motionless and seemed to have died.

The young man did not dare to take it lightly. He endured the severe pain, raised his upper body, and replaced the light crossbow with new arrows.

‘Whoosh! ’

The crossbow arrow hit the white mink.

The white ferret made no move to fight back. He was hit by the crossbow arrow and his body shook violently. He was still hanging on the poisonous spear, and blood flew out.

After confirming that the white ferret was dead, the boy's whole body seemed to be deflated, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

Without the pride of hunting monsters as a mortal, he just rested his head on the grass, stared blankly at the sky, and murmured: "Master, I finally avenge you!"

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Scenes from the past emerge, how warm they were then and how sad they are now.

His mother was weak and sick when he was young, and died soon after. His father, a hunter, also died in the mountains when he was eight years old.

At the age of eight, he has to start supporting himself alone. His relatives and friends are not bad-hearted, but they are from poor families and are powerless. They cannot take him home and raise him, so they can only try their best to help.

He also knew that he was a drag, so he tried his best not to trouble others and supported himself.

Until the Master appeared, taught them how to read and write, and taught them principles.

The master persuaded him to go to school and not accept him as a monk. His master took special care of him as an orphan, allowing him to experience the long-lost family affection.

But the good times didn't last long.

That day, the master went to town to buy paper and ink for his apprentices, but he didn't come back after dark. The whole village went out to search, but only found one body.

The master's death was horrific. His chest was broken open, his internal organs were missing, and all his blood was sucked dry, turning him into a mummy.

The young man clearly remembered the feeling of being struck by thunder at the moment when he confirmed that the body was the master's.

The Master was the first unjust soul to be killed by the demon mink. After that, one after another people were brutally murdered. The village organized manpower to hunt demons several times, but to no avail. Instead, the demon mink took advantage of the chaos and killed several people.

No one dared to mention killing demons anymore, and the young man could not find help, but the flame of revenge in his heart never went out.

He knew clearly that monsters had great powers, and even the slightest mistake could cause his plans to fail and his life to be wasted. But he had to do it to avenge his wife, otherwise he would be a son of man in vain!


Severe pain interrupted the boy's thoughts.

I raised my left arm, but the pain became even worse. I could only lift it halfway. I took off the iron plate on my body, and the wound was shocking.

His internal organs must have been injured as well, as if his internal organs had been violently grasped by a big hand.

The young man stuffed a piece of cloth into his mouth, bit it tightly, treated the wound himself, took a big breath of fresh air, got up from the ground with difficulty, moved under the tree, and tugged on the poisonous spear.

The poisonous spear was deeply embedded in the tree trunk, and he didn't have much strength left to pull it out.

The young man took off the white ferret from the poisonous spear, picked up a poisonous spear and used it as a crutch, and staggered back.

The entire village was surrounded by earthen mounds, and bunkers and patrols were set up after the demon marten appeared.

When he reached the village, the young man was almost exhausted. He raised the white ferret in his hand and shouted: "I have killed the monster."

Then he fell to the ground.

Xiaowu and Zhuque watched the drama for a month and it finally came to an end, but they still felt that they still had not finished it.

Qin Sang turned his back on what was going on outside the window and focused on repairing the Thunder Altar. He became more and more proficient and had recovered to 90%.

Next, it took less than a month to successfully restore the Thunder Altar.

Qin Sang adjusted his breath for a moment and activated the thunder altar. As expected, he had a vague connection with the other two thunder altars.

He immersed all his mind into it, tightly grasped this feeling, and triggered another change in the thunder altar.

At the same time, the positions and relationships of the three thunder altars were outlined in his mind.

‘Bah! ’

Above the Thunder Altar, there was thunder and lightning.

Qin Sang was bathed in thunder, but it couldn't hurt him at all. Every fluctuation of lightning was inconsistent, representing a new change.

After many changes, Qin Sang's deduction became clearer and clearer with the help of comparison with the other two thunder altars, and finally pointed to a certain direction.

Qin Sang was overjoyed. Although he still couldn't sense the main altar, the location of the main altar was determined and it would be much easier to find it, unless the main altar was completely destroyed.

‘Uh-huh! ’

All the lightning was collected in the altar, and the thunder altar was silent.

Qin Sang formed a formation to cover the thunder altar, and was ready to immediately find the main altar.

Seeing Qin Sang walking out of the crack in the stone, Xiao Wu and Zhu Que both looked over.

"Repaired?" Suzaku asked.

Qin Sang nodded, "We have determined the location of the main altar... Huh? Taiyi brought someone here and waited in the distance. He may find something."

He sent a signal and summoned Taiyi to come over.

Not long after, a white cloud floated in the distance, with Taiyi and an old Taoist standing on it.

"Sir, this is Taoist Master Jingchun of Xinhuo Temple."

Taiyi imitated Luohou and called Qin Sang "Master" in front of others. He also introduced Qin Sang to the Taoists around him, "This is my master, his dharma name is Qingfeng."

"I've met Senior Qingfeng."

In the past few days, Taoist Jingchun had discussed Taoism with Taiyi, and he admired him very much. Qin Sang, who always addressed Taiyi as "Master", was respectful to him.

After Taiyi's narration, Qin Sang learned that Xinhuo Temple was the largest sect in the near future, and there was a lineage of Thunder Dao inheritance in the sect.

Taiyi basically found out the details of this lineage. Although the inheritance was related to the Daoting Lei Department, there was nothing good to say about it. He was worried that he had made a mistake, so he called Qin Sang to take a look.

Taoist Jingchun didn't know the benefits of getting Taiyi, and he knew everything about Qin Sang's problems. Unfortunately, the inheritance of Xinhuo Guan did not have much to praise.

Qin Sang was about to leave, but was stopped by Suzaku, who started acting coquettishly.

"There's a good show, but I haven't finished watching it yet! It's only a few days away, just wait a little longer!"

After learning the ins and outs of the matter, before Qin Sang could say anything, Taoist Jingchun started to shout angrily.

"Monsters and beasts are causing trouble, and this happened! We have agreed with the Shinto that there will be no land priest nearby, and we will take care of it. This kind of thing happened because of our negligence, which made everyone laugh."

Taoist Jingchun was filled with indignation, but as the master of the temple, if he had been consistent in his words and deeds, he would not have waited for the young man to fight for his life, and the monster would have been killed as soon as it harmed people.

Qin Sang did not comment, glanced at Xiao Wu, and said, "Since you are interested, it doesn't matter if you wait a few more days."

Several people were sitting on the ground.

Taoist Jingchun was uneasy, but he relaxed when he saw that Qin Sang had no intention of angering Xinhuo Guan.

With nothing to do, Qin Sang asked Taoist Jingchun if there were any ancient legends here.

Taoist Jingchun worked hard to tell various legends and stories. Most of them are absurd, but some of them are also very interesting. Unfortunately, there is no way to verify them.

Day six.

A rainbow light appeared in the distance. Looking at its direction, it came straight here.

"The rightful owner has arrived."

Zhuque chuckled evilly and glanced at Taoist Jingchun next to him, with an expression as if he was in for another good show.

Everyone stood up, disappeared from the top of the mountain, and disappeared.

That rainbow light was just an escaping light. There was a flying shuttle wrapped in the escaping light, and two people, a man and a woman, were sitting inside.

Both of them have young faces, and their temperament and clothing are as luxurious as the sons of princes.

The man was comforting the woman: "Junior sister, don't worry, the breath is getting clearer and clearer, the Jade Dragon Marten must be nearby. This little guy can escape from his brother's house, he is very clever, he does not dare to provoke strong enemies, and he will eat a few mortals at most. It's definitely going to be okay."

"You still said that!"

The woman's face was full of sorrow, "It's all your fault. I kept saying that your people would be able to take good care of it, and asked me to foster it in your house, but it disappeared when I came back. If anything happens to my Jade Dragon Marten, I will ask the master, Let me ask you!"

"Okay, okay, let me ask you a question. If the Jade Dragon Marten dies, I will give you a new one for my brother, and kill those maids to vent your anger, okay?"

The man smiled carefully.

"I don't want a new one, I want my jade dragon marten!"

The woman pouted loudly, then she suddenly showed surprise and cheered, "Found it!"

‘Uh-huh! ’

Rainbow light fell from the sky, and there was a village below.

The two people appeared above the village, and their sight fell on the north of the village, where there was a small earth temple.

Seeing the scene in the Earth Temple, the woman's face suddenly turned pale, and the man's face was ashen.

Ever since the young man brought back the white ferret's body, he became a hero in the village. No one dared to eat the monster's corpse, so it was offered to the Land Lord.

"Who! Who dares to kill Junior Sister's Jade Dragon Marten!"

The man is angry.

When she saw the wounds on Jade Dragon Marten's body, the woman shed tears of distress, while the man was stunned.

"These injuries..."

The man did not feel any trace of magic power or magic weapon, and there was no earth god in the earth temple. He asked in disbelief, "Could it be that the Jade Dragon Marten was killed by a mortal?"

No matter how weak the Jade Dragon Marten is, it is still a demon beast that has become a spirit. How can a mortal resist the magic?

The man's roar alarmed the whole village. The villagers didn't understand why. Men, women, old and young came out of their homes one after another, followed the roar to the land, and saw the man and woman.

"It's a god!"

Someone noticed that the feet of men and women were floating in the air without touching the ground, and they couldn't help but exclaimed, which immediately caused a commotion.

"What a fairy!"

"The gods have appeared! They are here to collect the monsters!"

The villagers were talking a lot. They never imagined that the monster was raised by gods. They really thought that gods came to kill monsters and eliminate demons. Their eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

"Who killed Junior Sister's Jade Dragon Marten? Come forward!"

The man's eyes were like daggers, murderous.

The woman didn't look back, hugged the mink body and sobbed.

The villagers finally realized something was wrong, and immediately looked at each other in silence, dodging under the man's gaze.

"I killed him!"

A strong and deep voice came to mind from the crowd, and an old man, the head of the village, walked out.

"village head……"

Someone whispered something, but the old village chief waved his hand to stop him.

The old village chief stepped out from the crowd and faced the god, his waist as straight as an arrow. "In our village alone, this monster killed more than a dozen people. It ripped open their abdomens and sucked blood. No whole body was left. It's too horrible to watch. I'll kill it." It's to avenge the villagers! If the two immortals want to avenge this beast, just kill me, don't take it out on others, I am an old man and I have had enough."

These words were not entirely addressed to the two immortals, but also to the folks behind them.

The villagers understood what the old village chief meant. The old village chief was already old, but the boy was still very young.

He killed demons for everyone and was a hero. The old village chief was willing to die for him.

The old village chief's family could only sob softly.

Several strong men surrounded the young man and held down the impulsive young man.


The man sneered, "You ordinary people, how dare you deceive this immortal in front of me, your crime will be increased! Get out!"

A loud shout almost shook the souls of the villagers away.

The young man felt his whole body tighten and was grabbed by a huge force. He flew out involuntarily and fell hard to the ground.

The men tried to stop them, but were knocked away on the spot, with blood spurting from their mouths and unable to struggle.

The old village chief wants to take the blame, but how can he hide it from his discernment? There is a faint trace of resentment in the young man, so he must be the real culprit.

But the man didn't believe that the young man could kill the Jade Dragon Marten by himself, and said with a ferocious smile: "Who else, please stand up for me! Or is your whole village involved?"


The old village chief was furious. The man actually wanted to massacre the entire village!

"Only monsters are allowed to eat people, and we are not allowed to fight back. What's the point of this!" The young man yelled in grief and anger.

"Hmph! Who do you think you are? A bunch of stupid people are worthy of having a long discussion with me!"

The man had been paying attention to his junior sister, and he was doing this to calm his sister down, "No one is coming forward, right?"

Seeing that the junior sister did not respond, the man raised his hand, with his palm forward, his five fingers like swords, and shot out five sword energy, directly slashing at the villagers.


There was an angry shout from above.

Seeing that he really wanted to massacre the villagers, Taoist Jingchun couldn't help but show up, and the five sword energy was dispersed by the shouts.

Qin Sang and others also fell to the ground.

"Senior Jingchun!"

When the man saw Taoist Jingchun, he was immediately shocked.

The woman also shuddered, and the mink corpse in her hand fell to the ground, her beauty turned pale.

Their master has some strength, but when facing the master of Xinhuo Temple, the master has to bow down and salute.

"You bastard! The raised spiritual beast came down from the mountain to harm people, and actually massacred the entire village indiscriminately. You are two good disciples of Yinxiao's sect!"

Taoist Jingchun's sharp words were like a thunderbolt in the ears of the two men, who knelt on the ground and trembled.

"Senior, how should we deal with these two villains?" Taoist Jingchun's actions frightened the two of them to the extreme.

"Since Guiguan has promulgated the laws, it should be dealt with fairly," Qin Sang turned to Xiao Wu and Suzaku, "Have you seen enough?"

"It's boring! It's too weak. It's better to look like an old monster who is refining the void," Suzaku shook his head and flicked his tail, his arrogant tone shocked Taoist Master Jingchun.

"How dare you think about it."

Qin Sang shook his head. If he really attracted the old monster of Lianxu, this incarnation of him would not be able to please him.

"This matter is over, I'll take my leave."

Everyone rushed to say goodbye to Taoist Master Jingchun.

The villagers experienced two worlds of ice and fire in a short period of time, and then they woke up like a dream. Only then did they realize that these gods were good and came to save them, and they all knelt down to thank them.

"Mingyue, the Immortal has saved us, why don't you thank the Immortal for saving our lives!"

Seeing that the young man was still in a daze, the old village chief hurriedly stepped forward and pulled him, and they knelt on the ground together.

Qin Sang, who had turned around, suddenly stopped and looked back at the young man, "Your name is Mingyue?"

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